Bangtan Boys EXceed In Dreami...

By user59766283

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With Jin already in the military and B.E awaiting Suga's enlistment, B.E tries their best to fulfil their sch... More

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By user59766283

CJ E&M Center , Studio 7 , 9.50...
Jimin : I'm nervous
Junghwa : Why ? It's just questions
Jungkook : Right
Jimin : What if the questions are weird or we don't know how to answer them ?
RM : We don't have a time limit
LE : Just say whatever is in your heart
Sejeong : Unnie , you seem very chill
Hani : Did you peek at the questions ?
Solji : Did you discussed and prepared answers already ?
LE : No , no
B.E chuckles : Hehe
V : Why is it 'B.E Games' ? This is more like 'B.E Time'
RM : I thought it would fit
Jimin : If we're being honest , it's more 'B.E Time' than 'B.E Game'
Jiwoo : Then change the name
LE : Please don't put this in the Behind The Scene , geez
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : Why ? It's true
Suga : The bond is stronger on SWAG , don't even try
B.E : Ohh
Jimin : I'm hurt
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Junghwa : So 'B.E Time' ?
JHope : Yes
Jimin : I like this setup
Sejeong : Really ?
Jimin : It feels like I'm in a Game show
Hyerin : Maybe we should have a Questionnaire with B.E
LE : We will lose
Junghwa : We're all not very bright
Sejeong : Don't say that~
Jungkook : Noona , you're still studying although you don't take any class
Hyerin : Speechless already
Jimin : This seating , I can see everyone
LE : Hey , just say you like seeing all of us with our partners
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : I got caught
Hani : But it's true , I can see everyone and sit with Taehyung
V : ... ?
Solji : Taehyung , you need to pay attention today
V : Yes , I will
LE : You can daydream but make sure you know when it's your turn to answer the question
RM : Right , right
Hyerin : Unnie is old-fashion , please forgive her
Solji : 야
Junghwa : It's true , Unnie
Jiwoo : You guys will have so much Behind The Scenes
B.E laughs : Haha
JHope : How long more ?
Hyerin checks wrist : Um...
Director : 3 minutes
Jiwoo : Already ?
Sejeong : It's okay , we'll do well
Solji : Right
Jungkook : I'm still hungry
Junghwa : I could go for McDonald's breakfast
Solji : 야
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Bad
Sejeong : Unnie , you seem stoned
Hani : Are you okay ?~
Hyerin : Yes , I'm okay
Jungkook : ...
Junghwa : We're recording early
Solji : Yes , some of us have schedules to go for
Junghwa : I know , I know
Jimin : 위 아래 위 위 아래
Jungkook laughs : Haha
V : I like your voice
Jimin : I could record a podcast . Hello , I'm Park Jimin
Hani : Oh , sounds like ASMR
Jimin whisper : Hello , I'm Park Jimin *smirks* I'm here to steal your heart *holds laugh*
B.E : Hul~
Sejeong & Jiwoo laughs : Haha
Solji raise hand : Can I change my seating ?
LE : Forget it
Hyerin : He'll follow wherever you sit
Jungkook : I don't think you should annoy Noona before the recording
Solji : Please be like Hoseok and Yoongi , saving their voices for the recording
RM : Right , you two are quiet
LE : He's nervous *points Suga* He's sleepy
Suga & JHope laughs : Haha
Jimin : Alright , I'm just fooling around
Hani : Jimin's a playful guy
Junghwa : Right
Solji : He is *smiles*
Director : Standby...
B.E sits properly : ...
Director : Ready , 3 , 2 , 1 , action !
RM : Why don't you...
Solji : BangID ?
B.E : Hello , we're B.E !
Sejeong waves : Hello , I'm 9ugudan's Sejeong *bows*
Jiwoo : Hello , I'm KARD's Jiwoo
Hyerin : Yes , today we're doing a little special B.E Time , this is the couple version
Hani : Whoo~
Hyerin : We have our couples here , I'm sure you're all familiar with them
Solji : Yes , for today , we have our Maknaes as the emcee
LE : Please introduce yourself
Hyerin : Hello , I'm MC Hyelin
Junghwa : Uh... Hello , I'm bright future Park Jeonghwa
Sejeong : Oh~
Jungkook smiles : Hello , I'm MC Kookie
RM : We have asked our fans on our B.E SNS about questions they want to ask us
Hyerin : Yes , our staffs have picked out a few for us . They have been checked so it's been filtered before
Junghwa : The emcee team have also picked out some too
Jungkook : Some questions we would like to ask our members too
Hani : We'll look forward to it
Hyerin : If everyone is ready , we can start
Junghwa : On our left , leaders , are you ready ?
RM : I'm ready *looks at Jiwoo* Jiwoo's ready too
Jimin : We're ready~
Hyerin : Our right side
Jungkook : Are you ready ?
LE & Suga nods : ...
Hani & V : Yes~
Sejeong : Please start~
Junghwa : The answers the members give will be their best honest answers
Solji : Yes
Jungkook : Please cope well with the members , it's not easy for the members
Hyerin : Right . That leaves us to the questions , there are questions for all 6 couples and some are for certain couples
RM nods : ...
Hyerin : We'll start now
B.E : Yes
Hyerin : This goes out to all the couples , "How did you fell in love with each other ?"
JHope : 야...
B.E laughs : Haha
V : I'll be honest , I fell for Noona because she's pretty *holds laugh* When I got to know Noona in B.E , I fell for her even more
Jiwoo : Ohh
V : Sorry
Sejeong : What are you sorry for ?
LE : A lot of guys fell for Hani's beauty
Junghwa : Right
Hyerin : Hani Unnie ?
Hani : Well... *laughs* Can I say this ?
RM : What ?
Jimin grins : Why ?
LE : Geez
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Hani : It was love at first sight
Junghwa : Ah , beauty too ?
Hani : Yes
Jimin : I mean... Taehyung's handsome
JHope : Right ?
Hyerin holds laugh : ...
Solji : So both was "love at first sight" ?
Hani & V : Yes
Jiwoo : Wow
RM : Match made
Junghwa : LE Unnie ?
LE : Well... I disliked Yoongi at first
Sejeong & Jiwoo : For real ?
Suga : I didn't made quite an impression on the first meet *laughs*
Solji : Right
Hyerin : I'm hurt
Suga : Ah , sorry !
Hyerin : Alright , continue , Unnie
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : Then... I think my resentment turned into love
Junghwa : The more you hated him , the more you like him , Unnie ?
LE nods : Yes
Hani : Kya~
LE : Ah !
Solji : Don't be shy , it was cute
LE : Geez
Junghwa : Oppa ?
Jungkook : Hyung ?
Suga : Noona's charisma-... Noona...
V : Are you okay ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : Hyung has shut down
Jungkook : Is it because of Noona ?
Suga laughs : No , no
Solji : Take your time
Suga : We were producing our B.E debut song
Jungkook : Yes
Suga : Me and Noona was not on very good terms
Solji : I can vouch for that
JHope laughs : Haha
Suga : Namjoon said both of us were awkward and that we should do something about it and Noona said anything but outdoors
V holds laugh : ...
Suga : And Namjoon was shocked Noona guessed it was an outdoor activity and she smiled , I thought "she is cute"
B.E : Ohh~
Hani : Unnie's burning
Junghwa : Is it hot there ?
Jimin : Noona's heart is beating
Suga looks at V : Do you have something to share ?
V : No , that was 2 years ago , how do you remember all that ?
Junghwa : Anything for Unnie~
B.E laughs : Haha
RM : For real , these two would curse at each other if I leave the place , I would say resentment really turned into love
Solji : Right
Hani : Cute
LE : Keep quiet
Hyerin : Yes , Hobi ?
JHope : Yes , uh... I think I fell for Sejeong's kindness , she really captured my heart
Hyerin : Hobi likes nice girl
Junghwa : Yes , not girls like us
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : What's wrong with us ?
Jungkook : I don't see any problem with you guys
Solji : Oh~
Hani : Thank you
Sejeong : You guys are nice too
Jimin : Playful too
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : Don't
V : Jimin will be the death of us
Jimin laughs : Haha
JHope : I notice I fell in love with Sejeong the longer I don't see her
Jiwoo : Ooh
B.E laughs : Haha
RM : What was that ?
Sejeong : For me... I like that he would help me out that time , there was a time he would treat me and buy me flowers too , I guess... Oppa managed to chase me
LE : Ohh , Jung Hoseok
JHope chuckles : Hehe
Hyerin : Jimin ?
Jimin : Me ? I... like Noona's independent and this leadership attitude , it was cool and charismatic . I chased Noona for awhile
Suga : A year , Jimin
RM : Right
Jungkook : Most of the members chased each other for a year
Junghwa : That is right
Hyerin laughs : Our YOU just exposed you guys
Hani : Bad
B.E laughs : Haha
Jiwoo : Noona ?
Solji : I'll be honest , I was chasing someone else at that time
Jimin nods : ...
Solji : Jimin would always tease me and offer to help me with that man
V holds laugh : ...
Solji : I realised , I like spending more time with Jimin than that man I was after
Jimin raise hand : I thought Noona dated me because she pitied me but no , Noona , for real...
Hani mouthing : (TMI)
Jimin : I'm happy , Noona really loves me
Solji smiles : ...
Junghwa : Can I say that was a little like a Korean drama ?
LE : But it happens in real life
Jiwoo : Right
V : A lot
Hyerin : Joonie ?
RM : Jiwoo's cute and I like how she speaks up for herself and doesn't let anything bring her down
LE : That was very straightforward
B.E laughs : Haha
RM : She has a lot of charming points
Jiwoo : Oppa... I like someone's who's manly , kind and caring who's also competitive , Oppa is that kind of guy
RM : Am I ?
Jiwoo : Yes , you should know that
Solji : Ohh
Hyerin : Yes~ moving on-...
Junghwa : Unnie , what about you ?
Jungkook : Aren't you going to say something ?
Solji : Hyerin-ah
LE : Were you trying to run away ?
B.E laughs : Ahaha
JHope : Noona , it's okay if you're embarrassed
Hani : We're doing it with you
Solji : Right
RM : What about you , Noona ?
Hyerin : Well... first , Oppa's handsome
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Yes , Oppa's looks is one of the reason
Hani : I can imagine him smiling
Hyerin : Oppa's a great guy too , he has a kind heart , he take cares of everyone , he's also quite sporting . Oppa is a great cook too , I guess his cooking got me tangled up too
LE : As expected
V : Does Noona likes guys who cooks ?
Junghwa : Unnie actually likes charismatic guy
Jungkook : Oh , Jin Hyung is charismatic
Solji : What about Seokjin ?
Suga : Do you know ?
Hyerin : Oppa ? Mm...
Jiwoo : It's okay if you don't know
Hyerin : Time is essence , Oppa likes me the more I spend time with him cooking for the members
RM : The more you spend time , the more he likes you ?
Hyerin : Yes
Jungkook : Not to mention , Hyung likes girls who can cook
Solji : Anything else ?
Hyerin : You have to ask Oppa
Suga : I think Hyung said he find Hyerin cute
B.E : Ohh
Hyerin smiles : ...
Hani : He only speaks for Seokjin
B.E laughs : Ahaha
Junghwa : Cute
Jungkook : Right
Hyerin : Should we do the next question ?
B.E : Yes
Hyerin : "Do you have couple names ?"
Solji : Who ?
Hyerin : I think all of us . Me and Oppa , SWEET , B.E SWEET
Junghwa : Right , because they're foodies
Jungkook : Relating name to food
Hani : Oh ?
JHope : Why ?
Jimin : Noona is Soul.G and I want to give light to our fans , so SOULIGHT
Jiwoo : Ah...
Hyerin : Joon and Jiwoo ?
Jiwoo : We don't have one...
Hani : How JiMon ?
Hyerin : It sounds like Pokemon
B.E laughs : Haha
RM : But it is catchy
Jiwoo : Today , we're JiMon
RM chuckles : The members gave this name to us
Jungkook : Why ?
JHope : No explanation
Hyerin : They are the explanation
JHope laughs : I like that
Hyerin nods : Sense
Sejeong gives thumbs up : ...
V : We have thought of it but we don't know
Solji : What were your choices ?
Hani : Our best pick was Hani V
RM : Ohh , Honey Bee
Junghwa : Sweet
Hyerin : Like us~
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Hyerin : What about our love-hate couple ?
LE laughs : 야
Suga : We'll go with SWAG
Jimin : Yes , SWAG was a name given by us when Noona and Hyung were finally working together
Jungkook : They look the coolest together
Sejeong : So SWAG ?
Jungkook : Yes
Solji : He said "We'll go with SWAG"
RM : Do you have another name ?
LE : No , for real
Junghwa : Maybe they don't even have one
Jiwoo : Just pluck SWAG out of the B.E dictionary
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Yes , our next question is... gosh *laughs*
Hyerin : Junghwa-ya...
LE : Please clean up your the mess
Hani : Junghwa's littering
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Yes , 'How long have you dated for ?'
Solji : Just how long ?
RM : Yes , don't give TMI
Hani : 14 months ?
V : 1 year and 2 months
Jimin : Same
Solji : Yes , uh... Hani and Taehyung started dating one day after us
Jiwoo : Oh ?
Sejeong : For real ?
Hani : Yes
Sejeong : Wow
Jungkook : Hyung ?
JHope : 8 months
Sejeong : Yes , we started dating in June last year
LE : It feels like it's been a year
Solji : Right
Junghwa : Namjoon Oppa and Jiwoo
Jiwoo : 1 year and 3 months
RM : Right
Hani : Are they our longest couple ?
Junghwa : No , Hyerin Unnie and Seokjin Oppa
Hyerin : Right , 19 months~ how long is that... ?
Junghwa : Ah... 1 year and 7 months
Solji : Almost 2 years , Lin-ah
Hyerin smiles : Right ?
Jungkook smiles : ...
Hani : Cute
Sejeong : Unnie , you're cute
LE : 1 year and 2 months ?
Suga : The same month as them but days later
LE : Right
Hani : ... ?
Jimin : You sound unsure
Hyerin : You had some time to think , are you sure ?
LE : I'm going to go over there-...
Hyerin : I'm kidding
V laughs : Haha
Jiwoo : Unnie gets so worked up
Junghwa nods : ... *tilts head*
Jungkook : ... ?
Junghwa : Next question , "Have you argued before ?"
Solji : Ohh
RM : Curiosity
Hyerin : Should we start with LE Unnie ?
LE : No
Suga : Before we dated , a lot
LE laughs : Yes , now... no
Junghwa : Ohh
Hyerin : Our Hani V hasn't argued before , right ?
V : Nope
Hyerin : Our BRIGHT too ?
JHope & Sejeong : Nope
Hyerin : Neither have the others
Jiwoo : No
Jimin : We haven't
Jungkook : Ohh *chuckles* What ?
Junghwa : Peaceful dating
Hyerin : We are all busy too
V : What about Noona ?
Jimin : Right
RM thinking : Why do I have a feeling we shouldn't ask Noona ?
Hyerin : Yes , once...
B.E : ... !
JHope : Ah... it's okay
Sejeong : If it wasn't serious then it's okay
LE thinking : It was serious
Jiwoo : You and Oppa are still together
Jimin : Right
Jungkook : Noona , after that argument , how did you feel ?
Hyerin : I didn't wanted to lose Oppa
Jungkook : So Noona , what you said on radio that day , "you must argue then you'll grow closer" , it happened
Solji : Right
Jungkook : Maybe that time you needed a boost , the argument wasn't a serious thing
Hyerin : Annoying
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Yes , thank you , Jungkook
Hani smiles : ...
Jimin : Kookie , your future girlfriend will love you a lot
Jungkook chuckles nervously : Hehe
V : Please hit us with the next question
Hyerin : Should we ask some individual couple questions ?
Sejeong : Go ahead
Jungkook : We dislike this question a lot so we'll ask this first...
RM : Yes
Jungkook : To LE Noona and Suga Hyung , "Are you two really dating ?"
Suga : Sigh...
LE : We are , we may not seem like it but we are
Suga nods : If this was fake , I think it would have been time to come out
Solji & RM nods : ...
Hani : We can vouch for them
JHope : Right
Hani : I'm not sure if Unnie will dissuade me but Unnie would fall asleep on Yoongi's shoulder when they're watching movie
LE holds laugh : ...
Suga nods : ...
Hani : Why ?
LE : You could have used another situation
Hani : Why ?~
Jimin : Noona , you don't like that ?
Hyerin : Unnie's shy
Hani : What do you want me to say ?
V : Definitely not the victim one
B.E laughs : Haha
Sejeong & Jiwoo : ... ?
Suga : Hold on , TMI
LE : 야
Jimin : If you get up , the PD have to edit it , cut to commercial
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : I got one... Yoongi would go on walks with LE
JHope : Right
Hyerin : We all know Oppa wants to rest , he's always overworked but he would got for walks with Unnie if he wants to
Suga nods : ...
LE : That was a better one
Hani : Sorry , I like the sleeping one more
Junghwa : Sigh...
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Sejeong : Please continue before something happens
Jungkook holds laugh : Yes . To Jiwoo Noona , "How does it feel to date a worldwide famous artist ?"
Jiwoo raise eyebrows : I'm dating Kim Namjoon , I don't know who are you talking about
B.E laughs : Haha
Jiwoo : First things first , I didn't see Namjoon Oppa as the worldwide famous RM he is , I see him as himself , Kim Namjoon from Busan who is human like you and me
RM nods : ...
Jiwoo : To me , what he does or have , doesn't matter
Solji : Ahh , she's supportive no matter what
Sejeong does thumbs up : ...
