
저의 책 좋아해 주셔서 너무 감사하고 사랑합니다.


hello there! i hope you are having a nice day today.
          if it isn't too much to ask, i just recently puhlished my story and would love if you could read and recommend it to your friends when you have the time. it's still a work in progress but i will update in from time to time. thank you so much :-)
          here's the link of the story:


@bxngtxnstories im currently preparing for highschool final year exams~ but ill try my best to give it a shot! all the best fr ur book !! <3


Alternate Ending [A/E] for Half A Heart has been uploaded! Check it out!
           Hope you enjoy reading!! Love you all and I can't explain how grateful I'm to receive all the love, appreciation and support for my writing! Have a beautiful day♡°•○☆


I HAVE DISCONTINUED THE SEQUEL OF "HALF A HEART" . I'll soon update with a alternative happy ending! I'm sorry to disappoint any reader who was looking forward to the sequel. 


@Nit_S_unmyeong I mean we will wait but please don't discontinue


*an alternative 


Hey reader nims:^ I come here often just to check the notifications I know I've kinda disappointed you all with the hiatus. I can't help  but say THANK YOU again. Srsly it makes me so excited and thrilled and it's kinda unbilliBUBBLE how much love you have given to my books esp. Half A Heart. I'll try coming back to writing to continue the Half A Heart sequel "Heartless" and my BTS FF "Stay Forever" asap. It's just really hard because of the studies, preparing for pre-medicals is kinda tough, u know. I miss coming here and writing so much, but I hope you will continue giving ur love n support and wait for me.♡ Love u all. 
          너무 사랑해요!
          보고싶다 ㅠㅠ 


@Nit_S_unmyeong ok all the best and comeback soon


          {Not discontinued}
           [Closing the account for an infinite uncertain time]
          •I  won't be checking any inboxes, comments or updating for a long time for some personal reasons.
          Love Yourself ♡
          Thank you for supporting me as an author, sorry to disappoint. °•
          아미 보라해.♡°○•☆