By Ali24097

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PART 3 OF, 'AGAINST THE WIND' FOLLOWED BY, 'ECHOES OF THE WIND.' Will Jacob get back his love ? Or is a love... More

PROLOGUE { Renesmee}
36.OFF THE TRAILS~ (Part 1)
36.OFF THE TRAILS~ (Part 2)
36.OFF THE TRAILS~ (Part 3)
38. WEDDING BELLS {Renesmee}
54. ACE OF SPACE ♠️💯


196 9 0
By Ali24097



I sneaked a glance at the antique clock in the corner in Carlisle study room. I tremendously tapped my left foot against the marble tiles.

"When was the last time you felt the pull to those visions?" Jasper asked; a pen swung back & forth between his fingers hitting against the stacks of form clipped in the hand borad.

Each form was noted down, everytime I had a ghostly "visions" that fills my head sometimes from last few months; also a twenty minutes of therapy was added in my schedule for everyday wth Jasper.

"Day before yesterday. When I and Jake went for hiking near a stream." I said woodenly.

I couldn't keep my mind at Japer question. Cells in me urged to get away & take a moment to think about HIM! My eyes stop at the wooden door of the study room, finding Emmette standing with his perverted smirk.

I clench my jaws impatiently, annoyed.

"So you don't recall any recent cases?" Jasper questioned, looking up at me.

"Not that I can remember!" I reply instantly.

He took slow notes in his paper. I continued the tapping of my foot more impatiently against the ground, taking another brief look at Emmette from the corner of my eyes; he stood still with his dreadful smirk.

"CAN. . .CAN I COME BACK LATER, JASPER?" It almost looked like I was yelling at him. Those words leapt out my throat, awkwardly loud. I finally stood up at my wobbling feet, there must be a drop of sweat on my forehead that I felt trickling down.

"But we aren't done yet?" He shook his head. 

"I will be back. I promise." I say instantly, and straightway turned to the door, without waiting for his answer.

"Anything you want to ask about, Nessie?" Emmette choked my exit entirely - he was big enough to block the doors way completely, with his big arms and chest - I must have got slammed against his chest if I wouldn't have stopped.

Do they know for what am I so nervous about? I thought, and gulped down loudly; my heart was getting slow heart attacks within my chest. I gritted my teeths faintly managing to keep up the frown at my head. 

"What is it, Emmette? Why you both suddenly think you can be helpful?" I briefly look at Jasper standing few meters away from me, and back at Emmette shaking my head annoyed.

"Because you look like you are in desperate need of help." Jasper walked to Emmette.

I asked. "Do I?"

"Oh? No doubt." Emmette reply instantly, with his crooked & twisted lips at me. I felt the choke producing in my throat. 

"But don't worry, we can be great advisers, right Jasper?" Emmette hand grasped Jasper shoulders with a hard smack at his back, hanging his weight on him. Jasper didn't flinched or moved, I wondered how strong he would be?

"Thanks but. . .er no thanks. I don't need any help!" Atleast not from you guys! I must have added in the last, but eventually didn't speak it aloud. I shrugged them, and gave Emmette's chest a hard push to shift him;  jogging down to the stairs I grabbed the car's keys.

I stormed my feet to the door, taking a brief glance at everyone with the corner of my eyes and found them busy looking through magazines and paperwork with a soft laugh stuck into there lips.

I couldn't understand why everyone around behaved so absurdly?  I frowned again, shaking my head vigourously. I kept my eyes stuck onto the tiles and walked briskly, my thoughts danced around only one thing-HIM and I swear I couldn't breathe properly. WHY?

I took another couple of breathes and walked into the front porch of the house stepping down the stairs and slammed hardly over a rock~ Ouch!

But it caught me tightly, before I fall and break my nose hitting it against the ground.

I looked up instantly. "Dad?"

"Honey, where are you going in a jiffy? Huh?" He asked with  acrookee smile on his lips; his skin glistened with pearls on his ghostly pale skin with the sun rays falling against his skin.

"Uh?" I gulped down and open my mouth to speak, but I didn't really know what?