Suga : What is that ?
Sejeong : I don't know
JHope : A jjang *laughs* A jjang
Jiwoo smiles : Thank you
Sejeong chuckles : Hehe
RM chuckles : Ah , thank you
Hani : Gosh
Junghwa : Namjoon Oppa is touched
RM smiles : I am *nods*
Hyerin looks at card : Sigh...
LE : Don't sigh
Solji : Don't sigh
Hyerin holds laugh : ...
Hani thinking : "You'll sigh too if you were me"
Hyerin : To JHope , "Does Sejeong have another side or is she as she is ?"
JHope : Pardon ? "Or is she as she is" ?
Hani : I think they're asking... if Sejeong is as nice on TV as she is with us or not
JHope : She is , Sejeong is honest ! If she were to have another side , I wouldn't be surprise
B.E : ... !
Sejeong : Oppa , calm down
JHope sighs : Well... if fans are asking this to dig dirt , it's not nice
LE : We know , it's okay
RM nods : Relax
Hyerin : This was taken from our SNS , so... it could be a hater who send it
Solji : Who filtered the cards ?
LE : Hey , hey
Junghwa : Unnie , Unnie
LE : No , don't
Solji nods : ...
Jimin holds Solji's hand : ...
Hyerin : I hate to read the next card...
Jungkook : Let me do it , Noona
Hyerin : You might not like it
Junghwa : I'll do it
Jungkook : It's okay , I promise
B.E : ... ?
Jungkook : To Jimin Hyung , "Have you thought of the age differences between you and Solji ?"
Suga : ... ?
Jimin : I have , and I will love Noona no matter what , as long as both of us are old enough to be together , I'm okay
V : Ohh
Jimin : This kind of questions make people insecure
RM : Right ?
LE : Please proceed
Junghwa : Yes , this is for all of you . "What do you call each other by ?"
Jimin : Noona , Solji... I think that's all
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : I usually call him Jimin or... Oppa
Junghwa : Oh ?
Hani : When ?
Jimin : When Noona wants to
LE : 야 , that sounds wrong
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Sorry , do you call Unnie "pervert" ?
Suga shakes head : Not at all
Solji : When we have personal time , I can't do it in front of the members
RM nods : You don't have to
JHope : Right
Junghwa : LE Unnie ?
LE : Yoongi , Pig , Prince , Cat
Suga : I'm not a cat...
LE : Does "my boyfriend" counts ?
Hani : Depending how you use that in a sentence
RM : I don't think it does
Sejeong : 'Pig' ?
LE : That's an old nickname
Suga nods : Right , she rarely uses that
Solji : Yoongi , Yoongi ?
Suga : Ah... Noona , Hyojin... I think that's all
LE : Jerk , fool
Suga : Idiot
Junghwa : Uh...
Jiwoo laughs : Haha
Suga : We're kidding , we don't call each other jerk , fool or idiot
Hyerin : Yes , please fight off camera
Maknaes laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Hani Unnie ?
Hani : I just call him 'Taehyung'
V : Yes , I call her by 'Noona'
LE : It's okay
Jimin : Sometimes nicknames are nothing
Jiwoo : Don't you feel special if someone special give you one ?
Jimin : That is right too...
JHope : I just call her 'Sejeong' , I don't really want to use 'Sejeongie' because everyone uses it
Junghwa : You want to give her a special one
JHope : Yes
Sejeong : I call him 'Oppa' only
RM : It's a big step
Solji : Right , Sejeong doesn't call anyone "Oppa" except for her birth brother
Sejeong nods : Right
JHope : It's okay , just call me by whatever you're comfortable with
B.E : Ohh !
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Wow
Hyerin : Yes , our JiMon ?
Jiwoo : I call him 'Oppa' , I'm trying to use 'Joon' more often now
RM : I don't have a nickname for Jiwoo... however everyone pronounces her name as 'Ji-u' and I pronounce it as 'Ji-wu'
JHope : That doesn't happen with my sister by the way
Junghwa : Jiwoo got you tongue-tied
B.E : Wow
Hani : Park Jeonghwa
Jungkook laughs : Wah , I'm surprised
RM : Yes , that's for me and Jiwoo
Solji : Hyerini ?
Hyerin : Yes , Oppa calls me 'Hyelin' or 'Lini'... I call Oppa by 'King' , 'Oppa' and 'Kim Seokjin'
Jiwoo : Oh , we have a Prince and King
Suga gaps : ...
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : You left out one
Hyerin : No
V : Let's continue
Junghwa : To the B.E members , how did you confess ?
Solji : Is that the question ?
Junghwa : Yes
Solji : Sorry , I thought that was your own question
B.E laughs : Haha
V : I... did mine through text . It might seem bad *chuckles nervously* but I told Noona the time we were all at our hometown so...
Jimin : Right
Hani : It's okay
Sejeong : Jimin Hyung ?
Jimin : Uh... Noona confessed
Jungkook : Right !
JHope : She did
Jiwoo : Oh ?
Solji : Can I say this ?
LE : Don't mention names or anything
Solji : Well... I made a promise to Jimin to confess to the guy I was chasing after , when I was talking to him , he told me that Jimin likes me-...
Jimin : Hold on , he helped me confess ?
Solji : Kind of
Jimin : Friend , I love you
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Solji : And Jimin was waiting nearby for the results of confession and... I told him , I like him
Jimin nods : I was shocked , it was not what I expected
Jungkook : I want to ask , what hit Noona ?
Solji : I notice I think about Jimin a lot
Jimin smiles : ...
Hyerin : Our leader-nim ?
RM : That time we had rehearsal , right ? For a show
Solji : Right , right
RM : I told her at the MBC Dream Center , during one of our break time
Jiwoo nods : ...
Hani : Why can I imagine the KARD members teasing her ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Jiwoo nods : It was bad
RM chuckles : You were cute
Hyerin : Moving on , Hobi and Oppa
Suga points LE : She confessed
Solji : For real ?
Jimin : ... !
V laughs : What's that face ?
Jimin : I just woke up
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : I wouldn't be surprised
Hyerin : Yoongi's a quiet man
JHope : Noona , he chased LE Noona for a year too
Hani : Right
Suga : ... ?
Jiwoo : How ?
LE : Well... me and Yoongi was hanging out at night , as usual , and I just told him
Suga : I was surprised at first but... ah , finally
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : Staying up late together helps
Suga : Yes *laughs*
JHope : I took Sejeong out to confess , I can't do it with our members around
Sejeong : We went to a quiet cafē near the 9ugudan dorm
JHope : Right
Solji : Hyerin , what about you ?
Jungkook : How did Oppa confess to you ?
Junghwa : I just realised , we don't know LE Unnie and Hyerin Unnie's story
Jimin : Right
Hyerin : Well... I just came back from a trip and Oppa offered to pick me up
RM raise eyebrows : ... ?
Hyerin : We stopped at a park for a stroll , Oppa told me he had something for me and he told me
Jungkook : Really ?
Hyerin nods : He laid out roses in a heart shape too
Junghwa : Wow
Solji : What happened to the roses ?
Hyerin : Oppa gave them out to people in the park
Sejeong : Aww , that's nice
Jiwoo : Right
RM thinking : Oh my , I know when was this !
Junghwa chuckles : Should we move on ?
B.E : Yes
Junghwa : Yes , this one asks about the members' first date
Sejeong : Can we go first ?
JHope : Do you want to ?
Solji : Go ahead , just say it when you're ready
Junghwa : Right
Sejeong : Our first date was at the Cafē Oppa confessed , we spent the whole day together
JHope nods : We were talking and getting to know each other
Sejeong : After that , he took me to PP Seoul for dinner *nods*
Jungkook : Sounds nice
Jiwoo : We... were really busy with rehearsals and schedules for the year end show , so I spent my first date having lunch with Oppa at the MBC Dream Center
RM : Yes... sorry
Jiwoo : No , it's okay
Hyerin : Oppa took me to the BANANA CULTURE cafē
Solji : Me too
Hani : Right , I bumped into Unnie
Junghwa : Well , LE Unnie ?
Suga holds laugh : Yes , we were there too
Jungkook : Wow
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Oppa's intention was because it was our favourite place so that's why
V : I was recommended by Hyung
Jimin : Me too
Suga : I didn't want fans to see us , I thought the cafē was a good idea
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : But that was thoughtful
Junghwa : Right
LE nods : ...
Hyerin : So majority of us went to the same place ?
V : Yes
B.E laughs : Haha
Jungkook : Can I ask the question now ?
RM : Go ahead
Jungkook : This is for our SWEET
Junghwa : Oh ?~
Jungkook chuckles : "What is the height difference between both of you ?"
Hyerin : 15cm
Jungkook : There's a similar one for our JiMon too
Jiwoo : Ah... 17cm ?
RM : I think 16.5 is the more accurate one
Jiwoo : Around there
Jungkook : Yes
Junghwa laughs : Haha
Suga : It's okay , you and Hyung are still cute
Sejeong : Right
Solji : 야 , Hyerin-ah , don't look at the height difference
Hyerin : I know~
Jungkook : Does that count as two questions ?
Junghwa : Ask another one , it's the same question to two different couple
Jungkook smiles : Yes
Suga thinking : Gosh , this Kookie
Jungkook : This is for Solji Noona , "what are Jimin's charming points ?"
Solji : Charming points ?
Junghwa : Maybe... "oh , Jimin is..."
Solji : Ah
LE holds laughs : ...
V & Sejeong : ... ?
Solji : Jimin is beautiful , beautiful and handsome
Jimin : Ah , really ?
Solji : Yes , he has charisma and this...
RM : Elegance ?
Solji : Yes , thank you *laughs* He's also cute and alluring at the same time
Jimin : Oh~ thank you for asking that , our fans
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : I agree , Jimin has the best of both worlds
LE : It's unique
Jiwoo : Hold on , look here
Jimin looks at Jiwoo : ... ?
Jiwoo : Oh right , I see it
JHope laughs : Sorry , I find that funny
Jiwoo : No , it's okay
Hyerin : I got a great question , this is for our FREE
Junghwa & Jungkook : Pardon ?
Hyerin : I managed to find some questions for you two
Hani : So you won't feel left out
Junghwa : We're not dating
Hyerin : It's related to the topic , listen up . "Our FREE , what are your ideal date style ? I know this is a couple quiz but you two can't be left out"
Junghwa : Thank you
JHope : Well ?
Junghwa : I... hm...
Hyerin mouthing : (Do you want to go first ?)
Jungkook thinking : I don't know... I want to go first but then Noona will sound like she's copying me
Junghwa : I'm a homebody *laughs* I think staying at home while watching a movie with snacks ? Or maybe go to a Cafē and spending time
LE : Our Jjong-i likes to watch movies a lot , if she's not watching movie , she's studying or reading
Hani : Right
Solji : Junghwa's like a teenager
Junghwa smiles : ...
RM : Jungkook ?
Jungkook : I... I think maybe playing games and watching a movie at home
Suga : Kookie doesn't do much
Solji : He plays games , watch movies , films the members
Jimin : Right
JHope : Exercises and do online shopping
RM : He's sort of a homebody too
Junghwa : No , he likes to go out too
LE : Kookie's a little like a teenager too
Jungkook chuckles : Hehe
Hani looks at LE : ...
V : ... ?
Hyerin : For our BRIGHT , who has the worst anger ?
Sejeong : Pardon ?
Jiwoo : So sudden ?
Sejeong : We don't know...
JHope : We have never lose our tempers before , not in front of each other
Sejeong : I think Oppa *points JHope*
JHope : I think me too
Sejeong chuckles : He seems like he would glare at someone for hours
Hani : You haven't seen him at dance practice
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : But it's not that bad
Hani : It's not that bad
LE : Sejeong will never see it
Jiwoo : Because Oppa will be too flustered to ?
JHope : You got me there
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : My heart is beating~
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Junghwa : For our Hani V...
Hani sits properly : ...
Hyerin : Why ? Were you anxious ?
LE : You look anxious
Hyerin : Was it because there wasn't a question for you yet ?
Hani laughs : Haha
V : It was getting a little worrisome
Hyerin : Don't worry , I checked the questions with our FREE , everyone has one
Hani nods : Continue
Junghwa : "Do you play games together ?"
V : Uh... not really
Hani : Right
Sejeong : Is it because you're not interested ?
Hani : No , I usually play mobile games with LE Unnie
V : Yes , I play PC games more with the maknae line
Sejeong : Ah...
Jiwoo : So it's a different interest in games ?
V : Noona doesn't play much games either
Hani : Right
Junghwa : Oh , here's another one for Hani V
Hani : Ask away
Junghwa : What is your date style ?
Hani & V : Casual
RM : They always go to a Cafē , I wouldn't be surprise
V : Expensive once in awhile is nice too
Jiwoo : Hani Unnie seems like an expensive type
Hani : Do I ?
V : Noona would be worth expensive dinners
Solji : Oh~
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : Ah... thank you , please save your money
V nods : ...
Junghwa : Kookie ?
Jungkook : Yes , "Dear B.E couples , have you travelled together ?"
Jiwoo : As couples ?
Jungkook nods : ...
Sejeong : No
JHope nods : Not yet
Sejeong : Oh ? Are you planning one ?
JHope : Maybe in the future ?
Sejeong : Ohh
RM : Us too , no
Jiwoo : We're both busy at the moment , maybe when we take some time off
RM nods : ...
Hani : I don't think any of us have , except Hyerin
Hyerin nods : Me and Oppa took a trip to Jeju
LE : Right , you did an Instagram live
Suga : Oh
Hani : Yoongi remembers
Suga nods : ...
Solji : Didn't you take a trip too ?
LE : Was that before we dated ?
Solji : No , after
Hani : Right
Suga : That was Maldives
LE : Right , right
V : ... ?
Junghwa : So only SWAG and SWEET
Jimin : I took Noona to Guri once
Solji : Does Busan counts ?
RM : Well... sort of ?
Solji laughs : We'll count it as no
Jimin : Yes
Jungkook : "To B.E , who's more skilled ?"
Hani : Taehyung
V : Ah , really ?
Hani : I don't have skills
V : You can cook better than me
Hani : You can act , take photos , play instruments , write songs , he thinks outside the box , probably even draw better than me , dance and sing
B.E holds laugh : ...
Junghwa : Unnie , 'thinking outside the box' is probably a personality kind of thing
Hani : I know...
RM : Noona , you're good
Jiwoo : Right
LE : Don't you do that too ?
Hani : Unnie , you know the answer as well as I do
Hyerin : First , Unnie *holds laugh* It's just a question about who's more skilled and you guys are suppose to answer base on assumption because we all have our different strengths
Junghwa : Right , Unnie , you didn't had to go into serious discussion , after all this is just a couple quiz , with our best honest answers
Jungkook : The answers given might even be wrong
Junghwa : There's no right or wrong
Hyerin : Yes... it comes from the heart *glares at Junghwa & Jungkook*
B.E holds laugh : ...
RM : I agree with Noona
Suga nods : Me too
Solji : Sorry , but this is funny
Hani smiles embarrassedly : ...
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani sighs : Sorry
Sejeong : It's okay
Jiwoo : That came from heart
JHope : Right
V smiles : ...
Jimin : Taehyung's happy
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Junghwa : Ah... the others ?
Jimin : For me , Noona
Solji : Oh , why ?
Jimin : Well... Noona is a vocal trainer , she can dance ballet and modern dance
RM : Oh , really ?
Jimin nods : Noona does hapkido , she can cook and play the piano and the guitar
Solji : Ah , thank you *smiles*
Jimin : I have skills too , people will tell me that . For me , I think Noona is more skilled
Hyerin : JiMon ?
RM : Jiwoo
Jiwoo : You , you too
RM : No , I'm serious
Suga : In my honest opinion , sorry , I would pick Jiwoo too
Hani : Really ?
Sejeong : Why ?
Suga : Well... Namjoon can do things because of his personality , he does whatever his emotions or heart guides him . Jiwoo is skilled because she actually learns the skill well ?
V : Hyung , you don't sound too sure of yourself
Suga laughs : No , no . Namjoon can do something when he wants it , so I would go for Jiwoo
Jiwoo : Oppa learns too
Solji : Sometimes he's lucky but he does practices
RM laughs : Ah , Noona notices
B.E laughs : Haha
Jiwoo : My strength is dancing , I don't have anything else
RM : Don't lie
Jiwoo : I'm serious
RM : We'll let the fans comment
Jimin : Don't you take photography too ?
Jiwoo : It's more of a hobby
Junghwa : It's an interesting one
V : Right
Jiwoo : I don't want to debate so we'll just go with Oppa's answer
Sejeong laughs : Haha
Jungkook : Noona ?
LE : Yoongi
Suga nods : If I was Noona , I would agree too
Solji : You are skilled
Suga : Yes , for now I'll go along . I think Noona has some skills too but she won't show it , I don't know why
LE : Dating him is like receiving presents almost everyday
JHope : Surprise ?
LE : Yes
Suga : I had a lot of free time , that's why . I can't wait to see Noona's talents
Hyerin : She doesn't have any
B.E laughs : Ahaha
LE : You're going to get it after this recording
Jungkook : Uh-oh
LE : I think I have showed you all of it
Suga : I don't think so . Please give your answer or we'll never hear the end of it
B.E laughs : Haha
JHope : It's hard...
Sejeong : Yes , if we match me and Oppa's skills
JHope : It's at the same level
Sejeong : Our answer is no answer
Solji : Right , it would be hard to tabulate you too
Jiwoo : Are you mirror of each other ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : Hyerin ?
