Perfect Fit | August Alsina

By emmanesiadior

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Gianna Romano is the daughter of feared Italian Mafia boss, Mateo Romano. After graduating high school in It... More

1: Prologue
2: New York
3: Aftermath
4: Fierce and Cold-blooded
5: Information
6: More Information
7: Erotic
8: You Again
9: Confessions
10: Explanations
11: Coming Together
12: Making Plans
13: Ferris Wheels, Candy Floss and Kisses
14: Work To Do
15: The Art of Seduction
16: Interrogation
17: Intensive Care
18: Decisions
19: Back Home
20: Mothers
21: The Softer Side
22: Closer And Closer
23: An Eventful Night
24: Furioso Mafioso
25: Mafia Headquarters
26: Broken and...Betrayed?
27: Breaking Down
28: Explosive
29: His Truth
31: Finally Official
32: Welcome to Italy
33: An Open Discussion
34: Numb
35: The Reason
36: Apologies and Acceptance
37: Taking Care of Business
38: More Discussions and Apologies
39: The Creative Side
40: One Step Closer
41: Better
42: Preparations
43: Miami
44: Handling Business
45: Bad Introductions and Old Issues
46: A Better Introduction
47: Make It Right
48: Mr and Mrs Romano
49: Love Faces
50: Epilogue
Perfect Fit Sequel

30: Saved

889 44 20
By emmanesiadior

Calogero (kuh-loh-jer-oh) drove through the streets of New York, following the directions to the destination Alexis had given him over the phone. While he'd been on the phone with Adriano, their sister had texted Alexis his number and told her to call him - which she did. He didn't want to deliver the bad news over the phone, especially because he'd been informed that this girl wasn't just anyone to Roman, so she'd sent him a location to meet her at. 

Little did he know it was the trap. 

When he pulled up outside the building, he immediately noticed the young black woman standing in between two armed men. A precaution, clearly. After all they didn't know him or what he looked like. He got out of the car and was immediately approached by one of the men. Calogero studied this person like he'd been taught to do; he had tattoos all over from what could be seen, including a cross tattoo that was on his forehead in between his eyebrows, and it was easy to tell that this man was involved in the street life. Though to outsiders it probably wouldn't be. 

Andre looked Calogero up and down as he got closer and closer to him. He certainly didn't look like a person who'd be in the mafia, but then again, who did? Gianna certainly didn't. When he got right in front of Calogero, he squinted his eyes a little.

"You're Elena's brother?"

Calogero chuckled. Clearly the guy didn't know how to pronounce his name, like most people, which is why he typically went by Cee. Only in formal settings or around certain family and friends did he use his full name. 

"Si (yes). I'm Calogero Antonelli but you can call me Cee."

"Damn, and I thought Americans had some interesting names."

"Andre you can't say that!" Alexis scolded.

"Ignore her loud ass man. I'm Andre Taylor." He shook hands with Cee before leading him over to where Devonte and Alexis stood. "This is my boss Devonte and his cousin Alexis."

Von stepped forward and shook hands with Calogero. "Despite the circumstances, it's good to meet you."


"Wow, you and Lena actually look similar." Alexis giggled and hugged Calogero. "Nice to meet you."

"You too," he replied before pulling away "although I don't know if it will be so nice after I tell you the news I have."

Devonte sighed. "Come inside, we'll discuss there."

The four of them made their way inside. Of course their new friend caught the attention of some of the men because they had no idea who this was but he more so caught the attention of the females that stood around counting money and bagging up product. They all liked what they saw, and who wouldn't? He was tall, well built, dressed well and was extremely handsome. He noticed their stares and little whispers between each other but ignored it. He was used to it and it didn't phase him at all. 

When they reached one of the meeting rooms, Devonte closed the door behind all of them before they all sat down around the table. Anxiousness set in for Calogero. He didn't want to ever be the bearer of bad news but this was something he had to do. They deserved to know, especially Alexis. 

"So what is it that you have to tell us?" Von asked and rested his hands on the table.

"I don't even know how to say this. I'm still trying to process it myself." Calogero said slowly and took a deep breath. "It's Roman-"

Alexis sat up. "Roman?! What about Roman?" 

"I'm so sorry to have to tell you this. He's dead."

"W-What? H-How?" She asked in disbelief.

"There was a gunshot in his abdomen. When I found him he was barely breathing. I tried everything but he'd already lost so much blood. It was too late."

The room fell silent. Andre and Devonte were both in disbelief but put there attention on Alexis who seemed to be frozen. That had to have been what they'd heard on the phone call earlier - the gun shot followed by Gianna's scream. Calogero watched Alexis too. It seemed like someone had put her on pause, but that was about to change. A heart wrenching cry escaped Alexis' lips and she started sobbing uncontrollably. It was so sudden it shocked the three guys but Devonte was quick to stand to his feet and pull his cousin into his embrace, letting her cry into his chest. 

Her and Roman may not have been official but that didn't mean that she didn't care for him like he was her boyfriend. From the time they'd spent together and the various phone calls and text messages they'd shared, she'd grown attached to him - he became like a drug that she couldn't get enough of. They were certainly heading in the direction of a relationship but now that wasn't meant to be and her heart felt like it had shattered. He was gone and he would never come back. They'd never get a chance to see how being a couple would have played out - they'd never see where being together would take them. Would they have gotten married? Started a family? No one would ever know now. 

