The LEGO Ninjago Movie [Lloyd...

By HoomanTree

301K 7.4K 14.9K


Our Story Begins「✔」
Welcome to Ninjago City「✔」
Happy Birthday Lloyd!「✔」
Ninjago High「✔」
Garmadon is Attacking...Again...「✔」
Garmadon's New Plan「✔」
The Ninjas' Elements「✔」
The Ultimate Weapon「✔」
Caught by [Name's] Dearest Mother....「✔」
Garmadon's Attacking...Once Again...「✔」
Garmadon Was Right!「✔」
Ninjago Getting Conquered「✔」
Lloyd Being The Definition Of 'C H I L L'「✔」
The Attack of the Cat!
He's Won....
The Ultimate Ultimate Weapon
Garmadon is Just Being.... Garmadon....
Revenge From The Former Generals
Got The Arm!
The Temple of Fragile Foundations
I've Got the Power!
Found My Place
Bloopers and Outtakes

The Journey Begins

10.3K 259 784
By HoomanTree

Upbeat flute music was playing. Possibly Welcome to the Jungle.

Anyways, Wu and the ninjas were seen climbing up a cliff. Obviously, the old man is somehow not in distress of trying to climb up, but the teens are. Lloyd was trying to scale up the cliff, but he kept sliding down.

[Name] sighed and grunted as she pushed his legs up, catching Lloyd by surprise. He then grabs her hand and pulls her up.


May I remind you, that Wu was just playing a song on his flute whilst doing this journey. Bruh-


They were now seen in a different area of the jungle with them having to move the plants out of the way.

Jay yelled as a red wasp thing came up to him.

"Ew, what is it? You know what? I don't care, I just don't want that killing me. Not today, Felicia!"

"[Name], it appears to be not be called Felicia, but called a-" Zane stated.

"Zane, I don't care what it is. All I need to know is that it can possibly kill me. And why does it look like Elmo and Charmy Bee decided to mutate a child like them?" 

Jay turned around away from the thing, not knowing other creepy crawlies were on him.


They now had to jump onto some rock pillars, that were a bit covered by the mist. They each took turns, but if you accidentally did it too quickly, then the pillar would start to topple.


Now, they had to walk across a branch bridge that appeared to be unsteady. [Name] was one of the people that wasn't even walking on it, she was clinging onto it.


Wu slid down in style, still playing 'Welcome to the Jungle' on his flute. With the ninjas. not far off behind him, but they were exhausted.

The teens just toppled down onto the floor as soon as Wu had finished. "Dope fluting, Master Wu." Cole managed to utter before falling back onto the floor.

"Thank you." Wu hummed in appreciation.


The teens emerged out of the bushes, pushing them out of the way. "Students, your elemental powers come from this lush green world. Feel the energy flowing through you."

Wu started doing calm movements, swaying from one side to another. Like Master Oogway-

[Name] shrugged and started copying his movements, as did the others. "Good. Good. The power is inside you."

"Now say to yourself, 'I've got the power.'" Wu gets out his flute and starts playing the tune.

The ninjas started beat boxing. "This is my jazz!" [Name] moved her head from side to side in amusement.

"I've got the power!" They all shouted.

Wu stopped playing on the flute all of a sudden. "What was that?"


Garmadon crawled onto the ground, picked up a bit of dirt and.... licked it... Ew, just no.

"Ninja tracks!" He hummed to himself. Garmadon crawled away really fast. No joke, but if I saw that coming towards me, I would scream my head off and annihilate it with a pan.


Wu caught a swift bit of air and sniffed it. "I sense the presence of evil. Students, true ninja knows when to fight and when to become one with the elements. Quickly, blend in the shadows."

They all just hid behind the bamboo or covered themselves with the leaves laying down. [Name] walked behind one of the bamboo trees and didn't come out the other way. She kept repeating it.

"Awesome." She finally walked from the behind of the bamboo tree and didn't come out the other side.

"You are all terrible ninjas. Except, [Name]. Even though I haven't trained her yet." Wu says, rolling his eyes. "I will take care of Garmadon on my own."

