Chapter 35: Am I forgiven?

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Trisha POV

I locked myself in the room for a few hours; luckily, Tristan allowed me to rest quietly. Looking at the time on the clock, he may have been in his deep slumber, and I predicted it would be safe if I sneaked out from the room. My stomach kept growling due to hunger. I couldn't sleep in this state. Out of the blue, my mind wandered about the dinner he had prepared before Ryan's arrival. That guy ruined everything, the dinner and the kiss. I instantly slapped my forehead to get rid of the picture about the kiss.

Sneakingly stepping out like a thief, I opened the door slowly. It was dark outside, which truly convinced me that the probability of him staying awake was low. With an easy heart, I went down the stairs while peering at the couch to locate him. As I thought, I spotted him falling asleep on the couch, but the guilt feeling soon haunted me as I noticed him sleeping there with both hands wrapping his shirtless body. It was a cold night, and he only slept with sweat pants on.

I squatted next to him for a moment, hesitating if I should wake him up. Countless 'what if' in my mind forced me to put my freedom as a priority. With that decision, I strolled to the kitchen and let him continue with his sleep. That was a wise choice, I guess.

My eyes soon caught the sight of the well-prepared food on the table. Amazed with the tasty grilled meat with a bowl of salad and fries, I can't help but scream silently in joy. Sitting down on the chair, I instantly grabbed the fork and dug into the food.

"How could an emotionless person like him cook so yummy?" I moaned as the tastiness hit my mouth. My hands and my mouth worked in sync; they couldn't stop from the moment I took the first bite.

"Look at this hungry ghost." I practically choked as I heard his voice coming closer to the kitchen. I coughed a few times until I called out for water.

"Wa-water.." He grabbed an empty cup and promptly filled it with a drink before passing it to me. I gulped the glass in one goal.

"You almost choke me to death." I scolded him, who was now occupying the chair opposite of me.

"That's because you still owe me something." He uttered with his lazy gaze on me. His hair that usually looks tidy, was a bit messy at the moment. Damn, he looked perfect with that look.

I feigned to yawn and faked a sleepy face. "I better go to bed now." He spoke nothing, but I caught he was sneezing a few times.

"Good night, muffin." His voice sounded like he was catching a cold. At first, I wanted to ignore him and run away, but I felt terrible since I occupied his bed.

"Do you want to sleep in the room?"

Instead of answering me, he stared at me with a curious eye.

"Are you sure? How about you?"

"We can sleep together," I uttered without thinking about the possibility that he might get the wrong idea about my offer.

Looking at his knitted brows, I immediately explain myself. "Hold on, what I meant is we can share the room since your bed is big enough to occupy two persons, but we are only sleeping. Only sleeping." I emphasized the last two words repeatedly.

I'm not sure when he was in front of me until I heard him murmur to me, "I said nothing, muffin. Why are you so tense?"

Before I could act to that, he lifted me in his arms with bridal style. It surprised me and made me slap his shirtless chest a few times.

"Why do you like to carry me like this? I can walk."

"I know, but you're slow." He lowered his eyes to look at me and continued his steps to the room.

"I'm not a disabled person. You can put me down now."

"Get used to it, muffin. I will be carrying you like this whenever I want to." His whisper near my earlobe made me blush, and my heart was thumping fast. Oh Lord, show me ways to resist this guy.

Tristan POV

I switched off the light after settling her down on the bed. We occupied each side of the bed with a bolster in between us. She warned me to keep that as the borderline, and I'm not allowed to cross that line.

After staying in the same bed without any conversation for a few minutes, I decided to break the silence. "Muffin.." I called her softly, unsure if she was asleep.

"Have you slept?" I asked, looking at the ceiling, awaiting her reply, but only silence greeted me back.

"I'm sorry, Trisha. I know I have failed you this time. I was a jerk for pushing you out of my life, but at the same time, I realized my heart couldn't feel at ease when you're not around, even just for a second. There wasn't a day I didn't look for you, and your absence for the last few days made me realize it was impossible to have a peaceful life without you beside me. It killed me inside, but I don't want to see your frustration when you found out the real identity of your late boyfriend, and the worst thing, I was the one who murdered him. I don't want to see you getting sad when you learn about his dark side, so I preferred to make you hate me. But I regret it now." I finally expressed things I buried inside my heart to her although she was asleep. At least, I let it out, and my heart didn't feel as heavy as before.

"You silly." I sat on the bed instantly, turning my head in her direction, shocked by her reply. The dim light from the nightstand was making her face visible to my sight.

"Trisha? I thought you were asleep." I still can't believe my ears. The next second, she crossed the bolster between us and pushed me down on the bed. Her hands were on my shoulder with her body on top of me while her plump lips captured mine. It happened too quick as I failed to react to her sudden attack. She drew off soon to catch her breath.

"Wh-what was that for?"

"Nothing, don't disturb me. I want to sleep." She was getting down from my body and returned to her spot with her back facing me after putting back the bolster between us.

"Wait, did you hear what I said just now?" I spun to her side, but she entirely ignored me. Since she crossed the line earlier, I kicked off the bolster and shifted closer to her, hugging her from behind.

"Tristan, I told you don't cross the line." There wasn't any hint of anger in her voice.

"You can't blame me. I learn it from you. You started it first. Now, tell me, what is the meaning of that kiss? Am I forgiven? Is that a yes to be my girl?" I buried my face on her neck, inhaling her scent.

"I already sleeping."

"It's okay. I can wait." I told her. She stayed still in my embrace without showing any protest. A smile emerged on my face as I gradually fell into sleep.  


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