Chapter 27 - Sharing room

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Adelina's pov:

-"Maximus Draco! Nice to meet you again" Nicholas said haughtily and continued "You never stop to amaze me! But I have to admit that this time you got me."

-"How so?" Maximus asked him indifferently. It was obvious he didn't give a damn about what Nicolas was talking about. He was just trying really hard to be polite.

-"You always manage to make a difference, even tonight at the Luna's Ceremony. The choice of your Luna came like a bolt from the blue!" Nicolas said sardonically.

-"It was not in my plans to surprise you, believe me, although, I do not think that the other Alphas are as interested in my personal life as you are".

Nicolas was not intimidated by the indirect insult of Maximus and continued:

-" I thought that the red headed that was following you everywhere like a puppy would be your Luna. To be honest, I am not the only one who believes it".

-"I never said or gave the impression that Jina was my mate or she would become my Luna. After all, my personal life is none of your business. I do not have to explain anything to you or anyone else. It is my abilities that made me candidate for claiming the throne not my sexual performance Nicolas. Not that I'm lagging behind in that area..." Maximus replied haughtily.

-"Relax Μaximus. Don't get upset. No one is here to question your abilities. I just told you what is whispered nearly on every table tonight" Nicolas said in low voice sarcastically.

I do not know why but even though Nicolas just pointed the facts, I got the feeling that his manner was extremely threatening for an unknown reason. Maximus ignored Nicolas' last comment and addressed me in a stern tone.

-"I am waiting for an answer Adelina. Where were you going?"

Before I could utter a single word Nicolas intervened again.

-"I was taking her to Jake, her brother that's all. Nothing suspicious happened here. She is your mate after all, no one is going to steal her from you as long as you love her and take care of her" he told him with a smirk.

-"What are you implying?" Maximus told him and looked me straight in the eyes with his piercing gaze. His look gave me the impression that he was somehow blaming me for telling Nikolas about the way he had been treating me all this time we had known each other.

-"Adelina!" Jake shouted from afar excitedly.

-"Jake" I shouted too and run towards him to hug him. We stayed hugged for some minutes.

-"How are you, princess?" Jake asked me.

-"I am fine Jake and you? How are you coping as the Alpha of the pack?" I asked him back.

-"Very good. Your financial plan is already in implementation and is going very well" he said winking at me.

-"Wait a minute. Are you saying that the financial plan you presented me was Adelina's?" Nicolas asked Jake thrilled. "WOW! Now I am really surprised! You are a genius did you know that Adelina?" Nicolas said with admiration making Maximus roll his eyes.

-"I think you over exaggerate Nicolas" I responded timidly.

-"No, I don't. If you consider that my profits more than doubled after its implementation!" he said excitedly and continued addressing to Jake "And all this time I thought you were the genius! That's a big scam, Jake" Nicolas said jokingly.

-"I never said that the plan was mine dude!" Jake said agitated.

-"Adelina I would like your advice on some financial moves I want to make. Of course you will be paid handsomely for your services" Nicolas proposed.

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