Dont Put Off for Tomorrow Wha...

By browneyedgirl_24

47.8K 571 173

My continuation of Only the Good Spy Young :) : I had seen the symbol the man wore around his neck more than... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19, The Last Chapter, first part
Chapter 19: The Last Chapter, Part 2
Epilogue, The End

Chapter 7

2.2K 29 4
By browneyedgirl_24

Chapter 7

After 43 minutes and thirty seconds of waiting, a blond woman passed by us and smiled. Zach and I exchanged glances and waited thirty steps until we stood up and followed her.

She was dressed in a business suit and walked in a way that others would mistake for elegance, a way we knew stated she carried a weapon and would use it if we got to close. Zach took my hand and squeezed it to try to calm down my exaggeratedly loud nervous breathing I hadn't even noticed until now. It didn't help that having him close only made it worse. It really should be illegal for a boy's shampoo to smell so good.

The woman ahead of us started walking a bit faster and took us to a crowded street eventually were she slipped into an alley. She knew we were following her, she was leading us somewhere.

I was a bit nervous about going into the alley after her but Zach went on ahead and I followed him.

"Its okay Gallagher Girl. Nothing will happen"

What was I thinking? Of course nothing would happen to us. We were both trained spies, tough then this woman probably was too.

The woman turned around and faced us. Zach spoke up,

"Hello agent Sally"

Sally slowly smiled.

"They told me you two were sharp but I never imagined my partner would be so careless. Anyway, you two are here now so I'm going to share a bit of information with you two. It has come to my attention that you two are after the circle. Correct?"

Zach and I looked at each other, a bit nervous. This woman could attack us any second.

"Don't be afraid. I admit I this must be hard to believe, but you do not have to fear me"

My face flushed in anger. How dare she tell me that when the circle had just threatened my family?

"How do we know we can trust you? You are a member of the circle!"

Sally smiled again.

"True, I am. But I am also a former Gallagher Girl, like you. I am also aware you had an encounter with a certain friend of mine, not long ago that almost killed you both, and most importantly, I am going to help you two, because I am only posing as a member of the circle. Am I not right, Zach?"

I froze, and turned to look at Zach.

" Gallagher Girl, this is my godmother, Sally"

Were you all expecting that? :D please tell me you weren't haha. Anyway, pressure me please so I don't forget to upload soon! I'll do my best! Also please tell me if you all liked the chapter!

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