Chapter 17 - The accident

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Maximus' pov:

I arrived at the northern border in a few minutes. The border guards kept a strong defense and I immediately joined them. After several minutes of fighting with rogues we managed to repel most of them. Once again the border guards did an amazing job. I'm really proud of my warriors. Chris informed me that we were doing well in the south too. We had repulsed most of the ruthless attacks and fortunately we had minimal losses and minimal injuries.  Their weapons were high tech while their combat techniques and skills were of a high standard and that worries me. If I used to suspect that these attacks were triggered by another pack, now I am sure of it.

I was fighting two rogues when one of the warriors  who followed Adelina, informed me about the man with whom Adelina was out of the club. It was Nicolas, the Alpha of Winter Woods Pack and my worst enemy! "What the hell is she doing with him?" I wondered.

-"Alpha we are waiting for your orders. What do you want us to do?" the guard asked me again.

- "Nothing for now. Keep them close and, if you can, try to eavesdrop on what they are saying. If you hear anything disturbing, let me know immediately" I responded.

"What is Adelina's relationship with Nicolas? How long do they know each other? Are they just friends or something more? I cannot believe that Adelina knows this man. Where did they meet? And why are they together at the moment?" Ι wondered.

My train of thoughts was interrupted by a sharp pain in my right side. I held my ribs and when I raised my hand I saw that it was full of blood. Suddenly my vision became blurred. Although I tried hard, I could not focus on anything. And then darkness devoured me.


Adelina's pov:

I approached Alex and Marisa and was about to greet them and meet the new people when one hand grabbed my arm from behind and a loud growl accompanied it. It was Nicolas' hand that grabbed me from behind while the growl belonged to Alex. I looked at him in surprise with my right eyebrow raised. It was the first time Alex behaved like this, so possesive. It was strange and unusual. Nicolas ignored Alex's growl and giving me a wide smile gave me back my wallet.

- "You forgot it outside" he told me.

-"Oh! How nice of you! Thank you very much Nicolas! You are a lifesaver!" I exclaimed excitedly.

-" didn't match my clothes anyway" he said humorously.

This man, in addition to his other qualities  has a very good sense of humor.

I was chatting with Nicolas and the others while Alex was constantly staring at us. I cannot understand his behavior. Why is he suddenly so hostile to Nicolas? Is there a conflict between them? I made a mental note to ask Alex about this afterwards. The night went smoothly when I felt a sharp pain on my right side and I was immediately overwhelmed by feelings such as desperation and weakness. 

At first I thought that probably it was a side effect of the drinks I had. But I only had one. And one drink can't cause you such pain. Something is wrong. Something must have happened. Some minutes passed by with me trying to calm down from the sudden pain. When finally the pain left me, my mind went immediately to my family. "Did anything happen to them?" I quickly called my sister Stella and asked her if everything was okay there. She was surprised by the lateness of my call and asked me if I was drunk! I didn't care about what assumptions she might make, since they were all safe and sound. The pain started again making me crouch down. If my family was ok why did I continue to feel this way? What was wrong with me?

As I was trying to figure out what was happening to me I heard Alex shouting. He was talking loudly to his phone and looked stressed and worried. He was about to end the call when he started to head at the exit door. I ran after him. I managed to catch him at the stairs. His car was already parked in front.

- "Alex what' going on?" I asked him while I tried to catch my breath. He is really a very fast guy!

- "I must go to the hospital. Maximus is hurt" he responded in agony.

-"Maximus? As the Alpha Maximus? Hurt? How?" I asked him in frustration. From the time I heard that Maximus was hurt my legs were cut off. Ι couldn't believe it. I felt my world falling apart.

"How is that even possible? He is one of the strongest werewolves I know. How the hell did that happen?" my wolf intervened.

-"Quick, get inside! I will explain everything to you on the way to the hospital" Alex told me anxiously. It was obvious that he didn't have the answers to my questions. Maximus is one of the most powerful werewolves. How is it possible for someone to hurt him? And who was this guy who managed to do that?

I sat on the passenger seat and before I tied my belt, Alex was already speeding! I do not remember how quickly we arrived at the hospital. Everything happened in a blur. Alex quickly went upstairs to get ready for the surgery while I stayed at the reception.

And then I saw him. He was lying on a stretcher covered in blood which probably belonged to him. Several doctors and nurses were around him monitoring his vital indications and doing everything they could to stabilize him. The stretcher suddenly stopped for a second. I hesitantly approached. The nursing stuff run up and down in panic. Maximus looked pale and weak. He seemed dead. Time froze for me. I stood there like a statue and saw doctors and nurses doing everything they could to save him. I knew he had done a lot to me but I could not watch him in a situation like that. It was the first time he looked so fragile and vulnerable. Diziness overwhelmed me. The stretcher started again and as it was heading towards the operating room everything went black. I fainted.

I woke up to realize that I was lying on a patient's bed. A nurse came up to me and asked me some questions about my name, my age, etc. which I answered them all. The only thing I did not remember was how I got here. She told me that I was out for two hours and that I needed to relax and lie down. She measured my blood pressure, gave me a glass of orange juice and left the room. I began to remember what took place before. Maximus was hurt. I stood up abruptly. I felt some dizziness but I didn't allow it to let me down. I ran to the reception and asked about Maximus. The nurse there told me that the surgery was over and that he had been transferred to room 501. The reception was on the ground while Maximus' room was on the first floor. I headed for the stairs and quickly started to climb it. I arrived outside his room, took a deep breath and went inside. He was lying on his be unconcious. He was pale and looked very weak. I went closer, took his hand, kissed it and put it on my chest. Sparkles filled my body.

-"You have to fight! For you, for your friends, for your pack! Please Maximus wake up! Wake up! For all of them! For me!" I said in frustration. Tears began to fall on my face.

-"What are you doing here miss?" a nurse asked me in a very stern way. "You aren't allowed to come here. Please leave the room immediately or I will call the security" she threatened.

- "Will he recover?" I asked her in despair.

-"Please miss! You have to go! It's forbidden to give information about the Alpha's situation" she scolded while she came closer to me and grabbed me by the arm.

-"Ok I am going! Relax" I told her taking her hands off me and exited the room full of insecurity and fear.

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