I am Poison (Draco Malfoy)

De hogwartsstories0023

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ENEMIES TO LOVERS Waverly Whitlock, a muggle-born Hufflepuff and Draco Malfoy, a cunning Pure-blood Slytherin... Mais

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~new characters~
Timeline ish
wait wtf

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5.2K 158 341
De hogwartsstories0023

Waverly Whitlocks Pov

Diagon Alley was honestly super cold and surprisingly empty. It was decorated for Christmas with baubles hanging in the shops and miniature Christmas trees were set up in every window.

There was definitely no more than five or six wizards total though. Odd.

"Hm that's strange I would've thought everyone would be Christmas shopping." Grandma Honey observed, "I'll only be a moment,"

I smiled at her, "I'll just be wandering around I guess."

I decided I might look around for a present for Pansy, considering she's letting me stay at hers for a week.

First, I went into Twilfitt and Tattings, an expensive clothing shop that Grandma usually shops at. I figured while I was Christmas shopping I could grab a few things for her aswell. I grabbed a basket, and stacked it up with different dresses, hats and shoes. I even grabbed a few shirts for Pansy and Jade.

"Oh goodness? Someone's getting spoilt this Christmas." The shopkeeper laughed as she folded the clothes and put them into a paper bag, "Whos all this for?"

"Some is for my Grandma, those four shirts and that skirt are for my friends."

"Lucky friends of yours.." She pressed the cash register, "97 Galleons."

'Merlin.' I thought this was turning into an expensive day, I passed the money over to her.

She looked sort of shocked, "Pardon me for asking Maam but what's your last name?"

"Uh. Whitlock?"

She raised an eyebrow, "Half-blood?"

"Muggle-born." I gave her a shy smile.

"Sorry sorry. It's just usually only Purebloods can afford.. well you know how it is."

I nodded my head. I knew what she was talking about, usually the richest families were Pureblood.

The handle of the heavy bag made red lines across my hands as I carried it down the Alley.

I stopped at Quality Quidditch Supplies, and grabbed Blaise, Draco and Arlo jerseys and Quidditch team memorabilia. I was still absolutely furious with Draco, and quite frankly I had considered not buying him anything at all, but I felt rude giving everyone else a gift but not him.

I had one more store I wanted to shop at, Flourish and Blotts. Jade had wanted a book for ages called, 'That's Illogical.' Appearantly, it was some super spooky story, but she always justified not getting it because it was too expensive.

On the second floor of Flourish and blotts stood a huge towering bookcase, hundreds of books covered the shelves.

"How am I supposed to find it in here..?" I mumbled to myself.

"I can help you if you'd like." I turned around, and saw Jayden Lockwood looking at me with a kind smile.

"Thank you." I smiled, "Uh, I'm looking for a book."

"I guessed.. I mean you are looking at the bookshelf." He rubbed the back of his neck.

This was honestly so awkward. We really hadn't spoken much since our date, and I didn't know what to say.

"Right. It's called "Thats Illogical."

He raised his eyebrows at me, "You'd read something like that?"

"It's for Jade."

"Well it's over here." He walked over to shelf, and slid out a big thick furry book with a clasp over it.

"Jayden!" I heard a woman screech.

Jaydens face went white, "Oh crap.. that's my mother."

I gave him a look, and he hurried down the stairs.

After I payed for the book, I wandered down the Alley aimlessly before getting extremely bored. How long did it take a woman to buy a few ingredients?

As I was walking, I slid the book I had bought Jade out of my bag, and decided I would give it a read while I wait.

I unclamped the brown leather strap and flipped the book open. A blood-curdling scream shot from the book, as it screamed in my face. I screamed back at it, and shoved it closed.

Appearantly my scream had startled a man that was walking passed me, and he dropped a box on the floor, and I heard the contents of it shatter.

"Oh Merlin! I'm so sorry Sir!" I tried to help the man up, until he spun around to face me.

