I Need You » SuperFlash {3} |...

By themiko2

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After defeating Eobard Thawne, The Flash is recognized as a hero in Central City after saving the city, only... More

the new chapter
the man who saved central city
atom smasher
flash of two worlds
sand demon
eddie slick
task force
family of rouges
a bomb
lewis snart
the fury of the firestorm
someone new
henry hewitt
the darkness and the light
doctor light
linda park
a new friend
enter zoom
look at your hero
gorilla warfare
save the girl
angelic figure
legends of today
vandal savage
staff of horus
legends of yesterday
dying confession
second chances
running to stand still
james, snart, & mardon
it's beginning to look a lot like christmas
potential energy
killing dreams
the turtle
russell glosson
reverse-flash returns
timeline remnant
fast lane
tar pit
stolen speed
welcome to earth-2
kara and iris' doppelgängers
killer frost and deathstorm
escape from earth-2
king shark
shay lamden
what happened on earth-2
not in vain
flash back
time wraith
from the past
i love you, i love you too
world's finest, round two
daughter from the future
demoness banshee
his girl again
vs zoom
he returns
back to normal
kara and killer frost
every earth
scariest thing
killed the flash
speed force
come back to you
black siren
whole again
the race of his life
the trade
to save her
𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔

the running dinosaur

727 21 6
By themiko2

Previously on I Need You, While Barry kept declining Harrison's offer, the team rigged a hologram of the Flash to stop crime around the city so that no one will know the truth.

Henry returned to Central City and joined the team. He argued with Wells on the safety of another explosion. Hunter and Kara arrived back on Earth-1 with Hunter declaring the city under his control.

The Earth-2 version of Dante Ramon, called "Rupture", arrived on Earth-1 looking to kill Cisco, believing that Cisco killed his Earth-2 brother. Zolomon sent Rupture after the police to send the city a message.

Iris confessed her feelings to Mon-El on his way to save Kara. After Mon had rescued Kara, he brought her back to STAR Labs, where she reunited with all of their friends, including Barry, when she then confessed her true feelings.

Barry, Kara and the police stop Rupture, but Zolomon arrived and killed the officers himself, as well as Rupture for failing. He then publicly announced the Flash's disappearance.

Cisco and Dante-1 become closer. Barry finally agreed to Harrison's plan. During the process, Barry was seemingly vaporized, while Jesse and Wally were caught in the blast.

"Your soulmate is the person who mends your broken heart by simply giving you theirs"

Breach Room

As the lightning hit Barry, he screamed in pain, but as it did, he started to slowly fade away into dust. "Barry!" Kara screamed but soon enough he was gone. Kara's blue eyes were filled with sobs as she covered her mouth. As was everyone else. But then Cisco ran in.

"It worked! Is everyone okay? What happened?" Cisco asked but Kara dropped to the ground, overwhelmed by pain.

"No! No! Barry!" She exclaimed.

"What did you do to my son?!" Henry yelled but then Zoom whooshed in, and picked up the only thing left of Barry. His ripped up suit.

"You thought you could give The Flash his speed back? Well done. You killed him instead," Zoom said before he zoomed back out.

All was heard now was the sorrow of Kara, sobbing and begging for Barry to come back to her. Iris, who was crying as well, bent down next to her friend and hugged her tight. "He's...no...he can't-" Kara rambled before Mon also bent down and hugged her.

"Barry...he's gone. This wasn't su...I didn't...I'm so sorry. We lost him," Harry said.

"No, no, no, no, he...He could've got knocked somewhere or maybe even run there," Cisco said as he ran to a computer and began to look for Barry's location. "Nothing on the GPS."

"There were strikes all over the building," Harry said before he pressed comms.

"Jesse, come down here, please." But no response. "Jesse? Wally?" Harry, Joe, Iris, Kara and Mon all stared at each other intensely before they got up and ran out.


When the group ran into the hallway, they saw Wally and Jesse on the ground, unconscious. "Oh, God, Wally!" Iris yelled before she, Joe and Mon slide next to Wally, and hovered over him.

"No, no! Wally!" Joe yelled as Harry and Kara hovered over Jesse. "Wally, wake up! No! Can you hear me? Wally!"

"Jesse, Jesse!" Harry yelled.