"Oh Edward! You'd be a loath to take up more of her time." Jasper and Emmette stepped down with a annoying comment at me. I tuck the strand of hair behind my ears that fell loose off the clip clasped over it, and I rolled my eyes.

Dad pursed his lips, trying to force down a smirk."Oh? What is so important, Renesmee?"

A lump choked at my throat, I couldn't answer him. Anyway his smirk told me that he already had the answer from my head. I shut my eyes, and breathed softly biting my lip."Dad. . .NO. You are not allowed to tell anyone?"

"Okay!" He laughed and moved aside, giving me gentle stroke at my hairs. I sigh in relief taking in a large puff of oxygen in and shake my head walking forward. The air billowed my hairs, that felt cool against my clammy skin, and I saw Dad's Maserati  parked in a meter.  

"Look for a lucky pillow to bite." Emmette yelled at me.

Ewwwww. "SHUT UP ~" I turn around, looking at his perverted smile. The anxiety felt creeping on my nerves, as if my blood has been replaced by it. Is it normal to happen before doing something so. . so daring? I dragged my feet up to the car, and hop inside the drivers seat; shutting the door with a loud thud,

I stole a glance from my rear window at the house, I saw nothing but the crooked smile on the faces. The engine  started off powerfully roaring and I drove, slowly, fearfully, trying to buy more time for myself. 

I try to take a look of myself on the mirror, and sighed. I blinked two times slowly staring at myself  in the mirror, my eyes looked beautiful with the narrow white eyeliner into my lids (that felt heavier on my eyes). My orange tinted lip remained sewed together. 

A tiny that I rarely used, as it makes my lips look fluffy (more than it is). But today I really took an hour to get ready. I have to for HIM.

What would he think of me?

The cold wind whistling my ears cut through my cars window, and I took a deep long breathe; my foot pressed the accelerator hard, and fingers drummed against the steering wheel. Am I really going confess to him? HOW? My lips quivered with nervousness.


I blinked and looked around into the woods. There was that crazy tingling in my stomach, creeping upon my neck and making me shudder madly in the car. 

Deep breathes I took in and out. In and out. . . continuously, and listened to the own drum of my heart beat.

The car suddenly pulled up to Jacob's house. Jeez. The road distance had always felt so long to me, had it grown suddenly so short? The air of La Push robbed away my left off confidence, that I had gathered up in the car.

I stepped down, and distantly hear him working in the garage. I took short steps to the shelter with shaky breathes leaping out my mouth another second of delay felt like would tear my flesh away from my bones with urgency.

I dragged my feet to the garage, the door was swung half open and I looked over to the room and saw HIM~             

I sucked in a sharp breath as his shirtless body flexing hammer was exposed to me. Gawking ! Even wouldn't quite describe my state.  . .nothing ever could. It wasn't like it was the first time I saw him shirtless but it felt suddenly different; like seeing him, melts away my inner strength with the heat of his copper russet physique body.

I must have gasped loudly, if my lips weren't held locked together; I stood there looking at the side of his abdominals sculptured to perfection as if he had instantly came out of a Calvin Klein shoot.

"Staring is quite not a good habit brown owl?" He caught me, but didn't turn around.

"I wasn't staring." I say instantly, tearing my eyes from his ripped tight abs and tuck a strand of hair behind my ears. "I was watching. . . you." Maybe, 'admiring' would be the correct word.  I say softly and bit my lip laughing gently.

"Oh? Then God forbid me from her malevolent gaze!"He rolls his eyes laughing gently.

I took a step forward laughing softly. My heart didn't race, or tried to explode, it thudded evenly now; yet there was the nervousness towards the small steps I took near to him. I observed his copper- russet biceps relax as he withdrew the hammer from the screw. 

"Well, Renesmee?"

"Yeah?" I responded him too instantly - very instantly - than a normal conversation reply. Am I being weird? I frowned slightly in frustration of my behavior. 

My gaze stayed stuck at him, as he finally look up at me. "Can I ask you to slip on in the drivers seat there, and try the ignition for me, please."

