
By BiancaAGuevara-Mejia

50.4K 1.1K 89

[Sequel to Skinny] (NEEDS EDITING) Raven's adventures are again in full swing. Join her as she goes through t... More

To Be Or Not To Be...An Actress?
Chivalry Isn't Dead
Any Suggestions?
Damsel In Distress
Writing Lyrics
Moving On...Or Trying To ****
Recording, Auditions, & Two Big Jerks
Damn Those Stupid Paparazzi
Singing On The West Coast
Surprises and Admissions
Happy Birthday?
Birthday Surprise
Fittings, Cake Tasting, & Issues Surfaced
The Wedding
Nothing But The Truth (The Wedding Reception)
Letting Go Is the Hardest Part
Venus, The Alter Ego?
Acting Neighborly... Or Not
After The Calm
Things Get Rowdy
Questions, Questions, Questions!
It Will Always Lead To A Web of Lies
Happy Clubbin' Birthday
Flirt Master?
Wild Goose Chase
New Friends
Painfully Clear
Feelings Run Asunder
Return For The Holidays
Another Visit To Abuela
Not Going To Be Easy
Awkwardness At Dinner
A Lot On My Mind
Save Me, Love Me, Leave Me, Let Me Go
Chaos Embodied
Like The Good Ol' Days
Much Needed Closure
What's On Jaxon's Mind?
Love Is A Many Splendored Thing
A Long Awaited Vacation
Enjoying It To The Fullest
Last Day Of Fun
Back To Reality
Deja Vu
Busy Life, Not A Wife
Izzy's Wedding
Epilogue: Crippling Truth
A Letter To The Readers

Prologue: Four Long Years and Three Months Later

5.3K 39 9
By BiancaAGuevara-Mejia

©2012 All Rights Reserved By Bianca A. Guevara



The crowd screamed as the stage lights came on. The guys in my band, Venus Sways, began to play their instruments with passion. I loved this part. The ceiling fans were turned on and down I came. My long blood red dress billowed behind me. I had a pair of black angel wings on my back. I was coming in for a landing and as soon as my feet touched the ground, I started to sing along with the band to our song 'Sweet Angel.' It was a cover of my original version and had more of a rocker feel to it than when I did it solo. I sang my heart out and the fans went wild. When the song was done, I did my normal thing and conversed with my audience.

"How's everyone tonight?" I asked the crowd. They screamed in return. "I hope you're enjoying yourselves so far. That opening band had some skills, right?" They cheered in agreement. "What should I sing next, guys?" I heard shouts of several different songs, but I knew I was going to sing our most popular, 'It's What She Wants.' It was a song we had written while coming up with a name for the band. "How about I sing 'It's What She Wants'?" The crowd cheered even louder, if that was even possible. I smiled at our fans. It was a great feeling being up on stage.

The guys in the band were great and enjoyed the music. They had been starting out when I'd first heard them at this little hole in the wall place that my friend, Izzy, had taken me to. They'd been in desperate need of a singer; their lead guitarist wasn't that great under pressure. I had, on a whim, jumped on the stage and sang along with their cover of some My Chemical Romance song, I forget which one.

After, I'd asked Zeke to listen to them and begged him to let them be my band. I'd gotten tired of being a solo singer and was happy to have a band to share the excitement with. We'd since sold two whole albums, making them both my fourth and fifth as an artist, and we were currently working on our third as a band.

Our show lasted two full hours and I was exhausted by the end. We'd done a meet-and-greet before the show, but we always had a small signing afterwards. I changed clothes into a simple short dress that had only one long full sleeve. I took off the wings and put on different shoes. I looked at myself in the mirror.

I'm Venus of Venus Sways and I'm a rock star. A lonely, loveless rock star.

I smiled at myself and tried to make it genuine. This was the last show for about a month or so. We were now done with the east coast and would be moving on to central North America and the west coast. I was just glad for the break. The guys were eager to go and visit their family and I was just eager to be home.