He swifted through the trees, the same way [Name] did. He disappeared from one tree to another.


There was a comic panel between Garmadon and Wu.

"I'm close." Garmadon states and slithers down the bamboo tree upside down.

"He's close."

"Real close."

"Really close."

They both turn their backs away from the black line on there that is separating the both of them from each other. The both freeze for a moment, taking time to process if a black line is actually there separating them from each other.

Garmadon puts his arm through the black line to touch his brother's face and his beard as well. He jumps in surprise and looks at his brother in shock. "You!"

"You!" They both have a staring contest and start growling at each other. Were those.... animalistic growls....?

They were now in each others' faces, squaring up to each other. Both the brothers move back as Garmadon greets his brother. "Oh, hello brother. Where are your little ninja- ninja ner- Where are your ninj-nerds? Pfft, nailed it."

"There are surrounding you, perfectly hidden. Ready to strike."

"Really?" Garmadon points to where the ninjas are hiding horrible. [Name] just peeped out from a side of the bamboo tree.

"Oooooh~" She tries to imitate a ghost, but fails terribly. "I'm just gonna...." She trails off and a bucket of popcorn appears in front of her from the sky.

"Thanks Author."

Your welcome, chap.

[Name] sniggers at how the others are hiding. "Guys, please stop. It's getting up to a point where it's actually getting sad."

Jay even went that far to imitate a bird. Gotta give him credit for that. At least he tried.

"Students, next lesson. This is how to fight like a true ninja-" Wu got hit in his no-no square by his brother, who was smirking mischievously at what he had caused.

Lloyd and [Name] gasped and flinched at what they saw.

"I wanna say I feel your pain, but I'd be lying." [Name] said with her mouth full of popcorn. She turned to Lloyd. "Want some? It's free popcorn from the Author."

Lloyd shrugged and took some, before putting his attention back onto the fight.

Wu uses his staff and hits Garmadon in his no-no square as payback. Garmadon groans in pain, before that pain being rage and him running towards Wu.

He went to kick Wu, but he slide under him to opposite sides.  Wu used his staff to hits Garmadon's sides as a way to weaken him, but Garmadon was already there to block the hits.

Wu was finally getting the upper hand, now that Garmadon was yelping in pain everytime he hit him on his elbows.

He tried to hit Garmadon, but he dodged the hit and it instead hit the bamboo tree. The four-armed villain smirked at this and kept making Wu divert his direction of his hits onto the bamboo.

Garmadon moved the bamboo to show his face and started laughing at Wu. His laughing soon stopped, when Wu twirled his staff and hit Garmadon right in the face with it. Ouch.

Garmadon swings to the side of the bamboo, holding onto it and swings his leg towards Wu, kicking him in the side of his face. That's gonna leave a bruise.... Oh, wait! It did....

Wu rubs the side of his face in pain, and in hopes of the pain going away as quickly as possible.

Garmadon caught the hat that had left Wu's head and decided to mock him. "Oh, look at me! I'm Master Wu! Today's lesson is something totally boring!"

Wu slashed his staff against Garmadon's face and hit him in every other place of his body that he knew would hurt a lot for him.

Wu grabbed his hat and with an irritated look on his face, pushed Garmadon away with such force from his staff. "Looks like you need a lesson in learning how to shut your stupid face."

"Well, here's something you won't learn in school, the Seven Deadly Butterflies of Shaolin. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven!" Garmadon starts throwing each of them at Wu, who was deflecting them with his staff.

"I don't need a deadly butterfly to beat you." Wu jumps on top of Garmadon, who are both now in a cloud of dust rambling on with their fighting.


"We are totes blending in right now." Jay whispered. All of them were still hiding, except [Name] who was just sat on the floor eating her popcorn.

Can't blame her, there's action going on even if the opponents are acting immature.

"I can still see you!" Wu shouted, still in the cloud of dust, fighting with his brother.

"Oh, man." Nya says in annoyance. 

"Come on, this way." Lloyd stated, running off after the fighting brothers.

[Name] was running as fast as she could, trying to not let the popcorn topple over. But, it did...

"Aw, man! Screw it, I might as well hurry up. This action is almost as better as the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes."