I took a pause and gulped down hard, my heart rate started racing now slowly. He doesn't seem to care how I looked? I shake my head, managing to stand on my legs, that shook with my shaking strength and walked to the driver seat.

"Yeah! Sure!"I say sliding in the car and shut the door with a soft thud. 

"Okay! Go ahead, flip the ignition!" He says from behind the car front cover.

I does so gently and the Mustang, he was repairing roars to life underneath me, more powerfully than I expected. The engine sounded like a furious panther, that I'm riding on.

"Woo-Hoo! Hear that purr? I've fine-tuned her." He shrieked down loudly, the excitement in his voice bloomed my racing heart. But it flinched slightly at the same time! My legs were trembling with doubt as I pressed the break with it.

"You can shut it off now, Renesmee."

I shut off the engine and hear the loud thump as he shut the car front cover. The nerves of my head ached slightly, so I didn't stepped down while I sat there sadly, the tears were settling in my eyes, thinking about how hard I had made it for myself? 


His knuckles hit against the cars window, as he tilts his head slightly asking me to come out with a wry wiggle of his eyebrows. I gave a brief smile at him and with a short nod I opened the door stepping down the ground.

I kept my eyes down, looking at him was now hurting me; my heart twisted once more as I bit my lip to not make a sound and try to step away from him. But he didn't back off! He stood there in front of me, sweaty & strong, blocking my path, so that I got locked between him and the car.

I looked up at him with soft shy gaze, my heart hammered madly with ever increasing rate."Jake~"

He stepped even closer, there was no smile on his face neither the hint of anger but it was . . . .sort of a possesive look on his face; my hands curls digging into my palms trying to not touch his bare chest, as I moved back hitting myself against the car.

"What is it?" His soft -wood-musky breathes hit against my cheeks. 

"Jake? I. . .I don't~" I couldn't speak anything clearly not even his name like the thin air around me is snapping my breathes. He leaned down closer to me, his mouth inches away from mine, as both of his hand blocks at my sides.

"You. . . what~?" He tilt his head, authoritatively waiting for an answer.

I kept begging him to understand what I wanted to say or at least look in my eyes and decipher my feelings. But I think my eyes would be cold with nervousness now, nothing warm would be sparking in it ?

I should show him how I really feel about HIM? But NO! I wanted him to hear those words from me, and gradually I wanted to look at those light-brown gaze softening at me.

So yes, I'll have to say it.

"Jacob! I have.  . .I have to tell you this and you need to hear it."

I would have expected him to move back till now, but he didn't, and a part of me didn't wanted him to; the radiating heat from his body was the only thing that was keeping me from freezing to the spot with anxiety.

My shoulders flinches slightly trying to make space for me to breathe. "I am seeing things a lot differently now. I know you've stayed with me always. . . like everytime, every second, caring & loving me like a best friend, but I don't think so I love you like a friend. . . anymore. ITS MUCH MORE THAN THAT!

I open my mouth to speak again. "Its something I couldn't help;  and even if I could I wouldn't have because I want to stay with you for my whole life; and if that makes you think selfish of me, then I AM SELFISH! But I couldn't leave the best for anyone else to get but me."

I forced myself to look at him (my confidence wasn't enough though) . I glanced at his reaction and waited him to say something. 

But he didn't and I feared if he had understood it or not? 

"Jacob, I wasted so much time being a friend to you when I knew I was. . . um, falling for you with each second. But the truth was I didn't know what was actually between us, or where we go from there? I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel that until today. So yes, Jacob Black. I love you." The words I spoke lept out rapidly from my mouth, and I doubted if he even catched it. 

I held my breathe looking up at him; my eyes burnt as I realised I didn't blinked for almost a minute now. But I didn't wanted to blink and miss any of his reaction of the moment.

He stood stunned and my breathe remained held. His lips was inches away from my mouth, and I couldn't think of anything but kissing him right now. No matter if it was inappropriate? I shudder away slightly with nervousness.

He kept staring at me. . . that I felt was romantic ~

"Jacob? Jacob??" A heavy footsteps dragged up against the dried crunching leaves laying on the path to the garage scurrying off to us, yelling madly (which I guessed was Quil.)