It wasn't until a full day later that I walked into my apartment in California and sighed in relief. I put my keys in the bowl next to my purse. I locked the door and double checked to be sure. I walked over to my bathroom to take a long and much needed shower. I pulled out the fake strips of color in my hair. I took pride in my natural hair color and when they had insisted that I needed a new look I wouldn't allow them to dye my hair in any way. Their compromise was to put in fake color strips, which I was very okay with.

My hair had grown a lot in the past few years. I couldn't believe it had almost been five years since I had been in my hometown. It was times like this, when I was all by myself, with no band guys, shows, interviews, or anything to keep my mind busy, that I really felt alone. I took off my makeup and looked at myself in the mirror. I had really changed in the past few years.

I had adopted a stage name of Venus and changed a lot about myself. I was still healthy, but more defined and I had longer hair that was usually streaked with red and/or purple. I always wore black eyeliner and I'd gotten a lip ring and a tongue ring along with a few visible tattoos. I'd gotten ivy tattooed on my right leg, it reached up to mid-calf and started at the top of my foot. I had also gotten raven wings on my back that went from the top of my shoulders to the small of my back. I had also gotten a few music notes behind my left ear.

I was different and Mia said she couldn't recognize me when she saw me in the magazines. I was now a rocker-looking chick and I liked it, most of the time. I liked my new life and my new friends in the band. I sighed at the routine of my thoughts. It was always like this after a long show. I would stare at myself in the mirror and wonder if I had done the right thing in becoming a singer. Then I would counter all those thoughts with positive things about my new life. It's times like this that I wish I had a lover to talk to about my troubles.

I turned on the shower and walked into the massive space. I loved the waterfall showerhead and would always admire the stonework that decorated the three walls. I was just happy that I could enjoy my shower with no interruptions.

I heard my doorbell ring.

"What the hell?" I rinsed off the rest of the soap suds on my body, turned off the shower, and grabbed a towel. I walked to my front door slowly. I glanced at the wall clock, it read 1 a.m. and I started to worry as to who could be at my door so late at night. I looked out the peephole, but there was no one there. I waited for a few minutes and when no one rang again, I slowly opened the door. I looked down the hall and saw no one in either direction. I looked down at my welcome mat and saw a neat little box. I picked it up and again looked both ways, but there was still no sign of anyone. I pulled the box inside and closed my door and locking it tight. I placed the box on the table and went to get dressed before I opened it.

Once I was dressed, I sat at the table just staring at the gift. I hadn't been receiving these too often now, but this was starting to get a little out of hand. I knew the gifts were from a fan and I also knew that I was the only one receiving them. The guys were a little freaked out by it, but I was just happy that it hadn't been bad so far. A rose here, a love letter there, some fan art as well, but for my fan to drop something off so late at night, couldn't mean anything good, right?

I opened the gift cautiously and breathed a sigh of relief when I only found a dozen roses and a picture I'd signed.....recently. I had met my fan and I had no idea who he was. I hadn't written his name and I couldn't recall his face but I remember this message. 'To my biggest fan, May all your dreams come true. With lots of Luv, Venus.'

I dropped the picture of the band in the box and picked up the letter.

Dear Venus,

I hope you know that my dream is to win your affections. I know that you may think I'm after your status and money but I am not. I can see it in your eyes when you sing about love how much you long for it and I want to be the one to show you the feeling. I care for you and I hope you can come to care for me the same way. I know your birthday is coming up soon and I have a wonderful surprise planned out for you and I. I hope you'll let me celebrate your special day with you.

Yours Truly,

Your Biggest Fan.

I wasn't sure what I was going to do, but I knew that I wouldn't be in town for my birthday. I was going on tour at the end of the next month. After the tour, I was going back to Texas because Mia wanted me home to help her with the wedding plans while I was on my break. I would have to crank out a new album with the band, when they got back, before the tour started. I guess I could write about my biggest fan or the need for someone special. I pulled out my journal and scribbled out some thoughts. I just hoped that this fan didn't turn into some psycho killer dude just because I couldn't be with him. I wished I could get in touch with him to let him down easy. I hadn't been with anyone in the past few years, but that didn't mean it would stay that way forever.