She ran off to catch up with the others.


The cloud of dust soon stopped, as the two brothers landed on the Bridge of Fallen Mentors. Wu's staff landed a bit far away from the brothers, looking at it in determination.

Wu started running after it, but Garmadon slam-dunked him down. He was then pulled back and walked over by his brother.

Wu grunted as he tried to pull his staff out of the bricked-bridge, and once he did, a LEGO brick hit Garmadon's face.

Nah, stepping on LEGO bricks is a real pain you don't want to experience, Garmadon....

The old-bearded, flute-playing master chuckled in delight at this, "Ho-ho! Wu's your daddy?"

Oh no..... Why does that have to be wrong on so many levels? I blame the kids at my school. I was so innocent....

Wu then started flicking more LEGO bricks at his brother, who was yelping in pain everytime on of them made contact with him.

Garmadon shifted to one side of the bridge, with his hat facing towards Wu. Having, mistaken it for Garmadon being there, Wu punches it and then sees Garmadon next to him.

Garmadon punches Wu's hat off and it drifts down into the rushing river. He then jumps onto Wu's actual head, with his foot stuck in it.

Once he got off his head, they were both at it again. Wu tried to strangle him and kick him with himself upside down. Why was the strangling one a ki- Nope, nope. Sorry, sorry....

Garmadon was about to fall off, but used his brother's beard to clinging onto. Wu kicked Garmadon off his beard, but he managed to grab onto another part of the bridge.

I am actually mortified at how the beard was literally going to come off his face....

The teenage ninjas had finally arrived and Lloyd had a look of worry on his face.

"Master Wu! Look out he's behind you."

"Where?" Wu questioned like an oblivious Dora.

Garmadon had enough time to jump onto the rope of the bridge alongside his brother, who raced towards him.

They both held the staff, trying to use as much energy as they could to push the other. Garmadon took this as an opportunity to pull Wu's lower dressing and expose him.

Wu covered himself in embarrassment. Garmadon threw his brother's lower clothing back at him and mocked him.

"Really? Tighty-whities? Still? Face it, your out of moves, Wu."

Wu puts back his lower clothing on and stands up. "Oh, yeah? How about this one?"

He stomped his foot onto the bridge and jumped into the air, throwing the flying bamboo trees, so that they could surround his brother.

"I call it the Caged Monkey." Wu pronounces as he shifts from area to another to make a cage for his brother.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me!" Garmadon groans in frustration.

The teens gasp in shock and awe. Cole smirking proudly in the back an Zane having a stoic face before whispering, "Gasp."

[Name] just gave him a 'Bruh- You did not just do that...'

Wu catches his hat the swung back to him, like a boomerang. "And that, my students, is how you fight like a true ninja."

Wu proudly puts his hat back on. But, the proud moment is ruined when Garmadon starts speaking.

"Well, a true ninja would have counted all seven butterflies."

Wu raised an eyebrow at this. "What? I did. One, two, three, four, five, six-"

"Seven." Garmadon finishes.

A deadly butterfly comes flying towards Wu, as he starts yelling and trying to swat it away from him. He then trips and starts falling off the bridge.

Lloyd looked on in shock and started running towards him. "No!" He was held back away from the edge by Cole and Kai.

They all looked on at Wu in horror and sadness, knowing they couldn't do anything about it.

Wu finally splashes into the water and only his hat submerged from the water. Lloyd looked on in sadness and hugged [Name] hoping to be comforted. She quickly returned the hug, but soon turned him around so that he could see that Wu was indeed alive.

"Master Wu!" They all cheered, reminds me of the Furious Five and Po screaming 'Shifu!'.

Wu gripped onto his hat, trying to stay afloat. "Lloyd, always remember.... Stay on the right path to find your inner peace. And [Name], the time is coming closer for you to discover your true power."

And he was gone.

"Oh, my gosh!"

"No Wu! Don't leave!"

"Uncle Wu...." Lloyd whispered sadly.

"Did he say inner peace?" Nya questioned.

"Well no, Nya. He said yummy pizza." [Name] sarcastically remarked. Nya and [Name] chuckled at the remark.

