I Need You » SuperFlash {3} |...

By themiko2

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After defeating Eobard Thawne, The Flash is recognized as a hero in Central City after saving the city, only... More

the new chapter
the man who saved central city
atom smasher
flash of two worlds
sand demon
eddie slick
task force
family of rouges
a bomb
lewis snart
the fury of the firestorm
someone new
henry hewitt
the darkness and the light
doctor light
linda park
a new friend
enter zoom
look at your hero
gorilla warfare
save the girl
angelic figure
legends of today
vandal savage
staff of horus
legends of yesterday
dying confession
second chances
running to stand still
james, snart, & mardon
it's beginning to look a lot like christmas
potential energy
killing dreams
the turtle
russell glosson
reverse-flash returns
timeline remnant
fast lane
tar pit
stolen speed
welcome to earth-2
kara and iris' doppelgängers
killer frost and deathstorm
escape from earth-2
king shark
shay lamden
what happened on earth-2
not in vain
flash back
time wraith
from the past
i love you, i love you too
world's finest, round two
daughter from the future
demoness banshee
his girl again
vs zoom
he returns
back to normal
kara and killer frost
every earth
killed the flash
the running dinosaur
speed force
come back to you
black siren
whole again
the race of his life
the trade
to save her
𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔

scariest thing

609 22 31
By themiko2


Joe and Mon walked in, in a panic. "Kara's with Zoom," Joe said and Barry looked at him, completely shattered and broken at what Zoom was doing.

"Why would he bring her here?" Barry asked.

"To show power. That's exactly what he did on my Earth," Harry said.

"What are you talking about?" Mon asked.

"The first thing he did was murder people. Slaughtered a bunch of policemen. Then recruited every meta-human he could find. And those that disobeyed, he killed too," Harry explained.

"Where are the police now?" Barry asked.

"Outside the precinct," Joe said.

"He'll kill them, Joe. He'll kill them all," Harry said.

"Not with Kara with him. She talked him out of killing everyone when he took over CCPD," Mon said.

"That's what we're gonna rely on? Danvers talking him out of it?" Harry asked.

"I know. We know. She can barely keep it together. Just by the look on her face. She's still powerless. We gotta save her," Mon said and Harry sighed frustrated.

"Joe, El, you need to get those guys out of there," Harry said.

"What if they set up at Jitters?" Joe asked.

"That's a good idea...it's just a block away from the precinct," Barry said.

"And then what? What happens next? You saw what Zoom did on my Earth. He will do the exact same thing here. Barry, we need to get you your powers back," Harry said.

"There must be another way," Henry said.

"There's not. There's not," Harry said but Iris glared at him.

"Kara would have made another way. That's what she's always saying. There's always another way," Iris said.

"Well, Kara isn't here, is she, West. And if we want to get her back, we are going to need Barry's powers back," Harry snapped.

"I'm gonna get word to Singh. Get him to set up a task force at Jitters," Joe said.

"And then what?" Mon asked.

"I don't know yet, but I'm gonna make sure Wally and Jesse are safe," Joe said as he walked out. Mon, frustrated, knowing that he could easily save Kara, walked out of the room, and into the hallway.


As Mon started to walk sternly down the hall, he heard footsteps behind him. So he turned to see Iris, striding towards him with purpose. "Mon," she said sternly before she stopped in her tracks, standing before him. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going back to CCPD," Mon said but Iris eyed him like he was crazy.

"What?! You can't! Zoom will kill you in split second. Without thinking! He hates Barry, he wants to destroy Barry, and killing his best friend will do it perfectly!" Iris snapped but Mon quickly shushed her.

"What? So you just want me to sit here and do nothing?" Mon asked.

"Yes!" Iris exclaimed.

"Iris, I can't do that. I'm the only one here with powers. That means I'm Kara's only chance. Don't you want to see your best friend again? Don't you want Barry and Kara both to be happy again?" Mon asked.

"Of course I do! But I can't loose you, Mon! Not again!" Iris snapped but Mon intensely stared at her.

"What does that mean?" He asked softly.

"It means...I...I care about you," Iris hesitantly said but Mon scoffed.

"Cut the bullshit, Iris," Mon said and Iris eyed him in shock. "You cannot pretend there is nothing here, between us both. You know how I've felt for you, for years! Years! And you still pushed me away, and your feelings away, because you are scared."

"Well- you- You can't be giving me a hard time when you went out with Caitlin before Zoom took you-" Iris began.

"Because you clearly weren't into me and she was there for me, and I was for her, and it just happened. I was trying to get over you!" Mon exclaimed.

"That's not true Mon," Iris said.

"So what? You were into me or you weren't? Because I cannot tell with you anymore," Mon said but Iris hesitated, again. "I'm not dealing with this. I'm gonna go save your best friend."

He then started to walk towards the elevators but Iris followed him. "Mon. Please don't do this. I don't-" Iris started before she took his hand. "I need you."

He looked at her with a stern expression. "I wanted to apologize," Mon started. "Back there for being a jerk for wanting to save Kara."

"Good," Iris said but Mon gave her a look.

"I said I wanted to. And then I realized, I'm not sorry," Mon said.

"So you would rather die, slaughtered by Zoom, to save Kara, than stay here, safe, and you expect me to be okay with this?" Iris asked.

