Helluva Boss: New Workers

By KLigers98

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In the lands of hell, is a startup assassination business called Immediate Murder Professionals or I.M.P. Th... More

Prologue: Misfits of hell
Chapter 1: Shit getting done and resolved
Chapter 2: History of a snake
New Workers of I.M.P Bios
Chapter 3: Alcohol, Violence, and Sex
Chapter 4: A Ground Breaking Union
Chapter 6: Tai's Intervention / Viper past
Chapter 7: A child is born / The Big Payback
Chapter 8: Hell's Disneyland
Chapter 9: Spring Broken
Chapter 10: Fucking Angels
Chapter 11: The Harvest Moon Festival
Chapter 12: A Party To Remember
Chapter 13: Hazbin Hotel
Chapter 14: Brother and Sister Reunion
Chapter 15: Truth Seekers and Guests?
Chapter 16: A deal gone wrong
Chapter 17: More Guests?
Chapter 18: Pin Drop
Halloween Chapter: Vega's House of Chaos
Chapter 19: Work and Life

Chapter 5: Going to the Vatican

235 4 1
By KLigers98

(I do not own Helluva Boss or any of the art and characters except Tai. All art and artwork belong to their respective owners. Also, the music belongs to their artist)

(Warning Dark Humor, sex, alcohol, drugs, and other mature themes are in this story. Please don't read if you cannot handle it.)

(This story was created by KLigers98 and Tojamaru.)


In the city of Rome, it was night time and the camera shows the Vatican far away which shows some shadowy figures on top of a rooftop. The camera then reveals the figures to show Tai, Viper, Silva, Moxxie, Millie, and last but not least the new girl Breaker.

Tai: Okay, you all know the plan Breaker you cause a distraction to get the guard's attention while me, Silva, and Viper sneak inside the Vatican and kill the Bishop and since the guy is in the Vatican my guess he could be in line to be the next pope. Now Millie, Moxxie your are covering fire if anyone tries to get a drop on Breaker and before you say anything Breaker it's not bad to have eyes that have your back.

Breaker: Don't you worry, I've got the perfect distraction in mind! Just be ready to take the shot Moxxie!

Moxxie: Hey, don't worry I am a good shot and so is my wife but I have a strange feeling that this Bishop is more than meets the eye.

Millie: I agree this got to be more to this target.

As Moxxie said that Silva just hisses.

Viper: Silva says she senses something off about this whole thing. We should all tread carefully.

Tai: Got it Viper but also I just remember that a Bishop can become a Pope so our target might be next to the line of Pope so this one will be a doozy.

Viper: Thank you captain obvious, now let's move.

As Viper said that everyone heads to the Vatican and the scene changes.

Outside of the Vatican

The scene shows Breaker walking down the steps to the Vatican but as she walks up the stairs she is stopped by a couple of guards.

Vatican Guard 1: Who goes there?

Vatican Guard 2: What business do you have here and if you are here to visit it's closing time so you may not pass.

Breaker: Oh? Well, that's too bad I was hoping to see the beauty of the Vatican.

Breaker then quickly pulls out her hammer as she hits both guards hard enough that they slam against the wall, breaking a giant hole into it in the process.

Breaker: Unfortunately, this little lady doesn't take orders from anybody!

As Breaker said that she hears guards coming her way and hears her communicator going off.

Breaker: Hello! What can I do for you?

Moxxie: Breaker it's me Moxxie you better get out of there now more guards are coming.

Breaker: Oh alright, but I may as well give them a parting gift.

Breaker then sees the group of guards as she runs to a nearby car before hitting it towards the guards as they all dove out of the way of the flying vehicle. Breaker then ran off cackling all the way as the guards tried to regain their composure before continuing the chase. As the guards chase Breaker, the scene changes again.

Inside the Vatican

The scene changes to Tai, Viper, and Silva who are seen searching the Vatican for their target and so far they found nothing.

Tai: Shit, no sign of the guy.

Viper: Down the hall take a left turn then make a sharp right, he should be in his chambers at the end of the hall.

Tai: Let me guess Silva told you or there is a literal map to him?

Viper: Wrong both times actually, you see Silva and I have developed this unique little trick whereby syncing up with her, my eyes can detect sin similar to heat signatures.

Tai then looks at Viper with a "wow" expression and all three of them headed to where the Bishop was. Both Tai, Viper, and Silva find the bishop's chamber and quietly open the door to find that it was empty which confused all three of them.

Viper: Sneaky little bastard, hey I can see you through the wall, get out of that hidden chamber of yours!

As Viper said that the wall opens revealing the bishop who was scared shitless.

Viper: Well look on the bright side Tai, there's no little Timmy glued to his crotch so that's a plus.

Tai: Yeah it is but.....

Tai then sniffs the air and then walks to the Bishop and starts searching him to find drugs on him.

Tai: Well look it here this Bishop does drugs.

Viper: Let me see that for a second.

Viper took it before tasting it and looking at the Bishop.

Viper: Dude I hate to say it, but you got ripped off this isn't even standard quality.

Bishop: What! That bastard ripped me of fuck does he know how hard it was to move that much prod-

Viper then grabs him by the neck before lifting him off the ground.

