THIRTY-EIGHT - The dress

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I didn't have to explain anything to Wayne, thankfully

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I didn't have to explain anything to Wayne, thankfully. Shane had done it for me and I am glad he did. I didn't want to talk about it anymore, it's demanding too much of my energy already. Wayne appeared with a bag of food, popcorn, and sodas. We watched movies until all three of us fell asleep on the couch, leaning and drooling all over each other. Just what I needed.

The next morning, I wake up before them and start cooking breakfast. Only to see on the counter everything the doctor had prescribed me. I didn't see it inside Wayne's bag the night before but he was the only one who could've brought it. These two guys are simply... unbelievable.

But they're my best friends. And even though we can joke around, mock, and be mean to each other sometimes, when one of us needed we would always be there. And they are... here. Helping me through everything no questions asked. Just supporting my decisions, as stupid as they may seem from the outside eye.

I didn't need to tell them what my decisions were going to be. They know me well enough to respect it. We need more men like these in the world.

But still... I feel utterly lost in this.

I let my head fall onto the counter and groan.

What has my life come to?

"How are you feeling?" Wayne's voice makes me straighten up. I had missed him.

"At least the nausea is gone, for now..." He chuckles at my answer. "How are you?"

"I am fine. Sit down, I'll whip us some food."

"Ohh... I am to be babied from now on? I should've gotten pregnant earlier then."

He cocks an eyebrow at me before chuckling and I half-smile at him.

"Don't get used to it..."

"Yeah right," I smirk at him. "Go on servant, make me some food."

Shane walks in and kisses the top of my head before sitting down next to me. We both watch as Wayne walks around the kitchen to prepare things. He knows his way around and I am glad he doesn't need to be told where to go. It's almost as if we lived together--like we used to plan when we were kids.

But Wayne has his girl already, and the thought only makes me smile internally. "How's your girlfriend?" I can't help but ask.

He freezes for a second but then starts to move again.

"She's fine, we're going through a tough phase but we'll pull through." He smiles sweetly but it doesn't reach his eyes. "Anyway, what are you guys doing today?"

Knowing he is not ready to talk about it yet, I let it go, changing the subject. "We have to go shopping. We're going to my father's New Year's Party tomorrow. Want to come? We can go as a throuple." I smirk at him.

They both laugh at my stupid comment and I end up laughing with them too.

"I have plans for New Year's Eve but I'll keep you both company and help you pick a dress today. God knows Shane can't help for shit." He winks at me and I fake fan my face.

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