Perfect Fit | August Alsina

By emmanesiadior

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Gianna Romano is the daughter of feared Italian Mafia boss, Mateo Romano. After graduating high school in It... More

1: Prologue
2: New York
3: Aftermath
4: Fierce and Cold-blooded
5: Information
6: More Information
7: Erotic
8: You Again
9: Confessions
10: Explanations
11: Coming Together
12: Making Plans
13: Ferris Wheels, Candy Floss and Kisses
14: Work To Do
15: The Art of Seduction
16: Interrogation
17: Intensive Care
18: Decisions
19: Back Home
20: Mothers
21: The Softer Side
22: Closer And Closer
23: An Eventful Night
24: Furioso Mafioso
25: Mafia Headquarters
26: Broken and...Betrayed?
27: Breaking Down
28: Explosive
29: His Truth
30: Saved
31: Finally Official
32: Welcome to Italy
33: An Open Discussion
34: Numb
35: The Reason
36: Apologies and Acceptance
37: Taking Care of Business
39: The Creative Side
40: One Step Closer
41: Better
42: Preparations
43: Miami
44: Handling Business
45: Bad Introductions and Old Issues
46: A Better Introduction
47: Make It Right
48: Mr and Mrs Romano
49: Love Faces
50: Epilogue
Perfect Fit Sequel

38: More Discussions and Apologies

730 38 7
By emmanesiadior

"Baby relax, she's going to be okay." Gianna said softly and placed her hand on Devonte's bouncing knee. "Nicolo is one of the best doctors my father has on his team. He won't let anything happen to her and I know he'll do everything in his power to make sure of that."

"You don't know that Gianna! She could be in there dying for all I fucking know!" He snapped.

Gianna stared at him in total shock and quickly blinked her eyes several times to stop the tears from falling. She was never one to cry when someone yelled at her, in fact she'd normally give it right back if it felt necessary, but something about Devonte getting mad with her hurt her deeply because she never wanted that to be the case. He'd been angry before but he'd never taken it out on her. This was a first and she didn't like it at all.

Devonte noticed her sudden silence before noticing the tears slowly welling up in her eyes. She'd also removed her hand from his knee. His heart sank. He didn't mean to snap on her at all. She's only trying to help lighten his level of stress.

"Baby I-"

He was cut off when she stood up all of a sudden and ran out of the room. She wasn't about to let him see her cry, not over this, and she certainly didn't want to see him at all in that moment. Why snap on the woman you love when she's simply trying to help you?

Devonte sighed and slumped down in his seat. Everything happening seemed to be getting too much now. First everything with Tony which has since been handled, then everything with Antonio, then Roman's passing and funeral, and how his mom shows up to his house drunk and high of God knows what before passing out completely. On top of all that he still has to handle his gang stuff.

"Mr Wilson?"

Devonte looked up to see the doctor Nicolo standing there with his clipboard.

"Call me Devonte."

"Excuse me, Devonte. You're mother is doing a lot better now. She's stable and awake but I did find traces of several illicit substances on top of excessive amounts of alcohol. She has a serious addiction sir and it needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. Her body won't be able to handle much more, it seems she may have been doing things like this for a while."

"Fuck." Devonte sighed. "I'll take care of it. Can I see her?"

"Of course."

He stood up and walked into the room. His mom Dorothea was hooked up to an IV machine that was providing her body with essential fluids to help wash out all the substances within her body. Just by looking at her, he could tell she wasn't okay. She didn't look like the bright and happy woman he'd known her to be. This was not the mother he knew.

Dorothea looked at her son with tears in her eyes. She watched him walk to the chair beside her bed and sit down. He stared at the floor for several minutes before looking up and making eye contact with her.

"Mom I need you to tell me everything and I want the truth."

"I don't want to talk about it."

"This isn't you ma! I know this isn't you, you need to tell me everything so that I can get you the help that you need. This isn't the mom I remember. This isn't the mom Jordan and I grew up with. Please mom. I just want to get you the help that you need."