He took a moment looking at me and then withdrew his gaze immediately,  rolling his eyes to the sound of the his name being called out the garage, and stepped away.

My heart flinched twitching hard, as I brushed my hairs gently, and looked down briefly. I didn't say anything though and just gave him the best smile I can manage, before walking out the garage with him. 

My steps were absurdly small & slow with pounding heart and veins. Thump. Thump. My heart felt stiff with nervousness.

"Quil? Is everything all right?" Jacob asked, standing a meter away from Quil, who looked like has met a ghost?

Quil sucked in a sharp breathe, panting hard."EMILY!!"  He spoke instantly; his eyes stretched as if it had been pinned open, and the blood slowly flowing away from his russet skinned face. "EMILY HAD AN ACCIDENT! She. . .She lost her balance while getting down the stairs, and had badly hurt herself and. . . the baby.  " 

My eyes grow wide, and heart skipped a beat, listening to what he said. What? I felt the shock, flowing in my face."Oh my God!!" I whispered in shock - or maybe my voice came out so low like a whisper - both of by hands clutched my head tight. 

"What about others? Where is Sam and how can~ NO!" Right now, even my toes were trembling hard as I spoke.

"Sam went out of town with Jared & Paul~" Jacob spoke slowly. "Emily wanted to start her own bakery after she becomes a mother; and Sam wanted to surprise her getting a bakery shop ready, near their place at the first baby shower and~ SHIT!" I felt how hard Jacob tried to control himself from breaking down in shock! His fists clenched tight.

"Is she in the hospital right now?"

"Embry & Seth took her to the hospital, and I came here~" Quil squeaked again.

"We have to go NOWWW!"I kept my eyes squeezed firmly shut and sighed trying to gather up breathes in my lungs, that was getting harder to take in!

Jacob jogged inside the garage shrugging on his T-shirt; within a second there was a loud roar of the engine from the garage, as he drove the Ford out the garage, and stopped right in front of Quil & me; as we ducked in the cars seat.

The air in the car felt filled with the choking tension, my mind struck onto only one question that Was Emily and the baby, okay?. . . .and nothing more or less. I strongly felt I might be consumed with "those visions" filling my head any second from now, but it didn't .

"Take the highway, Jacob? They took her to the Forks community hospital." Quil added. The three pounding heart of all of us was hitting so loud against my ear drums, like I would go mad listening to it.

Wish she'd be okay. . . I curl my hands around my frock, and crumple it down slightly as Jacob pressed the accelerator high to the Forks hospital; and my heart sunk heavy with each second.

Minutes later, we pulled upto the sparsely crowded hospital and Jacob hits the brakes hard enough; so that I could have slammed myself forward crashing against the windsheild, if I hadn't wore the seatbelt.

We stepped down the car and I pull my white - woollen coat more tightly around me as the swap of cold air make me shiver slightly; we walked briskly to the reception.

"Can I help you with something?" A short girl with curly brown hair and a smattering of freckles across her upturned nose, asked us politely standing straight behind the glass table.

"We~" Jacob leaned against the counter as he started to speak.

"Jake? Quil?"

Our heads turn around at the call.

We found Embry walking to us. "They are with me!" He spoke urgently, and gave a brief nod to the woman which she returned in an instant and allowed us in the hospital hallway.

The air around the hospital rooms smelt pungent, naphthalene, and moth balls like the hospital janitors whipped the hospital with the phenyl just now; there wasn't much crowd in the hallway.

"There was a surgical emergency because of how she fell off the stairs; so the doctor had admitted her to the ICU. They think that a caesarean birth will be required." Embry said, wiping away a sweat trickling down his forehead.

I felt a quickening in my chest.

What I knew about a Cesarean birth was case of the surgical delivery of a baby through a cut? Oh? My hands turns into a fist holding out the growls of shock in my throat.

We stopped right in front of the ICU door looking at the red light bulb above the huge entrence door; the red colour felt offending to me!

Jacob took a seat on the bench, his legs trembled vigorously unsure of what might happen now? He looked up at Embry and asked. "Where is Seth?"

