A perfect match?

By Edndmti

36K 1.7K 135

Tine begins his first year at university, this is the moment he has been waiting for a long time, but unfortu... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
part 18
part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32 - special

Part 9

1.4K 78 2
By Edndmti

Two days before the reporter meeting

The two families met at Teepakorn's house, all sitting around the rectangular table, as Tine's family on one side and Sarawat's family on the other.

"I explained the situation to Mil's family, they will deny that the meetings were for matching," Pond explained to the Guntithanon family.

"Do you think anyone will believe that?" Cha-am folded her hands as she stared at Type.

"If you care about your son, deal with how to get him out of this thing."

"Type!" Tharn said as he grabbed the hand of his beloved.

"If you were educating your son right, we would not have to deal with it" -Cha-am said

"How does our son relate to what happened to you!" Type raised his voice and slammed on a table.

"True your son saved our son that night of the party, but he had to find out where he lived and bring him home right away, am I wrong?" Cha-am sting

"Can't you just thank Sarawat?" Tine asked his Cha-am.

Cha-am was silent, she did not know what to say back to her young son, she knew he was right but had a hard to admit that he was right. After a few minutes of silence, there were knocks on the door.

"Ahh I think it's Phukong" Tharn said

Cha-a asked the maid to open the door so he could enter

"Phukong?" Tine asked

"My younger brother" Sarawat replied

"I thought it was right to update our young son on this issue," Tharn said

"You did right, our eldest son is back today, so we'll let him know too," Pond replied

"P'Type is back today?"

"Oh, you have Type too? hope he's not irascible as ours" Tharn laughed

"Watch out" Type stared at Tharn

"Believe me, ours is scarier," Pond whispered

"Mama Papa, hello" Phukong said, he wore a high school outfit, Phukong looked at Tine's parents and greeted them too, "Mom, Dad by law, hello I'm Phukong"

"Who is your mother ?!" Cha-am shouted

"Who do you think you are ?!" Type shout back

"Mr. Type, lower your voice, you in my house!"

Cha-am felt dissatisfied that she could return to Type in the same sentence he told her.

"Right she's right ... I should have said big sister" Phukong flattered

Tine thought to himself how he knew Phukong, he had known him but knew where he knew him from.


"can I help you?" -Tine

"stay away from my husband !!- Phukong

I know you, you are one of his fans P.Mil !! Tine point to Phukong

Phukong tried to signal Tine to be silent but it was too late.

"You skipped out of school to see your P.Mil?!" Type scolded him

"Mama please do not be angry, I went out in the break" Phukong hugged his mother's hand

"You're grounded for two weeks"

Phukong tried to seek his father's help, but Tharn signaled that he could not help him with it, once Type decided something difficult to change.

"Well, most of us are here, so let's sum up what we're going to say to reporters," Pond suggested

After Sarawat and his family left, Tine went to bed, he lay down in his bed and thought about what he should do at the reporters meeting, he feared what would happen if things did not go according to the plan.

knocks were heard on the door, "yes?"

it was his brother, Type.

Tine jumped out of bed and hugged his brother tightly.


"Did my little brother miss me?"

Tine did not answer, tears flowing from his eyes, Type hugged Tine tightly

"Tine, everything will be fine, I promise" Type pated Tine's head, trying to comfort him.

The two brothers were lying in bed, Tine's head resting on Type's shoulder. suddenly Tine remembered

"Wait, where Chon?"

"I lay him in bed when I arrived, he was exhausted from the flight"

"Are you ready for tomorrow"

"I think..."

"Tine you do not have to do this"

"I do not want to destroy everything again"


"I'm destroying our family, you"

"Me? Tine, I hope you do not blame yourself for what happened to me"

Tine keep silent he did not return an answer to his brother.

"Look at me, what happened to me has nothing to do with you, the one who did this to me is the only culprit"

"But if it had not happened to me there... you would not have had to go through it"

"We are not responsible for others actions"

Type hugged Tine tightly "everything will be fine, I promise"

Tine fell asleep while hugging Type's hands

Reporters meeting

Tine and Sarawat and their families sat together at a long table in front of them sat all the reporters, one after the other they asked questions.

"What is your relationship with Mil?"

"My future brother-in-law wanted to know who the guy I was interested in was, so he went to check him out" Phukong said with a smile

Type leaned over to Phukong, "Now it's three weeks"

"What did they do at the hotel downtown?" the reporter said

"Obviously why did they go there, no?" other reporter said

"I do not think it's your business! and if I am not mistaken your daughter got married six months ago and she is giving birth now ..." " Type said

The reporter was silent, Tharn grabbed his lover's hand "Do not be so tough"

"He's the one who started it" Type said

"The Teepakorn family, this is not the first time someone in your family has become pregnant before matching" one of the reporters asked

Tine saw his brother clench his fist "My case is not related to my brother, and he is not pregnant. And if you all do not want us to sue you for the lies you write, review them correctly."

"What is the relationship between you and Tine?" the reporter asked Sarawat

"match, our parents think we'll be a good match for each other ... and the truth is I think so too...I like him a lot"

Tine's heart beat fast, Sarawat's words made him feel happy.

("Why am I feeling happy he's just playing the game, right? Can't he mean it?)

After three months

Sarawat's family celebrated Phukong's birthday, invited all of their relatives and Tine's family.  Tine and Sarawat went up to Sarawat's room, lying on the floor, they both were pretty drunk.

"I think I drank too much" Tine pulled his hair back.

"Me too" Sarawat unbuttoned his shirt.

"I do not believe P'Man tried to flirt with my brother"

"I do not believe your brother punched him"

"My brother has a hot-tempered"

"I can see the similarities between you"

"Hey, are you trying to insult me?"

"Um no, I think I kinda like it ..."

They looked into each other's eyes, Sarawat approached Tine and started kissing him softly, "Sarawat ... can you be my alpha? can you mark me?

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