Chapter 10 - Jealousy

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This chapter describes  Maximus' point of view about the scenes that took place before and after Maximus meeting with Adelina in her room.


Maximus' pov:

It is eight o'clock at night and Adelina has not returned home yet. It is the sixth day in a row that she's doing that. Her work has ended up hours ago and yet she has not appeared. I cannot understand what is happening to her. What is she doing? I am waiting for Christopher, my Beta and also my best friend to give me information about it. Chris and I grow up together and he is one of the few I trust completely. He is very straightforward and loyal. Apart from Jina, Chris is the only one in the pack who knows that Adelina is my mate but unlike her, he is completely opposed to the way I treat her. I always take his opinion into account, but not this time as I don't believe it is the right one. He works emotionally and not logically in this matter. A knock on the door was heard interrupting my train of thought. Chris has finally arrived.

-"Alpha good evening" he told me in a stern way.

-"Good evening, Chris. Oh my....all those years I know you, calling me Alpha always foretells that you have something bad to tell me".

-"This is something that only you will decide. I can't and I don't want to take a stand on this"

-"Ok..ok....Just tell me then, what's going on?"

-"Adelina has made many friends in the pack in the last two months. She is very sociable and was quickly accepted by the pack."

-"Don't go around the bush. Just tell me what's going on" I told him impatiently.

-"The last few days she stays up too late to the hospital"

-"I know that.....Tell me something I don't like the reason she does that......"

-"Her colleagues said that she wants to give a good impression to her superior".

-"She doesn't need to prove anything to anyone. I am the one who guarantee for her. Everyone knows it and no one will dare to defy me"

-"I know Max but she doesn't. I doubt if anyone dared to tell her."

-"What is she doing in the Hospital so many hours? Did you manage to find out?"

-"Of course I did. But firstly, I want you to react calmly when you hear what I am going to say. Rumor has it that she spends many hours in the new Manager's office...Everyday they lock themselves up in his office for hours without letting anyone bother them."

-"They do what? How dare she? Who is this new Manager?" Ι asked him trying to keep my calm composure. What I really wanted though, was to reap this Manager's head off and cut him into small pieces. But as I didn't want for Chris to figure out how Adelina's matter affects me, I restrained myself.

-"He is Mario Lupo, from the known family of the Lupo's in Italy" Chris answered.

-"And what the hell is he doing here?" I questioned irritated.

-"He is the third boy of the family. Instead of being a gamma in his pack, he studied medicine and now he takes over the management of the hospital units around the world. He is very successful. It's an honor and a privilege to have him here".

-"Honor and bullsh....t! I want him gone by tomorrow morning".

-"You know we can't do that"

-"Why not? I am the damn Alpha of this pack and future King of all werewolves. I do whatever I want"

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