I Live for you (COMPLETED)

By castleMG

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Hi~ this is my third story. Hope you give this a chance too...I just really love MewGulf. Disclaimer: pucture... More

21. Finale
Special Chapter
*Bonus Finale*


3.5K 197 17
By castleMG


Mew and Gulf were beyond surprised seeing who came.. Gulf's parents took a seat in front of them..

'Mom,Dada what are you doing here?' Gulf asked softly

'Kim and Mark said that their son and his lover wanted to call off the engagement...so..tell us,are you sure about that decision? Because there will be no turning back.' Yaya said trying so hard to keep her facade

The two are having a hard time processing everything.

'W-wait...*turning to his Mom* ...you said 'daughter' before.. Are you referring to..Gulf?' Mew asked..and his mother nods... 'All this time?? You are referring to him?!.. WHAT THE FU-

'Boo!' Gulf prevented Mew's curse...

'told yah..he became scary' Kim whispered to Yaya and she agreed..

'What about you? You're referring to him too? The son of your friends?' Gulf asked for confirmation...

'Yes son..' Barry answered

Gulf wiped his face with his palm..

'This is crazy..* he mumbled*... Are you all happy now?.. They were taken aback at Gulf's sudden change of expression..he is talking calmly but you can feel the venom in it..

'Baby bo-'

'I bet you all do..how is it playing your son's feelings?.. I'm sure you all knew what we've been through..but still,decided to do this..Well,congratulations...you all succeeded in making fun of us..' Gulf said then stood up to leave..Mew also stand but their parents stopped them..

'Please sons listen to us first...We know we went a little overboard but..plea-

'a little? You called this little? You could've told us in the first place...but you decided to hurt me..us..' Gulf said cutting his mom with tears pooling in his eyes..

'We just wanted to be sure..I'm sorry baby boy..please...listen to us first..' Yaya pleaded..

'Son please. Just hear us out.' Barry said

'Us too hun..please...We promise that we will make it up to you both..just listen to us first...' Kim pleaded

Mew and Gulf look at each other..Mew smiled weakly to Gulf and Gulf sighed...finally agreed... Their parents sighed relieved... They sat back and gestured their parents to start explaining things....

'Okay to make it short,we did it to test if you two really love each other and willing to fight for each other..I know our method is somehow over the top..but,trust us.we did this for you both.we are not against with your relationship..Heck even if you two followed our wishes,you two will still end up together.' Kim said

'and we are glad that you two didn't and decided to choose your love. We just learned recently about your past,and we don't want you two to suffer more.So please sons..forgive us.' Yaya added..

The two are thinking..holding each other hands under the table.They love their parents so much. They understand why their parents did this and so,they look at each other before turning to their parents and gave them a genuine smile.

Their mothers are in tears and got up to hug their sons...Their fathers are happy that everything is good now..But there is one more thing left..

'Uhm ladies..' The two look at their husbands and then they remembered..

'Oh my! we forgot..Your engagement is today!!' Kim exclaimed


Their sons yelled at the same time..

'Oh come on...you think we will let you settle with just simple 'marry me'? ..We prepared this for the past three weeks when you two decided to elope...gosh seriously? What are you? teenagers?' Yaya said and the two blushed.

'Babe...you can tease them later..let's have our lunch first so they can get ready after..' Barry told his excited wife..

They had their lunch happily..

7 PM

The moment that their Mothers have been waiting for has finally arrived..The parents are receiving the guests..They invited their executives,some of their business partners and some close friends.. Their sons are in the waiting room with their bestfriends..

'wow...the place is decorated beautifully..I'm happy for you both..You guys deserve this' Mild said..

'I agree..I thought your parents are really against in your relationship..' said Tong

' True..but they're still crazy...preparing something like this..It feels like Mew and I are getting married..' Gulf said pouting..

'what do you expect,you both came from a well-known family....If your engagement is already this extravagant...I'm sure it will be more on your wedding day.' Mild said..Mew is just listening to them..

'What about you bro? Why are you quiet?' asked Tong

'Nothing..I'm still not done processing everything that happened..But to be honest,I'm happy that this happened...at least the world will know that Gulf is mine...Grand or simple doesn't matter,as long as it will let the whole world know that Gulf belongs to me..I'm good.' Mew voiced out his thoughts...Gulf was touched..and he leaned his head to Mew's shoulder...

'oy...too sweet...I feel sorry for my single arse...' Mild said and it made them laugh...

Not long after,someone knocked on their room...a staff came to tell them that the party is starting and they need to go on stand by.

at the party

MC: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, we would like to welcome you for coming to this special event..Please give a round of applause to our hosts for tonight..Mr.& Mrs. Suppasit of Suppasit Enterprise and Mr.& Mrs. Kanawut of Kanawut Corporation!


They come up to the stage and greeted everybody...They start thanking them and told them the real reason behind the ocassion..

Mr.S: I'm sure all of you are wondering why we invited you to this event..And me,my wife and our bestfriends here,Barry and Yaya have something important to share to you..Barry?

Mark gave the floor to Barry..

Mr.K: As what Mark said, we want to share something important to all of you..We want you to be open minded at this matter..although your opinions are not important to this matter,but still...we hope nothing but happiness..

: What we wanted to say is that..this day is very special to both families. I'm sure all of you knew about my son who was recently starts working as the new CEO of K Corp. *they nodded*... Two years ago on the day of his graduation,he met an accident that almost killed him.. *gasps* ...I will not gonna tell the details and I hope you respect that. So,during those years..me and my wife kept blaming ourselves for being such a bad parents. Because of work,we didn't noticed that our son is drifting away from us. We neglected him unintentionally... and the accident needed to happened for us to wake up.