"I never said you were going to be okay with it. All I said was that I'm not sorry. But you know what I actually am? Selfish. Because I just want you all to myself, and it makes me do dumb decisions that hurt you. Yes, I'm going to go to CCPD, to save Kara, possibly die, possibly not die. But I'd rather die right now than spend a handful of years watching you and Barry, broken and shattered because I did nothing to try and save her, when I knew I could. I'd rather die right now if it could make you have endless joy and happiness, knowing in the end how happy you were, because that's who I am, Iris, and I'm not gonna change. And there's so apology in the whole universe that could make up for it. And maybe...maybe this just proves that we are not good. That I'm bad for you, because all I do is risk my life, so yours is happy without me," Mon exclaimed before he pulled his hand from Iris's grip as she stared at him, tear eyed.

Then after a long moment, Iris deeply sighed. "Okay, then I'm not sorry either," Iris said and Mon looked at her sternly. "I'm not sorry that we met. I'm not sorry that knowing you has made everything in my life questionable. I'm not sorry that you are probably the best thing that ever has ever happened to me. You've made me see another side of things, things I never even thought of. I've treated you horrible, because you're right, I'm scared. I'm scared that if I let go, you'll just die, like everyone else. But out of all the things I'm scared to say, this will probably be the scariest, but I'm not sorry that I'm in love with you!" Iris and Mon both eyed each other, surprised that those words just spilled out of Iris's mouth. "I love you, Mon-El. I love you-"

"Just shut up," Mon said before he pulled her close and kissed her passionately, Iris doing the same.

After their heated moment, they tore apart and leaned their foreheads against each other, with big smiles. Mon cupped her face as she looked deep into his eyes. "Just come back to me," she said and he nodded.

"I will. I promise," he said before he kissed her again.


Kara was chained to a rail in the office areas when Jay walked up to her in his suit. "You know they're gonna figure out a way to stop you, right?" Kara said.

"Who? Barry? Wells? The police? No. Nobody can stop me now. Not anymore," Jay said.

"So...what's your plan? You're just gonna kill everyone?" Kara asked but Jay eyed her.

"Not everyone," he said.

"Then why are you keeping me here?" Kara asked.

"'Cause I don't want to be alone anymore," Jay said but Kara scoffed.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I am never going to be with you," Kara said.

"You think that you're not like me, but I've seen the darkness inside of you, Kara. Just like it was inside Killer Frost. All you have to do...is unlock it," Jay said.

"You think that I bring out the good in you, and you bring out the bad in me? That's not what's happening here, Zolomon. You are just delusional. I will say this again, and I will keep saying it until I die. I love and forever will love, Barry Allen," Kara said sternly. Jay glared at her before he whooshed off.

Once gone, Kara tried to take the device off her but she couldn't do it. She then tried to get the handcuffs off, but again, she couldn't do it. "Kara." Kara looked up in curiosity to see who whispered her name. "Pssst. Kryptonian."

Kara then adjusted her eyes in the corner to see her friendly alien friend. "Daxamite," she whispered back with a smile.

"Is he gone?" Mon whispered and Kara nodded.

"For now," she said.

"Good," he said before he quickly ran up to her and leaned down.

"Get this stupid thing off me," Kara whispered gesturing to the her power dampener.

"On it," Mon whispered before he grabbed the dampener with his thumb and index finger, before he pulled it off her. Kara deeply inhaled before smiling, feeling all her powers come back to her. She then broke the cuffs off of her and rubbed her wrist.

"Thank you, Mon. Now let's-" she started but she he heard Zoom coming back. Mon grabbed her and they hid behind a wall, as Zoom meet up with a Earth-2 meta by the name of Rupture.

"And?" Zoom asked him, wanting a report.

"He got away, but I'll find him," Rapture said.

"Later," Zoom said.

"He needs to pay for what he did to my brother!" Rapture snapped.

"And he will. Later, Rupture!" Zoom snapped back.

"What do you want me to do?" Rapture asked.

"The police have gathered again. They think I've spared their lives. Tonight...show them they're wrong," Zoom said before he speed off again, causing Kara and Mon to look at each other intensely.

Breach Room

Joe walked in on Henry and Harry working on the smaller accelerator. "Wally and Jesse are all good," Joe said and Harry sighed.

"Thank you," He said and Joe nodded.

"So this is what it takes to get Barry his speed back," Joe said.

"Yeah, yeah. It's not uncomplicated, but almost there," Harry said.

"I told you before, once Barry makes up his mind, it's impossible to change it," Joe said.

"Well, then we need to convince him that this is the only way, before he decides not to do it, right?" Harry said.

"Shouldn't have to convince anyone to do anything against his will. Joe, we're talking about Barry, right? I mean, I can't...I can't imagine you don't feel the same way," Henry said.

"I mean, right now, I don't know what the right thing to do is," Joe said.

"Seems clear to me. This isn't just about your son. Henry, this is about the people in Central City. About saving those people. This is about stopping Zoom," Harry said.

"Your daughter is safe. This could kill my son," Henry said.

"I'm not gonna let that happen," Harry said.

"The last time he was struck by lightning, he was in a coma for nine months. How did that happen?" Henry asked.

"I know what I'm doing," Harry said.

"You are messing with something that is out of your control. And what if it did work? I mean, what then? Joe? He goes up against Zoom, the monster that snapped his back and almost killed him, and then took the one thing that he's convinced now that he needs in order to make him whole? The only thing he feels he needs to go save the girl he loves?" Henry asked.

"This is the way. This is the only way. The people of Central City need The Flash," Harry said.

"Guys," Joe said sternly, looking at the entrance of the basement. Harry and Henry looked to see Barry, staring at them while he leaned against the doorframe.

"I know that you care about me, each of you, in your own way, and you all have your own point of view on this, but this decision is mine. I have to make it on my own," Barry said before he walked away.

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