The paparazzi hadn't bothered with our band very much, but they were always asking questions about our personal lives. I was pretty fed up with trying to explain that I wasn't secretly dating any of the guys in my band. One, it's tacky and two, it's so very lazy.


I woke up the next morning to my cell phone ringing. I sighed and reached over to pick it up.

"Hello?" I said a little groggy from sleep.

"What the hell? Let me in, Rave, I'm getting bloody tired of screaming for you to open up. People are starting to get upset."

I sighed as the line went dead and got up. I knew she wouldn't mind me being in my underwear and so I got up to let her in. She was a pain in the butt on the best days, but she was definitely a good friend. She was always the one to drag me to the stupid events and awards shows when I didn't want to go, just to get me out of the house.

"Good morning, cupcake, I hope you're ready for tonight," said Isabella Clark, aka Izzy. She's a model and had been a body for one of my music videos, 'Sweet Angel' a couple of years ago and we had hit it off. We were now the best of friends.

I took in her statuesque frame that seemed to tower over mine, with her blond locks that fell just past her shoulders. I envied her pouty "kiss me" lips that she always had glossed up and her accent was just hot for a girl. I would so go lesbian for her if she asked me to, but she was straight as a board and liked to string the boys along. She'd never dated the same man twice. It was her golden rule. When we first met, I had been dating on and off, but there was only so much I could take. She talked me out of casual dating and into just going out with her. I've had many a blurry night with Izzy, but I'd quickly grown tired of partying.

She smiled at me as I looked in her baby blue eyes in confusion.

"What in the bloody hell are you talking about," I asked. Izzy, being British, just scoffed at my terrible impression of her and I walked to the kitchen as she closed the door.

"Well, for your information, we're going to this movie awards show. There's this really cute actor that I want to talk to and there's also this really young producer that may get a few awards for his movies. I'm dying to attend and I need a gal pal to go with me," she said, rather quickly. She was one of those girls, that rambles on and on. I knew she wouldn't give me any choice because like me, she didn't have many girl friends. I wouldn't be able to decline that cute pouty face that I knew I would turn around to see. I turned to look at her with my coffee in hand. I took a sip and stared at her cute pout and sighed when my mouth was free of the delicious liquid.

"Fine, but I warn you now, I have nothing to wear." Of course she just scoffed. She scoffs a lot, I noticed.


I got out of the limo with the help of a kind gentleman. I hated coming to these events. Too many cameras. I had my hair in curls and was wearing a gorgeous gown that Izzy had gotten from a friend when he was done with his movie, or so she said. It was very nice and green. I waited for Izzy to exit the vehicle. She was my guide and my anchor, without her I would probably get right back in the limo and leave. She grabbed onto me and smiled warmly at the cameras. I guess it's easier to do when it's in your job description to pose for cameras. I smiled all throughout and even answered some questions, if they weren't too personal. I was just happy to finally get inside the building.

I held my clutch to my chest in awe at the enormity of the entrance, it was beyond gorgeous and we just walked right past it, as if it didn't matter. I sighed. That was the way of celebrities, never stopping to smell the roses and what not. We sat at a table with a bunch of actors that I only knew from the movies they were in. They spoke amongst themselves and didn't acknowledge me, they were talking about their new releases and I was just sitting there, alone.

"Is this seat taken?" I looked up to the petite girl with the bright brown eyes. She was cute as a button and no older than 17. I shook my head and she sat down. "I hate coming to these things, but I have to support my older brother. He's an actor and he's nominated for several things," she bragged to me.

We spent the next few hours talking about everything under the sun. She was a very lively girl and so sweet. She cheered when her brother, Lucas Rush, was called onto the stage for his award. Her name was Linda and she was his only family to attend. The camera would move to us and she would wave happily at it, while I tried to shy away. I knew my family would probably be watching the awards show and I didn't even know why I was present. Oh, right, Izzy dragged me.


"Love, come here and meet this brilliant man," Izzy called to me. I walked over to where she stood with an older man, I think he was a director or something.

"This is my friend Venus, Mr. Abrams," she introduced me. I smiled and shook his waiting hand. Izzy liked to use my stage name to keep my anonymity at these things.