"Jesse!" Kara yelled.


But then Wally woke up, cringing to himself. "Stop yelling, please," Wally said before Iris and Mon golfed him into a hug.

"Her heart stopped. Her heart stopped!" Harry yelled as he felt Jesse's heartbeat gone.

"Jesse," Kara softly said.

"Are you okay?" Joe asked Wally.

"Jesse!" Kara yelled then Jesse gasped, but she was still unconscious. "Oh," she softly said in relief.

"It's beating. Her heart's beating," Harry said.

"Henry's a doctor. He should see her," Joe said before he got up and ran towards the breach room. Then Kara crawled over to Wally and hugged him.

"I'm so glad you're okay," she said.

"Hey, what's with him?" Wally asked as Kara, Iris and Mon faced him.

"It's Barry. Barry's gone," Kara croaked and Wally stared at her, confused but saddened. "Are you okay, Wally?" He nodded. "Okay, we should get you home, get some rest, okay?"

"I don't understand," Wally said.

"No, it's okay. Let's go," Iris said as she and Kara guided him out.

"I'll stay here, okay?" Mon said and Iris looked back at him with a smile.

"Thank you," she said and he smiled back.

"Of course," he said.

Breach Room

When Joe ran in, he saw Henry just sitting down, not sure how to overcome the pain he was feeling. "Henry, Wells' daughter is upstairs. The energy hit her too," Joe said, but Henry didn't say anything. "Her heart stopped beating. Henry!"

"All right," Henry said softly before he got up and walked out, to go help Jesse. But as he left, Cisco touched Barry's suit and saw Barry, alive, in some type of vortex.

"I saw him!" Cisco exclaimed and Joe looked at him. "I saw Barry. He's alive."

Allen Household

Barry gasped awake, but it was odd. He was in his childhood bedroom. He slowly looked around, wondering how he got there. But he got up and headed downstairs.

When he did, he saw crime scene tape surrounded in the middle of where Nora Allen was murdered. But in the middle of it all, was Mon-El, holding a notepad, writing stuff down. "Mon?" Barry asked and Mon looked at him before he smiled.

"Good to see you, Barry. But I'm not Mon," Mon said but Barry was even more confused.

"You're not?" Barry asked.

"No," Mon said.

"And all of this? It's not real?" Barry asked.

"How do you feel, being back here?" Mon asked before he crossed over to Barry and sat down in a chair.

"I feel awful," Barry said.

"We thought you'd be more comfortable talking to someone who looked familiar and in a place you knew," Mon said.

"We? Who's we, exactly?" Barry asked.

"That's a little hard to explain. Sit, Barry. Sit," Mon said and Barry, confused, sat down in a chair in front of Mon. "How much do you know about the Speed Force?"

"It's the source of my power. It's what makes me a speedster," Barry said.

"Yes...and no. When the first subatomic particle sprang forth from the Big Bang to form reality as you know it, we were there. When the last proton decays, stops vibrating, and plunges the universe into heat death, we'll be there too," Mon said but Barry eyed him in shock.

"I'm talking to the Speed Force? Isn't that like saying I'm having a conversation with gravity or light or," Barry said but all Mon did was smile.

"You need a minute. It's okay if you do. It's a lot to take in," Mon said.

"So you're saying I'm...I'm talking to the source of my power, which just so happens to look like...my best friend? That's trippy," Barry said and Mon laughed.

"We pretty much invented trippy here," Mon said.

"Look, I'm...I'm not sure why you brought me here, but you need to send me back. My friends are in danger from Zoom," Barry said but then a black shadow whooshed by the house, catching Barry's attention. "Did you see that?"

"You're not going back," Mon said and Barry looked at him. "Not until..."

"Till what?" Barry asked.

"Until you catch that," Mon said.

Med Bay

Harry, Henry and Caitlin were looking over Jesse with Mon on the side when Joe and Cisco ran in. "Cisco says Barry's still alive," Joe said and they all looked at him.

"Where is he?" Mon asked.

"I don't know. I vibed him in the center of a storm. It was, like, in, like, a vortex or something," Cisco said.

"He's in...He's in the Speed Force," Harry said.

"Get him out, damn it," Henry said.


