
IT'S OUT! The Hunger Games: The Spark is finally published on Wattpad and I'm so excited for you to read it. It took some time to get here but I am happy with the finished product and hope you enjoy it!


Okay so I'm apparently getting a few followers on here so probably should make an update lol. Well, I will be updating the Disney Princess Roommates soon (finishing out the "world tour" stuff). I'm happy with how the first book in my Hunger Games inspired series is turning out, hoping to have that out in the next month or two. I'm really taking my time with that one to actually try and make it good and I hope people enjoy it (and no, I won't be talking like this in those books, I'm taking it seriously, here I'm just being casual). I also had two other story ideas that I wanna write throughout the year but I'll keep those to myself until later. Oh, by the way,  I see in my last two "conversation" posts that I talked about this Legacy of Evil series I was working on, yeah that's cancelled lol. The first one was such a disaster I don't think I can salvage that project, so, sorry to like the one person who read the whole thing.
          Well, thanks for reading and I hope you'll like what I post in the future, both silly and serious :)


@THEBIG8LOVERS Thank you! Working on another part now, should be out in April :)


@zoomzoom103 can't wait for another update Disney Princess Roommates.. I really love that book ❤


Dear anyone who reads my stories, I am sorry for not posting anything new in a long time, I've been working on two big stories that are coming out soon. I am really excited about the first story, which is nearly completed, that will be the first book in a 3-4 novel series. The second book I'm working on is the sequel to "Legacy of Evil" titled "Legacy of War". These stories will be released very soon so stay tuned. :)


The all new series "Legacy of Evil" has come and it is great. Follow the story of a young, and magical, male named Chad and his hunger for power. In this story of dark VS light there is something new around every corner but there will always be a looming threat of darkness.


Attention everyone who reads Disney Princess Roommates, Since Disney just made Elena an official Disney Princess (I think) she will become a regular of the series.
          The only thing different from my lineup to Disney's lineup is that Elena will be the 14th princess of the group instead of the 12th because I consider Anna and Elsa princesses also even if Disney does not (which they really should, they fit in perfectly with the brand)


I would just like to say to my followers and any future followers, there are some facts you should know about my regular series'
          1: Resistant Rebels is a continuation of The Spies (like a spin off where you keep a few characters but change everything else)
          2: The first few seasons of The Spies have bad writing and spelling I know, around season 7 or 8 it gets better. The reason in the first few season that the spelling and writing is very bad is because the old ones I made when I was younger but I have gotten better sense then
          3: There are a few more series in my back pocket but they are not in connection to Resistant Rebels or The Spies (and he reason I do not post them is because I need to write more stories for them before I post the other series')
          and lastly
          4: Sense there are covers on Wattpad each new season will have a new cover for that season but and I will say in the description what episode the story is for that season
          Yes I know Resistant Rebels and The Spies are not very popular but I just thought I would post this :)
          oh and a few things about Disney Princess Roomates
          1: Disney Princess Roomates will be an ongoing series but all the episodes will be in the topic labeled Disney Princess Roomates
          2: Disney Princess Roomates will not be one of those Disney Princess stories where the girls are like in high school or something like that, they will be like they are in their films