There was indeed a story as to why Dorothea was the way that she was now. There was a reason why she was hooked on drugs and used them combined with alcohol to numb her pain. It was a story that would sound absurd because of the kind of woman she normally is but it signifies one very important saying: love makes you do some crazy things. And it was love that certainly drove her down this pathway of destruction.

"Devonte please just leave it alone. I'm fine."

"You're not fine mom. Let me help you. I've lost one parent already and I will not lose another."

Th truth was that Dorothea was ashamed. She knew what she was doing was wrong but she didn't know how to stop. She was addicted and couldn't go more than a day without having some sort of substance in her system. She craved the stuff. That's what ate her up the most. She was never someone that engaged in drug activity and she barely touched alcohol, but now all of a sudden she was hooked on both.

"I'm not going to judge you ma, I just want to know how this came about so that I can get you the best help possible."

Knowing just how stubborn and hard-headed her son was, Dorothea knew she really didn't have a choice. He'd coax it out of her one way or another sooner or later.

"I made a mistake." She sighed and looked down at the IV in her arm. "I'm too deep in this to get out...he'll kill me if I talk about this."

Devonte frowned. "Who? No one's going to kill you ma, I can assure you that."

"You don't know him like I do Devonte."

"Who is he?"


"Demario who?"

"Demario Wade."

Devonte made a mental note of the name in his head before looking at his mother once again.

"This is a safe place mom. You're in my house, my headquarters. He won't lay a finger on you, I promise."

Dorothea sighed. "I met him shortly after I moved to be with your grandma. He was amazing Von. He showered me with gifts, took me out on dates, he even took care of grandma by buying her medicines and all that. I fell in love with him and we became an item...but then I caught him cheating. I tried to leave him but he beat me and said that if I tried to go anywhere he'd find me and kill me. He threatened grandma too. That's when the abuse started. I was scared for my life but I tried to leave once more...he only beat me harder than before and then he started forcing me to do drugs and drink excessive amounts of alcohol so that he could go be with other girls and do what he pleaded while knowing that I was too high and intoxicated to try escape. I put grandma in a home and put all the money your dad left me in her name to cover all her expenses. I have nothing anymore Devonte but I can't stay here too long. Demario will find me and he will kill me and if he can't get to me, he'll go after your grandma."

Tears were now streaming down her cheeks. The pain she'd been silently dealing with was now coming to light. Devonte sat there motionless but inside he was fuming and coming up with different ways this Demario man was going to suffer because best believe he would. No one touches his mom and gets away with it and they certainly don't threaten her. Demario was a dead man and he didn't even know it.

Standing to his feet, Devonte sat on the bed next to his mom and wrapped his arms around her tightly. She wrapped her arms around him and cried into his chest. Simply from his embrace she felt protected and safe, something she hadn't felt in a long time. And as much as he was angry about this whole situation and at his mom for some of the things she'd done, Devonte couldn't help but be protective and want to take care of her.

His mind was already made up - Demario would die and he was moving his mom back home with him. His grandma too. He'd have to work around Jordan though but something would come together in the end.

"You'll always be safe here mom. There's a phone on the beside table, call me if you need me or call Emery. The maids are around the house as well. I'll take care of everything else."

"I love you my boy. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay ma, I understand now. I love you too and I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you."

"It's not your fault nor your responsibility."

"Maybe so but your my mom and I'll die for you any day."

Dorothea smiled weakly and reached up to touch her son's face. She rubbed his cheek with her thumb for a few seconds before Nicolo came back in with some other medicines for her to take. Devonte excuses himself and started walking to the other side of the house where Jordan's room was located. On the way he pulled out his phone and sent a text to Lorenzo, the man who was the overseer of the trap.

Lorenzo: Find out everything you can about Demario Wade ASAP. He should be in the Miami area.

