
do yall ever look back on who you used to be and want to apologize to everyone you came in contact with at the time??
          	like damn i was annoying asf last tuesday.


@madssssss_3 yes omg like I'm such a bitch on my period I just want to go around telling everyone I'm sorry
जवाब दें


HEY GUYS. idk who is even still here, but this is madison (which isn’t my real name btw ) commenting from my friend’s account. i deleted wattpad obviously and then forgot my login, but i just wanted to leave something here and say IM SORRY FOR ABANDONING YALL


do yall ever look back on who you used to be and want to apologize to everyone you came in contact with at the time??
          like damn i was annoying asf last tuesday.


@madssssss_3 yes omg like I'm such a bitch on my period I just want to go around telling everyone I'm sorry
जवाब दें


          why do we always find ourselves here?? has it really been two months since i've,,,like been here? like wut is life
          umm just wanted to like come back for a min bc ngl, completely forgot wattpad even existed for a month or two there. ahaha but here i am yall
          (it's because i've been sucked into the world of k-pop and there is no return, pls pray for me guys)


@ichangedmyusernamee lmaoooo nah im alive but ive missed u tho youre like a whole ass mood
जवाब दें


ay yall, just letting you know im going through a break up and while it's me who broke up with him, it's still strange and hard hehe
          i'm happier single btw, and like it's not a big deal or anything but i've been going over the thought that i might be bisexual for the past few months and just like last week realized i am, and i'm actually a looot more into girls than guys (they're literally so pretty like wtf)
          which naturally caused issues since i had a boyfriend and stuff, so yeah. the only reason the breakup's hard is because he was also like my best friend lmao so im on the struggle bus but in the long run im a lot happier now
          also you're all the first people (other than him obviously) that im coming out to which is making me realize that my wattpad family is literally like an actually family to me, so thank you guyssss
          love you the most and hoping to get an update out soon!!


@madssssss_3 thanks, I really appreciate it <3
जवाब दें


@tyrus_rini_juke that sucks :(( take your time with telling people, hope things get better for youuuu
जवाब दें


@madssssss_3 I came out as bisexual to two people (and now you too I guess) and they didn't accept me so now I feel scared to come out to anyone else so I'm just letting you know that I'm here for you, and hope you feel better!
जवाब दें


"they raise cattle and sheep, i just wanna raise the roof!"
          seb for president 2024


@madssssss_3 seb matthew smith. that’s it that’s the tweet.
जवाब दें


"tornadoes come and go, dance is forever"


@madssssss_3 what an amazing one liner one of my favorites!!!
जवाब दें


also guess who started working on the next chapter for their juke book after like two whole ass months???
          that's right bitches ME


hey you!
          yes you!!!
          you looked very lovely today and i hope you're having a good week and remember to high five yourself in the mirror. thank u and goodnight


@madssssss_3 I will say this once and only Once in this comment,
जवाब दें