Highschool Sweethearts (Boyxb...

By Apahlen

93.3K 2.7K 678

14 year old Christopher Carrera moved to a new town with his family to live with his grandfather after the de... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Bonus Chapter: Valentine's Day

Chapter 24

1.4K 45 24
By Apahlen

Chris P.O.V

"Christopher. Wake up."

I woke up and I see my mom smiling at me. "Guess what day it is?" she asked.

"Um, I don't know," I answered sleepily.

"It's your birthday," she said.

"Oh, yeah." I rubbed my eyes.

"So I just wanted to say happy birthday and here are your invitations for your friends." She hands the invitations to me.

"Thanks, Mom." I took them and got out of bed.

"Now we're having the party on Saturday at eleven," Mom said. "What do you want to eat that day?"

"Um, spaghetti and meatballs?" I suggested.

"Oh, Chris. I don't know if I'll make that much for a bunch of people," Mom said.

Why not?" I whined.

"Honestly, I wanna make something that's easier for me to make," she said.

I sighed. "Fine. Potatoes and gravy with some kind of meat."

"Better." She kisses me on the forehead. "That will be your birthday dinner."

"Thanks, Mom."

"You're welcome. Your father and I won't be home for supper tonight. Okay?"

I nodded my head.

"Good. Goodbye now." She walked out of my room.

After I got done taking a shower and getting everything ready for school, my phone vibrated. I looked to see I got a text message. I looked at it and got confused because an unknown number sent a text to me. I opened my phone and read the message.

Hey. Seth gave me your number and I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. Brian.

I smiled. That was so sweet of Brian to sent me a happy birthday text.

I texted him, Thanks, Brian.

A couple of minutes later, he texted back, You're welcome. You doing anything special today?

No. My parents are working late, so we're gonna celebrate it on Saturday. Why?

Wanna hangout after school today?

My smile widen when I read the message. I texted back, Sure.

Great. See you later.

I put my phone in my pocket, still smiling as I went upstairs to the kitchen.

"Whatcha smiling about, Chris?" Dad asked when I entered the kitchen.

"It's his birthday, Dominic. Why else would he be happy?" Grandpa said.

"Maybe it's because of a girl," Mia said when she entered the kitchen with Mariah, Jake, and Nate.

"Hardy-har-har," I said.

"Well, Chris. I made your favorite breakfast: buttermilk waffles!" Dad said, holding up a plate of them.

"Thanks, Dad," I said.

"No problem. It's just something that I made for your birthday since your mom and I won't be home for supper tonight," Dad said.

"Which reminds me, we'll be having leftovers tonight," Grandpa said.

"I'll be at a friend's house after school, if that's okay," I said.

"Of course it is," Grandpa said.

"Which friend is it, Chris?" Dad asked.

"Seth and his brother Brian," I said.

"Oh, Seth and Brian Walker. They're nice kids," Grandpa said.

"And Brian's cute," Mariah said.

We all looked at her.

"What? He is," she said.

Well, she's not wrong about that.

When we got done with breakfast, my brothers and sisters and I walked to school. The bus was already here and Mariah and I ran to the bus and went inside.

I saw Jane and sat down next to her. She smiled at me. "Hey, Chris. Happy birthday."

"Thanks." I opened my backpack and took out her invitation. "Here you go."

"Thanks." She takes it. "When's the party?"

"Read it and you'll find out and see," I said.

The bus slowed down to a stop when we got to the school. We all boarded off the bus and went inside the school. My friends are standing by my locker. "Hey, Chris," Layla said. "Happy birthday!"

"Thanks." I opened my backpack again and gave my invitations to them.

"Thanks," Paul said as he opens his.

Someone put their hands on my shoulder. "Hey, Chris."

I turned around, dreading that it would be Malcolm, but instead it was Brian. I give him a smile. "Hey, Brian."

"So are you going to be riding home with me and Seth after school?" he asked.