Hyerin : Since Oppa's isn't around , I'll take the advantage to answer out loud . Oppa is the most skilled !
BTS chuckles : Hehe
Hyerin : We all know Oppa's many talents , I don't have to list them right ? If Oppa is here , he would say it's me , I don't know why but... yes
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : In the end , we are our own people , we have our own interest and talents so it doesn't matter who's more skilled
Hani : Right
Junghwa : Please ask the next question
Jungkook : Yes , "Seokjin Oppa , what is Hyerin's looks to you ?"
Hyerin : Sorry , repeat that again
Junghwa : I think rating... ?
Hyerin : Mm... Oppa will tell you I'm pretty and cute , the ratings will always be over 10 . I think that will be Oppa's answer if he was here but we won't know unless he answers it himself
B.E nods : ...
Solji : Actually , I can hear that in his voice
JHope : Oh , me too
Sejeong : Unnie , I don't think Hyung will give you an answer
Jiwoo : You just said his answer
Sejeong : You know him too well
Suga nods : ...
Hyerin : Really ? *chuckles nervously* this is for the B.E couples , sorry
Sejeong : It's okay
Jiwoo : Ask ahead
Hyerin : "What do you guys do around the dorm ?"
Hani : As couple , right ?
Hyerin nods : Yes
V : Mm... hang out ?
LE : We don't do much-...
Solji : Dont lie
Maknaes laughs : Haha
LE : Yes , Heeyeon , please answer first
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : Uh... usually me and Taehyung will talk about our day
V : Or play board games
Hani : If we get the whole dorm to ourselves , we will eat dinner together
Hyerin : Only if you order
RM : If not you'll take Noona out
Jimin : Exposed
V laughs : I can't cook well
Hani : It's okay
V : Who's next ?
Solji : We...
Jimin : I notice we don't do much in the dorm
RM : Right
JHope : Well , not you and Hani V
Jungkook laughs : Haha
JHope : You'll get in trouble
Junghwa laughs : Yes , don't laugh
Jungkook holds laugh : Yes
Jimin : Me and Noona will play games , but rarely
Solji nods : ...
Jimin : Noona will play the guitar for me *chuckles* Yes , Noona will , not me
Suga : Noona's skilled at it
Jimin nods : What else ?
Solji : Chat ?
Jimin : Yes
Solji : Jimin will dance for me
Jimin : Not always...
Jiwoo : What about Hyerin Unnie ?
Hyerin : Me ? Mm... Me and Oppa will cook together , I think the fans know right ? Me and Oppa will take time to do arts together too
Solji : Ah , right
Hani : The album cover for Seokjin's album , what was 'O' ?
LE & Hyerin : 'Odyssey'
Hani : Yes , Hyerin and Seokjin made that
Hyerin : Well... I'll try to play with Oppa , we'll talk too or watch movies . What else ?
Jungkook : Hyung will sing and spoil our album to Noona
Hani : Right !
Junghwa : He does that
Hyerin : Yes , Oppa does that
Jungkook : He will even dance for Noona
Hyerin : Yes , that is what Oppa will do in the B.E dorm
Sejeong : Then SWAG ?
Solji : We know~
Jiwoo : The members know doesn't mean the fan does
LE : Save your teasing for later
Solji laughs : I will
Suga : Well...
Hani : Sorry , I had to say this but Yoongi doesn't play games with LE
LE : Yes
Suga : I downloaded the games but I didn't touch them
LE : Yes , that's right
Junghwa : If you're not playing then delete them , it will take up your storage
Suga nods : ...
LE : Well... we would hang out and talk , actually that what we do most of the time . Oh , we will watch movies too
Suga : Noona will end up falling asleep
LE : Yes *looks at Suga* We don't do much at the dorm
Junghwa : I would say you do , but... it depends if you see them as couple activities
Sejeong nods : Right
Junghwa : That leads us to the next question , "Do you guys count your time in the dorm as date time?"
Suga : Depends ?
Hani : Right
Solji : We are couples around the members but we would count them as B.E time more than couple time
Hyerin : Right . Hold on , what ?
LE : No ?
Hyerin : Ah right , right *chuckles* Sorry , I was recollecting some memories
B.E : ...
Suga : It depends , I would usually count it as date time if me and Noona are alone ?
Hani : Me too
Jimin : Sometimes I count B.E time as date time
RM : For real ?
Jimin : Depending on the situation
Junghwa : Okay , if... you're both alone , would you count that as a serious date time ?
Hani : I don't think so
JHope : Really ?
Hani : Now that I think about it , it doesn't really have date feel
V : Right
Solji : But you two always go out
RM : I don't think it's the same
Junghwa : What about you , Unnie ?
Jimin : Oh , yes
Solji : Right , but depending
Jimin : Mm
Suga : I count ours as date time , any time with Noona is date time
B.E : Oh~
YOU laughs : Haha
Sejeong : Well , Hyerin Unnie ?
Hyerin : Yes~ me and Oppa can date whenever we feel like it~ *chuckles*
Junghwa : Right , this questions applies to BRIGHT and JiMon
JHope : Uh... that's hard to answer
Sejeong : Right
Jiwoo : I would say yes
RM : Me too , we enjoy each other's accompany so I would count that as a date
Junghwa : Ohh
JHope : We don't usually date in the dorm , any of the dorms in fact
Sejeong : We usually go out
JHope : Right
Junghwa : That , we know
Hyerin : Next question please
Junghwa hands Hyerin card : Here
Hyerin : It's your turn
Jungkook : Oh , they already answered this
Junghwa : Right
V holds laugh : ...
LE : 야
Junghwa : No , sorry , they already answered this without us asking
Solji : What is it about ?
Hyerin : "To Sejeong and JHope , do you guys date at home or in a dorm ?"
Sejeong : No
Junghwa : Here... *clears throat* "What are your similar interest ?"
Suga : Music
LE : Yes
Suga : Music
Junghwa : That was fast
Jungkook hands bottle : ...
Junghwa : Oh , thank you
RM smiles : ...
Hani : I think it's photography for me and Taehyung
V : Right
Sejeong : We don't know *laughs*
JHope : Right , either dancing or personality ?
Hyerin : You two are the similar interest
Sejeong : Oh~
B.E laughs : Haha
Sejeong : Thank you
Solji : Hyerin ?
Hyerin : Food ? Mm... and singing *nods* Yes
Jiwoo : And Oppa...
RM : I think we can say music too , Jiwoo listens to a wide variety of songs
Jiwoo nods : ...
Hyerin : SOULIGHT ?
Jimin : Well... singing and music ?
Sejeong : It's okay if you don't have one actually
Suga : Opposite attracts
Sejeong : Right
Junghwa : Next question please
Jungkook : Yes , "To LE , does Suga says 'I Love You' ?"
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : Yoongi ?
Suga thinking : This question is your choice , Noona *smiles*
LE : Yes , he does
Jiwoo : Why ? Does he not say it ?
Solji : Not at all
V : Not even to us
Junghwa : So Oppa does say it to you
LE nods : Yes
Suga smiles embarrassedly : ...
Hani : Look at his face
B.E laughs : Haha
Sejeong : Why are you so shy ?
Suga : I don't know *chuckles* I don't know
Solji : But it's cute , only for LE huh ?
Suga smiles : ...
Jungkook smiles : To JiMon , "how often are your dates ?"
Jiwoo : Mm... we will try to plan it in advance just in case , usually when we are free
RM : We are trying to maintain a 2 weeks once or twice
Jiwoo : Right , so we don't see each other too much or too little
Hani : But isn't it still a bit too little ?
RM : Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Jiwoo : We will maintain and manage
RM : If we are very free , we will make it twice a week
Sejeong : Ohh
Hyerin : There's a similar question to BRIGHT , how often are your dates ?
JHope : Well... not very often
Sejeong nods : I'm busy , Oppa's busy too
JHope : About once a month ?
B.E : ... !
Sejeong : Yes
JHope : It hasn't been a problem actually
Solji : I would say BRIGHT is unique
LE : Even though they don't see each other much , Hoseok will panic if he hasn't message or call Sejeong once
Solji : "Gosh , Sejeong !"
Sejeong : Ah , really ?
JHope laughs : Haha
Jiwoo : BRIGHT is unique
V nods : ...
Hyerin smiles : "To our YOU , which couple is the most romantic or cutest ?"
Junghwa : It's very hard to pick
Jungkook : Right , all of them make us say 'cute' immediately
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Hyerin : If you have to pick
Junghwa : Mm...
Jungkook : This is hard
Junghwa : Well... all the couples are cute and romantic in their own ways , so they are all cute and romantic . If I have to pick , I think the cutest would be SWAG
LE : Really ?
Junghwa : Yes
Solji : We have seen how it is at the dorm
Junghwa : I-it is romantic too , but the way you too snap at each other and gift presents are in a cute way
Hyerin speaks cutely : Like kindergarten kids~
Jungkook speaks cutely : "Put a sticker on who you like the most"
B.E laughs : Haha
RM : What about romantic ?
Hani : Do you want it to be you ?
RM : No , I'm curious how Junghwa sees us
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Romantic... ? *sighs*
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : Why ?
Solji : Don't sigh
Junghwa : I think I will have to go for BRIGHT
Sejeong : Oh ? Us ?
Junghwa : Yes , it's romantic how you will try to message or call once a day and... a date once a month is unique , and you have been together for 8 months too
JHope : Thank you , Junghwa
LE : What about Kookie ?
Jungkook : Jungkook's pick... JiMon for the cutest
Jiwoo : Oh ?
Jungkook : And SWEET for the romantic
Hyerin : For real ? Why ?
Jungkook : For JiMon , I like how the both of them likes each other for being themselves and we have seen how they tease each other
Hani nods : Right
Jungkook : For SWEET , you two are known as the cute couple
Hyerin nods : ...
Jungkook : Actually , I see it as romantic . The things you two do for each other , the way you two look at each other , there's a deep meaning of love in your actions and eyes
Solji : Oh~
Suga : Kookie touches our hearts
Hyerin smiles : Thank you
Sejeong : Has Jungkook been mad in love before ? You're good at this
Jungkook chuckles : No , no
Jimin thinking : He is , but... he can't
Hyerin : Yes
LE : Jungkook's a romantic boy , he loves romantic movies and he has romantic gestures , I wouldn't be surprised
Junghwa : Agree
Jungkook chuckles : Thank you
Hyerin : Yes , this is for Solji Unnie
Solji : Yes
Hyerin : "Will Jimin appear on your YouTube channel ?"
Solji : Uh... maybe ? If he wants to
Jimin : I don't mind but it's Noona's channel so it's okay
Solji : We'll see , maybe , maybe not
Hyerin nods : Yes
Junghwa : To our Hani V , "who's the most mature ?"
V: Noona
Hani : Ah , me ?
V : I'm playful *laughs* I think Noona's very mature , she is resilient and she has wise advices , Noona is my choice
Hani : Thank you , you are quite mature too
V smiles : I know but I can't beat Noona
Junghwa : "Suga and LE , who gets jealous the most ?"
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : Don't laugh , the fans will know something is up
Hyerin : We'll expose you
Solji : They get very intimidated very easily
JHope laughs : Haha
Suga : No
Junghwa : So who gets jealous the most ?
LE & Suga points each other : ...
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : Noona
LE : Yoongi
Suga : Noona
LE : No , no
Suga : Me
Hani : Oh ?
Suga laughs : I think me actually
LE : So sudden ?
Suga : I don't want to fight . Most of time I'm joking with the members but I think I would get jealous easily , Noona... I think Noona she would get upset , she doesn't show it to me , I think she does . I would get jealous , I would seriously get mad
Hyerin : We know that
B.E laughs : Haha
LE looks at Suga : ...
Jungkook checks card : ... *looks at Hyerin & Junghwa*
Junghwa : ... ?
Jungkook holds laugh : ...
Solji : Why ?
LE whisper : It's been awhile , Min Yoongi
Suga chuckles : Hehe
Jungkook : It looks like it's a good time to ask SWEET... "do you get jealous ?"
B.E laughs : Haha
Jiwoo : What a coincidence ?
Hani : Right
Junghwa : I'm dying
Sejeong : Someone save Unnie please
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : Look at Hyerin's face
Hyerin : I don't know whether to laugh or cry
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin clears throat : Okay... do we get jealous ? Hm... I do sometimes
Hani : For real ?
Jiwoo : You seem like the type to not care , Unnie
Hyerin : Depending on the situation , I think I will get jealous
Solji : Ah , Hyerini is a sensitive type
LE : Right
Sejeong : Then what does you think about Hyung ?
Hyerin : Oppa ? Oppa... will get jealous too
RM : Yes
JHope laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Did you say 'yes' ?
RM : I have seen Jin Hyung jealous before
Hyerin : Ah , really ?
Solji : What was he jealous of ?
RM : Don't remember
B.E laughs : Haha
Jiwoo : TMI
Suga : A little
Hyerin : Please continue
Jungkook : Yes , "Both like anime , do you watch together ?"
Junghwa : Who is this for ?
Jungkook checks card : Oh ?
Hyerin : I think this is for SOULIGHT
Jungkook : PD-nim , who is this for ?
Director : Uh...
Staff : Solji and Jimin
Junghwa : SOULIGHT
Solji : Uh... no , we should try it soon
Jimin : Right
LE : Both are big fan of One Piece
RM : Right
Jiwoo : Do some of you not watch anime ? I mean... it's because you could tell it's for Unnie and Oppa
Hyerin : We do , but Unnie is a bigger fan
EXID : Right
V : I can imagine both of them watching 'One Piece' at the dorm
Hani : Yes , we should find a day to leave both of them home alone
Sejeong : You can watch 'One Piece' together then
Solji : Yes , thank you
Jimin : You can leave tomorrow
LE : 야
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : "Do an aegyo please !"
LE : No !
B.E laughs : Haha
Jiwoo : Act cute for the camera ?
Hyerin : For your partners
LE : Ah !
Solji : Do you want to go first ?
LE : First and last are the worst choice ?
Suga : Noona , it's better to go first
Jimin : It's a recording and it will go up on YouTube , it'll be there forever
LE : Ah , I hate it
Hyerin : We are having a crisis , please hold on
Director : You can take some time to warm up , we will cut this out
Junghwa : Oh~ thank you , thank the PD
B.E : Thank you
Jimin : ... ?
Hani : Wow , Junghwa
Junghwa laughs : It's not what you think
Solji : Please don't edit the video too much
RM : Yes , we want to keep it honest with our fans
Sejeong : Right
Suga : Should we go first ?
LE : ... *sighs*
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Jungkook : Noona , hwaiting
V : Hwaiting
LE holds laugh : ...
Junghwa : To the camera please
LE looks at camera : ... *inhales*
Suga thinking : Hwaiting !
LE speaks cutely : When are you going to let Hyojin win at basketball , Yoongi-ah ? *looks at Suga*
Suga blinks : Goodness
B.E laughs : Haha
LE covers face : ...
Solji : No , no , that was good !
Jiwoo : He will let you win the next one
Hani : If you are losing , just do that for him
B.E laughs : Haha
V : We should do that too
Junghwa : Yes , now it's Oppa's turn...
Suga : ...
RM : He needs to think of something
Suga pouts : ...
Junghwa : No , no , you can't do that
Solji : LE sees this on a daily basis , that's not accepted
Sejeong & Jiwoo laughs : Haha
V : Something else , Hyung
Suga : Well... Yoongi needs an angel who can protect him , are you her ?
LE : It's cute
B.E chuckles : Hehe
LE : That was better than mine
Junghwa : No , you're just embarrassed
Jiwoo : Right
Solji : That was a great aegyo
Suga : Really ?
Sejeong : It was
Junghwa : Hani Unnie ?
Hani : Ah , let me think first
RM : Yes , sure
Hani whines : Stop playing your games , please stop , I want to spend time *covers face* Oh my...
V laughs : Goodness , geez
LE : Both are embarrassed
V nods : I will lessen it a little
Hani : Wow ! *laughs* I was kidding , I didn't know what to say
V : Still...
Solji : Cute
Jungkook : Hyung , your turn
V : I will just do a random aegyo
RM : Sure
Sejeong : We didn't say it have to relate your relationship
LE & Suga : ...
Junghwa laughs : Unnie~
LE sighs : Then I wouldn't have used basketball in mine
Hyerin : It's just an aegyo , we can even use the famous ones
LE nods : ...
Suga : It's okay , I needed that
B.E : Ohh
Jungkook : Hyung wants to start
V clears throat : Why aren't you sleeping yet ? You have work tomorrow , you need to rest . Unless... are you skipping work to spend time with me ? No no , you have to sleep now . Good night~
B.E : Ohh
Jiwoo : That's not bad
LE : That was lengthy
V : As long as it's cute , it won't be lengthy
Hani laughs : Right
Junghwa : W-well , Oppa
JHope holds laugh : You're not feeing well ? Why didn't you take care of yourself ? Hobi don't like seeing you sick... *pouts*
B.E : Oh~
Hani : Hold on , are we even doing aegyo anymore ?
Hyerin : If it's cute , it counts
Solji : What ?
Jimin laughs : Let's just do it however we like it
Hyerin : Yes , we should
Junghwa : We should be comfortable
Sejeong : Why are you eating alone ? Give Sejeong some please~
JHope eye smiles : ...
LE : They're good
Junghwa : You did good , Unnie
Hani : Right
Solji : They have positive vibes , they are used to it
Suga whisper : It's okay , I like it
LE smiles : ...
Hyerin : Shall we see our leader's aegyo ?
RM : Oh , I'm bad at this...