Viper: You know how hard it is to smuggle a cannon that launches scrap at Mach one into a banque? That my friend is what separates the amateurs from the professionals! I wonder if Breaker still has that thing laying around?

Tai: Hold on before you do anything I want to see what this fucker has been doing.

Viper: We can kill him and ransack his office, I don't see why we need him alive Tai, the job comes first.

Tai: Not yet I want to check something first.

Tai then checks the Bishop's office and once he searches his eyes widen and he turns to the bishop and had his gun out.

Tai: Motherfucker it was you!

Viper then slits the Bishop's throat as his body drops to the ground with a thud.

Tai then looks at the dead body and puts some holes into him and then starts to rip the dead bishop's body apart until Viper pulls him off and punched him in the face and Tai looks at him.

Tai: What was that for?

Viper: We're professionals Tai, you don't mangle an already dead body! Show some goddamn class or so help me I'll have Blitzo bench you!

Tai: Would you show class if this bishop is the reason your own family member was sent into a coma!

Viper: Tai I'll be real with you, I don't care what happened in your past! Look we have to focus on the here and the now, what's done is done and you can't change that.

Tai: Fine, but I am taking everything I can on where the drug trade is.

Viper: Let me ask you something, is this what your sister would have wanted? Her brother becoming a murderer? Look at me Tai, no one forced your sister to take this shit, she did it of her own free will. The only one at fault for her being in a coma is her.

Tai then looks at Viper and sighs and puts his gun away.

Tai: I was supposed to protect her and I failed her. After finding her not moving I couldn't take it hell how do you think I got sent down there.

Viper: You shot the messenger, not the source. Even if you did, you still would have been sent to hell, murder was the original sin. In the eyes of the big man upstairs, there is no justifying that, no matter the reason.

Tai: True, I had no reason I just killed the dealer in anger.

Tai then looks at the dead body of the bishop and then leaves the room followed by Viper and the scene changes.

With Breaker

Breaker was seen hiding behind cover as the guards were shooting at her.

Breaker: Well this is a fine little mess I've gotten myself into! Luckily I brought a little something for just the occasion!

Breaker then takes out three windup toy cars that she winds up before sending towards the guards. The three little cars exploded like a flashbang, completely disorienting the guards.

Breaker: I've set the stage, the spotlight is yours Moxxie!

As Breaker said that the sounds of gunfire could be heard and the guards go down which Breaker communicator then goes off.

Moxxie: Targets neutralized, your escape is a go.

Breaker: Thank you and good day people of the Vatican, it was fun!

Breaker then made her escape while cackling like a child hopped up on sugar. Breaker then re-groups with the others which Moxxie, her, and Mille sees Tai covered in a lot of blood.

Breaker: Did the cat lose his temper or something? Or was it like that time we smuggled that cannon that launched scrap at Mach one into that banque?

Moxxie: Tai what the fuck happened!?

Millie: Sweet lord you look bloody as hell.

Viper: Tai forgot professional standards and tore the bishop's body to pieces after I already killed him.

Tai: Yeah, I still had some pent-up rage after my death and to find someone to my past kinda sent me off.

Moxxie: Well at least the target is dead but now we got to go time to get back to hell.

Millie: Aww can we at least get something to eat before we go?

Tai: Let me just get rid of the blood and I will take you guys to a great Italian restaurant I found a while back.

Viper: How would we even pull that off, we're demons, we don't really look human now do we? Plus Silva scares most people.

Tai: I mean we just order the food and I just put on my hoodie and go pick it up. I mean I have done it several times.

Viper: You see that makes a lot more sense, besides I prefer it when we're not in crowded areas.

Tai: Okay, well let me grab the food and we go back to hell.

With that said Tai order the food which he then picked up head back with his group and went back to hell.

I.M.P Building

As everyone is walking down the hall with the food, Viper opens the door and sees Loona texting and Blitzo watching the commercial they made.

Viper: We're back and we brought lunch, job wasn't too bad all things considered.

When Viper said that he put down the food as well as the rest of the group then all of sudden is turned around and is being kissed by his girlfriend Loona.

Viper: What's got you all energized? Your usually more relaxed than this.

Loona: I am in heat and need help you, me at the apartment now!

With that said Viper and Loona leave the room and everyone just stare at each other as to what just happened.

Tai: Uhhh, should we be worried that Viper might get Loona pregos?

Breaker: Ah don't worry, Viper has survived some pretty rough stuff! Like that time Gizmo's experimental bomb sent him flying through two whole scrap piles!

As Breaker said that everyone's jaws opened.

Moxxie: Holy Shit!

Blitzo: I'm starting to think Viper is indestructible at this point.

Millie: He sure is one tough son of a bitch.

Tai: Agreed, with that said let's eat.

Everyone then grabs a plate and went on their day and the scene then changes to black.


KLigers98: Short chapter but a fun one at that though the Loona getting into heat was a twist who knew she be in heat when Viper got back.

Tojamaru: Life is full of unexpected variables, why wouldn't life in hell be similar in that regard?

KLigers98: True but anyway I feel that Tai is about to have an intervention after that stunt with the bishop. Now with that said please like, comment, and follow this story till next time Ligers signing off.

Tojamaru: What will happen next to our favorite team of Demon professionals? Until our paths cross again everyone!

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