Oh my God. He's asking me that question? I really wanted to, but I'm not sure if Jane would be okay with it because we usually sit together and were the only ones of our friends that rides the bus, besides Xavier sometimes. I looked back at Jane, wondering what to do.

All Jane did is give me a smile. "It's okay, Chris. I'm fine with it."

"Yeah, and don't worry about it, Chris. My brother's practice is here after school, so I'll be keeping her company," Xavier said, putting his arm around Jane's shoulder. Emma looked over at them, and I can see that she has a envious look on her face.

I turned back to Brian. "Sure. I would love to."

"Great. Just meet me by my locker after school," he said.

"Okay, just hold on a second." I reached into my backpack and pulled out the last of my invitations and gave them to him. "This is for you and your friends."

He gives me a smirk. "You're inviting me and my friends to your birthday party?"

"Yeah, if that's okay," I said.

"Of course it is. I'll see you later." He turns and went to Mr. Seong's class.

"You have to invite my brother and his friends?" Seth asked after I got everything for English out of my locker and we started to walk to English.

"Yeah. You know how much I like your brother and I think his friends as are cool," I said.

"My brother's not cool," Emma said.

"He kinda is," Austen said.

"Whatever," Emma said.

"By the way, Seth, what did your brother do to make you give him my number?" I asked.

"All he said was he wanted to wish you a happy birthday and that's it," he said.

"You have his number now?" Rachel asked.

I nodded my head.

"Holy crap. This is huge for you," she said.

"How is it huge?" I asked.

"It's probably because it means he's really into you," Danielle said.

"You really think so?" I asked.

"Chris, you know the answer to that," Seth said. "Now come on. Bell's gonna ring soon."

The rest of the morning went fast for me. Some of the other kids and the teachers said their 'happy birthday's' to me and our science teacher made everybody sing Happy Birthday to me. Lunch came, and we're having tomato soup and grilled cheese.

"Hello, Chris," the lunch lady said as I was getting my food. She hands me a cupcake. "Happy birthday."

"Thanks." I grabbed the cupcake and went into the cafeteria and sat down next to Xavier.

"Hey, you got a cupcake," Layla said.

"How come you guys didn't get one?" I asked.

"You only get them on your birthday," Jane said.

"Oh. Okay then."

I ate my soup and my grilled cheese. As I was about to eat my cupcake, someone snatched it out of my hand. I turned to see Malcolm holding my cupcake.

"What the hell, Malcolm!" I yelled.

Everybody in the cafeteria started to look at us.

"Thank you for the cupcake, Chris. And now I'm to going to have fun eating this," he said with a smirk. "Bye-bye." He turned and there stood Mrs. Baxter, with her hands on her hips.

"What do you think you're doing?" she asked him.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm taking his cupcake," he said. Why would you tell her that you dumbass?

"Yeah, I don't think so. You're going to give that back to him, now," she said.

"And what if I don't?"

"I guess we'll see what Mrs. Gray will have to say about this."

Malcolm just stood there, glaring at her while she glares back at him. He then clicks his tongue and puts the cupcake back on my tray before leaving the cafeteria.

"Thanks, Mrs. Baxter," I said.

"You're welcome." She smiled at me. "And happy birthday by the way." She walked out of the cafeteria.

"Well that was...interesting," Danielle said.

"Yeah," I said.

"Well, at least she caught him before he was going to eat it," Seth said.

We finished up eating just as the bell rang. The rest of the school day went fast for me too and before I knew it, school got done. We all said our goodbyes and Seth and I walked to Brian who's waiting by his locker like he said he would.

"Hey, guys." Brian smiled. "You two ready to go?"

Seth and I both nodded our heads.

"Okay then. Let's go."

We walked out of the school and walked to Brian blue pickup truck. Brian went inside the pickup truck.

"You like country music?" Seth asked.

"There are a couple of that I listened to. Why?"

"Cause Brian likes to listen to them."

I remembered Brian telling me that on Saturday. "Well, I just hope they're the good ones," I said.

We both got inside Brian's pickup truck and Brian drove off.


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