Chapter 26 - A pleasant surprise

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Adelina's pov:

The man who stood before me was none other than my beloved father! "Father" I said excitedly. Beautiful daughter" he exclaimed giving me a toothy smile opening his arms to hug me. I fell into his arms like a bird and hugged him tightly. God, how I've missed her! I have missed everything about him: his smell, his smile, his jokes even his scoldings.

-"I missed you dad" I said happily.

-"I missed you too, pumpkin!" he said caressing my cheek. He kissed me on my forehead and we both stayed there staring at each other for some seconds enjoying the moment. A few seconds later we started dancing.

-"I thought you wouldn't come" I complained.

-"How could I miss it? My beautiful daughter becomes the Luna of the most powerful pack in the world!" he told me full of proudness.

-"Have the others come as well?" I asked and tried to scan all the tables to find them.

-"Only Jake managed to come. Stella wasn't feeling very well."

-"Is she ill?" I asked worriedly.

-"No, she suffers from morning sickness that ruins the rest of her day."

-"You mean she is pregnant?" I asked excitedly and my father nodded in agreement. "Wow!! That's wonderful! But how did that happen? When did she find her mate? She didn't mention anything on the phone" I pouted.

-"We will have time to discuss about her in detail. Now tell me about you. How are you? How is life here? Are you happy with Maximus? Does he treat you well? I want you to tell me everything! You didn't talk much about it on the phone" he said looking at me inquisitively.

Ι avoided looking at him straight in the eyes.  I knew if I did I wouldn't be able to lie to him. I turned my gaze elsewhere, giving him a small smile.

-"I'm a very good dad. Everyone here treats me well. I have a promising job, made new friends, even started my hobbies!"

-"I am glad to hear it.  But once again you do not mention anything about Maximus. How are things between you?"

-"Very well" I said hastily.

My father gave me a piercing look and continued.

-"Adelina you know there weren't any secrets between us. I hope it continues that way in the future.....".

-"I know father" I said sullenly.

Hearing his words made me feel guilty for the lies I told him earlier. But how can I tell him the truth about my life here? He would be furious and probably do something stupid like attack Maximus or worse. This certainly wouldn't bring any good news to anyone. 

-"Μay I interrupt?" Maximus said tapping my father's shoulder.

-"Of course Maximus. You can't stay too far from her" commented my father and left leaving us alone to dance.

-"Yes ...." Maximus replied with a smile.

And just like that I was saved by the bell. Maximus appeared out of nowhere and intervened at the most opportune moment to get me out of the predicament my father's questions had put me in!

-"You were in a real pickle here. Shall we?" Maximus said and pointed our table motioning for us to sit down.

-"Yes, I'm feeling a little tired" I said and followed him to our table. We sat down after greeting a few members of the party. My mind was stuck on how Maximus knew I was in trouble with my father. He was too far away to hear what we were saying. How did he show up at the right time saving my butt? This question plagued my mind for some minutes making it difficult to me to enjoy the night. As I couldn't worry any longer,  I took a deep breath and decided to ask him.

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