When he entered his brother's room, his eyes landed on Angelica who was redressing Jordan's wounds. Both looked up to see who had entered. Angelica offered a smile then went back to what she was doing while Jordan let out a sigh. He knew what was coming but he wasn't sure how he'd react at all. The way his mom had blown up the other day hadn't sat right with him, but maybe he needed to heart what his big brother had to say.

"Mom's awake. There's different drugs and alcohol in her system, the doctor Gianna called over is flushing all that out of her system now."

Jordan sighed. "She's addicted?"

"Unfortunately yeah...but there's more to the story than just an addiction and I don't know how you'll react once I tell it all."

"I don't know how I'll react either. She's still not all good in my book but I'll listen to what you have to say."

"You didn't have a choice anyway lil bro."

Devonte then began to retell what their mom had just told him. Throughout he noticed the clear facial changes in Jordan and when he got to the end of the recount, Jordan was visibly mad.

"Some fucker was beating on mama?! I hope you're tracking that asshole down."

"I'm already on it Jord. He's already a dead man."

Jordan nodded. "This doesn't make me cool with her or anything, I still want an apology because that shit hurt me. She should've been here for both of us no matter what. I'll still support her though. That's the woman who took me in as her own from day one. She's my mom regardless and just like you, I'll protect her at all costs."

"I know you want to protect her but I won't let you get hurt again. Plus you have to heal. I'll let you help with planning since you're a bit of a mastermind but other than that you're out."

"I'm cool with that. Just make sure that bitch of a human pays."

_ _ _

Devonte Wilson

After informing my brother about everything, I went to go find Gianna. I had to apologise for snapping on her outside my mom's room. I didn't mean to, with everything going on it just came out and I hate that I projected all that negative energy on her. She was only trying to help and lift my spirits like the amazing person she is.

I checked my bedroom but she wasn't there.

I checked the guest room she used to stay in but she wasn't there either.

I checked damn near every room in this big ass house and she was nowhere to be found.

I walked back downstairs and was heading into the kitchen when I saw her through the double glass doors, sitting outside in the grass staring at nothing in particular. I sighed and hoped for the best before making my way out there to her. She remained staring straight ahead, even when I was standing right beside her. I slowly sat down beside her and that's when I noticed that her eyes were still red and puffy and there were a few tears still streaming down her cheeks.

Fuck. Devonte what have you done?

There was silence between us for a few seconds before I finally gained enough courage to speak. I don't know why but when it comes to this beauty, I'm always nervous, but now especially.

"Gianna I'm sorry for yelling at you. I didn't mean to. Everything that has been happening is really taking a toll on me and my state of mind but that still isn't an excuse to snap on you, especially when all you were doing was trying to lighten the mood with some positivity. I'm really sorry and I'll understand if you want to end things between us, I-"

"You think that you snapping on me is enough to scare me off?"

I turned to her in surprise. I hadn't expected her to speak at all in this moment.

"I mean, I don't it? Please say no. I don't want to lose you."

She shook her head and wiped her tears. "It's not, so don't start all that. You did hurt me though and it's weird because this is such a foreign feeling to me. Of all people I never really expected you to yell at me. It caught me off guard, especially since all I was doing was trying to make you feel better."

"Again, I really am sorry. I mean that with all my heart. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I get you weren't in the right headspace but if you ever snap on me like that again I'm kicking you where the sun don't shine."

I chuckled and pulled her in for a kiss. Every time I kiss her I get this weird yet comfortable feeling in my stomach. My heart seems to beat even faster and my mind immediately drifts to a state of peace when my lips meet hers. No other girl could ever make me feel this way, I'm sure of that now.




Questions + Responses:

Dorothea, Angelica, Jordan, Devonte and Gianna in MM

Ooop...Von snapped on Gianna 

Thankfully he apologised 😅 he don't want no smoke with her lol

He does get really vulnerable around her too, I love it!

Dorothea (Von and Jordan's mom) explained what her situation is..

What do you think Devonte will do to this Demario person?

Vote, comment & share 😁✌

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