Those piercing blue eyes, long icy white hair and a wrinkly scowl. "You stupid wench!" Lucius bellowed, "Have you any idea what you've done?!" He shoved the box into his robes and got up close to my face, "You? Oh yes ... Whitlock. You've been nothing but a nuisance for Draco all year.."

"Look." I said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to break your little jewellery box."

"Jewellery box?!" He scoffed, "Jewelleys box?! I'll have you know girl, this box contains some of the most potent poisons to exist in the wizarding world."

I raised an eyebrow, "You do realise I could tell the Ministry what you'd just said."

He gave me an evil smile, "Whitlock. You've just smashed all of them, so why don't you.. prove it." The words spat from his mouth at me.

"Waverly dear!" Ma ran up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder, and smiled before realising Lucius was there.

"Ahh." Lucius sighed, "Long time no see.. Honey.. Or should I say.. Miss W-"

"Enough." Grandma interrupted, she scowled at Lucius, "Do not speak to my Grandaughter again." She faced towards the alley Lucius was about to head down, "I'm sure you've got some buisness down in Knock turn alley, why don't you run along?"

Lucius scrunched his face, "Watch yourself.."

He spun around and flung his cape over himself as he stormed down Knock turn alley.

I took a seat by the fireplace once we got home, "Grandma. How do you know Lucius?"

She frowned at me, "The real question is how do YOU know Lucius?"

"I met him a Quidditch game. He was watching Draco,"

"Why was he- Oh no." She stopped in her tracks and she looked like she was about to faint, "Draco.. Malfoy. That's the boy you were talking about."

"Yeah? So are you going to tell me why you know Lucius?"

She shook her head, "Not yet. But Waverly.. please promise me one thing.."


"You will not say a word about your parents or the horocruxes to Draco, or that Potter."

I went pale, my mouth dropped a little.

"Oh goodness," She sighed, "You've already told them something haven't you? Which one? What did you tell them?"

"I just told Draco that Voldemort killed mum and dad, and that he killed me but I didn't tell him why I'm not dead."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, her body language was riddled with anxiety, "Waverly. Not another word to them."

I nodded, "Okay Ma."

Grandma and I spent the whole week gardening, laughing and looking after animals. After that day at Diagon Alley, not another word was mentioned about the Malfoy family or Voldemort.

It was Christmas eve morning, and I packed my things because tonight I was heading to Pansys for the last week of Christmas and new years break.

I had wrapped the presents I bought and put them in my trunk.

Me and Grandma opened our presents a day early. Ma loved every single present I bought her, and we spent the day trying out our new gifts and trying on clothes.

As the sun began to set, me and my cat Mika knew it was time to get going.

"Hey, no need to cry," I wiped a tear off of my Grandmas cheek, "I'll be back soon."

She pressed her lips together, "Waverly. There's something I want you to have." She reached into her dress pocket and pulled out a miniature purple bag. It was decorated with sparlky jewels and had tassels hanging from the bottom of it.

"Grandma. I don't need this." I pushed it back to her.

I knew what was in the bag. But I didn't understand why she wanted me to have it.

"Waverly. I'm going to be honest with you. Lucius Malfoy despises our family, not for the reasons you think. If he comes after me, you'll need to have both of the Horocruxes with you."

I frowned, "I already have one with me. Why do I need both?" I leant down and picked Mika up off the ground and held the red jewel that was dangling from her collar. "I really don't think I need the-"

"Sh." She looked around, "Listen to me, once you really trust someone. I meant REALLY trust someone, not some random wizard who you think is nice, I want you to tell them all about the Horocruxes, and give it to them, so in case I.. you know die, someone will be able to.. restore your body if you.. die,"

I shook my head, "Seriously? You think Lucius Malfoy is going to kill you? I don't understand. Why does he hate us?"

"Oh no no," She chuckled, "He won't be able to kill me.. oh no no he's too stupid.. but Grandmas getting old you know. I won't live forever."

"Stop." I said, "Tell me why Lucius hates us."

"No. It's much more complicated than you think darling. Perhaps next break. Now, take the bag," She shoved it into my chest and gave me a kiss on the cheek, "Go and have fun with your friends. Merry Christmas."