"You can get him out, can't you?" Henry asked.

"I don't know if I can," Harry said.

"Henry, come here," Joe said before he pulled Henry to the side.


"Listen, you are the only one that can help Jesse. Let me sit on Wells till he figures out what the hell he did to Barry. I think we can get him back," Joe said.

"Joe, I know you love Barry, okay? But you have Iris, and you have Wally. Barry's all I have left," Henry said.

"I promise. We'll find him," Joe said and Henry nodded before he walked back into the med bay.

Med Bay

Later, Iris and Mon all stared as Henry and Caitlin looked over Jesse. "Heart rate's normal. Reflexes and breathing are fine. She should be waking up. She's just not," Henry said.

"It was the same with Barry," Caitlin said and Henry looked at her. "Um, after the first accident, he was in a coma that no one could explain."

"What did you do with him?" Henry asked.

"So they brought him here...Well, Wells brought him here," Caitlin said.

"The other Wells," Iris said.

"Right, the Wells who was actually Thawne," Mon said.

"Eobard, not Eddie," Iris said.

"Right. It's...it's complicated. Anyway, He- they took care of Barry while Wells...Thawne...treated him," Mon said.

"Are there any records of that treatment? We might find clues how to help Jesse," Henry said.

"Uh, yeah, they'd be downstairs in the storage room, in the morgue," Mon said.

"Ew, you guys have a morgue?" Iris asked.

"Well, it's not like a morgue morgue. It's not...it's like a poor man's morgue, really. Morgue-ish," Mon said.

"Would one of you go get them, please?" Henry said.

"Okay, well, I'm not going alone," Mon said and Iris sighed annoyed before they began to walk out to get to the morgue. "Thank you."


As Iris and Mon walked in, Iris gave Mon a look. "Okay, so it's a morgue morgue. But, you know, we had to keep the dead meta-humans somewhere," Mon said but then Iris picked up a tool.

"Yeah, looks like you did a lot more than just store them," Iris said.

"Fake Wells might've done a few dissections for study purposes," Mon said.

"And this didn't tip any of you off that he might be secretly evil?" Iris asked.

"It was a crazy time, okay? We had a lot going on. I'll tell you what...It's a good thing Thawne was so organized," Mon said but then they heard something fall over.

"Would you stop knocking stuff over?" Iris said but Mon eyed her.

"You stop. I didn't touch anything," Mon said before he went back to looking through files.

"Okay, whatever you say," Iris said then Mon picked up Barry's file.

"Okay, this is it. This is Barry's ex-file," Mon said but then a steel door from behind them crashed open. The two quickly looked to see that the risen from the death Tony Woodward was the one who crashed the door open. "A zombie? For real?"

"Tony?" Iris asked as Mon walked over to her quickly.

"Nope, not Tony...Not anymore. Get behind me," Mon said.

"You get behind me," Iris said before she pushed him behind her. "Tony!"

But all Tony did was scream and slammed his face on a glass mirror. "Ooh! Oh. Didn't see that one coming. No. Zombie Girder," Mon said before he chuckled. "This...We should go." Iris quickly nodded before the two ran out of the morgue.

Speed Force

When Barry had ran to the waterfront, by a bench, he saw Kara, smiling at him. "Kara," he said with a smile.

"We're glad you made it, Barry," Kara said but Barry sighed.

"Not Kara. It's just you again," Barry said as Kara sat down on the bench.

"Sit, Barry. Sit. You're always on your feet," Kara said and Barry sat next to her. "You remember this place, where you first told me you were The Flash?"

"Yeah, of course, except that wasn't you," Barry said.

"We thought you'd find this place and our appearance less upsetting. Yet you seem upset," Kara said.

"My friends, my city...my whole world is in danger. Zoom is on a rampage with the power that he stole from me, and you are keeping me here," Barry said.

"You were given a rare and precious gift, and you rejected it," Kara said.

"No, I did not reject it. I gave up my powers to save someone's life...To be a hero. I nearly killed myself trying to get them back, when you brought me here, wherever here is," Barry said.

"That's not what we meant," Kara said.

"Okay. If you would rather have given these powers to somebody else, why did you give them to me?" Barry asked.

"Because you're The Flash, Barry," Kara said.

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