Chapter 22 - Kicking out Jina

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Maximus' pov:

- "We have a lot to take care of. First of all I want all the information we gathered about the Alpha of the Winter Woods pack movements, Nicolas. I had put two of our warriors to spy on him. Are they still watching him?" I told Chris.

- "No Maximus" Chris replied.

-"No? Why not?" I asked him angrily.

-"He left our territory after the attacks and we thought that there was no necessity in following him at least not at his territory" he explained.

-"You thought there was no necessity? Are you completely idiots?" I shouted at him.

-" We had other things more important to take care of. Although, I believe he had something to do with the attacks but unfortunately I cannot prove it. It's just a suspicion I have" Chris told me.

- "That's why you should be already watching him! Anyway, this is a past thing and we can't change it now. I hate crying over spilled milk. We have to send our people to spy on him immediately. They can appear as merchants who want to expand their customer base or businessmen as their cover. I will call Nikolas to inform him of their arrival. You will take care of the necessary papers".

- "Ok Alpha".

-"Now about my personal guard, I want to double them. Dimitri informed me that the warriors' teams have been reformed and reinforced. I want some of these warriors to embody my team. I have to be more careful with my security. I believe that the attacks on me are not over; on the contrary they are going to increase. So inform Dimitri to prepare the new teams until tonight. I also want a team to guard Adelina".

- "Are you afraid that she will be attacked as well?"

-"Ι do not know, but as far as I am concerned I want to take all the precautions".

- "I see."

- "And last but not least, you are going to organize the ceremony for the presentation of our Luna"

-"Oh no, not this, ask me of anything else.... You know I am not good at these things" I complained. He gave me an angry look and continued.

-"I ordered Leopold and his mate Jana to help you with it. It will be held on the sacred rock in the clearing. I've also invited the Council. Most of them have already accepted. I want the formal invitations to be sent to them by tomorrow morning. I expect everything to be perfect. If you don't have any questions you can leave".

-" We have another pending issue that is very important".

- "What is it? Tell me."

- " What are you going to do with Adelina?"

- "I've already answered that question. Why are you asking me this again?"

-"The question is not about the ceremony but about her as an individual. Have you reconsidered it and really changed your mind or do you have her beside you so you can be powerful enough to take the throne?"

- "You should mind your words Chris for your own sake. I am aware that we grew up together and you are my best friend but you are crossing the line. Anyway I am going to spare you this time. Why do you even care about her?"

- "I never minced words with you before, and I'm not going to now, Maximus. You are my Alpha and my best friend. And I believe that if the latter applies, you shouldn't insult the Moon Goddess like that. You have to honestly accept your mate and respect the Goddess' choice she made for you. Besides Adelina is a remarkable woman with much potential".

- "I see that you are very fond of her. Do you like her?" I asked him irritated.

- "What are you talking about? I would never set my eyes on my best friend's woman, you know that. From the day you found your mate I advised you that you should accept her, love her and try to build a strong and sincere relationship with her. I still support this. Adelina is a treasure and if you let her go, you will be a completely moron."

-"I am following your advice. So what the preaching is for?" he answered boringly.

- "Fair enough, but remember, do not play games with the Goddess' wishes. No one plays with her and ends up a winner. You understand the value of someone when you lose him".

- "Enough with the chit chat. We have many issues to sort out. It is neither the time nor the place for such discussions. Prepare the papers of the spies. It is our top priority."

- "With your permission Alpha" he said irritated.

After Chris left my room I decided to go to my office to arrange some secondary matters. The doctors had informed me earlier that my health was improved and that there was no reason for me to stay at the hospital any longer so they discharged me. I descended the stairs and after greeting many people I got in my car heading towards the pack house. After half an hour of driving, I arrived at the pack's house. I parked my car at the parking lot and headed to my office. Many pack members greeted me and wished me well. I'm glad that my pack still wants me as their leader and they genuinely care for me. When I reached my office, my nose caught Jina's sense. It was everywhere. I really didn't want to deal with her at the moment but I had no choice since she was already there waiting for me. Ι got in and as always I faced the same spectacle, Jina was waiting for me lying on the couch wearing only her underwear and her high heels. I wonder who informed her about my return to the pack house so quickly....I passed by the office and sat in my chair without even glancing at her. Jina continued to look at me visibly annoyed and when she realized that I still didn't give her any attention, she got up and approached me seductively. She came next to me and tilted her head so that her mouth was close to my ear and told me in a low and seductive voice.

-" I missed you so much Maximus".

- "I know" I told her coldly.

That didn't discourage her at all. She came closer and began caressing me all over and rubbing herself on me. It was when she tried to kiss me, that I stopped her grabbing her by the arm. She looked at me puzzled.

-"What's wrong babe?" she asked.

-"Sit there" I told her pointing one of the two armchairs.

She gave me a surprised look and followed my order. I knew that she was doing it unwillingly but I didn't care. She sat and waited for me to start.

-"Jina the relationship between us is over" I told her coldly. I get bored of many words and explanations. I am always straightforward and laconic.

-" W....what? W...why? My love why are you playing such games to me?" she asked making a pout. She thought that I was messing with her in some way....

-"I am not playing anything. It's over" I told her strictly.

-"Bbuttt.....but.... why?" she asked in frustration.

-"I've found my mate".

- "I've already know that. What a lame excuse! So far it hasn't prevented you from being with me" Jina commented venomously.

-"Things have changed. I intend to officially accept her and present her as my Luna".

- "You whhaaat? What are all these nonsense? Have you lost completely your mind? I am your Luna" she said angrily as she got up from her chair.

-" You are quite aware of the fact that you are not my Luna and that you will never be. You were here only to entertain me, nothing more nothing less. Your services are not needed anymore" I told her coldly.

-"Is this some kind of joke? My love why are you teasing me?" she asked trying to sound seductive. But her tricks didn't apply to me anymore. I don't know why but everything changed since Adelina's stay next to me at the hospital.

- "I am not your love and I am not kidding you. I do not want you in my life anymore. You can stay at the pack as long as you will obey and respect me as your Alpha. From now on you will address me accordingly. Now go."

-"But I love you. That bitch isn't good enough for you. My love, listen to me. Why are you doing this to me?" she fell on her knees begging.

-"That's enough Jina! Don't make fool of yourself! Go now" I told her coldly and turned my attention to the files in front of me.

Instead of leaving she stood up and approached me with tears in her eyes. She hugged me and started kissing me all over. As I was trying to get her away from me the door suddenly opened. I looked at the door and a fuming Adelina stood at the door with her arms crossed to her chest. That's all I bloody needed right now.

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