Solji : It's okay , just try
Junghwa : It doesn't matter if it's bad or good
Jungkook : Right
Hyerin : It's just among us
Jimin : And the viewers
LE : They won't be able to comment , only us
RM : I'll try my best
B.E : Yes !
RM inhales : What do you mean I'm not cute ? Tall guys can be cute too
B.E : Oh~
Hani : Wow
Junghwa : Daebak
LE : That was good
Sejeong : A lot of people say tall people can't be cute , that was great
Jimin : Right !
Hyerin : Who said tall guys can't be cute ? Oppa's cute
JHope laughs : We know
Jiwoo : That will be hard to beat
Jungkook : It's not a competition
Solji : Right
Jimin : It's just a request
Jiwoo clears throat : Stop stealing my food and buy your own... *frowns* this is mine...
Hani : Oh , like a kid
RM : This is a new side of Jiwoo
Jiwoo : What ? No !
Sejeong : So you have act cute for him before ?
RM : She is already cute
B.E : Ohh
Junghwa : It's getting hot in here
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Solji : Ah , sorry
Junghwa : Yes...
Hyerin : Do you want to leave ?
Junghwa : No , it's okay . Yes , our leader !
Solji purse lips : ...
LE : Give us your best~
Solji speaks cutely : Do you want to hear my rhyme ? Doe a deer , a female deer ; ray , a drop of golden sun ; me , a name I call myself ; far , long , long way to run~ do you know what is so ? So is Soul on the G note for you to listen to~
B.E : Ohh
LE : Sense , sense
Jimin : Does that count as an aegyo ?
Solji : 야
Suga : He teases you because he likes you
Hani : Oh
V : He just wants Noona to do another one
Junghwa : Aha ! Caught
Jimin laughs : No , don't listen to them
Solji : You do it then...
Jimin makes face : What ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : You made Unnie mad , bad
V : Bad
Jungkook : Bad
JHope laughs : Haha
Jimin : Oh , great timing . Don't be mad... Jimin will treat you well...
Solji makes face : ...
Hyerin : Unnie is not impressed
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : But I was cute , no ?
LE : No
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : That was good though
JHope : Did you purposely made Noona mad so you can do that ?
Jimin : No , it was unplanned
Sejeong : Should we have Unnie and Jungkook do it too ?
Junghwa : Pardon ?
Jungkook : Us ?
Sejeong : For the fans
JHope : I think she's sinking your ships together
Jungkook : Does Noona want to go first ?
Junghwa : What about Unnie ?
Solji : Hyerin will go last
Hani : Hyerin is great at aegyo
Hyerin shakes head : Don't listen to them
Junghwa : Are you coming to see me ?
Jungkook holds laugh : ...
Junghwa : Please come to see me~
Suga : 야...
JHope : Okay !
Solji : 야
Hani : This is favouritism
Jimin laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Sigh... *looks down*
Jungkook looks at Junghwa : ...
Hyerin : Yes , so Kookie's turn ?
RM : Yes
Jiwoo : I'm curious
Jungkook : Please play games with me , that's all I want...
Solji : Ah~
Hani : Cute
LE : Sigh...
Suga : This is favouritism too
Solji : You favourite Junghwa , I will favourite Kookie
Junghwa : Y-yes , let's not fight
LE : Annoying
Hani laughs : Ahaha
Jiwoo : To each their own
Junghwa : Hyerin Unnie
Solji : Do one for Seokjin
Jimin : He will put the video on repeat
JHope : Right *laughs*
Hyerin pokes dimples : ...
Solji : Shy ?
Junghwa : No , she's thinking
Hyerin : I don't know what to do
Hani : Just do whatever you're comfortable with
Sejeong : Right
V : Hyung will be happy either ways
Hyerin looks at camera : Wake up~ Wake up~ Faster wake up and take my morning kiss here , chu~ *blows kiss*
B.E : Oh~
Jungkook : That was great
Junghwa : Right
Solji : Seokjin will be very happy
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : Hyung will wake up immediately
Hani : Right , right
Hyerin thinking : He will stay awake for a long time *smiles*
RM : Next question please
Hyerin : Yes , "What does your partner reminds you of ?"
Solji : As in ?
Junghwa : Anything ? Example , I could say Hyerin Unnie looks like an anime girl
Hyerin : 야
B.E laughs : Haha
Jiwoo : Well...
Solji : Jimin looks like the 'Home Alone' kid
Jiwoo : Oh ?
Solji : During certain times
Jimin laughs : Really ?
Solji : When your hair is blonde
LE : Should we get the stylist to style you in his outfit ?
Jimin laughs : Haha
Sejeong : What does Unnie look like to you ?
Jimin : My girlfriend *smirks*
B.E : Hul~
Jimin laughs : Ahaha
LE : Jimin is the biggest flirt , for real
Jimin : Im Wonhee sunbaenim
B.E laughs : Ahaha
V : Oh , I see it
Solji imitates I.Wonhee : "I don't think we need any long explanations between us"
B.E laughs : Haha *claps*
Sejeong : You sound like him !
LE nods : She should
Jimin : Did you take lessons ?
Solji : I did
Jimin : Really ?
Solji nods : I met him before
RM : Are you two siblings ?
Solji laughs : No , we just look alike
Hyerin : Cute doppelgänger~
Jungkook chuckles : Hehe
Junghwa : Jiwoo and Oppa ?
Jiwoo : I don't know-... ah !
B.E : ... ?
Jiwoo : The kid from Ice Age
Jimin : Pardon ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : The baby ?
Jiwoo : Yes ! Sorry
RM laughs : No , it's okay
Hyerin : Then what does Jiwoo looks like ?
RM : Well... sorry
Jiwoo : Just say it
RM : An Aunty
B.E laughs : Haha
Jiwoo hits RM : ...
RM : A stylist Aunty , you could see her at a market and wonder what is she doing there
Hani : Ah... like those young mom ?
RM : Right ! Her fashion sense is good
Junghwa : Ohh
Jungkook : Then... should we start with SWAG ?
Suga & LE points each other : Cat
LE : What ? 야
V laughs : Ahaha
LE : Yoongi looks like a cat , that's final
Junghwa : Then Oppa , what does Unnie look like ?
Suga : Rabbit ? Cat ? A kid
LE raise eyebrows : 야 , give one answer only
Suga : Fine , a kid
Hyerin : You're going with 'a kid' , final answer ?
Suga : Yes
Junghwa : I understand 'kid' became Unnie is playful , why rabbit or cat ?
Suga : Doesn't she look like a cat ? Noona looks like cute animals , also she likes to use animal filters , she really looks like a cat and rabbit
LE : Aish
Hyerin : Do you want to beat him up ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : Then Hani V ?
Hani : Lion ? I don't know why but a lion
V : Taetae
Jimin & Jungkook : Taetae
V : Angel , Noona looks angelic
Hani : Oh , thank you
Junghwa : Oppa ?
JHope : Doenjang , Kim Doenjang
B.E : Pardon ?
Solji : She looks like Miso soup ?
Sejeong laughs : No , no , my dog
JHope : They look alike , for real
Jiwoo : Ohh
Sejeong : That was sly , Oppa
JHope : Other than Doenjang , I don't know...
Sejeong : Oppa looks like an Eevee
Junghwa : From pokemon ?
Sejeong : Yes
JHope : Me ?
Sejeong : Yes
JHope laughs : Ohh , that's new
Sejeong : I don't know why but Eevee came to mind
LE : Then Hyerin ?
Hyerin : Oppa looks like a vampire , he's pale and young . He's also Light Yagami
Solji : You ?
Hyerin : I don't know... you have to ask Oppa...
Hani : Maybe a chick
Hyerin : That's you
Hani laughs : Right
Hyerin : Please ask the next question
Junghwa : "Draw each other"
Hyerin : Ah... it's that time now
B.E : ... ?
Hyerin : We have prepared sketch pad and pencil for the members to draw their partners
Jungkook : Please draw well~
Solji : The members are great at drawing
Jiwoo : Right
Hani : We have no skill
Hyerin : Please start drawing
Jiwoo : Sigh...
RM laughs : Don't sigh , it's okay
Suga : ...
Hyerin : Yoongi-ssi , please draw
Suga : Please take my drawing from 'B.E School Show' , I did a good job with on Noona
Hyerin shakes head : I'll just focus on drawing Oppa
Junghwa : Yoongi Oppa will draw , don't worry , he's mean that way
Jungkook laughs : Hyung , she dissed you
Suga : I will draw , I just wanted to bring it up
LE looks at Suga : ... ?
Suga : Please draw me prettily
LE nods : Yes...
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : What was that reaction ?
Jungkook : I want to draw too...
Junghwa : Draw , get some sketch pad from the staff
Jungkook : Who or what do I draw... ?
JHope laughs : Goodness
Junghwa : Ohh , the members looks quite serious , we'll see their best
Hani : Hopefully
Jiwoo : We're dead
Junghwa : Are you done ?
Hani : Almost
Jimin : You should walk around a little if you want
Junghwa : It's okay . Ohh , Kookie's enjoying his drawing too
Hyerin : Don't draw too much , you can draw more after the show
Jungkook : Mm !
LE laughs : Haha
Hani : Why ?
LE : Ah , I'm screwed... Yoongi's drawing is coming out great
Suga smiles : Don't peek
Sejeong : How well is he doing ?
LE : Better than 'B.E School Show'
Suga looks at LE : ...
LE : Alright , I'll look at Junghwa
Junghwa laughs : Haha *checks card*
Jungkook : Are you going through the questions ?
Junghwa : Yes , we have a lot...
LE : Maybe you should ask a question while we draw
Hani : No , don't
Solji : We need to focus when we draw
Junghwa : If only our drawing is nice
Jungkook : Noona just dissed all of us , even herself
Junghwa : Should I ask LE Unnie one ?
LE : Am I the only one done ?
Hani : I'm done too but I might add something
V : ... ?
Solji : Ask only one
Junghwa : Yes , to LE Unnie , "do you play basketball together ?"
LE : Yes , we do
Solji : Yeah , she doesn't win
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : She will
LE : Unnie , focus on your drawing please
Junghwa : We should have a time limit
JHope peeks : ... ! *purse lips*
Jiwoo : What did you do ?
JHope : Nothing , nothing
Sejeong looks at JHope : How does it look ?
JHope : Great , I'm happy
Sejeong chuckles : Hehe
Junghwa : Everyone is almost done , yes~ Hyerin Unnie changed her page just now , is she going to draw Oppa again ?
Jungkook puts hand out : ...
Junghwa : What ? Why ? Card ? *hands card* Here
Jungkook : Thank you
Jimin laughs : Goodness
Jungkook : What ?
V : I thought he was laughing at Noona for a second there
Jimin : No , I'm sure Noona did good
Solji shakes head : ...
Jimin : Don't do that , we'll see it later
Hani : Are you drawing too ?
Junghwa : Pardon ? No
LE : This video will be as long as our concert
Hyerin : No
RM : Maybe about 20 to 30 minutes only
Jiwoo : Right
Solji : If it's long , it's okay
JHope : We will give them content
V : We don't have a company for B.E
Suga : We are the company
LE : Pardon ?
Junghwa : A-Ah , don't simple say stuff please
Hani thinking : Yoongi , don't...
Hyerin : Are we all done ?
B.E : Yes !
Hyerin : Let's see the first one... JiMon !
Jiwoo : Ah ! *laughs*
RM : Why ?
Jiwoo shows drawing : ...
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : But it looks like him
Jimin : Right
Solji : You captured his face well
Sejeong : That's great
Jiwoo : Thank you
Hyerin : Kim Namjoon-ssi
RM shows drawing : Here , ta-da
Hani : It's cute
Jiwoo : Oppa's good at drawing cute things
Solji : Kim Namjoon , I didn't know
RM chuckles : Now you do
LE : You didn't draw very well for 'B.E School Time'
RM nods : Yes *laughs*
Junghwa : That means Oppa improved
Hyerin : It looks a little like Junghwa
Jungkook : No
Hyerin : Maybe because of the hair
Junghwa : Right
Hyerin : Yes , Hani V please
Hani : Yes *shows drawing & laughs*
Junghwa : Unnie needs to go back to school , yes...
Hani : Uh~
V : It's like a cartoon version of me
LE : Taehyung , you're surreal , you can look like an anime character . You're too beautiful , it's not Hani's drawing
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : That was a quick diss
Sejeong : She left no space for Unnie
Hyerin : No , no
Hani : Mean , we'll see yours later
V : Noona did good , I will hang this
Hani : Thank you
V shows drawing : My drawing
Hyerin : Uwa
Junghwa : It gives off abstract feel
V : Yes
Jimin : Taehyung used to be bad at drawing , he has improved a lot
Suga : He has practiced on abstract a lot
Hani hands paper : ... *laughs*
LE : Keep it , Taehyung wants it
Hyerin : Should we go with SOULIGHT ?
Jimin : Yes *shows drawing*
LE : Wow
Hani : You are all talented
Jimin : I don't draw much but I can draw
Sejeong : You capture Unnie's features
Hani : Even her cheeks
Hyerin : Yes , and her eye , nose , lips
LE : Everything , everything
Jungkook : 너의 눈 코 입 날 만지던 네 손길
Solji : Oh~
Hani : You can sing that for your future girlfriend
Jungkook chuckles : If I get one
Hani : You will , you will
Hyerin nods : Unnie ?
Solji shows drawing : Sorry
Jimin : Oh , I like it
Solji : Don't lie
Jimin : No , Noona , look . The hair is the same , no ?
BTS : It is
Jimin : And my lips , I don't like it but Noona made it look nice
Hani thinking : No one can tell if Jimin is lying for Unnie or not
LE : Why don't you like your lips ?
Jimin : Isn't it plump ?
Suga : Noona's lips are plump too
LE : A little
Suga : Except she's more noisy
LE : 야 *hits Suga*
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : She has a mouthful
LE : You too
Suga laughs : Haha
Sejeong : Hyung , you're being mischievous
Jiwoo : Isn't Solji Unnie's lips plump too ?
Solji : Yes , it is
LE : Don't say anything
Suga : I don't intend to diss Noona
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : Can I change my place ? Geez
Jimin : I like my lips sometimes , I really hate it sometimes . Noona's drawing is making me like it *smiles* I'm satisfied
Solji looks at Jimin : ...
Hyerin : Yes , should we look at BRIGHT's ?
JHope : Sorry *laughs* Sorry
Sejeong : Why ? Let me see , let me see *looks at drawing* It's okay
JHope : Not compared to yours
Hyerin : Please show the drawing , we can't see it
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Hyerin : What's so funny ? It's true
Jungkook nods : ... *holds laugh*
Junghwa laughs : Gosh
JHope shows drawing : Here
Solji : Oh
Hani : It's like a cute drawing , what do they call it ?
LE & Junghwa : Chibi ?
Hani : Right
JHope : I can't draw... I spent my life dancing
Jiwoo : Me too
RM : You guys did great
Sejeong : It's the effort that counts
JHope smiles : ...
Sejeong : This is... mine *slowly flips sketch pad*
B.E : Wow
Hyerin : I thought it was bad when she hesitated
Sejeong : No , I didn't want Oppa to feel bad
LE : It's very good
Jiwoo : Unnie , are you one of the Drawing YouTube account ?
Sejeong laughs : No
Jiwoo : No ?
Sejeong : No
Jimin : Sejeong can draw
V : Right
JHope : It's one of your hobby , right ?
Sejeong : Yes
JHope : There we have it
RM : I think Jiwoo is envious
B.E laughs : Haha
Jiwoo : No
Jimin : It's all over your face
Jiwoo : You're noisy
B.E laughs : Ahaha
V : She never fails to diss you
Hyerin : Yes , our SWAG
LE : I know my skill so... *shows drawing*
V : Noona's looks a little like abstract and cartoon
LE : Which part of it looks like cartoon ?
V : I don't know
LE : 야
B.E laughs : Haha
Jiwoo : It's very well done
Jungkook : It looks realistic
Jimin : Noona , I didn't know you could draw
LE purse lips : ...
Hyerin : Hey , Unnie helped designed one of our lightstick
BTS : Really ?
Hyerin : Yes !
RM : Ohh
Jimin : You drew me badly for 'B.E school show'
LE : You're hard to draw . Hey , our stylist gave you a smoky makeup after all
Jungkook : Oh , right
Jimin nods : Thank you for pointing that out , I look more handsome on stage now
Hyerin : Yoongi ?
Suga : Don't be surprised *shows drawing*
Junghwa : Wow
LE : Kk~
Solji : Hidden talent ?
Suga : Just like Taehyung , I improved my art skills over the years . Noona's an art , so I should draw her well
Hani : Kya~
LE : What was that ?
Suga laughs : Yes , this is my drawing of Noona
Solji : Looks alike
Jiwoo : Right
LE claps : Well done , I'm impressed
Hyerin : We all are . Should I show mine ?
Sejeong : Go ahead
Hyerin shows drawing : Ta-da , Seokjin Oppa !
B.E : Ohh
Suga : That looks great
Hani : It's not professional but it's similar
Solji : Hyerin has always likes arts
Hyerin : This is my best *smiles* Oppa , ask your commanders to print this out for you
RM : Noona , just give it to him when he returns
Jiwoo : A gift
Solji : Send it over
Hani : How ?
LE : Fax it
B.E laughs : Haha
Sejeong : Do they have the machine for it ?
LE : Maybe
Hyerin : I'll keep it , also... I drew our YOU because no one will be drawing them *flips page* Ta-da
Junghwa : Uwa~
Jungkook : Looks like a BT21
Junghwa : Are we chibi ?
