Mixing of Snow and Sand

By kat1315

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Mia Hosaka, the only survivor from the Village Hidden in the Snow, a village long forgotten from the attack o... More

Chapter 1: A Village Long Forgotten
Chapter 2: Connections of the Past
Chapter 3: Demonic Sand
Chapter 4: Cursed
Chapter 5: Someone Precious...
Chapter 6: One Month
Chapter 7: Temari's Wind
Chapter 8: Gaara's Demon
Chapter 9: Childhood Memories
Chapter 10: Forced Out
Chapter 11: Village Hidden in the Sand
Chapter 12: Change of Scenery
Chapter 13: A New Beginning
Chapter 14: Hosaka Legacy
Chapter 15: Kisame and Itachi
Chapter 16: Rescue Attempt
Chapter 17: Haku
Chapter 18: Clouded Truth
Chapter 19: A New Technique
Chapter 20: Her Answer
Chapter 21: The Curse Grows
Chapter 22: The Night Everything Changed
Chapter 23: Body Guard
Chapter 24: A Month Later
Chapter 25: Brother vs. Sister
Chapter 26: Sasuke Retrieval
Chapter 27: A Choice to Make
Chapter 28: True to Yourself
Chapter 29: Osore Reveals
Chapter 30: Shei's True Form
Chapter 31: Breaking the Link
Chapter 32: Truth Behind the Wolves
Chapter 33: Reason for Happiness
Chapter 34: New Kazekage
Chapter 35: Surprise Attack
Chapter 36: Argument
Chapter 37: Hope
Chapter 38: Back Home
Chapter 39: Sad Truth
Chapter 40: The Akatsuki
Chapter 41: Transfusion
Chapter 42: Emergency Surgery & Jonin Level
Chapter 43: Gone...
Chapter 44: Bide our Time
Chapter 45: Goodbye
Chapter 46: Truth of the Osore
Chapter 47: Darkness Consumes
Chapter 49: Shei's Story
Chapter 50: Chatting
Chapter 51: The Akatsuki Strike
Chapter 52: Day Off
Chapter 53: Madara

Chapter 48: Orochimaru's Betrayal

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By kat1315

I went back to the apartment after the sun had set. I didn't want anyone to be out looking for me.

"I'm home." I called out as I walked in.

"How are you doing?" I jumped a little when I noticed the voice wasn't my father's but Lady Tsunade's. I looked sharply at her.

"What do you want?" My tone went ice cold an an instant.

"To apologize."

"Nothing you say now will make up for the things that led to Haku's death. Not that it really matters much anymore. Where's my dad?"

"He went out on an assignment with Naruto and Sakura."

"Couldn't very well leave me by myself?" I remarked.

"Yes and no. I know you are capable of taking care of yourself. But I...I had to try and make amends for what was done to you thanks to Jiariya, Orichmaru and I." I looked at her a little confused.

"I can understand you and Orochimaru, but what has Jiariya done?"

"The three of us were the ones who helped to stop the destruction of your village. We arrived too late, or so it seemed. Orochimaru said he had at least. We found those documents and handed them over to the specialists a few years ago. We thought if anyone could decipher what was in them it was them, but we never even thought of the consequences it would have in the future. When our mentor told us of your arrival in the village, we never thought that anything would come of it. But when the scientists explained the contents of those documents...I guess we were too ashamed of what had happened to you to tell you the truth." She looked down.

"So you thought lying to me was better?"

"That was never our intention...if we could have gone back and done things differently we would have told you everything from the beginning. But we also knew nothing about the Osore. We were worried that it really did pose a threat to humanity as Rasa stated. I see now that, that is not the case."

"So you were afraid of me too...?"

"I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried about what those eyes of yours could do when I first learned of them."

"At least you're honest about it. Everyone else just shooed me off like I was a fly. But you can stand here and admit your mistake. I respect that more than you ignoring me." I stated.

"Mia, I truly am sorry that we never told you the truth. If we had known the outcome of what would have happened to your brother...I would have wanted you to know. I know what its like to lose a little brother..." I could see the pain behind her eyes. I knew she meant every word she spoke to me.