Embry didn't reply, but kept staring back at Jacob. WHY? My muscle tensed with the curiosity, of what was the silence about? I heard Jacob sigh in defeat, and roll his eyes, as his fingers curl around the seat of the bench.

My orange shaded lips presses together and gave his shoulder a slight squeeze sitting down beside him, curling his hands in mine. I look down at my hand which shook gently touching him - something that had never happened before - and I kept my head down at the marble tile.

All I could do was hope for her. . .

It's been quarter hour and we sat there yet breathing the heavy air that doesn't go in our lungs. Sam, Paul & Jared came to the hospital after an hour; and the worst thing was to feel the radiating off  heaviness from Sam.

Jacob waited with the tapping foot, his hands held mine tightly; I guess, it was reassuring for both of us. We heard a flicker of green light above the ICU entrance, and it swept open.

Our breathes caught at our throat.

The surgeon walked out the theatre, sliding down his green surgical mask. "Who is Sam Uley?"

Sam stepped forward."Yeah?"

He nod gently at Sam narrowing down his eyes; he spoke in his exaggerated Southern accent, patting his shoulders slightly. "Go buy, some pink balloons for your precious girls! GO MEET THEM! But take care; don't freak both of them out."

The doctor let out a brief laugh giving two pats at Sam shoulders and walked past us. The ICU was empty after few nurse stepped out, and Sam entered the operation theater; I felt his anxiety with each step he took near to Emily.

We followed Sam and found Emily laid on the hospital bed, biting her lips shyly as Sam rushed to her, and crushed his lips to her, softly & then deeply.

I folded my hands against, my chest and rubbed my arms slightly looking over to the hospital homely baby cradle. A russet-skinned baby face, with sweet strawberry red face, soft cheeks curled gently around the white fur towel. She was smaller than a sugar bag from the grocers.

Oh! My heart dropped with overwhelming softness in it; as I stood there watching everyone.

We spent an hour buzzing continuously at each other.

I sat beside Emily, my hands squeezing her hand gently, her another hand was held by Sam. Jacob stood beside me cradling the baby that looked too fragile  in his arms.

It felt so fatherly of him- the side I have barely seen? The others talked Emily out the baby names and atlast we all agreed upon the name "Saìly" suggested by Paul that was a combination of SAM & EMILY names.

"The patients needs to be moved to the general ward; and the doctor had asked the patient to relax. So kindly disperse everyone! " Another short heighted nurse, with white cap and documents wrapped around her arms said and left the room.

Jacob handed the baby to Emily's confident hand. It'd scare me to look how confident they were holding her? While my arms tightened around more nervously than before.

"You look exhausted Emily. . .Take a lot of sleep." Jacob stroked Emily's hair gently.

"Oh! I'm so happy for you, Emily." I gave another squeeze to her hand, the last time, as I stood up. She gave me a long slow blink as a silent thank you; careful to not disturb the baby.

"If you want I can stay back, Sam!" Quil asks.

"Oh? The doctor don't want many people to stay back in the hospital, and I am already staying up tonight with her; so don't worry I will manage." Sam spoke.

"Then let us go! You're out of the house from the afternoon." Jacob turned to me, with his hands slipped down his pocket, and head tilts down asking me to step out first.

"It's okay. I already messaged, Mom about everything. It's fine . . .we can stay~" I shook my head at Jake.

"Still, we're late. Let's go!"

I couldn't argue him further, suddenly arguing him didn't felt right. I nod agreeing with him so instantly likely each cell has been influenced by his words.

I looked back at Emily with awed lips in as the baby girl opened her large black eyes and smiled softly. Oh! The beat of my heat skipped in surprise, and open my mouth to whisper. "She's beautiful. Take care both of you."

Taking a last look at her I turned around, skipping the room with Jacob. My lips were pressed into a soft smile that felt like had stuck on my face from an hour.

"I'm so. . .so happy for her."

"Me too! " Jacob laughed softly, as we walked down the white-marbled hallway path of the hospital. The hospital was more crowded now from at the noon time; people kept walking & bustling round the corners.