Hyerin : I had to draw this quickly so...
Junghwa : Ahh , thank you
Jungkook : Me too , me too *shows drawing*
Solji : Is that us ?
Jungkook : Yes , from my seat
Hani : How did you draw 13 of us that quick ?
Jungkook : It's not perfect yet but...
Junghwa : I notice , Kookie likes to draw us
LE : Really ?
Suga : He has a lot of us at the BTS dorm
Junghwa : Right , he draws us and sometimes colours us and frames us up
V : "Frames us up" *laughs*
Junghwa : 야 , why ?~
Jungkook : Noona drew something too
Junghwa : No no , I was doodling , don't show it
Hyerin : Yes , next question please
Junghwa : Your turn
Jungkook : Not you ?
Junghwa : I asked just now , it's okay
Hyerin : Just ask please
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : 'RM , both of you are different people , how have Jiwoo benefitted you ?'
RM : 'Benefitted me' ?
Junghwa : Yes
Hyerin : I think some of these are international fans' question , the translation isn't clear
Hani : It could be
RM : Um... Jiwoo showed I don't have to change myself for someone I love , she accepted me in my own ways , Jiwoo showers me with love and she lets me do whatever I want although I don't spend time with her
Jiwoo smiles : ...
RM : She benefitted me in helping me know and love myself more
Sejeong : Kk~
Junghwa : Love is in the air
Hyerin : Did the love bug landed ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : Yes , the viewers might be confuse
Jimin : It's a B.E joke
Jungkook : Yes
Junghwa : Next , please
Jungkook : "Hani-ssi , can you read Taehyung's emotions ?"
Hani : Pardon ?
RM : Taehyung has an expressionless face sometimes and people misunderstand it
Hani : Ah... sometimes ? Because *laughs* I'm usually daydreaming or talking to the members when we have schedules
V nods : ...
Hani : I know when is he angry , so yes but sometimes ?
Hyerin : Yes , we'll accept that answer
Jungkook : "Seokjin's looks , is he handsome ?"
Hyerin : I don't have to answer this , Oppa is handsome . When you look at him , it's too surreal , 'am I dreaming or is this real ?'
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Like That
Solji : Hyerin-ah , you'll make people jealous
Hyerin : ... ! *smirks*
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : Noona has learn the ways
Hyerin : "Who cooks the most ?" , I think Oppa does but for now... me
B.E nods : ...
Hyerin : "Hyerin Unnie , is Oppa a great kisser ?" , why should I tell you ? *grins & hands card to Junghwa*
Solji : Wow , Hyerin-ah
JHope : Noona isn't a pure girl
Suga : Right , is this Hyerin ?
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Suga : Hyerin , where did you go , Seo Hyerin ?
Hyerin : 야
Hani : She answered two questions that quickly
Solji : Did you plan that ?
Hyerin : No , the cards are random
Jimin : That was quick
Jiwoo : Right
LE : Hey , you didn't really answer the question
Hyerin looks at camera : Why should I tell you ? Do you want to steal him ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : You purposely asked that didn't you ?
Sejeong : Unnie wanted to see it again !
LE laughs : Haha
Suga : Wow , geez
Hyerin : "Hyerin Unnie , is Oppa a great kisser ?" , yes , he is
B.E : Oh~
Hyerin : Don't get too excited , his kisses are only for me and his family
B.E laughs : Ahaha
Junghwa : Wow
JHope : I'm shocked !
Suga : I have goosebumps
Hani : The Maknaes are going crazy
Jiwoo : How are the EXID members so calm ?
LE : We're used to it
Hani : This is Hyerin
Hyerin : Yes , calm down please
Jimin : Noona , I have a new view of you
Hyerin : Yes , continue
V : Goodness
Junghwa : BRIGHT , "do you watch movies together ?"
Sejeong : No...
JHope : We don't , we should try too
Sejeong : Yes
Jungkook thinking : Invite me too...
Hyerin : I think Kookie wants to join in
Hani : Let them go on a date first
LE : Right , let them watch a movie once together and then the next one will be with you
Jungkook : No , it's okay , I can watch with the members anytime I want
Sejeong : We will invite you , I promise
Jungkook : It's okay
Junghwa : Mm... we'll leave this for later *shuffles card*
LE : Why ?
Jiwoo : Why are you shuffling ?
Junghwa : You will see... we will set the mood nicely
B.E : Yes~
Junghwa : Our SWAG
LE : Yes
Junghwa : "Are you guys touchy ?"
B.E : Pardon ?
Solji : Sorry , is this allowed ?
Hani : The question sounds wrong
LE : Um... if we're talking about being moody , Yoongi has never been touchy with me , although he will get upset
Suga smiles awkwardly : ...
LE : He will never scold me , yes
Suga : Noona... is not touchy with me , she will be with B.E and might unintentionally scold me , but overall , no
LE : If we are talking about... physical touch
Jimin : Love language
LE : 야
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : I don't think we're touchy
Suga : I don't think we are but I like to hold Noona's hand
LE : Right , he does
Suga : It's soft
Junghwa : Yes... Hani Unnie , "does V cook for you ?"
Hani : No , he doesn't
V : I don't want to poison Noona
Hani : Try , one day
V : Pardon ?
Hani : It's okay
V : One day...
Hani : Yes~
Junghwa : Pick a card , any card
Jungkook laughs : I'll go with...
Solji mouthing : (Maknaes) *makes face*
B.E holds laughs : ...
Junghwa : Check your card please
Jungkook chuckles : SWEET , "who is a better gamer ?"
Hyerin : Uh... it's hard to say , I never really joined game with Oppa
Jimin : Noona usually plays with us
Hyerin : I have played Mario with him , obviously he is better... I think we're about the same
Suga : Agree
V : Hyung , you don't even play with any of us
Suga : I watch
Jungkook : I would say both are even , Hyung and Noona are really about the same
V : Right
Junghwa : Yes , why did you read your card out ?
Jungkook laughs : Noona's acting is good
Hyerin : Junghwa's an actress
Jungkook : Wow , so real
LE : Improv is good too
Jungkook : This is for Sejeong Noona
Sejeong : Yes
Jungkook : "Do you think JHope is a great singer?"
Sejeong : I haven't heard him sing live except on stage , I think his singing is cool . I think he can debut solo , singing , dancing and rapping and producing... wow
B.E chuckles : Hehe
JHope smiles : Thank you
LE : Hey , Jung Hoseok
Jimin laughs : Ahaha
LE : You don't act like that when we compliment you
JHope laughs : Sorry , I will react well the next time
LE : Please
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : To Solji Unnie , "What are the charming points of Jimin ?"
Solji : Jimin himself is charming , mm... his lips and eyes are charming . His physical appearances is good too , muscles and abs
EXID holds laugh : ...
Solji : And Jimin's charisma is interesting , he is prefect
Hani : Unnie's wordplay is not good today
Junghwa : Yes !
LE : Unnie lacks words
Solji laughs : Yes...
Jiwoo whisper : Didn't they asked this already ?
Hyerin : To Yoongi , "Is LE mean to you ?"
Suga : Yes , Noona's mean to me
LE : Geez
Suga : Noona's mean because she's too lovely
B.E : Ohh
Suga laughs : Noona is mean , but it's okay . Also , Noona is not always nice , she's also quite nice and caring
Hani : Are you bipolar ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : "Handsome V and Beautiful Hani , the visuals of the group , will we see both of you modelling together ?"
Hani : Mm...
V : No ?
Hani : First , I don't mind but BTS has a contract where they can't accept any contract individually... it depends
V nods : Right
Junghwa : Oh , it's okay , just look at the B.E album
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : You're really brazen
Jungkook : Noona's bored
Sejeong : She's not wrong , if you guys can pose together in the album , you guys are modelling together
Junghwa : Right ! See ? Sejeong gets it
Sejeong : I got you
Junghwa smiles : This is for SWEET , "do you contact often ?"
Hyerin : Now ? During Oppa's enlistment ? Yes , we do , usually after a good day *chuckles* I don't want to disturb Oppa...
Junghwa : It's okay , I'm sure he knows
LE : Right *clear throat & coughs*
Solji : How often ?
Hyerin : About 3-4 times a week
Junghwa : Ohh
Suga hands water : ...
LE whisper : Thank you
Suga whisper : Don't fall sick
Hyerin : I haven't written a letter to Oppa once , I should try
RM : Give it some special feel
Hyerin : Right
Jiwoo : Has Oppa wrote a letter for you ?
Hyerin : He has , touching letters...
Jungkook shuffles card : ...
Solji : Why are you guys shuffling ? I'm curious
Junghwa : You'll know
Jungkook : These few questions focuses on Hyerin Noona
Hani : Famous couple
Hyerin chuckles nervously : No , no
Jungkook : "Have you been to each others' house?"
Hyerin : Yes , we have
LE : Didn't Seokjin do something special ?
Hyerin : Yes , that was at the BANANA CULTURE room
JHope laughs : Haha
Sejeong & Jiwoo : ... ?
Hyerin : Oppa is crazy , yes !
Jiwoo : I'm sure the fans will wonder about Oppa's house
Hyerin : We have been to each others' house , I only ate there once or twice . If you're wondering about it because it's in Hannam The Hill , uh... I don't know what to tell you *chuckles* I just enter and leave his house
Suga : Sounds like a thief
Hyerin makes face : Next question please
Jungkook : It's your turn
B.E laughs : Haha
Jungkook : I'll ask... Oh , there's one for SWAG , "What are you surprised of each other ?"
LE : For me , Yoongi's skills . It's an neverending list of surprise , he can do a lot , I'm envious
Suga : Don't be
Solji : Hey , people gets envious of the talented , you can't tell her not to
Jiwoo : Right
Suga : Let my skills and knowledge be used to care for you , don't need to be surprised and envious
B.E : Ohh
Hani : This is SWAG
Junghwa : Oppa's very caring , it depends if he wants to show it or not
Hyerin : What's your answer ?
Suga : Mm... Noona , in general
Sejeong : Oh , why ?
Suga : Well... Noona seems mean but she's really nice and she does things in secret
Jiwoo : Like ?
Suga : She paid for her members' meal once
Hani thinking : Oh
LE : ... !
Suga : It might sound like nothing , but it was expensive and she did it in secret very well
LE smiles : ...
Suga : I think Noona will think she doesn't have any skills compared to mine but she can cook , it's a basic thing , she can sing and dance too , have you heard her sing ?
B.E nods : ...
Suga : And she can produce songs , not a lot of producers are women , she's a prodigy
LE whisper : You're the prodigy
Suga : No , no . I'm surprised by Noona
Junghwa : Wow
Jungkook : Cute
Solji : How do we continue this now ?
Hyerin : Yes *holds laugh* "Is Jin arrogant in front of you ?" , you changed the cards ? 야
Jungkook laughs : Ahaha
Hyerin : Arrogant , as in how ? *chuckles nervously* I think my answer is no because I haven't seen it
Hani : He has jokingly but I don't think Seokjin is that arrogant
Solji : Right
Hyerin : SWAG , "do you spend a lot of time together ?"
Suga : Yes... ?
LE : I think you could say yes
Suga : We would go on dates a lot when we started , we slowed down now
LE nods : ...
Solji : It's okay , just watch another movie tonight , you will spend some time again
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : Sleeping on his shoulder ?
Hani : Yes
Junghwa : Yes , now... please be prepared
Jiwoo : You make it sound scary
Junghwa : The questions are to be taken seriously and you might be offended
B.E : ... ?
Junghwa : For our SOULIGHT , "What are the touching moments for you ?"
Solji : It's hard to answer , we have been on a lot of different dates , I don't even remember some of it
Jimin : Touching moments ? Mm... I have two of Noona
Hani : Please share it with us
Hyerin : Don't give TMI
Jimin : Yes , the first one was when Noona confessed , I was shocked but now that I think about it , Noona chose me over someone else
Suga : It was not easy ?
Jimin : No *chuckles* When a few men are fighting for one women , your chances are low , all I could do was look at Noona like a member and watch others catch her... I'm touched that Noona came to me and I didn't even do anything
Solji : Ah... you spend a lot of time with me , sorry
Jimin : No , I should have done something too
Solji : Were you hurt ?
Jimin : A few times *laughs*
Sejeong : Unnie , heal him well
Solji : I will
Jimin smiles : Another one is... it's more on Noona , Noona was having a hard time , I could tell she was annoyed and scared , she was stressed , she held it in
RM : Hold on , is this as our leader ?
Jimin : This situation is not related to B.E , it's a personal situation
RM : Ahh , continue
Jimin : I don't know if Noona cried , but I'm touched by how she held it in , though I wished she told me
Solji : You were there with me , that's enough
Jimin : I know but you could have talk to me , I can listen to your problems
Solji nods : We'll talk more
Jimin smiles : ...
Junghwa : Then Unnie , what's yours ?
Solji : Ah... I think I'll go with this , I don't know if Jimin notices but... dating him is my touching moments with him
B.E : ... ?
Solji : I will be honest , we don't go out a lot so there's not much but recollecting our times together , it is... ah , it's touching
Junghwa : Why , Unnie ?
Sejeong : Please explain
Solji : Jimin... worries about me , he won't bring up a topic I dislike and he will try to comfort me . Jimin loves me unconditionally , he doesn't care about anything . Also , he would make breakfast and deliver it to me when he's up to something or when I'm sick
B.E : Ohh
Jimin smiles : ...
LE : Cute
Hyerin : Jimin-ssi~
Jiwoo : You look like you're going to cry
Jimin chuckles : No , no . Noona might though , we should prepare tissue
Hyerin : I will second that sentence
LE : Why ?
Sejeong : Is it all going to be touching questions ?
Jungkook : Is it okay if we continue ?
Solji : Yes , go ahead
Junghwa : To Jiwoo , "how supportive is RM ?"
Jiwoo : Very , he comes to most of our showcase or program and waits in the waiting room . Sometimes I think he waits for awhile for our program to finish and I feel very sorry towards him-...
RM : It's okay , sometimes I arrive just when you end
Jiwoo : Don't lie... Oppa will accompany me during my dance practices , he will even dance with me sometimes
Solji : Dance with you ?
Jiwoo : Yes
Solji : Oh *nods* Okay
Junghwa : Is his dancing good ?
Jiwoo : Very
Jimin : Hyung~
V : Hobi Hyung got his eyes on you
B.E laughs : Haha
Jiwoo nods : Oppa is supportive
Junghwa hands card : ...
Jungkook : Oh , right . To Hani V , "what are your darkest secrets ?"
V : Each other's darkest secrets ?
Hani : First , I don't know if a fan or not send this and who picked this question... using information like this isn't very nice . And it is a secret , a dark one , in fact , why should we tell you ?
B.E : ...
V : To answer you , we don't have one
Hani : Even if we do , that's not your place to know
Hyerin : Right !
Sejeong : Please respect our privacy
Jiwoo : Right , we have privacy rights , we can choose whether to tell you or not
Solji : It's okay , just let them violate our privacy
B.E : ... ? *laughs*
Suga : Noona , you scared me for a second there
RM : That was good
JHope : Sounds like something Junghwa would say
Junghwa : I wanted to but... no
LE : Please ask the next question
Jungkook : Hyerin Noona , "What is the best thing Jin has done ?"
Hyerin : Best thing Oppa has done... ?
Jungkook : Yes
Hyerin : Mm... this answer might sound nonsense but when Oppa confessed
Jiwoo : Oh ?
Hani : That's an odd answer
Sejeong : Why ?
Hyerin : If Oppa didn't confessed , we wouldn't have been dating , that lead to great adventures and interesting journeys . Dating Oppa , I would say that's my touching moments . Oppa walking with me and cooking with me , playing games and doing arts together *smiles*
LE : Kookie really likes love stories
Junghwa : Look at his smile
RM chuckles : Cute
Jungkook : That's your answer ?
Hyerin : Another great thing Oppa has done was to enlist , it was manly of him
B.E : Ohh
Hyerin nods : ...
LE thinking : Hyerin wants to say 'I like my man like that'
Solji : Cute , cute
Sejeong : Touching
Hyerin smiles : I'll ask the next question now
B.E : Yes
Hyerin reads card : ... ?
B.E : ... ?
Hyerin : "Hyerin and Jin , what do you dislike of each other ?"
Junghwa : Is it traits or... ?
Hyerin : I think it could be anything , right ? Dislikes ? Mm...
B.E : ... ?
Jungkook thinking : Noona , you have dislikes of Hyung ?
Hyerin : I don't think I have any dislikes , no , I don't have any dislikes except one . First thing first , Oppa is perfect as he is , he is really caring and loving , he does a lot for me *smiles* Thank you , Oppa
Hani : Then what do you dislike ?
Hyerin : Secrets
B.E : Pardon ?
Hyerin : Oppa keeps secrets from me
Jungkook : ... !
Hyerin : Oppa... suffers a lot , a lot of people gives him stress and pressure... he will hide those from me , I don't like it . It's okay if Oppa wants to keep some secrets to himself , he will open up when he's ready but I don't want him to keep this type of secrets
B.E : ...
Junghwa thinking : D-does Unnie know ?
Hyerin smiles : That's what I dislike of Oppa , I don't know if Oppa has any dislikes , I can't answer that for him , sorry
Sejeong : Don't apologise
Jiwoo : Right
Solji : Junghwa , you seem deep in thoughts
Junghwa : No , no *laughs* Did I ?
Jungkook nods : ...
Junghwa : Continue
Hani : ... ? *looks at LE*
LE & Suga : ... ? *looks at each other*
Hyerin : "How did you take it when your dating was unintentionally revealed ?"
