Chapter 4 - Rules

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Adelina's pov:

Hours pass very quickly when someone is in a car and finally we arrived in the country of Maximus. My feelings were many and different. Joy and sorrow, fear and hope filled my heart at the same time. Will I be able to find my happiness? Will this relationship work between us? Several questions about my future life occupied my mind. I was so overwhelmed by my thoughts about what my life would be like from now on that I did not realize that we had reached the Drako pack.

We parked outside a very big house, or better should I say a royal palace. That place was huge with big Babylonian gardens, pool, big garages, tennis courts, football field, basketball court and so on. Maximus immediately got out of the car without waiting for me, while I kept staring at the beauty of everything. He didn't even look at me. That worried me somehow... "Maybe he has a lot to deal with and that's why he is in a hurry. He was away too long. There has to be many issues pending" my wolf intervened in my head. "Maybe you are right, maybe I worry way too much" I responded.

I got out of the car and headed home following an omega that came to open the door and accompany me inside. When I entered, I was surprised by the view. There was a room full of modern design furniture and décor. Right in front there was a large iron staircase leading to the other two floors. I believed that this must be Maximus' house as it was full of luxury.

I stood in the room for several minutes without knowing where to go or what to do when an omega suggested a tour. As Maximus has already disappeared in one of the many rooms of the house, I gladly accepted the offer. After a little wandering, I realized that this building wasn't Maximus' house but the pack house. On the ground floor, there were the hall, the entertaining room with lots of games, the restaurant, the kitchen, the cinema room and the gym. On the first floor, there were the Alpha's, Beta's and Gamma's offices while on the second floor there were their bedrooms. There were also the bedrooms of some members of the pack who stayed here, mostly single wolves that haven't found their mates yet or have already lost them. The married ones lived in houses that crossed all over the land.
Although my touring kept me busy almost all day I couldn't stop worrying about Maximus' early behavior. Why did he treat me like that? And why did he bring me here? Usually when an Alpha finds his mate, he takes her in his own house not in the pack's house! "Maybe we'll go later to his house. He must have a lot of work to do as Alpha and future King of all werewolves" my wolf reasoned. "I hope you are right" I replied sadly. The whole situation did not bode well to me. Something inside me warned me that things would not be as good as I expected them to be.

I was resting in one of the living rooms, as the omega that guided me so far, had to help in the kitchen, when a security guard interrupted my thoughts and asked me to follow him. We climbed a few stairs and when we reached the first floor we stopped in front of a double door. He knocked and signaled me to go inside. It was then that I realized that it was Maximus' office.

Maximus was sitting behind a large mahogany desk. The office was worthy of a King. At the back of the desk, there was a window overlooking the training grounds and the forest. On the left, there was a very large library full of all kinds of books. That was truly amazing! I love books! I think I know where I will spend my most of the time from now on.. I was planning my daily routine in my head when Maximus cleared his throat making me pay him attention. He looked at me angrily with those piercing gray eyes. I froze in my spot. I do not know how but he always manages to affect me badly. It can affect my emotions, my thoughts, and my whole composure without being able to do anything to avoid it. I really hate feeling so vulnerable near him.

-"Sit" he said in a monotonous way.

-"Thank you" Ι said and sat on one of the chairs in front of his desk. He looked at me sternly. He was surprised by my way or offended I cannot say for sure. He closed a file he had in front of him and after staring at me straight in the eyes he continued.

-"I called you here to inform you about the rules you are obliged to follow from now on as a member of my pack".

- "Ok...." was what I mustered up as a response.

-"As you know every pack has its rules, so does mine which we follow reverently without exception. There will be no exception for you".

-"I do not wish any exception. But before you start with the rules may I ask you a question?"

-"Although I do not like interruptions, go ahead. Let it be short" he said curtly.

His way discouraged me but I decided to ask my question anyway.

-" I wonder when I can go home; you know freshen up and get some rest. I am really tired from the trip".

-" I do not understand your question. This is your home now. You won't return to your old pack if that is what you imply".

-"No, no, you misunderstood me. It's not my old pack's home that I am referring to but my new one. I know you are very busy but I would like to get some rest in my bedroom if I may".

-"And who prevents you to do it? You don't need permission for going to your bedroom" he looked at me as if he mentioned the obvious, as if I was dumb.

-"I know that but em ...... how I am gonna do that? I don't know where your house is".

-"That's completely irrelevant. Why do you need to know the location of my house?"

- "Because I want to go there, in order to get some rest.. you know...." duh what's wrong with him?

- "You don't need to go anywhere. You are already home. From now on this is where you'll live".

- "Here? I thought Alphas live separately from the pack when they find their Lunas".

-"Yοu misunderstood. It is you who will live here. I'll live in my house as always".

-"But...aren't we supposed to live together? You know as all mates do..."

He ostentatiously ignored my question and continued like he didn't have to give me more explanations.

-"The rules are followed:

1. Most of your day you must stay at your room. You aren't allowed to wander around like a tourist. You may take your meals in the dining room. When you want something you ask one of the omegas to be given to you.

2. You must obey your superiors. Any disobedience will be punished.

3. You must always call me Alpha and not with my first name at any occasion.

4. You aren't allowed to leave the premises of the pack without permission.

And last but not least.

5. You mustn't say anyone that you are my mate".

-"You know this is not a good time to joke.. I am really tired...." I said confused.

-"I never joke about pack matters. If you don't have any further questions you are free to leave".

- "But .. .but wait a minute" I was completely out of words. What was that? I felt like the roof fell on my head!

- "If you have further questions, our Beta will be glad to answer them to you and explain in detail all the procedures followed here. You are dismissed now" he said imposingly.

I left Maximus' office with my head down having several feelings. I was confused and sad. Why does he behave like this? What's wrong? This is absurd! Why doesn't he want to reveal that we are mates? Why did he take me with him if he didn't want me at the first place? He brought me here only to imprison me in a pack's room?

-"Maybe he's afraid" my wolf reasoned.

-"Afraid? Afraid of what?" I wondered.

- "Afraid of someone hurt you. It's first for him too. He may not know how to handle the whole situation"

-"Nah....I don't believe this. He is so powerful and collected."

-"You know of course he is very powerful but he has one weakness".

-"What sort of weakness?"

-"You are his weakness, Adelina".

-"Oh ...... I see now".

-"Don't bother yourself with trivial things. I feel it, his wolf definitely wants us".

-"I really hope you are right and everything go well in the end. I hope I made the right choice coming here".

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