Edward & June

By Regine1600

12.7K 276 18

Poor June runs away from her abusive family, hitch hiking her way down to Land O Lakes Florida, where she is... More

A Troubled Soul
Someone Special
A Spark
Meating the neaborhood
For Real
Sweet Dreams
First day as a Couple
Rude Guests
Future Plans
Barber Shop
Narrow Escape
*Will you Marry me?
The Wedding
*Sweet Love
A family
A Fathers Touch
Hands or no hands?

The Cougar Pounces

562 13 1
By Regine1600

I woke up the next morning to the sound of Edward's heart beet under my head. I was still blushing from what we did last night, even though it was his first time and mine to, he was really very good.

"Good morning June."  I woke to hearing Edward's sweet voice. 

"Morning Edward." 

"I liked what we did last night." He said timidly. 

"I like it to, a lot." I said thinking out what we did. 

"Can we do it again?" 

"Yes, we absolutely can." I said we shared a sweet kiss, we got dressed then headed up stairs. 

"Good morning, June, Edward. How did you sleep?" Kim asked me with a smirk playing about her face. 

"We slept fine Kim."  

"Mhm, I could hear you last night." She whispered in my ear. 

"You didn't! We were quiet!" I shot back. 

"Ah ha so you have sex, did he like it?" 

"Yeah, he really did he asked if we can do it again."

"Are you?" 

"Heck yes we are girl."

"Ah one more thing, did you use protection?" 

"Yes Kim we did, this time."

"This time? So you won't next time?" 

"I don't know.....but I know Edward and I have places to go today."


"Joyce want's to show Edward where her new salon is going to be, but I'm going with him there's no way on earth I'd ever let him alone with that woman." 

"Yeah good call." 

After Edward and I ate we went to sit on the couch to cuddle till Joyce came to get us. 

"Awww you two are so cute together, I can't believe your going to be married." Mrs. Peg cooed. 

"Me to, I love him so much, he's perfect."

"You are to June, I love you." He said as he gave me a sweet kiss, which I kissed back. Edward has quite an addition to kisses. Joyce showed up right on time, I groaned, grabbed my purse and walked out with Edward. 

"Why hey Eddy, oh and June to what a surprise." She said through her teeth. 

Joyce tried to get Edward to sit in front with her, but he said he's rather sit with me. On the way there he bought it up that we were engaged, which Joyce was less that thrilled about. 

On our way there we passed Jim on the streets, he glared and me and gave a creepy smile. I shuttered just thinking about him, I somehow knew that trouble with Jim wasn't over......

"Here we are, I want to call it "Sher Heaven." She said as she showed off the inside on the building. She showed us where she wanted everything to be and how she waned it look. The whole time she shot glares at me and tried to push Edward away from me. I was fed up with it when I notice I had left my bag in the car, it had my breathing medication so I needed it, I could see the car from here so I deiced to go get it. 

"Edward love I'll be right back, ok don't go anywhere." I said to him, the last bit directed and Joyce. 

I walked out the place and went to get my bag. I was only gone for a matter of minutes when I came back inside Edward was gone, and I heard muffled voices and slow music playing. I saw where a red curtain was and heard Joyce and Edward. 

"...I've been waiting for this moment." Joyce mumbled. 

"Joyce, please don't, I only want June to do that." Edward said in his small voice. That's when I burst in. 

"JOYCE! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! GET OFF HIM!" I shouted as I shoved her off him. She was already half naked. 

"Edward are all right?" I said as I heled him up, we both headed for the door. 

"Just where do you think you two are going?" Joyce hissed. I stopped and turned to her.

"My fiancé and I are leaving! You whore!" I shouted.

"Fiancé, do you really think he loves you? Look at you, your just some plain ugly little nobody, no man could ever want you, trust me darling I' what men want." She retorted. 

"Your want men want? You think men want some already married old woman all over them?! Well, maybe some old geezers do, but not my Edward! He is mine and I am his, so Stay. Away. From. Him. Do I make myself clear?" 

"Say whatever you want sugar, I'll get to Eddy sooner or later, no matter if he's married or not. He won't love you forever." She chuckled maniacally. 

That was it. I flew at her and knocked her to the ground, I had taken up boxing so it was easy, and socked her in the face giving her a black eye. 

"Now, Stay. Away. From. Us. Do you understand? Or next time I will call the cops!" I bellowed. Joyce snarled at us as we walked out. 

"Edward are you alright? Did she hurt you?" I asked worriedly. 

"No, but I didn't like it." He said. 

"I know you didn't, and that wasn't right she should have never done that to you."

"She almost raped me didn't she?" Edward asked sadly. 

"Yes, Edward she did." I could fell myself tearing up, "I'm so sorry Edward, I should have never left you with her." 

"I wasn't your fault June." 

"I know, I just- it just- I'll call Mrs. Peg."  

Mrs. Peg came and took us home. 

"Oh Edward, I'm so sorry, that's a horrible thing she did to you." Mrs. Peg said. 

"I knew that old whore would do something like this sooner or later, but to Edward? That's just rotten." Mr. Bill agreed. "We'll have to get a restraining order on her to." 

Latter that night Edward and I tried to get to sleep, but I just couldn't. 

"Are you ok June?" Edward asked as I tossed and turned. 

"Yeah.....I just feel so bad about what happened Edward. If I hadn't came in when I did....she could have....." I started tearing up. 

"I know, but she didn't. You saved me, thank you."

"Oh Edward, I will protect you with my life my soon-to-be-husband." I said as I cupped his face.

"And I will protect you with my life to June, I love you." We shared a sweet kiss then fell asleep.

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