Sejeong : Ah , us ?
Hyerin : I think so
Sejeong : Well...
JHope : Sorry
Sejeong : It's not your fault , we both wanted it . We took it quite well , me and Oppa didn't fight over it , it's not Oppa's fault
JHope chuckles : It slipped out of my mouth
Solji : Of course it had to
LE : Everyone was talking about spending time with their partner , you wanted to do it too
JHope : Yes
Sejeong : I'm sorry to Oppa , we can't meet much and... it created a scandal for him
JHope : You too , the fans didn't take it lightly
Sejeong : It's okay , I was okay , Oppa called to check up on me *smiles*
JHope chuckles : I did
Sejeong : I say we took it pretty well
Solji : Yes... most idol couples will break up after it has been revealed
Jiwoo : Because of stress
B.E : Yes...
Hyerin smiles : I'm happy for you two
JHope : Thank you , Noona . Noona spoke to me about it , it was a relief
Sejeong : Don't bear it on your own , we have each other , I will give you a massage if your shoulder can't bear it anymore
JHope laughs : It's okay , thank you
LE : Are you two okay ?
Junghwa laughs : No
Hani : Is it too lonely there ?
Junghwa : No , no
Jungkook : Yes , it is
Junghwa : 야
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Next question please
Junghwa : Yes , our SWAG , "Sorry if you didn't want this to be brought up , but I was wondering about the 2018 Christmas Kiss . What happened that day ?" , the person left a nervous face
Suga : Is that what they call it ?
RM : You call it that too
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : Hyung , don't act so surprised
Suga laughs : Uh... how do I say this ?
LE : 'What happened that day' ? How did it happen ?
Junghwa : Yes
LE : Well...
Suga : Me and Noona liked each other around that time , well... the timing was perfect
Solji : There was a spark ?
Suga : Yes , there was a spark *laughs* and... I guess it kind of happened *nods*
Sejeong : Who moved in first ?
LE raise hand : Me , I kissed him first
Solji : Oh~
LE makes face : You heard the story before
Solji : Still
LE :  Me and Yoongi went out for Christmas shopping and we stopped at the traffic light , the feeling was great and...
Suga : It happened , we kissed
LE : Yes
Hani : Unnie , you're not shy
LE looks away : 야...
Jiwoo : She got embarrassed after you said it
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : That's how it happened
Suga nods : ...
Junghwa : Yes , now we will be reading questions for everyone... *clears throat* "What was your most expensive gift received ?"
Jiwoo : Oppa... made something for me on our anniversary , I think that's the most expensive gift
RM : I don't... buy Jiwoo a lot of things , yes...
Jiwoo : It's okay , don't waste your money
Hyerin : What about the others ?
Sejeong : Oppa bought me this bear , big bear...
Hani : Taehyung's time ? I didn't want Taehyung to buy me anything
RM : Free dancing class from Jiwoo
B.E laughs : Haha
RM : What ?
Jungkook : Goodness , Hyung
RM : Also... photos by Jiwoo
Sejeong : Ooh
LE : I think the most expensive thing I got is Shooky from Jungkook and Junghwa
Jungkook : Oh , Noona remembers
Hani : We're asking you and Yoongi
Suga : Our gifts are average price
LE : Right , unless you count flowers and a CD as expensive
Solji : CD ?
LE : Yoongi gave me a Big Bang CD
Suga : Oh , Noona remembers . Noona doesn't spoil me but one of my favourite gift would be a jacket with 'Loco' behind
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : I remember that gift clearly
Hani : Isn't that the most expensive ?
Suga : Don't know , I think so
LE : I didn't give you that when we were dating
Suga : The question didn't state , next please
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : Jimin's love ? I think it sounds cheesy but Jimin is a really good boyfriend
Jimin : Oh , thank you *smiles*
Jiwoo : What about you ?
Jimin : Last year's birthday present , Noona bought me clothes and treat me to lunch
Sejeong : Oh~
Hani : You like it ?
Jimin : Of course *holds laugh*
Solji : ... ! *looks at Jimin*
Jiwoo : What about Hyerin Unnie ?
Solji thinking : Jimin isn't only talking about clothes and lunch !
Jimin looks at Solji : What ?
Solji hits Jimin : ...
Hyerin : I'm talking here !
Solji : Sorry , Jimin is bugging me
Hani : He didn't do anything
Solji sighs : Never mind
Jimin laughs : Ahaha
Jungkook : That's a mischievous laugh
JHope : Continue , Noona
Hyerin : Oppa's most expensive gift was Jeju , yes *nods* Oppa doesn't give me much presents , so Jeju was the most expensive
LE whisper : Should mine be Maldives ?
Suga chuckles softly : Haha *holds LE's hand*
Jungkook : "Reaction if your partner is an addict ? Drugs , smoke , drink and etc."
Suga : Well... Noona drinks a lot
LE : Yes
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : Drinking and smoking should be okay , just... you must have a limit , I wouldn't want anyone to get sick . Yes , this applies to the members too . Drugs ? I think I would hate it , however I don't think Noona will do drugs , so I don't have an answer
Solji : Then what about you , Hyojin ?
LE : Well... it depends , if it's taken in excess , I hate it . If you have control , you take just a little , it should be okay
Suga : Even drugs ?
LE : Yes
Suga : Noona , you're a little too carefree
LE : Ah , really ?
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Hyerin : Hani and V ?
Hani : I think same as Yoongi , it's okay if you control it , but I don't support drugs unless you're prescribed by a doctor
Hyerin : Taehyung ?
V : Mm... I don't support drugs , I think I'm the same as Hyung
Suga : Some people destress with alcohol and cigarette so it's okay
LE : Some by weeds and drugs
Suga : But they are much worst... no ?
Jiwoo : Some are smuggled illegally too
Hyerin : Are all of you the same answer as Yoongi ?
Junghwa : We're running out of time *chuckles nervously* we still have some questions to ask *tilts head*
Sejeong : I think I will go with LE Unnie's... answer
JHope : ... ?
Jiwoo : I don't think I will like all of it
Junghwa : Uh...
Jungkook thinking : Noona's panicking
RM : Hold on , we're asking about our own partner , not the laws
Jungkook thinking : Thank you , Hyung
Solji : For now , just focus on each other
Suga : I will keep my answer as the same
LE : Me too
Hyerin : Same for Hani V ?
V nods : ...
Hyerin : BRIGHT ?
Sejeong : My answer will be the same
JHope : I'll go with Yoongi Hyung , I don't want anything bad happen to Sejeong *chuckles nervously*
Hyerin : Namjoon ?
RM : I have two views on this but I'll go with LE Noona because I don't control my partner
Jimin : Just give the other view
RM : I just don't want my partner to be jailed or obsessed... that's where I would agree with Yoongi Hyung
Hyerin : Jiwoo ?
Jiwoo : No to all
B.E : ... !
Jiwoo : I don't want you to get sick... maybe now I'll say 'no' but in the future , I'll be okay
RM smiles : Don't worry , I won't
Jiwoo : You should have your freedom , but for now , that's my opinion
Hyerin : Then , Jimin and Unnie ?
Solji : Ah... mm...
Jimin : This is hard to answer
Hani : Give an answer that you will go for
Jimin : If Noona wants to smoke or drink , I'll support her . If she's an addict , I'll stay by her side until she rehabs
Solji : Ah , I think would disagree with Jimin being an addict
Jimin : Oh , it's okay , I don't want to upset Noona and... it's all negative things
Solji : Oh , I want to drink with you
Junghwa holds laugh : Unnie
Solji : I think I will let Jimin have it his way but... sorry , I would want him to control his addiction
Jimin : The only addiction I need is Noona's love
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : Wow
Junghwa : Nice one
LE : Right
Jiwoo : You had to
Jungkook : Hyung is a flirt *nods* Yes
Solji : What about you , Hyerin ?
Hyerin : I... don't think I will like it if Oppa smokes or do drugs , drinking is okay . Yes , that's my answer
Jungkook : Yes , that's our members' view on the question just now , it wasn't much of a reaction but it's their opinion . Now , "How would the couples settle things ? Example , disagreements"
Solji : This is hard to answer
RM : We haven't fight before
LE looks at Suga : ... *purse lips*
Suga thinking : Me too , I just remembered we have fought before
Hani : I think me and Taehyung... will try to talk and understand each other ?
V : Right , because Noona won't really scold so... we can settle it in a proper manner
Hyerin : Unnie can't scold , she's not scary
Hani sighs : 야
Junghwa : Unnie's too nice
V : So if we ever disagree , we probably will list out our views on things and settle it
Hani : Yes
Jungkook : The others... ?
JHope : What if I don't see any argument with Sejeong ?
Sejeong : Right , me too , I can't picture me fighting with Oppa
Jiwoo : Oh , right
Solji : You two are too nice
Hyerin : I think the only safe one to pass is BRIGHT
Junghwa : 'What if' ?
JHope : Show care ? If Sejeong is angry and she doesn't want to talk , I will maybe try to give her a hug and keep quiet . When she's ready to talk , we'll talk
Junghwa : Let her fire die first
JHope : Yes *laughs*
Sejeong : I think same for me too
Jungkook : Our leaders ?
Jimin : I think I will give Noona some time first before apologising
B.E : Pardon ?
Junghwa : Jimin , what if it isn't your fault
Jimin : Oh right *laughs* I can apologise for being mean too , if maybe I didn't raise my voice , it wouldn't have light a fuel
Jiwoo : True
Jimin : If it's not my fault , I hope I can try to let Noona know she's wrong
LE : Unnie's understanding , she'll listen
Jimin : Yes , give Noona some time and then talk to her
Solji : I would prefer to settle it immediately
Sejeong : Oh ?
Solji : I don't want the fight to last long , I'm willing to listen to what you have to say
Jimin : If I'm angry , it won't be good , Noona
Solji : That's how I would settle it . If you need some time to yourself , maybe I will step back before we talk again
Junghwa : JiMon ?
Jiwoo : Give Oppa some time first
RM : Me too , it's not good to talk when you're angry
Jiwoo : Especially me
B.E chuckles : Hehe
RM : When we both cool down , we will talk again
Jiwoo : Or maybe we might forget the situation
RM : Right *laughs*
Junghwa : SWAG ?
Solji : This answer is tricky
Hani : Right
JHope : Both are stubborn person
LE : Uh...
Suga : In my honest opinion , I don't think we have a correct way to settle it
B.E : ... ?
Suga : Maybe take time away from each other ? No , we get even mad
Hani nods : Unnie can get upset for a long time
LE : I'll get mad and cool down , but hold a grudge
Suga : I think if we wait for each other to cool off , it makes us miss each other but it might light the fuel again
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : Yes
LE : And I think the members know right ? Both of us will keep going at each other
Suga : Unless one of us steps back
Sejeong : I hope both of you won't ever fight
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : Us too
LE : It'll be bloody
Suga nods : Yes
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : Well... Hyerini
V : How did you and Hyung settled your argument ?
Hyerin : Well... I'm a sensitive person , I need some time to calm down before talking again . For me , I would give that person some time because I need the time to think about it and calm down . For Oppa , I think he will be like Solji Unnie , he would want to settle things immediately
V : It depends , because he might get too mad to continue talking
Jiwoo : Have you fought with him before ?
V nods : ...
Suga : But this is Hyerin we're talking about , you know how he is in front of Hyerin
Girls : ... ?
Suga : I'm just saying , Hyung is soft for you , I don't think he can stay mad at you
Hyerin : Really ?
Suga nods : ...
Hyerin : I hope Oppa won't be like that
Jungkook : Noona , I don't want you two to fight
Hyerin : I don't want Oppa to bear it on his own... my answer for Oppa is that he will want to settle things immediately , however I'm not sure if this is his correct answer
RM nods : We can't assume
Junghwa : Next question please
Hyerin : "Describe each other"
Jimin : Can I start first ?
Hyerin : Go ahead
Jimin : Noona's really awesome , she's comfortable with everyone , she's understanding and caring , she's very strong and wise too although she can be cute too *smiles*
B.E : Oh~
Hyerin : Hani's getting worried
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Unnie ?
Solji : Ah ! Jimin , Park Jimin... how do I describe him ? He really understand me , he knows when I'm sad or mad , but he won't say a thing , he will secretly comfort me . He is also a little lovesick , yes...
B.E laughs : Ahaha
Solji : But he's just a cutie who needs love , right ?
Jimin : Yes
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : Jimin is very sporting , he will try to do all kinds of things for me , he's crazy *nods* That's all for now
Hani : Unnie...
LE : Don't
Jimin : Hey , don't cry , we're just describing each other
Suga : Noona might be getting too touched , she just realise what a great boyfriend she has
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Hyerin : Jiwoo and Namjoon
Jiwoo : Do you want to go first ?
RM : No , you can go first
Jiwoo : Yes... Oppa is a gentleman , he's well-mannered and he respects everyone , although he is clumsy , he is caring and loving to everything and everyone . He always try to brighten up my day even though he had a bad day
RM : How is it a bad day when I see you ?
B.E : Ah~
Junghwa : Yes , continue...
Jungkook thinking : Oh , Noona... *frowns*
Jiwoo : Oppa is... just Kim Namjoon , one of a kind
RM smiles : Words can't express how touched I am
Jiwoo : Then don't say anything
LE thinking : Hyerin's worried
RM : Jiwoo is pretty cool , she is also cute *chuckles* She... is a big softie , especially for Tani
Suga : Puppy ?
RM : Yes
Jiwoo : Tani's cute
RM chuckles : Yes , she is . Also , Jiwoo is very playful , she will disturb you , she's a kid , she's not an adult
B.E laughs : Ahaha
RM : Yes , that's all I have for now
Junghwa : Yes... our BRIGHT ?
Sejeong : Oppa... is a handsome , positive guy , I have never seen someone who's so bright , I mean I have but Oppa's personality is positive all the way
JHope : You too
Sejeong : You never get mad at how we can't spend time , you always say "it's okay , it's okay"... he is really compassionate , I like that
JHope smiles : ...
Sejeong : It's your turn now
Jungkook : I think Hyung is speechless now
B.E chuckles : Hehe
JHope : Sejeong... Sejeong is... ah , she is cute and pretty . She is really talented , she can sing and draw and act... and maybe even rap
B.E laughs : Haha
JHope : She has this aura where you can be very comfortable with her
B.E : Right
JHope laughs : It's soothing , I like spending time with you *nods*
Junghwa : Wow , kk~
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Our Hani V
Hani : Should I go first ?
V : Go ahead if you want
Hani : Well... Taehyung's handsome and charming , he has the warmest heart , he is also cuddly like a bear
V : Taetae
Hani : Taehyung always does his best in everything , be it work , friendship or relationship
V smiles : Thank you
Jungkook whisper : Are you okay ?
Hyerin whisper : I'm okay *smiles*
V : Noona's beautiful , she's alluring *laughs* She has a baby face , she had this face since young
Hani smiles : ...
V : Noona's a softie , she can't scold anyone and she's always nice to everyone , however she gets shy easily so she gets scared of people
Solji : Right
Hani : Uh , Unnie !
V : Words can't express Noona anymore , you just need to get to know her
Junghwa : Right
Jungkook : Noona's a great girlfriend and a great girlfriend to Hyung
V nods : ...
Junghwa : Ah... our SWAG
Sejeong chuckles : Love-hate couple ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : They know
Solji : Who doesn't ?
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : Do you want to go first ?
Suga : Noona first
Hani : He might alter something
Suga : Don't be mean
LE : Yoongi is... a passionate perfectionist , he always work hard at the things he love , be it producing or playing basketball
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Please let Unnie win~
Suga : Was that an aegyo ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Jungkook : Noona's trying to speak
LE : Yes , he is caring and willing too , he is crazy
Junghwa : 'Loco'
LE : He is very protective and loving , and he has a lot of aegyo
Suga : Gosh
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Exposed !
Suga : Ah , Noona...
LE : He is mean at times but he has a lot of aegyo
Hani : Right !
Suga : Noona !
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : He is exactly a cat !
Suga : No...
LE : Yes , that's all from me
Suga : That's all ?
Solji : Why ? Unsatisfied ?
Suga : No , it's good enough , I don't want Noona to add more things
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Your turn , Oppa
Suga : Yes... well , Noona is cute , sexy , charismatic and pretty
Jiwoo : Hold on , can you repeat ? I didn't catch what you said
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : No
Junghwa : He will get shy
Jungkook : Please continue
Suga : Noona...
B.E : ... ?
Solji : Ran out of words ?
Suga : ... *nods* I'm stumped
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : How do I describe Noona ? Sorry
LE : No , it's okay , it's not easy
Suga : Well... Noona is so much more than everyone thinks , some of her traits are just inside out . Noona prefers to laze around but she likes to read a lot
LE : ... ?
Suga : Right , she has a huge collection of books , maybe not as huge as Hani Noona or Junghwa , but she reads *nods*
Junghwa : Ohh , he knows
Jungkook : Even we don't know
Jimin : Right
Hani : Call off LEMin
Jimin : Sorry !
B.E laughs : Haha
LE whisper : How do you know ?
Suga whisper : I know Noona
LE : ... ?
Junghwa : Unnie ?
Hyerin : Yes... Oppa is...
Solji thinking : Why does Hyerin looks so worried ?
Jungkook thinking : Noona *holds Hyerin's hand* Hwaiting
Hyerin : Yes , Oppa's a tall , handsome guy with hazel eyes with a blue and red heart... he also has a hair and personality of different colours
V holds laugh : ...
