Suitlessvader Mga Kuwento

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8 Mga Kuwento

Heroes of Our Time ni CourtesyTrefflin
Heroes of Our Timeni Courtesy Trefflin
After a failed assassination attempt on Emperor Vader, Luke Skywalker realizes the horrifying truth, that the man who raised and trained him with the Force, Ben Kenobi...
I will never leave you (SW FF) (EN) ni ImaginaRose
I will never leave you (SW FF) (EN)ni The Original Rose
Anakin never found out, who framed Ahsoka for the Temple bombing, and she's sentenced for life in prison. But then, Jedi turn out to be traitors and Ahsoka is free once...
dynasty ~ anakin skywalker/darth vader (BOOK 1) ✔️ ni nostylesx
dynasty ~ anakin skywalker/darth MMB
BOOK 1 (Dynasty series) ☑️COMPLETED☑️ "Thought we build a dynasty that heaven couldn't shake" THEIR DYNASTY FELL... Aaliyah was dedicated to the Jedi order an...
I'll Fix You ni yodaisahippie
I'll Fix Youni yodaisahippie
"Ahsoka Tano trembled slightly as she saw her fallen former master in front of her. Darth Vader resembled her master heavily. He had his same dark blonde curly hair...
WALK AWAY || a.s. ni unfriendlyghost
WALK AWAY || unfriendlyghost
"it's difficult to trust people that hold no real trust for people like us." "people like us?" "people that question their perception of what is...
A Sun In Darkness ni BlizzardInAutumn
A Sun In Darknessni BlizzardInAutumn
A collection of various one-shots circling our favourite Sith Lord and sunshine boy. Some are long, some are short. Some are linked while others are not.
The Love Of A Father ni -skywalkerxs
The Love Of A Fatherni 💫𝓢𝓴𝔂💫
Darth Vader discovers his 3 month year old son on Tatooine then raises him. Luke was his light, his only weakness. Everything was going well for him but of course, the g...
A Spying Sith ni GrimGreed
A Spying Sithni Grim
Have you ever wondered what would happen if Darth Vader ever became a spy? If Darth Vader healed his body? This is a story about Darth Vader going undercover as a rebel.