𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚 𝐓𝐨...

By sshxrnaa

77.1K 1.5K 61

Katerina Leones Is Just a Barista so she thinks before her and her 1 year old daughter Get Taken By Leonardo... More

.chapter 1.
.chapter 2.
.chapter 4.
.Chapter 5.
.Chapter 6.
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
.Chapter 13.
.Chapter 14.
.Chapter 15.
.Chapter 16.
.Chapter 17.
.Chapter 18.
.Chapter 19.
.Chapter 20.
.Chapter 21.
.chapter 22.
.Chapter 23.
Spin off part.1
Spin off part.2

.chapter 3.

5K 111 1
By sshxrnaa

.Leonardo's POV.

"FUCK, Dario look at me and tell me where the hell my shipment and money are before I put another bullet in your chest and this time I will make your Lovely little maid Girlfriend watch, Turns out she is more loyal than you, So tell me where the FUCK IS MY DAMN SHIPMENT AND MONEY?" I yelled at him

He stole from me. He lost my money and my shipment. So the price he faces is death even if he tells me the truth, He took an oath and he broke it.

So he's done

Finally, he Stuttered out, "R-Roman has the m-m-money and the s-shipment". Once he said that I was so far beyond mad that at this point I was calm and all I did was laugh before grabbing his head and pulling him to my eye level.

"Entonces rompiste mi lealtad con el único Roman Cortez, mi enemigo, bueno, ya que rompiste mi lealtad pero aún me dijiste la verdad te lo agradeceré pero te mataré, adiós Dario"
(So you broke my loyalty to the one and only Roman Cortez, my enemy,well since you broke my loyalty but still told me the truth I will thank you but I'm still going to kill you, Goodbye Dario)

I dropped his head, got my gun out, and shot him straight in his head, then I cleaned my gun and put it back in my waistband before calling over My brother and right-hand man Mateo and whispered in his ear

"Mateo Get this cleaned up by the maids but Put his little girlfriend as one of them to come down here so that she can see what happens to People that betray me" as I finished my sentence I made my way up the stairs and into the SUV as the rest of my right-hand men followed behind once we all got in we all waited for Mateo and once he came we drove and on our way to the café I called Elena to thank her for finding out who the mole was, I have to say that I got pretty blessed in the sister department she went from being a Quiet Kid to one of the best Hackers In the Country and after I called her we were off to our Favorite Café, We don't usually go on Thursdays but why not.

.Katerina's POV.

We were now working and Alexandra Managed to let me borrow Some makeup to cover up the Bruise since this one was a little too noticeable and we didn't want any of the customers thinking that anything was going on

I've been working for almost 3 hours when I was starting to get a little tired before A interesting group of men walked into the Café and one of my coworkers went to give them a table, they have to be pretty important since they got the private table on the third floor.

But my thoughts were cut off short by Mari Telling me to go ask them what they would like to get started with.
"Mari are you serious they look like they will murder me even if I spell the order wrong please you do it" I pleaded to her
"no I have over 4 other tables to do so go, Now, "Mari told me as she picked up the trays of food and walked to the other tables

As I grabbed the menus and walked up and over to the private table I started to feel my hands clam up.


As I finally made it to the table all of them were looking at me with a weird face like as if they met Santa, All except the one in the middle which he didn't look up until I said

"Um, sir what drink would you like to get started with?"I asked with a shaky voice

As he finally looked up and locked eyes with me his dark brown eyes pierced straight through my soul. Damn who is this man and then he finally said "A black Coffee With no sugar"

"geez," I said before I realized that I said it out loud as I slapped my mouth and they all looked up at me with a small smirk on their faces while the one in the middle slowly looked at me while taking off his sunglasses, "is that an issue?" he asked with a serious tone.

"no sir, my apologizes I will go get your drinks now," I told them with a worried tone

And with that, I collected the menus and rushed away to the backroom to catch my breath but I should have checked the mirror before exiting because now everyone could see my black eye.

I rushed out of the backroom with their coffees and set them down on the table before noticing that they were all looking at me with a concerned look.

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