Chapter 3 -Alone with the tempered Alpha

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Adelina's pov:

The next morning came too quickly. All night, I tossed and turned in my bed, unable to sleep. I woke up feeling numb, completely paralyzed. I didn't want to leave my pack. I had projects to run. I had life here. I wanted to be present when we were going to implement my economic plan. All my friends and family were here. I loved my life here and I didn't want to change anything. I preferred to stay here rather than leave with him.

But all these will belong to the past in a few hours. My life is going to change radically and unfortunately I do not have the power to prevent it. I can't continue whining about this anymore. I must go on. I must adapt to my new life. Maybe I am overreacting. Maximus doesn't look so bad. Maybe Stella was right after all. Yesterday he was so demonstrative with his emotions. He hugged me and kissed me as a true mate would do. Maybe it will eventually work out. I just have to try and keep faith that everything is going to be fine, right?

A knock on the door interrupted my train of thoughts. It was Lena, one of the omega girls that clean up my room daily. I told her to enter and she did. She came closer to my bed. She looked frightened. She took a deep breath and after some minutes of silence she said:

- "Good morning miss. I was sent to inform you that Alpha Maximus is waiting for you at the parking lot as we speak. You are leaving in 20 minutes ".

-"Twenty minutes? I thought we would stay longer at least until noon and then leave. Why such rash? " I asked aloud.

-"I am sorry miss I am only carrying the message"

- "I guess you are right, thank you Lena. Tell Alpha Maximus I'll be ready in 10 minutes and bring someone to help me with my luggage" I told her and released her.

I do not remember much of what happened next. Everything went very fast and came as a blur to my memory: I packed up my personal belongings, got ready, said goodbye to my family and friends and got in the car. Now, I'm in Maximus' car and I'm sitting in the passenger seat while he is driving. He seems distant, cold and moody. His behavior is very different from yesterday

-"How much long"? I asked after many hours of silence.

- "What...?" he asked curtly.

- "How much long until we arrive to your pack"? I clarified.

- "We have about four hours of continuous driving. But we will stop in the midway".

- "Why will we stop"?

-"I never travel through the night" he told me strictly.

- "Oh I see" Ι said feeling embarrassed.

The motel we stopped was a typical motel that one can encounter on the road in the middle of nowhere. Most of the clients were wolves that travel through packs for several reasons. Humans don't know even the existence of this place as it was in the middle of the woods. Maximus' guards had already checked in and arranged everything. Unfortunately, due to a festival that took place in the near town there weren't many available rooms in the motel. That's why Maximus and I were forced to share the same room which was very awkward for me. Mate or not, I only knew him for a couple of hours, I wasn't ready to share a room with him. I just didn't feel comfortable.

-"Nonsenses!" my wolf scolded me. "He is our mate. From now on we are going to share more than a room with him" she commented playfully.

-"Please girl, don't be so horny"...I contradicted.

- "I will sleep on the couch. You can have the bed" Maximus said coldly, interrupting my conversation with my wolf and leaving the room abruptly.

I nodded and headed to the bathroom. After hours of travelling, a bath was all I needed right now. I always manage to relax with a good bath! And some food too, cause right now I am starving! I hope Maximus eats at evenings or it will be a very difficult night for me!

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