The Other Side // Z.M.

By AllCanChange

590 16 0

"How are you feeling today, Alexis ?" "Better." More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 6

26 1 0
By AllCanChange

"Good bye honey, I'll see you next week-end !" I waved to my mom, who was now leaving our lot. She's so stupid and innocent. It didn't take me long to convince her to let me stay at the camping. I was just out of the nut-house and left on my own for a week, how bad of an idea was that ? Pretty fucking bad, I think. But I didn't care, I'm the one asking for that anyway.

Louis had left in the morning and my mom just had. Meaning that I now have a free week without anyone to look after me. So. Fucking. Great. 

But, as weird as it may sounds, I spent my first evening doing nothing illegal. I just laid on the couch, watching some old One Tree Hill shows and eating all of the ice cream left in the caravan.


When I woke up, I had half of a melt ice cream jar in my hand, the spoon was laying on the floor. Oh damn, my mom's carpet was clearly fucked. Not giving a crap about that, I got up and put the ice cream back in the freezer. Marcus will be surprised next time he'll come for some. He's always coming to eat my ice cream, this bastard. 

I quickly grabbed a muffin and I was on my way out.


"Come on Bingo ! Give it to me, for fuck's sake !" With that, I jumped on his back and tried to get the last water balloon from him. The other members of my crew weren't pretty far away, fighting their own battles. That's how we spent the first three days of our week. And probably how it will be until the end of the next week-end, since my mom isn't coming back. Yeah, she called me yesterday and said that she was "so sorry" and all that crappy stuff. I didn't tell her but... I was glad to not have her around. Hell yeah, two weeks without my mom on my back, what else can I ask for ?

"Get off my back !" Bingo screamed, before throwing me in the water. It wasn't the first time we were doing that and I have to admit that I was kind of having fun. Being high may help with that, though. 

"Oh, look what you've done !" Bingo told me as soon as my head was out of the water. I threw my wet hair back and I saw some part of the now exploded balloon flotting on the waves we were creating. I just laughed and patted the boy's back before walking out of the water. I let myself fall on the sand. I could still hear my crew screaming, they were real kiddos sometimes.

Or all the time, your choice. 

After just a few minutes, I didn't felt like laying on the sand anymore. I don't know why, but I'm like that. Sometimes, I just feel like doing something a minute and doing something else the next one. I'm a weirdo, but I like it. Anyway. I got up and put my clothes back on, not worrying if my bathing suit was still wet. 

"Hey guys, I'm leaving ! See ya later !" I screamed to my crew as I was leaving the beach.

"Don't leave me, I was lying, I love you Aleeeeex !"

I middle-fingered Bingo, before really turning my back on them. I walked up the road, until I got to the Play House. It was usually empty during the week, because no kid was staying at the camping without their parents and parents are working during the week. Well... usually is the word. Because, that time, when I stepped inside, it wasn't empty. 

There was this young girl, pretty small with long dark hair and dark skin, playing Mississippi with... Some guy. They looked alike, so I assumed they were in the same family. He had his hair placed up in some sort of quiff, but he didn't had enough I-don't-know-what-he-use-for-his-hair so it was kind of falling over the top. I stood in a corner, arms-crossed, not even bothering to look like I was somehow busy. No, I was clearly staring at them and didn't give a crap in the world about being cut. The guy was kind of cute, probably a bit younger than me. But not much. So still pretty fuckable. 

What ? It's not because I'm a girl that I don't think those things ! And it's been so long since I made out with someone - outside of Louis at that party, few days ago - that I couldn't help it. 

The guy wasn't pretty good, his sister wasn't better... but she was young, so I think it's just normal. After they finished a game, I walked up to them and lower myself to the little girl's level. 

"Want me to help you win against your bro ?" I whispered in her ear and she vigourously shook her head. She had a huge grin on her lips as I handed her the first ring. I helped her for the direction and she shoot. That's how we roll for the whole game and it wasn't long until we beat the ass of the guy. The little girl was so happy that she started to jump all around, before giving me a huge hug. I wasn't much into physical demonstration, but I let her do. I even hugged her back, just a bit. 

When she let go of me, I looked to the guy with a smile. "I'm Alexis" I told him as his younger sister grabbed his hand. They looked pretty close and, for a few seconds - no, not even a second, just... a moment - I wished I had a big brother. Then I came back into real world. Having someone else around would just be trouble. Disappointing someone else would just suck even more. 

"I'm Zayn" the guy said, before pointing his sister with his chin. "And this is Safaa." The little girl was still smiling like crazy, she was fucking way too happy, even for a kid. 

"I'm hungry, Zayn !" Safaa said, pulling his brother's arm. Well, now I could tell that she really was a kid. 

"Well..." The guy said, turning to me. "I guess it's time for us to leave."

"Yeah, good bye then." I only said that and gave him a smile, which he returned. I was almost out of the room when I quickly turned around and, pushed by I don't know which force, called his name. "A bunch of teenagers are going to meet here tomorrow at eleven PM, wanna come ?" 

He didn't seem pretty hot at the idea as he asked "Is it fun ?" He clearly didn't had much experience with things like that, I could tell. And I only wanted him more to come. 

"Come and you'll see." I just smiled again, then I was out. I knew he would come. And I knew what I would do to him. The only thing was that... Well, he seemed pretty shy and... I don't know. It will probably be hard, but I wanted to have some fun with that Zayn guy. He was too cute to let go.


I was sitting on my porch, cellphone in my hands, texting Louis. In fact, I was more reading his weird stories than actually texting him, but who cares ? I looked up from the screen when I felt someone sitting right next to me. It was Marcus and, by his face, I knew he was coming from the inside of my caravan.

"Your ice cream sucks" he told me and I started to laugh.

"I made it melt just for you, you should thank me."

"Yeah, but... no." 

I shook my head and looked back down to my phone, who hadn't stop buzzing in my hands. Well, Louis had a lot to tell me. But it was nothing important, so I just locked it and looked in front of me. I was picturing that Zayn guy, tomorrow... I knew it was about to be his first real night. He was still in high school, that's for sure. And, shy as he was, he probably never had some parties like the ones we are throwing, in here. 

"What are you up to..." Marcus whispered, not even wanting an answer. 

"You'll see." I told him, smiling.


A bit short, I'm sorry ! I've been quite busy lately !

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