It's hard seeing your only child died in front of you several times..What saddened us more was..we don't know anything that happened to him before the accident..We just knew that he was studying hard to please us..See..even we neglected him,he's still thinking about us.. Everything that happened made me and my wife promised that, no matter what happens..he is our priority..His well being,his happiness will be our top priority. We will support him with his endeavours in life.. and so..Son,I know you are listening...forgive your Dada and Mommy..Always remember that we love you very much..'

Barry wiped his tears..the crowd was touched at his speech..It made them think their personal things... Gulf is in tears listening to his father. Mew and their friends are calming him down..The next voice they heard is Mew's Dad..

Mr.S: Okay so my turn..I'll try to top that bro.. *the people laugh* So,first of all..Mew..I'm sorry about your mother and Aunt Yaya's craziness..

The girls protested...It somehow lightens the atmosphere..

:okay okay..stop hitting me..*clears throat*...so uhm...just like Barry, me and Kim kinda did the same with our son..we thought that the best way to be a parent is to give all the needs that your child needed..We financed his studies,his hobbies..but we forgot to give the most important thing that every child needs..Love and affection..We thought we are doing great as a parents. You see,Mew never complained. He never opposed whatever we told him to do. His degree? It was us who told him to take business related course..and he just agreed. And he study hard even if it's not what he really wanted...

On his graduation day,we almost didn't make it because of work again..But he still didn't complained. He said he understand the load of our work. Then two or three days before his graduation, we realized that we are being a bad parents to him. We realized that,we neglected the sole reason of why we are working hard to earn money. We forgot that,our son is the reason why we are trying to strive harder..and so we came to a decision that..no matter how busy we are.if it's about our son,we will leave it. Because our son is the most important thing to us in this world.

...Mew..dad and mom is sorry..and always remember that we are proud of you..I'm proud that you chose your happiness this time and not to just blindly accept what we want you to do...Sorry if you two felt like we played your feelings...But now that we are able to tell you what we really wanted...I hope you two continue to keep what you have right now.And always prioritize your happiness..

The people are starting to get confused...and just like Gulf..Mew is in tears too.

Mr.K: Mark,I think they are starting to get confused...we should get to the main thing..

Mr.S: Oh right....Uhm, okay everyone...this event is for our sons..You see,our sons met durng their freshman year. They clicked. They become each other's source of strength to move forward. They brought happiness to one another's lonely life...and they fell in love.. *aww,,,* Honestly,we just found about it when Barry and his family came back from London..the accident caused the two to seperate without properly saying goodbye.. my son was devastated for two years. And we don't know the reason...he doesn't want to tell us..but these few months...the smile came back on my son's face...and then we decided to find out the reason behind it..

Mr.K: And yes...the reason is my son...they got back together...and tonight..we invited you all to celebrate with us...our son's engagement.. So please welcome our sons.. Mew and Gulf...

The guests clapped their hands. They are genuinely happy for the young couple.. The two entered the hall and went to their parents..They gave them warm hugs..

Mew gave a sunflower boquet that he asked his parents to buy before the event starts..

their parents let them to say something...

'Good evening everyone..uhm, we are sorry that our parents dragged you all here.. *laughs* ..we are also dragged here to be honest..not that this engagement is forced...actually,I proposed to Gulf last night,before my Mom sent some intimidating man to get me and Gulf.*chuckles*..just like my father said,our mothers went crazy that lead us to elope like teenagers...

Their guests laugh heartily..some said that they did it too..

..so yeah..we are thankful to have all of you here to share this wonderful moment with us..Thanks to our parents for preparing this..and thank you everyone for coming..' Mew said..He turned to Gulf and pulled him closer to him..Gulf is shy speaking at crowds but he will do it..


'Please bear with my baby..he is shy..' Mew intervene and it made Gulf blushed more which the guests finds cute..Taking a deep breath..he starts....

'ahm..first of all thank you for coming..Thank you dada,mommy,uncle and auntie for doing this..Most importantly,thank you for bringing Mew to this world that I got the chance to meet him and be with him.. To my parents, Don't think less of yourselves as a parent. You just did what you think is best for me..and I'm grateful for that.I'm happy that you are my parents..I'm sorry for what I said that night..I didn't mean any of it..I was just feeling sad that I said things that I didn't mean. I love you guys so much..' Gulf said and his parents are in tears..also Mew's..He went to his parents and hugged them..

Loud claps were heard inside..the people were touched at the sight. They respect the two families more.

MC: Please give a round of applause to the newly engaged couple Mew and Gulf!!!

The people cheered for the young couple. Their friends are crying in happiness..

Mew backhugging Gulf..You can see how happy the two are..Some are envy and wish to find their own happiness too..

The event went well..and they can breathe freely now that their relationship is blessed by their parents. The two decided to stay at Gulf's condo.. Mew is the first to take shower...after that Gulf went to the bathroom...

Mew is browsing his IG and he saw his Mom's post...

"Your happiness is our happiness too..Congrats my boys.. 😘"

there are so many positive comments and ❤s..

Mew was startled when a loud thud was heard coming from the bathroom... He hurriedly went to check on Gulf..and what he saw drained all his colors..


Aw..what happened to Gulf?

See you next update..

Thanks for reading..sorry for the errors... 🙏🏻❤

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!

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