My head turns to Jacob casually. "By the way, Where is Seth? He hadn't been here since long?"

There was no response. . .even after half a minute. I doubt if Jacob had heard me?

"Where is Seth, Jacob?" I ask again, as we step out the hospital to the parking lot. I suddenly had to increase my voice to speak among the murmurs of other people in the hospital parking lot.

He finally stopped to our car and looked up at me, with furrowed eyebrows, and narrowed puzzled eyes that told me he was going to make excuses. BUT WHY?

"Seth got sick. . .Uh! So he had to go." He excused with a flinching sour face.

"Jacob?" I slumped my shoulders together seeing him hesitate with me so much.

"Oh? Ness?" He murmurs slowly, looking down briefly then back at me, and spoke."Embry thinks that Saìly is Seth imprint. There were strange things happening with him as he got nearer to Emily at the time they took her to the hospital. Everything that happens with us before imprinting. So he told Seth to leave~"

"It's weird isn't it?" He wasn't looking directly at me.

"No! Its not." I say instantly to him. Was it? I asked myself, and ducked inside the car. I couldn't answer it honestly toy own self! I bit my lip absently, as we drove away from the hospital.

I kept thinking what would imprinting feel like? What I remembered Embry described was something . . .magical. I didn't remeber why exactly has Embry told me about imprinting and not Jacob? As there were unusual gaps between my memories and asking any questions to anyone around me always gave me the same answers, "Oh Renesmee? You don't need to know." 

My head suddenly thought about one thing:- Now what if Jacob still love me like a friend or brother just like Quick & Claire, Seth & Saìly? What if he doesn't loves me the way I had fallen for him?

I looked out the window, we were moving quite fast the road, as we drove with what I calculated was ninety-miles per hour. I would have expected him to speak but he didn't?

The small brittle cells in me felt churning up within me by thinking what would he answer me? I shut my eyes for the rest of the drive, and sunk my head back at the seat rubbing my head gently against the seat.

"Renesmee. . .we're home." His voice caught my attention after few minutes.

"Uh! Yeah~" I open my eyes back again, and gave him a soft smile, looking over  vivid lights of my house. Doesn't he love me?

"Jacobbb. . .Uh! Good night."

I flipped out in an instant, I didn't dare to speak; my inner weakened like it begged for him to answer me, but yet at the same time it didn't. My chin shuddered, as I believed he didn't loved me at all!  I wanted to cry out very loudly, there was a strange tingling at my stomach weakening it even more.

I open the cars door and step out, I even didn't wait for his reply back for my 'good night '. I didn't care if it was rude? I felt like I would shatter if I didn't go away.

I wasn't sure if I could walk to the house door with my absurd shaking steps but I somehow managed to stagger myself; a tear drop off my eyes and, maybe I was sobbing slightly, but biting my lips made it easier to not make a sound.

A blazing hot fingers touch the back of my arm and stopped me, the hairs on my neck rose in attention realising it was HIS touch. The beats of my heart paced madly. . .

I didn't turn around but he made me do that, and held me close to him. . .so close that his deep hot soft musky breathes hit against my face. He cupped my face, and held my gaze at him so that I couldn't withdraw it on any condition; he still didn't let go of my wrist.

I didn't understand what was happening? There was the vigour vibration between my teeth from the effort to stay silent. 

Another stupid tear drop off my eyes. I started to speak slowly. "Jake, Its okay. You don't love ~"

"Shh! Don't make me shut you up now, Renesmee and now you listen-" His tone was so seductive, that my breathe directly caught in my throat, protesting to come out.

"Renesmee, this is not for today & this is not for you. But I want you to know that I've fallen for you a long time before. I had always loved you, Renesmee but I don't mean it as my best friend now. . . .I mean it as the girl of my dreams who I can't get over no matter how hard I try." He was so close to me that his lips brush against mine and I shook at the sensation shooting through my every limb.

"But I need to hear it from you again~" His thumb tracks down on my bottom lip freezing it from the tight grip of my teeth. "I need you to say those words aloud. . . again. So I can stop thinking I was dreaming that time."

