Chapter 7 - New job

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Adelina's pov:

The days at the hospital went by very quickly but also very pleasantly with Alex doing every test he knew and always managing to make me laugh. Unfortunately, he didn't get to know why I was still anemic even though I was a werewolf. We may never know.

I was discharged from the hospital and returned to my dim room. The first week was not difficult for me to follow Maximus' rules due to the fact that my body was recovering and I preferred to stay in bed all day. But as the week went on and I began to feel well and healthy again, staying in my room proved to be very hard work for me. Fortunately, I didn't see Maximus again since the day he came to the hospital. I just can't understand him.

If he had already chosen a woman for his Luna why did he bring me here? What was the reason that compelled him to reveal that we were mates that day to my pack? If he hadn't said anything then, probably no one would ever know. It's crystal clear to me from the way he treats me that I'm a burden to him. So why won't he let me go back to my pack? No one knows we are partners and no one will ever know. So what makes him keep me here?

As I thought over and over what Maximus' reasons were for keeping me here, a knock on the door interrupted my train of thoughts. Perhaps one of the omegas was bringing me lunch? Oh my goddess, I'm really bored to death here. Am I too bored to eat? This is a new level of boredom that I have accomplished!

-"Adelina? May I enter ? It's me Alex" Alex's familiar voice echoed from the other side of the door. Alex! How I missed him! I really like his company. He is the only ray of sunshine in my so dark and monotonous life.

-"Alex, of course come in!" I said excited.

-"How is my favorite patient today?" he teased.

-"I am not a patient anymore. On second thoughts maybe I am...... a patient of absolute boredom! Is there such disease? And if there is can you cure this?"
He laughed at my comment and continued.

-"Oh, please, do not whine about it.. Look at me ... I do not have free time at all. I am always so busy".

-" I thought that was an excuse for the annoying ladies.....Don't play this card on me" I commented.

-"Don't make fun of me. I am serious. In addition to my duties as a doctor, I was forced to take over the administration of the hospital from our favorite one, the Alpha. The previous manager found his mate and left us. So until the hospital finds a new one, I have to do the job and I really can't take it anymore. Besides, I do not know anything about it. I'm really in despair."

-"Would you like some help?"

-"Any help would be welcome and valuable. But where would I find it?" he said in despair.

-"Hey do you see anyone else here? From me you silly! Who else?"

-"From you?" he asked surprised.

- "Yes, from me. Why are you so surprised? I was the financial manager and second in command after the Alpha, who was also my brother, in my old pack"

-"That explains a lot....hmmm" he said mockingly.

-"Stop joking and consider it"

-"I don't have to consider anything. I want to get rid of it. If you are available you start tomorrow morning!"

-"I'd love that"

-"Super!! I will inform the Alpha about it right away"

-"May I accompany you?" I asked him. I wanted to be present when Alex informs Maximus about my new job.

-"I would love that. Let's go then. The sooner the better" Alex said with enthusiasm.

We got out of the room and headed to Maximus' office both completely excited. Alex knocked on the door and when we were allowed to enter he let me go first. As always the red headed, Gina, was in her usual position, hooked all over Maximus. I didn't let my emotions showed up and hide them carefully under a stoned smile. I didn't want others to see the sadness and disappointment I was feeling. I held my head high and waited for Alex to start talking.

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