Hyerin : He is also witty and funny , he can be serious at times and I like that , it makes him seem attractive
Sejeong : Oh~
Jimin : Noona was going to do that
Hyerin clears throat : Yes , that's all for Oppa
Hani : ... ?
Jungkook thinking : I guess Noona didn't want to go into deep... is it to make the viewers jealous and curious ?
Hyerin : Should we move on ?
B.E : Yes
Junghwa : Yes , "what do you wants to see of each other ?" And "what are you future plans ? What do you want to try ?"
Hyerin : Did you mix two questions together ?
Junghwa : Yes , it's similar
Hyerin : Ah
Sejeong : I want to see more of Oppa , I want to see what other skills he has aside from dancing , rapping and being cute
JHope laughs : So sudden ?
Sejeong : We don't go out much , I want to get to know you more
JHope : Ah...
Sejeong : Also , I hope we can go out more
JHope nods : Me too , I want to go on a trip
Sejeong : A trip ?
JHope : Yes
Sejeong : It might take awhile
JHope : ...
Sejeong : We're both busy person
JHope : We can do it , we will go on a trip . That's my promise
Sejeong nods : Sure , let's go on a trip
B.E smiles : ...
Hyerin : Our leaders ?
Jimin : I don't have anything I want to see from Noona now... but I wish we can go on a trip too and take some time out of the B.E dorm and schedules and relax together
Solji : Sauna ?
Jimin : Oh , I don't mind
Junghwa : Sorry , didn't one of the members said we should go to a sauna together
Hani : Yoongi ?
Suga : Was it me ?
Junghwa : I think so
Suga : I don't remember but we should try
Sejeong : Are you treating ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Jiwoo : Unnie , you're brazen
Sejeong : If it's free , why not ?
Suga : Did she pick it from you guys ?
Sejeong : No , I'm just like that
Jimin : I want to do sports with Noona too , the members plays basketball , go for a walk and cycle together , I want to do something with Noona
V : We hiked with her before
Jimin : It's not often
Solji : Should we go hiking ?
Jimin nods : Mm
Hyerin : Then what about you , Unnie ?
Solji : Well... the plans Jimin want are prefect enough . I think I want to see more Park Jimin , not the Jimin on the stage but... Jimin , who needs someone to listen to . Jimin is honest with me , but sometimes I feel like I'm talking to different people
Jimin : Ah , really ?
Solji : Yes
Jimin : Why didn't you tell me ?
Solji : I didn't wanted to hurt you
Jimin : You won't *holds Solji's hand*
Jiwoo : I want to see Namjoon cook
B.E holds laugh : ...
Jiwoo : And I don't mind spending a day watching you produce music or doing a painting , I think it would be cool
RM : Really ? It gets boring sometimes
Jiwoo : We can go on a walk then , let you clear your mind too
RM nods : I want to go on a trip with Jiwoo , but only a certain places , so she can take all the pictures she wants and relax too
Jiwoo : What about you ?
RM : I'll watch you , that's all I need
Junghwa : Wow *coughs*
Solji : Gosh , Junghwa
Hyerin : Your reaction today are weird
Junghwa : Yes...
Hyerin : Then our line here ?
Suga : Ah... yes , I want to go on another trip with Noona , actually there's a lot I want to do
Sejeong : What are the few ?
Suga : Well... of course play basketball with Noona , and... we should try to have a picnic
LE : Oh , right
Suga : And...
Solji thinking : Yoongi doesn't want to say them , it could be surprises or something they can't do
Suga : How do I say this ?
Solji : I'm curious , where would you want to bring LE ?
Suga : Mm... Daegu ?
LE : ... !
V : Ohh , you'll like it , visit me when you come
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : And... we'll see , we're not sure yet
Hyerin : Then LE Unnie ?
LE : I have a lot I want to do with Yoongi too but I want to see more of homebody Yoongi , I want to see what skills he still have hidden . I don't think all he does is cook , produce music and do art , he's not human
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : You'll see them
LE : I wish I can
Hyerin : Hani V ?
V :  A trip , of course
Suga : To Daegu too ?
V : Maybe ?
Hani glares at Suga : ...
Suga mouthing : (What ?)
V : Well... it's actually hard to think of date ideas , so maybe plan a different date than our usual dates
Hani : How ?
V : Don't know , we'll figure it out . I don't want to see anything of Noona , maybe just her skills , nothing much
Jiwoo : You're so simple
B.E laughs : Haha
V : Yes *laughs*
Hyerin : Hani Unnie ?
Hani : Yes , I don't think I have anything I want to see of Taehyung . Mm... I don't know about future plans too , because we have done some things together as B.E
LE : Right
Hani : Like swimming , skating...
Solji nods : ...
Hani : I don't have an answer yet
Junghwa nods : You'll get something soon , Unnie
Jungkook : Right
Junghwa : Hyerin Unnie ?
Hyerin : I don't want Oppa to change much but... I want to see a more stronger and more positive Oppa . Oppa's strong but he still feels weak in front of some people or in a certain situation , I want Oppa to be stronger . Oppa is always positive but he overthinks and it's going to hurt him one day , let's not do that again . For future plans... I think for now , I want to let Oppa to rest and take time to think about us before anything
JHope thinking : 'Take time to think about us' ?
Hyerin : Yes , that's all
Junghwa nods : Our members , "how was before and after dating ?"
B.E : ...
Jungkook : The members are tired *laughs*
Solji : For me... before dating , it kind of feels like I don't have anywhere to place my heart . When I wish someone would hold me and calm me down , and yet there's no one , it's very... I think 'it must be nice to have a boyfriend'
Jimin : Really ?
Solji nods : Mm
LE : Unnie... has longed for a boyfriend for a long time , and it's not easy for Unnie at her age
Jimin holds Solji's hand : ...
Jungkook : Noona , are you a romantic type ?
Solji : Pardon ?
Jungkook : Are you a romantic type ? Because you always wanted a boyfriend , having the feeling of dating and everything... Noona , you're a romantic type~
Solji : There's such thing ?
RM shrugs : ...
LE : 야 , don't lie
RM : Even I don't know , Noona has to find out herself
LE : Aish , geez
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : I'm glad I have Jimin to talk to and to place my heart at something
Jimin : For me , if I don't date , I'm okay , I like being BTS' Jimin , with our fans' support , that's enough love . Sometimes it does gets lonely , I know I have the members , but... a girl to talk to besides my mom ? I don't have that . A girl that I can drink with , laugh with and talk to... I don't have that
Hani : Now you have Unnie
Jimin : Yes , someone I can really drink with , someone who makes me laugh like crazy
LE : You always laugh like crazy
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : I'm having a moment... *pouts* That's all
LE : I didn't mean to cut you off
Jimin : No , that's all
Junghwa : Are you sure ?
Jimin : Yes , yes
Jiwoo : For me... not having a boyfriend was not a problem , I just want to focus on my career , I don't want the members to get into trouble too . After dating Oppa , I realise I wanted a partner because he gives support and he is always surprising me
RM laughs : Haha
Jiwoo : Yes , and when he surprises me , it's different from when your friends does it and when Oppa does it
Junghwa : You are in love
Jiwoo : Yes
RM : For me... I have always wanted a girlfriend , I want to be an dad , I want my parents to have grandchildren . It's hard to date , busy with schedules and performance... even though we're still busy but being able to see Jiwoo helps take some stress off me , and I like the feeling I have when I'm with Jiwoo
B.E : Ohh
LE : Our leaders thinks alike
B.E laughs : Haha
Sejeong : Unnie , do you want to go first ?
Hani : Go ahead
Solji : Don't wait until the last
Hyerin : I like to have a boyfriend
Jungkook : Noona has dated before , a lot-...
Hyerin : Excuse me , that's TMI
Jungkook laughs : I think Noona just personally like to have company
Hyerin : 야
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Yes , I like to have company , I don't like being alone
JHope : Really ?
Hyerin : Alone personal time is okay , but on days like Christmas or holidays , I hate it . So I like it when people accompany me on special days and I cherish it *smiles* And having a boyfriend , you feel the love and who doesn't like being loved , right ? Yes , so Oppa is my company now and I feel loved by him every day~
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Jungkook : Romantic type ?
Hyerin : Goodness
B.E laughs : Haha
Sejeong : For me , I too would like a boyfriend , maybe it's a woman thing . We want to feel loved and have someone by their side , we want to talk to someone and not worry about a thing . I have Oppa now *nods* Jung Hoseok , my boyfriend
B.E : Ohh
Junghwa : Yes , hers
Jiwoo : You can fight for him , I don't think Unnie is easy
B.E laughs : Haha
JHope : I want to get married too but I haven't had the time to find the perfect girl , until now . Nothing much has changed for me except that I have someone beside me now *smiles*
Hyerin : You're straightforward
JHope : Yes *nods*
V : For me , nothing much has changed except my future ? Well... yes , I want to get married but I know I might not be able to , so I thought 'it's okay if I don't have someone' . Now , I have Noona and I will be able to accomplished some dreams
Solji : That is a little weird way to put it
V laughs : I didn't know how to say it
Hani : 'It would be good to have a boyfriend but I know I won't find one so I should wait for my next life' , that was before dating *nods* now , I have someone I can reenact some Korean drama scenes with , yes
B.E laughs : Ahaha
V : Which drama are we in now ?
Hani : Uh... 'what's wrong with Secretary Kim ?'
Junghwa : Wow
B.E laughs : Haha
JHope : Junghwa... Junghwa...
Solji : Goodness
RM : Did you do something to Junghwa ?
Jungkook : No , no
Hyerin : You seem to lack words
Junghwa : Yes
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Last but not least , SWAG
LE : Me too , I wanted a boyfriend , but... at my age , it wasn't easy . Actually , I know what to expect from a relationship so... sorry , not a lot of things have changed for me
Suga pouts : ...
Solji : Gosh , there we go
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : I'll be honest , I didn't want to date for the time being , I just want to focus on the group . I thought 'I will date when I find the right person' , 'relationship ? What is that ?'
Hani : Now ?
Suga : I have found the right person , it's been awhile since I chased someone for a long time , yes... I thought maybe it was puppy love but it's not
Junghwa : Unnie's getting mad
B.E laughs : Haha
LE glares at Suga : ... *laughs*
Suga : Dating Noona is different , she brings out a different side of me *nods* Now I know there's someone to care for me , someone who will kill me if I don't rest or eat *laughs* Yes , that is Noona
Jungkook : Yes , yay~
Junghwa : I feel warm listening to them
Jungkook : Me too
Junghwa : Next question please
Jungkook : Mm , this is a short one , it just say 'Trust ?'
B.E : ... ?
Jungkook : That's all
Solji : Maybe it's asking if we trust each other ?
RM : Oh , right
Suga : I trust Noona
Solji : He does
Hani : We know
Suga : Pardon ? Anyways , I trust Noona
LE nods : I trust Yoongi too
Solji : SWAG are telling the truth
RM nods : Right
Hyerin : I... sometimes don't trust Oppa , sorry . Maybe because both of us haven't been very honest with each other , I have secrets and Oppa too so... it's not a very strong trust
Jiwoo : It's okay
Sejeong : Some people don't trust easily , it's nothing to apologise for
B.E nods : ...
Hani : I trust Taehyung
V : Me too , I trust Noona
Junghwa : BRIGHT
Sejeong : I trust Oppa
JHope : I trust Sejeong
Hyerin : This two are sweet couples
LE : Match made
Hyerin : Our leaders ?
Solji : I trust Jimin
Jimin : I trust Noona
Hyerin nods : JiMon ?
RM : I trust Jiwoo , I trust her
Jiwoo : I trust Oppa and I don't trust him
B.E : ... ?
Jiwoo : The amount of times he have surprised me , he's good at keeping a secret
RM : Your members helped too
Jiwoo : Still *hits RM* I trust him *nods*
Junghwa : Cute , shall we move on ?
Jungkook : Yes , "do you have words or message you want to say to each other ?"
Solji : Ah *nods* Yes
Jiwoo : Do you want to go first ?
Junghwa : Take some time to think first , there's no need to be hasty
Jungkook : Right , right
Hani : 'Bring It On' ?
Junghwa : Ah yeah , 'Bring It On'
Jungkook sings softly : Hey , bring it on now
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Solji looks at Jimin : ...
Jimin looks at Solji : Why ?
Sejeong sits back : ...
JHope looks at Sejeong : ... ?
Junghwa : Sejeong seems puzzled
Sejeong laughs : I'm trying to think how am I going to put this out in words
Hyerin : Then , should we start with SOULIGHT ?
Jimin : Yes , do you want to go first ?
Solji : No , you can go first
Jimin : Yes . My girlfriend , Heo Solji , thank you for choosing me over many other guys
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Jimin : I will take care of you well , treat you well and love you well . Don't bear things down on your own , you can talk to me
Solji nods : ...
Jimin : Alright ? I don't want to see you hurt , Noona
Solji : Alright
Jimin : I want to grow old with you . Let's go hiking soon
Solji laughs : Yes
Jimin smiles : ...
Hani : Unnie is going to have a hard time
Solji : I'm already am
Jimin : It's okay , it's not a competition , just say whatever you want to say
LE : Even curse words ?
Jimin laughs : No , no ! As expected , Noona will always be like this
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : Are you going to curse at me ?
LE : No , no
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : Yes , Park Jimin... thank you for always taking care of me and comforting me , I'm sorry that I couldn't do the same , I will try to listen to you more . I would wish to get to know you more again and again , even when I forget about it , because my boyfriend is awesome
Jimin : I don't blame you , Noona grew up independent , I understand why you won't listen to me
Solji : Your problems
Jimin : Oh *laughs* Sorry , misunderstanding
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : Let me be the soul to your light
B.E : Oh~
Solji : Goodness *laughs*
Jimin : Okay~ I like that
Junghwa : Hyerin Unnie's reaction
Jungkook : She was about to fly off
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Yes , JiMon please
Jiwoo : Kim Namjoon... please stop making me cry
B.E : Pardon ?
RM : It's not what you think
Jiwoo laughs : No , he made me touched when he surprises me
B.E : Ah...
Jiwoo : I like your surprises but... I can't hold my tears back , ah
RM : Then don't , you're cute when you cry
B.E : Ohh
Jiwoo laughs : Ah... I hope I can support you the way you supported me
RM : You have
Jiwoo : Can I talk ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Jiwoo : And I hope we can go long and have many great adventures
RM nods : Yes
Jimin : Yeah... !~
Hani : Why are you so excited ? It's their adventures , not us
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : I'm happy for them
Hani chuckles : Feels warm ?
Jimin : Yes
RM : I don't have much to say , just... thank you , I love you
Solji : Oh~
RM : Jiwoo is perfect enough , she knows how to see the bright side of life , I don't have much to say except those two words
Jiwoo smiles : ...
Hyerin : Our BRIGHT ?
Sejeong : Ah
B.E laughs : Haha
Sejeong : Well... sorry that I'm always busy and I had to call off our last 2 dates , I will make it up to you
JHope : Hey , it's okay
Sejeong : When we have time , let's go on a trip too . For now , I just want to focus on you , that's all
JHope nods : Sure
Jungkook : I'm upset...
Hyerin : You'll find someone soon
Jungkook : Even if I do , what if I don't date them ?
Hyerin : That is up to you , Kookie
Junghwa : Yes , Oppa ?
JHope : Well... don't always apologise or feel bad , we will be able to have more dates soon , let's just take it slow for now . I don't have anywhere to be or anything to do , I can give you my time
Jimin dances : ...
LE looks at Jimin : ... ?
Jimin holds laugh : ...
JHope : If you have any problem , you can lean on me , let's do this together *holds Sejeong's hand*
Sejeong : Yes !
JHope smiles : ...
Junghwa smiles : Hani and V ?
V : Mm... I don't have much to say to Noona , just... let's stay healthy and happy
Hani nods : Yes~
Hyerin : Hani Unnie ?
Hani : Taehyung-ah , let's eat more delicious food and go on more road trips , just throw away our worries for some time
V nods : ...
Hani : Also , don't fall sick , stay happy , health comes first
V : Yes~
Solji smiles : ...
Hyerin : SWAG
Junghwa : Yeah
Jungkook : SWAG
B.E chuckles : Hehe
LE : Yoongi... Yoongi-ah , please lessen on sleeping late
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : And please eat more , you're getting skinnier
Suga nods : ...
LE : Let's stop worrying about me , let's talk more about you
Suga : I do talk about me
LE : Still...
Hani : You do more for Unnie , she feels like it's unfair
Suga nods : ...
LE : Be yourself , ignore what people say about you , alright ? When are you going to let me win ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : You have to beat me yourself
LE : It's hard
JHope : Right ?
Jimin : It's hard
Suga : Noona can do it *nods*
Hyerin : Is that all ?
LE : Yes , I'm done right there
Sejeong : 'Right there'
Jiwoo : You have more ?
LE : Maybe
Suga makes face : ...
Solji : Yoongi ?
Suga : Thank you for always taking care and worrying about me , I know I don't always watch my health and it's troublesome but I'm getting better with that , thanks to you . I hope Noona doesn't fall sick too , it will be heartbreaking
LE : Yes
Suga : Let's spend more time , Ahn Hyojin , I want to spend more time together
LE : We can
Suga : I know , but there a still a lot of things I want to do and try
LE : Well , we will do them
Suga nods : Yes , that's all
Jiwoo : Unnie ?
Hyerin : Yes . Hello , Oppa~ *waves* I know you will be watching this , right ?
