Chapter 5 - Imprisonment

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Maximus' pov:

I can't believe that this woman is my mate..... She is so weak, so pathetic. She didn't even try to defend herself. How she would be able to be the Luna of my pack? She is completely unsuitable for this position

-"You are overreacting. Do not underestimate her. I feel her wolf, she's strong!" my wolf reasoned.

-"Yeah...whatever. You can't convince me with just a hunch when the facts show the opposite".

A knock on the door interrupted my conversation with Drako. The door opened and Gina's seductive scent filled the room. Gina appeared wearing a very tight black dress that fitted her body and revealed all her assets... She is very hot and also the strongest she wolf in my pack. That's the woman my Luna deserves to be, not that poor Adelina who can't even defend herself!

-"Sure she is a very capable...... gold digger.....You forgot to mention that she is the most self-seeker she wolf in the pack" Drako interjected and as always I ignored him. I wasn't going to let him ruin it for me. For days I traveled without having a chance to have fun. Of course I was sleeping with other women all this time, but with the revelation of my mate in the last pack it was impossible for me to have fun without others noticing and making fun of myself. After all, I will soon be their King. Gina approached me with her alluring way, leaned to me and whispered in my ear.

-"Baby, where have you been? You forgot me didn't even salute me when you came. I missed you baby....A lot" said and looked at me lustfully.

I brought her to my body, hugged her and kissed her all over. Her kisses are so sensual and the way she handles her body is so sexy and alluring. She always manages to turn me on and gives me a great f@ck.

Adelina's pov:

After the guards escorted me to my room, I sat on my bed completely shocked. What was that? Why was he so mean to me? I had to go back and talk to him. I had to sort things out. He can't treat me like shit! Alpha or not I don't give a damn!

I angrily left my room and headed decisively towards Maximus' office. I didn't know why, but an awful feeling came over me, like something bad was going to happen but I let it go. It wasn't the fear of what his reaction might be but something deeper, something that would knock the wind out of me...I was sure of it....

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my heart. I ignored it and knocked on the door but got no answer. Instead, there were strange sounds coming from moaning!? I didn't think about it anymore and went into the office. The sight left me completely speechless. Maximus was having sex with another woman. A tall, thin red-haired woman was all over him, touching and kissing him. When he realized my presence he made a big growl and shouted for me to get out.

Although his reaction made my knees weak, I put my foot down and demanded an explanation. That's it! As if it wasn't enough that he treated me like shit, I caught him cheating on me and he dared to yell at me and threw me out! Enough was enough! This man crossed the line. In fact he went so far that he doesn't even see the line!

-"How dare you? Who do you think you are?" Maximus growled at me while I was trying to understand the situation and restrain myself.

-"Baby who's that bitch?" the red haired asked staring at me with venomous eyes.

-"I am his mate. And who are you?" I responded with pride.

-"You are his mate?" and then addressing to Maximus she continued "Is she kidding? This short worthless woman, this minion is your mate? Don't make me laugh! She isn't even pretty!" the red haired continued mocking and underestimating me.

- "Get out!" Maximus yelled at me! Is he serious? He yells at me while this woman insults his mate? What kind of a person is he? Doesn't he care at all about me?

-"Are you telling me to get out when this woman insults me like this?" I asked rhetorically.

-"Get out!" he repeated menacingly.

-"I will not, until you tell me who this woman is. I demand an explanation" I told him stubbornly, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

-"I am his only love and future Luna of this pack, bitch. Didn't you get the news?" the red haired intervened in a sassy way.

-"What? How is that possible? I am his mate! I will be the Luna of this pack!" I protested.

-" Gina please leave us alone. I have some things to discuss with this woman" Maximus told her calmly. Then he turned to me, looking me straight in the eye with anger.

-"Okay love. But do me a favor, teach that bitch a lesson for disrespecting us" she said haughtily and gave him a lusty kiss that made me sick. Then she lifted her clothes and looked down at me as she left the office half naked. She's obviously not ashamed at all!

I didn't let Maximus' yelling or Gina's degrading behavior get to me and after taking a deep breath, one I didn't know I was holding, I asked Maximus as calmly as I could.

-"Maximus what's going on? Can you explain me please?"

I know being polite to him may seem silly to many, but as a child I was taught to always be polite and never forget my manners no matter what. But unfortunately to me, Maximus doesn't follow the same rule. He glared at me and started yelling at me. It was obvious that he could no longer control his nerves.

-"It's Alpha to you and I don't have to explain anything to you. A few minutes ago I gave you the rules of the pack. Your disrespect all of them and that will not be tolerated. How dare you show up in my office like that and demand explanations? Who do you think you are? I'll tell you what you are.....You are nothing. Your demands mean nothing to me. How dare you act like this? How dare you disobey me? Your bad behavior will be punished severely. You must learn your place. I will teach you a lesson and in matter of fact right away. Soon you will understand who the Alpha is. Guards!" he yelled and two big well- built men burst into his office and bowed.

-"Take her to the dungeons" Maximus said firmly.

-"What? I'm imprisoned while you were caught cheating on me? Really? Are you serious?" I yelled at him.

-"But but..." I tried to protest to no avail. No one was listening to me.

The guards grabbed my arms and led me to the exit. They took me down to where the cells were. The stench was unbearable. Smells of tail, blood, mold and filth were everywhere. It was clear that the place had not been cleaned and aired for years! The guards forced me into a cell and left me alone. In the cell was a straw bed covered with an old gray blanket full of holes. Above the bed was a small barred window through which you could see the sky and the stars. It also had a very dirty toilet. The railings of the cell were made of silver so that no werewolf could escape from here. Not that I could escape if they were made by iron with so many guards around, but I am just saying....

I looked around in disgust. It was my first time in prison. The place was dirty and cold. Sadness, disappointment, injustice, anger and several other bad feelings overwhelmed me. First time in my life I was treated in such a horrible and unfair way! And most importantly, I didn't do anything wrong to deserve it. I was being punished because I did nothing wrong. Rage filled me everywhere. I started punching and kicking everything in front of me until I got tired and sat with my knees in front of my chest. I was so disappointed that I started to cry.

"Where did I get myself into? This can't be happening. Mates aren't supposed to act and behave like this! What's his problem? What did I do wrong? Oh my goddess please let it be a nightmare!" I thought to myself.

Hours passed in absolute solitude. Only one guard came by the next morning and left me some dry bread and a bottle of water. Although I didn't want to eat it, I was very hungry and thirsty. I needed food to regain my energy. The night that arrived was cold but my heart was colder. My wolf tried to keep me warm to no avail. My heart, my body, my mind ached. It was the first time in my life that I felt so helpless so deceived. I did not know what I should do. It was hard to believe that I had a mate that treated me like shit. I felt abashed and agitated. One part of me wanted to fight against him and his mistress. But the other felt completely helpless and incompetent. I wondered if I would be given the chance at all......

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