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6 Histoires

I Love My Thug par slaaay123
I Love My Thugpar TrvpBANDO
Kilo Sloan known around school as killer k she is a popular girl from California . She goes to Santiago high , all the boys want her but she don't want them . A new boy...
Hey, let's talk. par ayiyiloveyou
Hey, let's talk.par Ayi
Bout the birds and the bees man. Jk. No, seriously. We have to talk. No spoilers? Maybe. I can't promise. Also, this is where I rant. Seriously rant abt life. Everythi...
Tough times par juju827
Tough timespar juju827
{chapter 1} It was the fist day of school and all my clothes were dirty. Like, what kind of popular, enchanted girl is not ready for school because of DIRTY CLOTHES! It...
The 5 Princes par sarangbaggi
The 5 Princespar byun_sarangbaggi
Puros ka KPOP-an, kung anti KPOP ka, scroll down nalang you. WARNING: Puros imagination at hallucination ang matatamasa mo.