Chapter 29: Choose to betray him

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Trisha POV 

"Why are you here? Don't tell me it's as simple as you want to chill with me. I won't buy that." 

"You're smart. No wonder Tristan is crazy about you." He snickered, shifting his eyes back and forth on me and the varieties of food that he ordered. I don't even know if he can finish the food. 

"You're wrong. He is not crazy about me, but he is crazy. Don't bring up his name anymore. It makes me sick." 

"I always watch movie about two persons who was madly in love but can't be together and surprisingly I finally witness it today." 

"What a surprise, you even watch romance." 

"I've had enough violent scene in my daily life. I'm not going to watch that kind of movie. Okay, enough about me. Back to your Tristan, he-" 

"He is not mine." I cut him off, feeling annoyed that he kept mentioning his cousin's name.

"Sooner or later." I heard him but was lazy to argue back even though he said it in a low tone.  

"To be frank, I don't want to see both of you being separated by a lie. So, to make everything better, I decided to betray Tristan." 

"Straight to the point." 

"Your boyfriend, oh no, it should be your ex-boyfriend. He was a jerk." 

"Ryan, don't make me splash my expensive drink on your face!"  

"Don't do that before you hear me out or else, you will regret your action." His voice was firm this time.  

"It's true Tristan killed him but with a valid reason." 

"There is no valid reason for a person to kill another person. We have laws and regulations." 

"Screw that! We don't have that in our mafia's family. Maybe you forget he is my cousin and the mafia blood is running in his veins. I'm not saying this to defend him as a family. He warned me not to tell you the truth but I will pretend I didn't hear him today." 


He let out a sigh before answering, "I don't want to be in the middle of the drama of 'two people that madly in love with each other can't be together'." 

"There is no feeling attached between both of us. You got the wrong idea." 

"Ah-ha, lie detected." A smirk that curved on his face somehow reminded me of someone. I rolled my eyes at that.  

"I will ask you again. Do you want to know the truth or you prefer to keep in mind that Tristan was the villain in this story?" The look on his face showed his seriousness in this matter. My answer almost slipped my mouth, but he abruptly lifted his palm to stop me. 

"Think about it carefully because I won't repeat the same question anymore." 

Although I hardly talked about the past, which still hurts me, I can't deny there are some unanswered questions that have kept disturbing my mind since Luke left me. 

"Okay, I will hear the story but no lie." 

"Don't worry, lying is not part of me." He took a sip of his drink, getting ready to reveal whatever secrets that he claimed he knew. 

"Tristan's sister, Tyra, fell in love with a guy which sadly was your ex-boyfriend. There were in relationship for a few months before Tristan realize it. You knew how protective he was and that was the reason Tyra hid about that bastard at first. He had suspicious about him and asked my help to do some investigations. Indeed, his instinct as a brother was right but when we found out about everything, it was too late to do anything." 

"What had he done to his sister? I have no idea he cheated on me. We were in relationship for a long time." Tears pooled in my eyes as his face invaded my mind. Is it true that I have trusted the wrong guy in the past? 

"Maybe he really loved you but not the same case for Tyra. He made a deal with a gang since they found out Tyra is my family. They agreed to pay him a big amount of money if he sells Tyra to them." 

"Wh-what? Sell for what?" 

"To make her as a prostitute to humiliate our family." 

"Oh, my..." I gasped at his words, couldn't believe what he said.  

"The situation was similar with the night when you were captured. The only difference was the way they treated you and Tyra. They tortured her like hell because of her identity. When we arrived there, it was too late. She died in that awful place because of losing too much blood. Her terrible condition made Tristan lost his mind, he brutally killed everyone there before burn the whole building. That night, he flipped the whole city to get to that bastard, then he tortured him like a mad man before end his life. He abandoned his body outside the house because he wanted his family to know how it felt to lose a family member but we never knew that it was you." 

The memory of the night appeared in my head like a movie. I recalled how terrified and upset I was when his breathless body was dumped in front of the house. I still can remember how lifeless I felt that moment until the thought of ending my life triggered me countless times. Tears flowed on my cheeks shamelessly, ignoring the fact that we were in a public place.

"I don't understand why Tristan refuse to tell me the truth." 

"Because he is a silly man that had madly fallen in love with you." 

"But it doesn't make sense." I knitted my brows, still don't get the meaning of his words.  

"Can you simplify it?" I requested.  

"Silly man and silly woman. What a perfect match." He clapped his hands mockingly.  

He studied me carefully before shaking his head and continued, "Listen carefully, he knew how much you loved that jerk and in order to save you from a heat break for believing a wrong guy, he willingly sacrificed himself and took the blame. That is exactly what happened now." 

I stayed quiet for a moment with his statement. "Since he wanted me to think that way, I will fulfill his wish and pretend that this conversation never happened." 

"Maybe you're good at pretending but I'm not." 

His statement made me narrow my eyes and gawk at him sceptically. "Tell me, what you've in your mind."

The way he flashed his sneaky smile convinced me he was about to do something and get me involved in his plan.  

"I want to change my identity for a while and be a cupid this time." 

The smile on his face widened as if his mind had travelled to another world full of his creation, but I have no idea if it would be a good idea for me to be part of it.


Hello, as promised, an update for today. I will update more on weekend. Thank you for your support!😉

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