"I can't say I completely forgive you, because I don't. But I can understand why you did what you did. So I can say I will allow you to make amends." She gave me a grateful smile. "So where am I staying for the night?" I asked looking towards the window where I could see members of the Anbu.

"As observant as always. Shikamaru's family has offered to look after you until Kakashi returns from his assignment."

"Very well. I have already informed Lord Kazekage about my plans as well, so there is no need to contact him. I'm sure my father explained everything to you already."

"Yes. I am impressed you were able to reserve enough chakra in a week and a half than Sakura has in a year." I chuckled.

"Shei made it a little easier. Sakura is doing it on her own abilities, she is a lot stronger than me in that regard." Tsunade chuckled softly.

"I don't know you seem pretty strong yourself." I gave a soft smile.

"Whatever you say."


Shikamaru met us outside and looked at me with a concerned look. I think he was worried I was going to go off the rail like I had earlier.

"You don't need to look so worried. I was upset earlier, but I'm okay now. I won't cause any trouble for you or your family, you have my word." I muttered.

"Alright, let's get you all settled in and we can have some dinner." He smirked, as we made our way to his house, Lady Tsunade bidding us farewell as she headed back to her office.

"So how are you holding up?" Shikamaru asked as we walked.

"Considering the circumstances pretty well I guess. I just want to see Gaara and the others again. I can't even imagine how much of a wreck they all have been since I disappeared."

"They certainly weren't thrilled when Tsunade told them about the Osore."

"So I'm told."

"They all really care about you. They all challenged Tsunade, even Kakashi." I chuckled.

"Sounds about right. I have made some pretty wonderful friends and I have a loving father. But I will say that Lady Tsunade did have her reasons for keeping it a secret, though I'm not thrilled about not knowing sooner since it involves my family. But at this point its water under the bridge. I have to move forward and do what my family would have wanted me to do."

"Huh, you certainly have changed. The Akatsuki brainwash you or something?" He joked. I stopped and looked at the ground.

"They have their reasons as well..."

"Don't tell you feel sorry for them?" He asked suddenly.

"In some ways I do. They have their own issues but they also were once like us, wanting to achieve peace in the right way." I walked past him into the household.

"Peace? Is that what they're after?" He continued as we took off our shoes.

"I think some members are. Though I can't say that is the same motive for everyone. Konan and Pain...they were once like us, they became Shinobi to help better the world. They were unable to do that through the right means and thus the Akatsuki was formed. There was even a time when Itachi was willing to do anything to protect this village, but things...changed." We walked into the kitchen to see Mrs. Nara cooking while Mr. Nara slept soundly at the table.

"Hey we're back." Shikamaru muttered, his mother turning around and immediately scolding his father for sleeping when there was a guest over.

"Please don't change your routine because of me." I gave them a small smile. "I really haven't come here to burden anyone."

"You aren't a burden, Mia." Shikamaru stated, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah." We all sat around the table. "So tell me, Shikamaru. When do you plan on asking Temari out on a date?" He immediately spat out his drink.

"E-excuse me?" He coughed.

"You heard me?" I smirked.

"I-I don't like Temari!" He demanded but he wasn't very convincing as his face flushed a bright red.

"Yeah right. It's totally obvious you two like each other." I brightly grinned. His parents seemed surprised to hear this as they started pestering him with questions as well.

"Is she pretty?" Mrs. Nara asked.

"She's beautiful." He said without thinking and then immediately blushed more. "I mean..."

"Called it." I laughed.

"Ugh what a drag!" He groaned and slammed his head against the table.


What is it Shei?

There's something that I have to tell you.

Can't it wait?

No it can't.


"Hey I think I'm going to hit the hay, its been a long day and I just want to get some shut eye." I faked a yawn and headed off to the room Shikamaru pointed to. "Night." I waved back and shut the door behind me.

What is it?

There is more to the stories of your village.

Does that mean I wasn't told everything?

Lady Tsunade and the others told you their sides, but I haven't.

So what do you have to tell me? Is it about you being a man-made beast? We already covered that.

No, it has to do with the assault on the village and the years before I was sealed inside of you.


This might take a while.

We have time.

Very well.

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