"The right path? Why is he bringing up these things up so late in our adventure?" Jay asked.

"Because, cliché said so." [Name] stated bluntly.

"Well, well, well." Garmadon remarked. This caused the ninjas to gasp in shock and walk towards the direction where Garmadon's cage was standing.

"Look's like your precious ninja master's gone. Now, come on ,La-Loyd op- Is that Mysterio? I mean, she has her clothes, walks like her-"

"I am Mysterio!" [Name] wailed her hands up in exaggeration.

"Oh...." Garmadon exclaimed awkardly, but regained his posture soon enough. "Now, come on, La-Loyd. Open the cage. Let out your papa."

"So, now you wanna be my dad?" Lloyd asks. All of them were glaring at him, except Zane, Jay and Cole. Zane had a stoic, plain face on. Jay was cowering behind Kai and Cole was leaning onto the stable part of the bridge.

"I'm not gonna ask you again, La-Loyd. Open the cage right now."

Then he started to count. "One..."

"Two..." Lloyd still stood his ground and Kai had a bit of a scared look in the background.

"Three... I thought that was supposed to work with kids." Garmadon mumbled the last part to himself. "Listen, La-Loyd, Mysterio and friends whose names I don't know...."

"I'm actually [Name]." She waved awkwardly at him.

"I'm Jay." He introduced, whilst piggybacking on Kai's back.

"It's not a question." Garmadon stated.

Kai lets out an annoyed grumble and pushed Jay off him. That causes Jay to fall onto the floor.

[Name] went up and pulled him up, patting his back in a friendly manner. Jay mumbled his thanks and they turned back to Garmadon.

"Now, for you to make it through this journey alive, you're gonna need someone to teach you the ninja way."

"What do you know about being a ninja?" [Name] asks cautiously. Lloyd nodding in agreement with her, looking at his father with a rather skeptical look.

"Oh, I know plenty Cappunci-"

"I swear. Just call me [Name] or Mysterio! It's not even that hard."

"Cappuncino, Mysterio, [Name] same diff. Anyways, you don't get to be a warlord without knowing a thing or two about ninja arts. The dark ninja arts." He prowls to the side of a bamboo stick to make himself look more creepy.

He starts growling through the cages and reaching his hand out. This spooked Jay a lot and did a Scooby Doo run behind Kai once again.

"What is that?"

"You're a ninja?"

"Indeed, I am." He leans against the cage in pride. "As a matter of fact, I wrote the book on Ninjelligence."

He shows his book, which obviously has a volcano on it.

"Why are there so many one-star reviews?" Jay asks innocently, looking at his phone in confusion.

"I think that's trolls, personally." He turns it around to look at it and on the back of his book, it does show one-star reviews there.


"We don't need your book, Garmadon. Wu is our master" Lloyd detests against the idea of his father being their master for the journey.

"Well, Wu is gone. And you're gonna need me to get you out of this jungle, or you're all gonna die." Garmadon smirks maliciously.

"Oh, great! We're all gonna die." Jay panicks and clings onto Kai, who pushes him away once again.

"We're not gonna die, Jay." [Name] says in a comforting voice.

"And while I'm keeping you alive, maybe I'll teach you some of my sick dark ninja moves, like Buzzkill, the Miso Slap, or the Chainsaw Chop. Or the Dance of Doom." He demonstrated each of them, which amazed all the ninja except Lloyd, [Name] and Cole.

"Hang on a second, This is Garmadon we're talking about. We can still make it to the Ultimate Ultimate Weapon on our own. We just have to remember what Master Wu taught us." Lloyd said in hopes of them reconsidering letting Garmadon on this trip.

Cole decided to speak up, "All I can remember is we really need a ninja master. And you are not a ninja master."

"Why you-" [Name] was about to lunge onto Cole, who jumped back in fear, but Lloyd stopped her and shook his head in defeat.

"So, what are we gonna do?" Kai asked.

Lloyd was quiet for a momet before sighing, "We take him."

"Fantastic!" Garmadon smirked.

[Name] sighed in annoyance, "This is gonna be a long trip."

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