"You know you have a face for film. You're beautiful. Maybe you should consider auditioning for my latest movie. Isabella already declined my offer." I nodded and took his card. I wondered what movie he was doing and I gave him my information as well. I guess I could always try my hand at acting. The band thing wasn't as hectic as it used to be and the guys were already getting into other things. Once the tour was over, we wouldn't have much to do to occupy our time and create some income. We weren't too comfortable with doing a world tour just yet and Tanya had been pushing us to do other things to get our faces out there. We'd done a commercial, but the boys didn't like it too much.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Abrams," I finally said.

"And she speaks. My, your voice is lovely." He smiled warmly at me.

"She's a singer," Izzy input. His eyebrows rose and he grinned.

"Well, that explains it then. You're made to be seen and heard. I hope to hear from you about the movie."

"I have some free time now, but in about a month I'll have a month long tour. Afterwards, I'll be free to do whatever I want." He nodded and told me he would keep me informed on the auditions and everything, personally. I was shocked that he seemed so eager to get me to do his movie. What if he was just being too hopeful and I was actually a terrible actress?

"Jay, hey, Jay. Come and meet this wonderful girl." I shook my head at the way these movie people spoke.

"What is it, Mr. Abrams? Oh and this is my fiance, Julia. She's been so eager to meet you." I turned towards the man that spoke; he was tall and handsome. I looked to his petite fiance, she was a slightly tan girl with light blond hair, looked like she dyed it and brown eyes. She just smiled brightly, but I could tell that she was nervous. She shook hands with Mr. Abrams and then he waved his hand to me and Izzy.

"This is Isabella Clark and Venus. She's a singer but I think she should try her hand at acting. She certainly has the face for the silver screen." He seemed so proud at his words and I smiled at him. I was glad that he thought I was capable of doing it, when I, myself, wasn't sure that I could.

"Hey, I know--," Jay started but his fiance cut him off.

"Oh my gosh, babe, it's the Venus, from Venus Sways," she squealed excitedly. It brought on the attention of other people around us.

"Oh, you're right. It's a pleasure to meet you. Julia and I are big fans. We bought tickets to your show here in L.A. weeks ago," he informed me. I couldn't tell where I knew him from, but he looked and smiled so familiar.

"Oh that's wonderful. I hope you enjoy the show. I know I'm eager for it. Especially the show we are doing near my hometown."

"Oh, that's right, you're from Texas, like Jay," Julia said. "I always joke with him and say wouldn't it be funny if he went to school with you and didn't even know it. That would be an amazing coincidence. I mean you two are about the same age and more than likely graduated at the same time. It's a lot to have in common. He always tells me you remind him of his friend, but she went off to study in some Ivy League school to become a lawyer or something like that. Anyways, we have to get going, got to have dinner with my parents. It was nice meeting you all." She pulled Jay away. I thought it odd that he kept staring at me like he was trying to solve a puzzle.

Izzy called after them waving backstage passes in their direction. I could her Julia's squeal from where I stood and then they were gone. I couldn't stop the nagging feeling I was getting. I felt like I knew that guy and I couldn't bring up from where.

My cellphone rang and I answered it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Ivy love," my grandma said sweetly.

"Hi, abuela, what are you doing up so late?" I asked her playfully.

"I was watching the movie awards show and I saw you on there, mija. I didn't know you were in the movies," she said to me.

"I'm not, abuela. I was there to support a friend," I told her.

"Oh, when are you coming to see me again? You mother, she never come to see me anymore," she said sounding sad. I felt bad that she was in that place all alone.

"I'm going to come as soon as I'm back in Texas, I promise," I told her.

"You better or tu sabes que voy hacer," she threatened. (or you know what I will do)

"Yes, ma'am, I know what you'll do if I don't come. You'll sick your chancla on me." How a sandal could hurt me is only by being thrown and honestly grandma's throw is lacking.

"Well, good night, mija. I love you," she said.

"I love you too, abuela. Good night," I told her and she hung up. I would definitely have to go and see her as soon as possible.

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