I rolled my eyes and apparated to Pansys Mansion.

I took a moment to take a deep breath and gather my thoughts before going into her house. I really wished Grandma would tell me more, she seemed to be keeping something from me recently. Something to do with the Malfoy family. Something dodgy.

I knocked on Pansys door.

The door was swung open, and I was met with someones collar bone. It took me a moment, but then I realised it was Draco. He was standing in sweatpants and he didn't have a shirt on. I felt my face go bright red, and he smirked down at me.

"Bloody hell put a shirt on!"

His grin grew bigger, "I'll swap mine for yours."

To say the least, I was slightly horrified.

His emotional stability was lower than Merlins beard. One moment he was writing slurs about me on a window, the next he was telling me to take my shirt off. What the?

"What are you doing?" Blaise walked over and stuck his head out the door, before shoving Draco aside and giving me a hug, "Waverly! Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas." I laughed.

"Sorry about him." Pansy pushed passed Draco, "He's high."

Draco rolled his eyes and headed back into her house.

It was fairly late by the time I had gotten there, meaning everyone went to bed almost instantly and I didn't really get to chat much.

The next morning, Christmas day, I woke up to the sounds of Arlo and Blaise jumping up and down on my bed and screaming christmas songs.

"Jingle bell Jingle bells Jingle.. ." Blaise pointed to Arlo. Who grabbed the fake microphone from Blaises hand, "Jingle all the way."

I shoved a pillow over my head, "Shut up you goldfish!"

Later that day we all sat around a huge Christmas tree in Pansy's lounge room and started opening presents. Well, all of us that is, except for Draco. He was coming down from his high and wanted to sleep.

Jade absolutely loved her book, and Pansy adored her clothes. Arlo and Blaise started arguing over whos Wuidditch Jersey was better, and then started wrestling on the floor.

"Boys..." Jade shook her head disappointingly.

"Yeah." Pansy looked over at Jade and grinned, "Whos needs em?"

Jades cheeks went bright pink, and she cleared her throat and stumbled over her words nervously. "So- uh- Arlo. You're leaving tomorrow morning right?"

"Wait?" Blaise got off him, "You're seriously leaving me to fifth wheel with this lot?!"

"Fifth wheel?!" Jade, Pansy and I all yelled together.

Arlo and Blaise looked at eachother than burst out laughing.

"Ha ha." I sneered at them mockingly, "Very funny." I leant down and grabbed Draco's present and used it as an excuse to exit this awkward situation.

I headed down the hall to Draco's room and knocked on the door.

"What?" Draco groaned through the door.

I opened the door, and he was lying face down in bed covered in bed sheets. I grabbed a pillow from a chair next to the door and threw it at his head, "Wake the fuck up."

He snapped his head around and glared at me, "Bloody hell- Uh- Hi?"

I threw the present at the end of his bed, "Merry Christmas." I said quickly before slamming the door behind me.

Before I knew it, Draco had jumped out of bed and swung the door open and yanked me back into the room.

"Jeez." I rubbed the back of arm, "Maybe next time try, 'Hey Waverly. Wait a second,'"

He looked down at me, and narrowed his eyes around me, "I uh have something for you. Close the door."

I closed the door and stood awkwardly in his room while he rummaged through his trunk and threw a tiny box up to me, which I quickly caught in my hand.

He got off the floor and looked at me.

I frowned, "Do you think this is going to make up for you writing mudblood on the window on the train last week?"

He raised his eyebrow at me, "What do you mean?"

I shook my head, "Draco you know what I'm talking about. I woke up and on the glass you wrote mudblood."

"I didn't do that."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever." I turned to the door.

"Seriously." He grabbed my shoulders and turned me around, "I don't call you that anymore. It wasn't me."

I looked down at the box, and saw the card that was attached.

To: Waverly,
From: Malfoy

If I was being honest, his handwriting was beautiful, and he had perfect penmanship. It was nothing like the thick messy letters that were scribbled onto the window.

Maybe he didn't write it afterall.

But then if he didn't..

Who did?

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