Trapped On An Island with One...

By five1Derfulboys

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SEQUEL TO TRAPPED IN A MALL WITH ONE DIRECTION Its been a year since Dezi, Shayna, Scarlet, Miranda and Macke... More

Trapped On An Island with One Direction
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eigth
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seven

3.7K 106 45
By five1Derfulboys

Zayn's POV~

That night was one of the worst in my life. Not knowing where my Shayna was-not knowing if she was even alive- was killing me.

I tossed and turned all night, not getting a minute of sleep. I missed her red hair, her vibrant eyes, the way she'd laugh. I missed her. A lot.

The next thing I know, Louis' shaking me awake. It didn't really make a difference seeing I hadn't slept at all. I have a feeling I won't be sleeping a lot while Shayna's still missing.

Louis' soft voice brought me back to reality. "Zayn, c'mon wake up. Kenzie and I caught some fish and actually managed to make a fire!" I could hear the excitement in his voice.

I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes. They hurt from being open all night.

"Zayn?" Mackenzie asked, a little unsure. "Are you feeling okay? You look terrible."

"I feel terrible, too." I mumbled. 

Louis gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "We're going to find her, mate. Even if it kills us."

I smiled at my bandmate and he smiled right back, his blue eyes twinkling. "Thanks, Louis."

He helps me up and I brush the sand grains off myself. I saw the little fire and Kenzie held a stick through a fish over it. She took a big bite out of it, then looked at me. "Do you want some?" She said, with her mouth half full.

It wasn't what I usually would've eaten, but it was the best we had right now. I took it out of her hand and too a small bite. 

At first, I was tempted to vomit it all out and rinse my mouth with sea water, but I forced it down. I took a few more bites, and it turned out not to be that bad. You had to get used to it.

We ate our fish in silence, the sound of the waves in a distance. Louis stomped out the fire, and we agreed to explore a little. 

Our main objectives were to find shelter and food. But I know that subconsciously, we wanted to find the others. Any sign of the others.

We walked around, not finding much, which didn't surprise me. I ate the rest of my banana, and threw the peel onto the ground. Hopefully some monkeys will slip on it and die. It's what they deserved for attacking us the day before.

"Ther isn't anything here!" Kenzie sighed, out of breath. It was really, really hot.

"Maybe we should just head back and build a tent or something with the leaves and branches." Louis suggested. "What do you think Zayn? Zayn?"

I wasn't listening. I was sniffing the air. I know that sounds really weird but I smelt something odd-and familiar. "Do you guys smell that?" I ask them.

Louis and Kenzie start sniffing the air too. "Yeah it smells like..." Louis starts.

"Fire!" Kenzie exclaims, her eyes wide.

"That doesn't make any sense, I put out our fire a while ago."

"Well, maybe it's someone else." I spoke. "Maybe it's one of the others!" 

Realization hits us like a bulldozer. It could be one of our friends. It could be Shayna. There's only one way to find out.

"Which direction is it coming from?"

"There!" Kenzie points the opposite way of where we were heading. 

We all walk towards the fire, and hopefully, to our friends.


Shayna's POV~

Danny sure had been here a while since he had everything we needed to go searching for the day. He had some tools he had made himself, a compass that he had saved from his ship and a stash of fruit in case we got hungry.

We headed out of the dark cave, where I had been for the past day and a half, and into the light.The sun was brighter than I had ever seen it and the air was humid.

We walked completely out of the cave, which was in the middle of a jungle, and further into the island. 

I stayed close to Danny, not wanting to lose him. He was all I had right now. 

"Where do you think they are?" I asked him.

He looked over his shoulder at me. "I have no idea, darling."

I sighed, looking down. I ate a few dragonfruit, which tasted kind of weird, but good, and Danny drank coconut milk.

We looked around for who knows how long when I saw something that made my heart skip a beat. I wasn't completely sure if it was that, but it looked like a wooden cabin-made out of the trees around here, so like palm tress. 

"Danny! I think that's it!" I yelled, but my voice was muffled by the thunder that shook the entire island. "Uh oh." I looked up just as a flash of lightning hit the nearest tree, setting it on fire. By then the rain was already puring and pouring.

"We have to go back to the cave!" Danny yelled over the loud sound of rainfall. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back where we came from. How he knew where he was going, I had no idea, but I was glad that he did, since I din't want to die of hypothermia or something.

We arrived at the cave and I ran inside, into the familiar darkness. "Ah!" I sighed happily, stretching my arms out. "Home sweet ho-what the fuck?!"

There was at least a dozen monkeys in out cave, all huddled in a corner.

I looked at Danny, silently asking him what was going on.

He nervously scratched the back of his neck. "They're scared of the storm so they come in here. They usually keep me company."

I looked, a little anxiously at the monkeys. They did look scared-terrifyed even. "I better get used to this then." I go up to a little monkey and smile at it. "Hi, my name's Shayna. What's yours?" I shake it's little hand.


Yep, I think I'm going crazy.


Idk how to describe the sound of a monkey...sorry.

anywhoo did you like the chapter? do you think shayna will find that cabin again? what about the storm? liam, Scarlet, Miranda, Niall, Louis, Zayn and Kenzie have no shelter! :o

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