Solji : What is  'I know you will be watching this' and then sound unsure ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Oppa might be busy
V : Right
Solji : Sorry , continue
Hyerin : Hello , Oppa~ *laughs* How are you ? Mm... I hope you're well in the army , sleeping well and resting well , I'm sure you hear this from me a lot *chuckles* When you return... when I see you the next time , let's enjoy our time together , be it one day or a lifetime . Let's have another journey , I don't care if it's in Jeju or Seoul or Gwangju or Gwacheon , what matters is you're there
B.E : ...
Hyerin : You don't have to give me your time , I will wait for you
Jungkook : ...
Junghwa : 야... everyone have a warm and romantic message , I'm touched and upset
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : I'm going to cry
Jungkook : Oh , don't
RM : Hold on
Everyone : ... ?
RM : Hyung gave his answer for that question *lifts letter* should we hear it ?
Hani : Sure
Jimin : Read it
RM : Do you want to read it ?
Hyerin : You can read it
RM : Yes . "My love , Hyelini . How are you ? Yes , it's me , Kim Seokjin . I don't have much to say , just... I miss you and the members , I am doing great in the army , thank you for asking nearly every day"
Hani thinking : Nearly every day ? Wow
RM : "I just hope I can see you soon and we can go on another journey or trip to anywhere , just two of us under the stars . When I return , I hope I can give you all the missed love and attention you need ㅎㅎ Oppa loves you~"
JHope : 야...
LE : Cute
Hyerin : Thank you , Oppa ! We'll wait for you !
Junghwa : Right !
Jungkook chuckles : Hehe
Hyerin : Now for the last question , this is special
Sejeong : Ooh ?
Hyerin : Left side , are you ready ?
Solji & RM : Yes
Hyerin : Right side ?
JHope : I think we are
Suga : Faster , I'm sleepy
Hyerin : Yes *holds laugh* "Our FREE , what are your ideal types ?"
LE : 야
Solji : Wah , Hyerin-ah . You're seriously going to get it
Jimin : We got pranked
Hyerin laughs : Ahaha *dances*
Jiwoo : And she's happy about it
Junghwa : But us ?
RM : For you to find a boyfriend ?
Hyerin : No , just for them to be involved
Suga : Junghwa will have a lot of screen time , her reaction is priceless
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : They actually got some screen time , our Emcee team
Junghwa : Well...
Hyerin : Junghwa will need time to think , you can go first
Jungkook : Mm... someone who's at least 168 cm but smaller than me and... a wife material girl ? She must be good at cooking , smart , has pretty legs and is nice . Also a girl who likes me and is good at singing
LE : Kookie , your standard is high
Solji : Quite
Jungkook : Is it ? I think it's average
Hyerin : It's an average ideal type but... it's hard to find a girl like that
Jungkook : Aren't you a girl like that ?
Hyerin : Pardon ?
B.E : ... ?
Jungkook : N-no ? I don't like you as a crush , I'm just saying Noona has some point off my list
Hyerin holds laugh : Yes I lack 'smart' and 'pretty legs'
JHope : No , don't say that
RM : You're quite witty
LE : Kookie , sorry if... you can't find a girl like that , is there another ideal type ?
Jungkook : Mm... I don't care about age , I'm okay if she's older than me or younger than me , my mom is 2 years than my dad
Sejeong : Oh ?~
B.E laughs : Haha
Jungkook : It's cute , right ? Mm... a girl who have a nice smile and is nice to everyone . She is cute and pretty , I will be dead *laughs* Movies , date and supper , I would like to do it with someone I love . Exercising and games too
Solji : Kk~
Sejeong : Your standard is really high
Jiwoo : Right
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : Then... Junghwa ?
Junghwa : Me ? Well... first , this is just ideal types and personalities we like , it could change
Hani : Right
Junghwa : Like , I could say I like handsome guys and I end up dating a cute one , like that
Hyerin : Yes... please answer the question
Junghwa laughs : Yes . I think for me... I like a guy who can be himself , someone who is entertaining and funny
Solji : Must he be funny ?
Junghwa : Oh , that way I can keep smiling
JHope : Junghwa's smile is bright
Suga : Right
Junghwa : I would like it if he sort of like sports so we can try out different sports together
Hani : Right , Junghwa's sporty
Junghwa nods : A guy who is comforting just by spending time , someone who makes me comfortable would be nice
Jiwoo : You just feel comfort when you spend time ?
Junghwa : Yes
LE : Junghwa , nice guy ?
Junghwa : Yes , a nice guy too , of course
Jimin laughs : Noona was detailed but she forgot about that
B.E laughs : Haha
Sejeong : May I ask , casual dates ?
Junghwa : Sure , I'm a homebody , I don't like to go out much
Hyerin : She stays at home , watch movies and eat ramyeon
Jiwoo : That sounds nice
B.E laughs : Haha
RM thinking : Gosh , Kookie
Suga thinking : I don't know if Junghwa likes Kookie but their ideal types are just sitting perpendicular to each other
Hyerin : Yes , that was the last question
Hani thinking : Kookie's face...
Hyerin : That is the end of our 'B.E Time : Couple Quiz'
B.E claps : ...
LE : Whoo
Solji : I would like to say thank you , I feel like we have grown closer because of this
Hyerin : It's Namjoon
Solji : Thank you
RM : It's nothing , actually I thought it would just be us drawing each other and such , I didn't know the fans was very curious
Sejeong : And thoughtful too
Junghwa : Yes
Jungkook : Thank you , everyone , for joining us too
Junghwa : Especially Sejeong and Jiwoo
Sejeong : It's nothing
Jiwoo : I had a great time
Hyerin : That is it for today , thank you for watching !
RM : Bang , Bang , Bang
Solji : This has been...
B.E : B.E ! *waves* Bye~
Junghwa : Oh , you guys too
Sejeong : This has been 9ugudan's Sejeong~
Jiwoo : This has been KARD's Jiwoo
Jimin : This has been SOULIGHT
Solji : 야
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : This has been LEMin
LE : I'm going to throw this at you
B.E laughs : Haha
Director : And cut !
B.E claps : You've worked hard !
Solji : For real , thank you
RM : It's nothing
Hani : I think we all nearly cried at the message part
V : Really ? Were you about to cry ?
Hani : Yes...
LE : Unnie and Hani are more sensitive
Solji nods : ...
Jimin : I expected Noona to cry , I wouldn't expect Hani Noona to cry
Hyerin : She will cry
Solji : Should we go over a little of what we talked about ?
Jiwoo : Yes , the feeling still lingers
Hyerin : I'm sure there are questions too but it will be TMI
Jiwoo : Yes
Hani : Just ask us , any of us will answer
Sejeong : Yes , I'm curious about what Seokjin Hyung did at BANANA CULTURE
Jiwoo : Me too
Hyerin : Ahh , I was in one of the room , where it used to be our dorm
Sejeong : Yes
Hyerin : Well... I wasn't feeling well and Oppa climbed through the window because I didn't wanted to see anyone
Jiwoo : How did he do it ?
Hyerin : I don't know
LE : Did you guys gave him this idea ?
Jimin : No
RM : We only suggested how to make a romantic appearance
V : Maybe he used a crane or something
Jiwoo : Where did he get it from ?
B.E laughs : Haha
RM : Hyerin Noona , Hyung's confession... was it when he picked you up , when you came back from Gwangju ?
Hyerin : Yes
Junghwa : The day of the party ?
Hyerin : Yes
JHope : Oh
V : Didn't you seem off at that time ?
Hyerin : I... didn't gave him an answer at first , I felt guilty so I stayed away from Oppa
Jungkook : Then what happen after ?
Hyerin : I made up my mind overnight and told Oppa that I want to date him the next morning
Solji : Oh~
Hani : Cute
Sejeong : Also , what other nicknames do you have for him ? Sorry
Hyerin : No , I call him 'Jin-pa' , I didn't wanted the fans to use it *chuckles*
B.E laughs : Haha
Jiwoo : I think me and Unnie have a lot to ask
Solji : Ask ahead
Jiwoo : Well , That...
Sejeong & Jiwoo : 'Victim' ?
LE : Ah , closet victim ? *sighs*
Hyerin : Well... me and Unnie went to Paris , to surprise the members
Jungkook : Yes
Hyerin : The members didn't know I was there , only Unnie so whenever one of them came over , I had to hide in the closet
LE : It was stressful
Sejeong : So what happened ?
Hyerin : Yoongi...
Suga : Goodness
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : He came to see Unnie after dinner , he wanted to tell her goodnight and... we don't usually see the two of them get lovey-dovey so when Yoongi Oppa was "alone" with Unnie , I was a closet victim witness of SWAG's love
Jiwoo : Really ?
Sejeong : That must have been awkward
Suga : I didn't know at that time , so I was okay but Noona knew and she was acting weird... was it hard ?
LE : It was embarrassing...
B.E laughs : Haha
Jiwoo : Right , and the love bug ?
LE : Yes , so when we were in Paris , after Hyerin had surprised the members
Hyerin : Our boyfriends were like lovesick , and we thought it was a "love bug" because we are in Paris
LE : After we returned , the members slowly started becoming flirty during recording and we thought we might have brought the love bug over
Hyerin : So sometimes when the members becomes flirty , we will say 'the love bug is here'
Sejeong : Ah...
Jiwoo : It started in France
Sejeong : You guys brought a bug over
Hyerin : Ah , sorry
B.E laughs : Haha
Jungkook whisper : Are you okay ?
Hani : Junghwa seems dazed
Solji : It was like that after a certain time
LE : Junghwa , tired ?
Suga : Is something bothering you ?
RM sits straight : ... ?
Junghwa : I guess it's time...
Jimin : Time for what ?
Junghwa : I have something to tell you... about Seokjin Oppa
JHope : Huh ?
V : What ?
Junghwa : You know right ? Me and Kookie has Huijin Oppa's contact , right ?
Solji : Commander Lee ?
Junghwa : Yes
RM : Continue
Junghwa : Well... That time , Oppa and his platoon wasn't treated well
B.E : Pardon ?
Junghwa : And Oppa told me
Hyerin : What happened ?
Junghwa : Well... remember our live , for '4' ?
Hyerin : Yes , Oppa watched it , until the end
Junghwa : Yes , Corporal Inhyeon and Oppa didn't call lights out because they didn't wanted to spoil their fun and everyone got into big trouble
Jiwoo : Pardon ?
Junghwa : I'll skip to what happen
Hyerin : Yes
Junghwa : The whole platoon was lined up , ready for punishment . Before Commander Lee can say anything , Seokjin Oppa volunteered to take the punishment for all 20 of them because we're his members
RM makes face : ...
Junghwa : Sergeant Kim made him do push-ups until they say stop and the others went for hardcore drills
JHope : 야...
Junghwa : Well...
LE : There's more ?
Junghwa : Sergeant Kim didn't say stop , he did it until lunchtime , under the hot sun , thirsty , hungry and tired
Hyerin : Oppa ?
Junghwa : The great thing is... his friends stopped him and fed him
Jimin : That's sweet
Junghwa : Oppa cried when you called him on his birthday
Hyerin frowns : ...
Junghwa : Sorry , I didn't wanted to let anyone know because I'm scared the members might be scared and... I didn't want to hurt Unnie
Hyerin : I knew something was up , it was this ?Junghwa nods : Sorry
Hyerin : It's not you
LE : You... kept this to yourself ? You must have had a hard time
Junghwa : Well... Huijin Oppa will check up on me from time to time , he was the one who said I should tell you all
Jungkook thinking : He messages you... ?
Junghwa : I think it's okay , and I'm relieved I finally told you
RM : Junghwa , the next time... don't keep it to yourself , share it . We're his members and we're yours too , there's nothing to be scared of , alright ?
Junghwa nods : Oppa tries to update me on Seokjin Oppa
Hyerin : Daily ?
Junghwa : If the day was bad , he will tell me on the spot . If it's good , it'll be a weekly log
V : Ooh
Junghwa : On the same day , when Oppa did the push-ups... his commanders were punished too for not calling lights out , Oppa was suppose to sleep and rest at night , right ? He slipped out of his bunk and took the punishment with his commanders
Hani : Seokjin is...
LE : A man *nods*
Suga : Is Kim Ju-ssi crazy ?
LE : It's not worth it , don't
Suga nods : I know , just... *sighs* Jin Hyung suffered
Junghwa nods : He fainted
Hyerin : Pardon ?
Junghwa nods : That was what Oppa told me
Solji : Hyerin-ah...
Hyerin nods : I'm okay , Oppa is the one we should check up on
Sejeong : I'm sorry
Jiwoo : For real , is that Sergeant crazy ?
Junghwa : I hate to say this... Seokjin Oppa doesn't know that we know , he plans to keep this a secret to himself... the next time we see him , don't think about it
V : It'll be hard
Jimin : We'll try to shower him with love but we can't mention it
RM nods : ...
JHope : I'm shocked
Jungkook thinking : Is that why Noona cried that time ?
Solji : Goodness...
LE : Well...
Suga : How are we going to say this ?
Jiwoo : Do you have a secret too ?
LE : Yes , however it will lighten the mood
Suga : Or not
B.E : ... ?
Junghwa : Is it about how you confessed ?
LE : Pardon ?
Junghwa : Your story wasn't good , Unnie
LE makes face : ...
B.E laughs : Haha
JHope : It is , it is !
Hyerin : What have you two been up to ?
LE : Well... sorry
Suga : Sorry !
Jiwoo : What is it ?
Hyerin : Faster tell us
LE : Well... we didn't started dating last year
B.E : Pardon ?
Hani : I knew it !
Junghwa : Unnie , you were always acting a little weird at times and your stories don't match
Jiwoo : When did you started ?
Suga : 2nd of August 2018
Junghwa : What did you say ?!
LE laughs : Calm down
JHope : You were dating for that long ?
Suga nods : Yes...
LE : Sorry that we couldn't tell you guys until now , we didn't want the fans to know
Jimin : So-... That-... Hyung-...
Jungkook : Hyung is broken
B.E laughs : Haha
Sejeong : So that Christmas Kiss...
Suga : Yes , there's a lot we have to answer . That Christmas Kiss was as a couple and not a crush... we were feeling great that day on our date , and we did had a feeling , that's why we kissed
LE looks at JHope : ... ?
JHope laughs : No , I'm not angry this time... I understand now , you guys were a couple and... Hyung was in love , crush or lover
LE smiles : Thank you
Hani : So sometimes in the dorm , you guys weren't being mean
LE laughs : Yes
Solji : Gosh !
Jimin : Were we really blind ?
V : We're dumb
Junghwa : No , they're too good at acting
Solji : So that time you didn't come for practice for a date and you were really happy the next day
Suga : Yes , we were celebrating our anniversary
LE : You remember that ?
Solji : It's weird , I don't think you would skip a practice for a date
Hani : Usually if there's something special , like Daehoon's birthday , you would
Jiwoo : That secret did brighten the mood
Solji : Yes , we're going to kill both of you when we return
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : Also , right
Suga : ... ?
LE : Our answers , some are lies... we can tell you the truth but for the fans , it might take awhile
Jiwoo : Actually , it's up to you guys if you want to tell the fans but... I think you should just keep this to yourself
Hani : The fans might be mad , that you two have been lying for quite some time
Suga : But to continue lying , it might be burdensome
Solji : The choice is up to you two , we will support both of you , no matter what
RM : Right
Hyerin : So what secrets do you have ?
V : Noona's interested
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : I did confessed to Yoongi at night , but...
Suga : She was drunk , she drank and came home
LE : 야
Suga : She couldn't fall asleep and she came to look for me
Solji : Oh~
LE hits Suga : ...
Hani : Were we around ?
LE : No , you guys were at the concert we couldn't attend
Sejeong : Kk~
Hyerin : I don't know if I'm glad we left Unnie at home or not
LE : Was it planned ?
Solji : I had intentions of playing Cupid but I didn't know you two would move fast
LE : Geez...
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : Sly Noona , Solji Noona is really-... wow
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : And yes , we have argued once
Suga : For this , we forgot about the argument until just now , when they asked 'how would the couples settle things ?'
Solji : About what ?
LE : You know we had that rule where we won't work or spend time on our phones at our hometown
Hyerin : Right
LE : Well... we have been together for nearly everyday , because of B.E
Sejeong nods : Yes
Suga : Noona thought it would be good to have absence but I didn't , and we fought
RM : Really ?
Suga : Uh
LE : Even after we came back , we didn't talk to each other
JHope : I noticed that
Jimin : Hyung will skip B.E events , I think he missed our anniversary dinner
Junghwa : Right !
Suga : Actually I wanted to come , but I was upset... sorry
Solji : When did you made up ?
LE : That accident
Hani : My accident ?
LE : Yes , sorry
Hani : It's okay , I'm glad you made up
Sejeong : If not , having a comeback will be hard
Hyerin : Right
Jimin : Hyung can never leave Noona
Suga : ... ?
LE : Anything else ?
Jimin : Noona , we'll talk more later
Jiwoo : You have to wait after they get murdered
B.E laughs : Haha
Jungkook thinking : Why's Hyerin Noona so upset ?
Sejeong : Should we go eat ?
Solji : Lunch ?
V : Call
Jiwoo : Where ?
Junghwa : We should look around
JHope : Let's go~
Jimin : I could eat
V : What are our plans later ?
Suga : Rest
RM : It's a free day , our only schedule is recording this
Suga : Noona's busy later
LE : 야
Suga : Busy dancing
Sejeong : Dance ? Cover ?
LE : Yes *hits Suga*
Sejeong : Ooh
Solji : Please move along~
Junghwa : I will , thank you
B.E laughs : Haha

Note : I am so sorry this chapter is way too long 😅

Jin's discharge [D-326]

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