I look into his eyes and everything melts away and all I can see was him. US. OUR FUTURE. I don't know how long we stare at each other before he finally spoke again.

"Please, say the word again and I'll follow you to the ends of the earth. No questions asked?" His eye blink and my chest rises and falls within the second.

"You will?" I didn't know if I could confess to him again, but I know that even if I can't. . .this time he will know in my eyes.

"I will!" He promised with no pause of a second. "But then, be sure once you are mine, then there will be no way back?" He warned.

"Yours?"I asked.

"Mine." He confirmed.

I bit my lips. "YES! I LOVE YOU, JACOB. And I hate myself for all the time I wasted before I realised I am in love with you. "

His intense gaze locked into my eyes, that could have compared to nothing so intimate in the world. A longing, and wanting into those light-brown eyes of him, that made my knees give up the strength. . . yet again.

He cups my face slowly, as he traces his fingers over cheeks and then to my jaws. I felt a shiver run down my spine, as his fingers spark the heat within me alive as if I had been put right into flame buring hot.

"You have no idea what I feel right now, to being able to listen to the words which I was dreaming for since what seems a century for me. It doesn't matter that I have 5 minutes or 50 years or an eternity with you because you ask me and my heart will be with you." Jake paused, and sighed softly, as he tore his unblinking hot intensified gaze from me to look briefly down and then back at me.

"I love you so much. . .so much, baby that I could kiss you right now."

"I might be bad at it!"

"Oh? I doubt that~" His hands over my face tightened, tilting my head just as slightly so that both of our lips fit right in. He sealed the space between us, at that vey moment I could only feel his lips over mine.

Heat rose from my stomach. . . to my chest and raced madly as his lips were closing in. I felt the heat from his body so close that his musky scent filled my nostrils to the point of near brain death. He was so close!

AND THAT WAS IT! At that very moment that's only the thing that mattered to me even if the world collapses at the other side.

A wave of warmth runs the helplessness down on me and all my body reacted to him instinctively. My toes curled, my eyes zeroed in showing me colourful spots. . .

My eyes squeezed shut melting my lips to his. I couldn't dare to even think about opening it and look at both us confessing each other so madly. . . .

Mhmm. I feel it everywhere. They stir my emotion rampant, my heart, my very soul. Everything consumed, with the earth shaking beneath me. EPIC!

I wanted to breathed, but part of me wanted to get choked and die but not break it. The taste of him... rose my thoughts and made me want more

Only kissing doesn't just felt right, my hand slip down below his shirt and my touch shook him madly, as his grip tighten around my waist. . . Possessively.

Ahem!Ahem! Someone coughed.

We both pull away, and none of us looked at each other we just couldn't do that. . . not yet, maybe not ever.

Emmette walked past us, with a couple of his fake annoying coughs, and loud dragging of feets."Get a room, barbio's." He blew his hand over the air at us, and left.

I didn't knew what to do now? As I bit my lip shyly. He turns back to me, and took in a moment to look into my eyes. Silent. Those eyes were having silent conversation.

He was wondering, what I was thinking bewildered looking into my eyes and I thought his eyes were so radiant like an eternal sun, that they could have changed the darkness into light rays.

But to let him know that, I would have to create a new language. . .

I cradled his face with both of my hands and crushed my lips again - this was the closest way I could have told him so.

I felt like I've stepped into a dream world where what we wish come true. . .a beautiful magical world of love with him.


A long time in the dark

Like she was wandering and met the light

All the hard time for her he made it melts like snow.

Her wounds that remained thick. It's gone white

The heart that has been dulled in the pain and has been repeated many times.

But the smile on her face that she've forgotten is finally coming back.



Hope you enjoyed reading a lot.

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20.4K 592 31
*******COMPLETE******* "Wow, you really are a little monster, aren't you?" His deep voice tilted the words into a thick Southern accent. A famili...
34.6K 1.4K 22
["I stood there: waiting, wanting, hoping, feeling. Allowing the sensations of the world to consume me as I stared deeply into the pools of honey tha...