Undertale AU'S- The Void's Wr...

By ShadeyandDarkGamer

41.7K 1.4K 466

Error gets imprisoned by the Council Of Judges, and Balance is closer to tipping then ever. However, little d... More

OC Sumbission(OPEN)+Gaster Nicknames
Enter An Entity
Why Fatal Shouldn't Be Allowed To Babysit
Good And Bad?
The Council's Reaction
Took them by surprise.
The Omega Timeline
Training For War
What is Fate exactly?
Welcome Back To The Void
Tonight We Strike
The Siege Of The Omega Timeline
Twilight Of The Omega Timeline
Character Info!
A Classic Place

The Battle-Meetings and Suprise Appearances

2.5K 79 39
By ShadeyandDarkGamer

Blasts of magic energy flew around the blank world.  Bone fought bone, the Papyruses were furious, unrelenting, pouring every bit of magic their soul had to offer into their attacks. The fury and outrage for their murdered brothers fueled every single attack to its peak performance.

But expectantly, they were no match for Nightmare's gang.

 Killer unleashed his Gaster Blaster, a magical weapon that even the bravest of monsters learned to fear.  With an insane and borderline sadistic laugh, he fired, turning bone to dust in mere seconds.

Dust was slower but more frightening as he butchered down one after one, slowly but steadily.  His blasters and bones shredded the bones of the numerous clones of his brother. Every Papyrus he fought now knew the feeling of fear the Dusttale monsters experienced before losing their lives.

Horror just continuously tanked attacks and lashed out at his foes, for what he lacked in magic he well made up for in sheer physical defense. Bone walls appeared out of nowhere, axes flying in and out.

As the dust settled, the last Papyrus alive, filled with fear and barely hanging on by a thread of his life, finally understood why even some of Ink's council members feared having to face these three skeletons at once.

A bad time may be bad, and a great time may be unpleasant, but none compare to the sheer horror of fighting Nightmare's three most prized butchers. 

It truly was a mad time.


Chaos ran.

They didn't care.

They knew how effortlessly she could aid Nightmare's group in battle, with the stolen power of a god's weapon, they could butcher them with the utmost ease.

But they didn't.

Tears leaked from their eyes, as they ran to somewhere-they were still unable to leave this wretched  AU.

Their emotional state was in frenzy, of all the Charas', they were the closest to Error. Their AU was a place that they could never visit, not after what they did. They were basically a homeless child, yet Reapertale!Chara still remembered Error coming in to save them from Reaper's grasp time after time.

They remembered their first encounter, they had been beaten and battered, and Reaper was right behind them. They'd expected him to finish the job, but Error managed to inflict a fatal wound on Reaper, causing him to de-manifest temporarily.

He took them in and showed them family, and now he was gone forever. Just because a child refused to grow up and face the truth.

They gasped sharply as a bone suddenly impaled her from behind, going right through their leg and tripping them over. Blood leaked all over the dead floor of the world as an Underfell Sans who managed to survive the initial ambush appeared before them.

"Hehehehehe...I'd say this operation was definitely a bust!" The skeleton said nonchalantly as the searing agony of karmic magic entered their system. They weakly glared at him, an act of defiance in their last moment.

"Heh, cute," Underfell Sans clone summoned Gaster Blaster, with the full intent of killing Chaos there and then.

Suddenly eyes appeared out of nowhere, each one boring into Fell's skull. The moment he locked his own gaze with them, he remembered.

Every ounce of LV he earned from the unjust deaths of his own kind, as well as the innocent human kids, every monster and human he'd ever slain, came back to haunt him for a fraction of a second.

And then, he was dust, just like the many he'd slain. 

Chaos opened her eyes, and gasped seeing the dust on the ground and putting two and two together, she glanced around for her savior.

"Are you hurt?" A voice asked, it wasn't one of the skeletons. They stared and for once in however long Chaos lived- the anomaly found themselves completely dumbfounded. 

The thing in front of her was definitely not human, but not a monster either. In fact, their aura drew close to the void, like CORE! Frisks, but more closely connected. 

Their clothing sorta resembled a Chara's, and their skin, was devoid of all color, just like the void. Their eyes were two purple dots that seemed to function similarly to a Sans eye. 

Realizing that staring without context could perhaps get the wrong message across, Chaos scrambled to compose themself. 

"Y-yeah, I'm fine..." They murmured, their injury making them wince slightly as Chaos attempted to get up. The entity winced sympathetically at their struggle.

"Oof...that doesn't look too good...want me to heal you?" Chaos nodded and the entity bent down on a knee and allowed their magic to do the work. 

"So um...what are you?" Chaos asked, hoping the question wouldn't be offensive. To their relief, whatever was healing her didn't seem bothered by the question.

"I'm a voidling." Chaos blinked. Voidling? Do those exist? 

"Hehehehe! Well, isn't this a surprise!" A scythe flew at the two of them as the voice chortled, causing both their eyes to snap up, a goopy tentacle caught the scythe before it could make contact.

Nightmare materialized over the goop, a single glowing eye staring straight into a heavily battered Reaper, who didn't seem to care much about his injuries, taking multiple steps, staring them down with lifeless dim eyes.

"So you're the new destroyer, eh?" He pointed straight at the void entity, who got up and raised their own scythe in retaliation. 

"Yes, he is." Nightmare responded without missing a beat, lacing his tentacles with negative emotions. He violently wrapped them around Reaper, injecting the negativity into his system, causing him to grunt in pain as his past traumas weighed down on his back. He coughed up blood, yet stared defiantly at Nightmare.

