Chapter 4: Take care of her

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Tristan POV

"Wow, buddy, you're early tonight. What brought you here? Is there any girl that finally got your attention here?" The voice made me curse inaudibly. Without the need to turn my face towards him, I knew he was coming towards me.

"You don't have to know the reason, but just know that it's surely not because of you."

He feigned a somber face before answering me. "I wonder if you can live a single day without saying something bitter to me."

"Oh, I don't know that was bitter for you," I uttered with sarcasm.

"Since you're waiting for your date, I won't disturb you anymore."

I rolled my eyes and whirled my head to face him. "I'm not on a date."

It wasn't funny, and I don't understand why he laughed at my words. I figured the best thing to do in this kind of situation is to ignore him so that he can stop talking. Shortly afterward, Carlos and Miguel arrived with Cassandra and Scarlet. I was truly pleased with their arrival. At least someone is here to entertain the nosy guy and I finally get to breathe.

"Tristan, you're early." Miguel greeted.

"Yes, since there's nothing to do around the house."

"Told ya, you're lonely. You need a woman, so you'll have things to do in the house. You know, something which will drain your energy."

"Aren't you tired of talking?"

"Unfortunately, that was his expertise. He never gets tired of it." Cassandra joked.

"But there's something that wears me out. Do you guys want to know what is that?"

"No!" The girls responded in unison, which making the rest of us laughed at them. They knew what his answer would be; it's certainly going to be something nasty again.

"Alright, take it easy everyone." The show is about to start." Carlos interrupted, calming everybody down as he has always done.

"Why doesn't Trisha show up tonight?" Scarlet just said what I was thinking when an unknown woman replaced Trisha.

"Maybe she is off tonight," Miguel reassures her girlfriend that was clearly disappointed with Trisha's absence. I observed how he caressed her softly. I loved how they interacted with each other. They are adorable in pairs.

"Hey, Anthony, why isn't Trisha performs tonight?" Carlos noticed Anthony, the Supervisor of the bar that walked past our table.

"Oh, I'm giving her a night off. She is down with fever, but hopefully, she will be back tomorrow. She is stubborn and I forbade her to enter the bar until she gets better."

"Well, I will say stubborn and girls are the same thing. They just born with it." I voiced out.

"I'm not stubborn," Cassandra whined.

"And so did I, "Scarlet exclaimed, upset by my statement.

I couldn't help but glanced at both of them, chuckling at their cute response. The rest of 'em started laughing.

"And to add on, they are born with amazing mood too," I uttered nonchalantly while casually taking a sip of my drink. I just wanted to get their reaction to what I said.

"Bro, you're playing with fire," Carlos warned friendly. It was too clear that he was trying to suppress the laughter that threatened to erupt in no time.

"Tristan, you're not our brother tonight." Cassandra scolded with disappointment visible on her face. She pouted cutely.

"He is just joking, Cupcake." He pinched Cassandra's cheek.

"I'm not a brother just because I'm saying out the fact about women?"

"That's not fact, but judgment." She huffed.

"Just ignore him, girls. I will be the brother tonight, okay? I'm sure I'm better than him." Manuel interrupted, trying to stop the argument.

"Or worse." I snickered before standing up from the lounge.

"Where do you think you're going after offending the girls?" Manuel asked before I strolled away.

"I'm going to be someone else's brother tonight since I'm not needed here," I uttered honestly, but I doubt they understand the meaning behind it. They might be assuming that I was joking.

"What? Who is that unlucky girl?"

"Not going to tell." I chuckled softly as I heard their voices cursing at me whilst looking at me walking out from the bar.

After leaving the bar to the next destination in my mind, I stood in front of Trisha's apartment. Getting the news that she was having a fever made me worried. Probably, it wasn't as simple as fever, but there is something else that she is dealing with right now.

I have no clue the reason I appeared at her place, but my mind kept telling me to check on her. I knocked on the door a few times, but I heard nothing coming from inside. I waited outside for a while before deciding to walk away.

"Excuse me, are you looking for Trisha?" A middle-aged woman opened the door. Her voice made me halt my steps and spun to look at her.

"Hello, yes, I'm looking for her. Is she in?"

"She is not feeling well. By the way, I stay next door. I saw she was about to pass out in front of the house earlier. I took her to the bed, and she is sleeping right now. Are you her friend?"

"Uh-yeah, I'm her friend."

"You are here on perfect time. I'm worried to leave her alone, but I can't stay for a long time since no one is taking care of my kids."

"Oh, don't worry about her. I will take care of her." I reassured her.

"In that case, I will leave her to you then." She smiled before leaving me to enter the house.

I shut the door and make sure it was locked before looking for her in the house. The security here is not convincing enough. I could get her house number easily from the counter downstairs. This place is not safe for her, especially since she is staying alone, and those guys that kept chasing for her just make it worst. Judging from last night's incident, it seems like they are capable of harming her.

Suddenly, the sound of glass shattered on the floor was heard. I snapped in the direction and saw her lying on the couch while her hand is reaching for something on the table. The pieces of the broken glass, and it was all over the floor. I sprinted towards her, anxious that she might get hurt.

"Wa-water.." Her voice was weak. She barely opened her eyes.

"Stay there, I will get it for you." I helped her to lie down on the couch before reaching for the empty glass on the table and poured warm water into it. She was too weak to sit up; thus, I slightly pull her body up and made her lay her head on my lap before feeding her with the water. She followed, but her eyes remained shut.

"Are you hungry? Have you eaten anything?"

She shook her head, showing how weak her condition was.

"I got fever. I don't have any appetite to eat."

"Yeah, I knew, but that doesn't mean you don't have to eat."

"No, I don't want to."

"The living proof of how stubborn a woman can be," I recalled the statement that made the girls pissed at me tonight. Thinking back about how it upset them made me want to laugh.

I picked up a cushion from the couch next to me and lay it under her head before standing up from her side. After making sure she was in a comfortable position, I strode to the kitchen, searching for something to eat.


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