The beat of wings signified Seraphim's arrival, and he stared down Reaper, who glared up at him. "You know it didn't have to be this way, right Reaper?" 

"Do you think I want to do this?" He snapped, glaring up at the larger skeleton. "Do you have ANY idea how much pain the destruction of AU causes? The number is insurmountable!" 

"You can't interfere with a natural cycle, I thought being the literal embodiment of death itself taught you that." Seraphim frowned in disapproval. Reaper's eyesockets widened, and he shot another scythe, aiming directly at Seraphim's head. 

"You don't know what it's like to be an actual god!" He snapped, "You're just a Sans who absorbed 7 human souls!" A green pan materialized and blocked his attack, causing energy to burst from the scythe.

"It's a shame how despite being Death's manifestation, you know nothing of cycles," Nightmare remarked, tightening his grip. He brought Reaper closer to him, glaring down with his one visible eye that seemed to glow with rage. "And since this is the twentieth time you endangered someone he cared about, you're coming with us."

At that moment, the black goop covered Reaper entirely, causing him to materialize in one of Nightmare's cells. Nightmare stood up, glancing at the now barren wasteland.

"Where's Geno?" He asked Killer, who approached him.

"Coward fled the moment you teleported Reaper away." He muttered, a hint of anger in his voice.

"We should probably head back, Chaos needs to be treated, plus, we need to destroy this wasteland before another collision happens." Nightmare glanced at Chasm, who nodded back briefly before summoning the erase button and erasing the AU, leaving behind a black abyss of space.


Nightmare warped everyone back to his castle and ordered them to go take some rest, saying they would need it. Later that day, he and Fatal met up in a meeting room.

"We can't keep going on like this..." Fatal murmured. Nightmare gave him a questioning look, asking him to elaborate.

"Ink has an army, Nightmare, as strong as we are, even we'd struggle to fight them with just us." Fatal explained.

"You are right about that." A feminine voice suddenly spoke up, causing the two skeletons to jump to attention, and glance and around rapidly.

"Show yourself!" Nightmare demanded, his mouth twisting into a snarl. The feminine voice nervously chuckled.

"G-geez, thanks for reminding me why I was so scared of you before, goopy octopus..." The voice muttered as Nightmare's eyes widened with recognition. 

"Zirara?" Nightmare muttered, "Apologies, it has been a rather, eventful, week." He slumped down as a chuckling figure with a purple hood walked out of the darkness.

"I can imagine," she chuckled before turning to Fatal, "So, um, who exactly are you supposed to be?"

"Fatal," The skeleton relaxed a little, "you are?" 

"The name's Zirara!" She greeted with a curt bow before turning to Nightmare, "By the way, you never told me you adopted another kid."

Nightmare groaned, "For the last time, I never adopted anyone, I merely offer them a place to stay in exchange for service."

"Sureee," She smirked, "but seriously, who's the kid?"

"Chasm," Fatal explained to her, "He's a void entity...I won't go into too much detail, but all you need to know is that he's the acting destroyer." She whistled.

"For a new destroyer, he seems rather young..." Zirara murmured, her overprotective and motherly side taking hold for a moment.

"Well, if we're talking technicality, he was only born a couple of weeks ago..." The hooded girl snapped up to stare at him as if he was mad. 

"A couple of weeks? So, he's not even 1 yet?!" She asked. Fatal groaned at Nightmare's miscalculation of wording choice.

"Allow me to explain it more thoroughly, he was created, a couple of weeks ago. By biological and mental age, he is as old as a Frisk or Chara." The girl relaxed, letting out a breath she was holding in. 

"Thank goodness, for a moment I thought you dragged a child into war." She huffed.

"Apologies for my lack of wording sense, however, I assume there's a reason you wish to speak to me?" Nightmare asked.

"Yep, not too long ago, I found a survivor of Dreamtale that seem to have ties with Ink and Dream." Nightmare jolted up, looking her dead in the eye.

"Where are they?" He asked in a bone-chilling tone.

"Before you go attack them, hear me out," She said, staring right back at Nightmare. "They don't seem to like Ink that much, I mean, I don't blame them for that, given how much of a backstabbing-uh, what I'm trying to say is that you should hear them out." She finished, nervously sweatdropping at the near exposure of her deepest secret. Luckily Fatal didn't seem too interested in it.

"Is that so... very well, I shall hold them, hostage, for information before for information before killing them."

Zirara facepalmed, "Nightmare, I get that you hate everything about that AU, but please try to be somewhat reasonable, keep them alive for now, at least!"

Nightmare merely huffed, "Is there anything more you wish to add?"

"There was some weird glitching around a couple of Horrortale copies, and not the glitching from a shortage of space, but more like an entity." She informed him, before turning to the door. "Now if you excuse me, I need to go get acquainted with your newest Son."

"For the last time, they are not my children!" Nightmare yelled after her. Zirara just giggled to herself down the hallway.

"Heh. Tsundremare."


Zirara is not my OC, she belongs  Black_justblack I hope I did I good job portraying their character. If you want her portrayal to be changed, let me know so I can edit the chapter.

If you want your OC to be in the series, comment them in the OC submission chapter. You can submit an OC at any time,  so long as the submission is still open.

Please provide specific info such as:




AU/where they can be found.

Allegiance, and why they are aligned to that side.


Likes and dislikes

Their power: Can't be stronger than Reaper

Have fun submitting in your OC!

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