Devonte guided his cousin to Andre who led her to his private office before sitting down with Calogero again. He was even more angry now but was able to keep himself composed knowing that he'd be able to let all that anger out on Antonio and all the people who were involved in this entire situation. Everyone would pay. 

"What else do you know? I want to know everything. Alexis is torn up over this and I'll do what I have to do to take out the people that did this, as well as help you get Gianna back. She doesn't deserve this and Roman didn't deserve what happened to him either."

Calogero couldn't help but notice the twinkle in Von's eye when he mentioned Gianna. He wasn't aware of anything that had happened with the two but he could tell there was something there. It wasn't his business though and unlike other people, he was going to mind his own.

"Well truthfully I don't know a whole lot."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not involved with the mafia things, really only my uncle and brother are. I choose not to be apart of that life, respectfully. It's not for me but that doesn't mean I won't jump in when I have to and this is one of those times. Gianna is a little sister in my eyes and I don't want her to ever be put in harms way. I've been trained just like everyone else and I'll do what I have to do."

Devonte nodded. "I can respect that. My little brother is kind of the same, on the fence at the moment but invested when it counts. I take it your people are on their way?"

"Yes, they only just left though. I'm not sure if those people will leave that location in between the hours that it would take for my people to land. If they do then we're screwed."

"I agree, but that won't happen. I have a whole army of men here that are ready for anything. All I have to do is say the word. You remember how to get to the place?"


"Good. I'll send five men with you, they'll scope the area out for us and secure the perimeter. They can be our eyes to see if there's any movement." 

Calogero sighed. "The idea works for me but I don't know how uncle Mateo would feel about it. I mean, I know of your crew and your family, I know there's been beef between the two."

"I'm going to be honest with you right now. I don't care what he thinks, this is about making those fuckers pay for what they've done and saving the woman that I love."

A smirk appeared on Calogero's face. "'re in love with Gia?"

"I am and I'll do anything to not only save her but be with her." He chuckled. "I used to be scared as fuck to say that out loud but as the days pass, my feelings only grow deeper. She's different, you know? Something about her fits perfectly."

"I knew there was something there, I could tell as soon as you said her name. Just don't break her heart."

"I won't." Devonte smiled genuinely. "Now, let's make a plan."

_ _ _

Adriano Antonelli

We got off the plane as night was setting in. A night mission makes certain things easier and certain things harder, but we are the mafia; we get shit done regardless. I got into one of the many SUVs with my three uncles (Mateo, Giancarlo and Emilio) whilst everyone else got into their assigned cars. One of the men from the house here had come separately to collect Elena and Vittoria. 

For the duration of the drive I got myself geared up, as did my uncles. I loaded up my pistols and tucked both into the waistband of my pants - those are the backups. Then my uncle Carlo handed me my AK-47 which I made sure was fully loaded and ready to go and let me assure you right now, those fuckers will feel every single bullet I have for them. I sat the gun on my lap before grabbing my bulletproof vest and slipping it over my head and securing it on my upper body. In no situation do I go in without one; these things are dangerous and safety is always the number one priority. A bullet doesn't scare me but I'd rather be safe than sorry. You have to be smart about things these days. 

It wasn't long until we arrived at the beginning of a dirt road that was surrounded by thick bush. The cars behind us followed us as we turned into the trees and parked up; this would assure that no one would know that we were here. The four of us got out of the car and everyone in the other cars followed suit. They were all suited up and ready to go as well. 

"Non fare troppo rumore (don't be too loud)!" Uncle Mateo said in a normal yet somehow deadly tone. "Sei pronto (are you ready)?"

"Si (yes)." We all replied in unison. 

I was readier than I'd ever be. I'm not letting up on any of these people, they'll know for sure that playing with the mafia is like dancing the devil. They've awoken the beast and no one will be able to tame it. 

A smirk danced onto my face when another mafia car pulled up next to me and out stepped my brother Calogero all suited up as well. I couldn't help but laugh. It's been many, many years since I've seen him in such gear but it's for a good reason. That's what I appreciate a lot about my brother - he may not be in this life but he will do anything to protect the people he loves, even if it means doing something like this. 

"Long time no see fratello (brother)."

He smiled and hugged me. "Mmm, a long time indeed. How've you been?"

"I'll be better once this shit is over and done with. You?"

"You know the usual, busy. I had to stop business to come take care of this though."

"I appreciate it and I'm sure zio (uncle) does too." 

"You know me, I wouldn't let something like this slide. These cretinos (fools) are going to pay for what they have done. Kidnapping Gia and killing Roman."

"Si (yes), indeed. Let's go get into position."

_ _ _

Gianna Romano

It's been hours since I've been in this place with my hands cuffed above my head. The idiots didn't bother to do anything with my feet because they obviously don't think I can do anything..little do they know I've been trained to kill someone only using my legs, but let's not tell them that. 

None of that is bothering me though, not even the rancid smell in here bothers me. 

What is bothering me is that I got myself into this and I dragged Roman into this too. I acted purely off my own emotions without even factoring in anything else but my feelings. All I wanted was to come here and see Devonte to set the record straight and confess my intense feelings for him. Oh, and to beat Jessica's ass for spreading lies about me with her ugly, thot ass. Now look at how messed up this shit is. I'm stuck here and Roman is somewhere out there with a bullet wound in his abdomen. He'd already lost so much blood when they let him go that I just hope someone found him and took him to a hospital. He doesn't deserve to die, especially on the account of me. I literally interrupted his tech time to come and get me and unintentionally dragged him into this absolute mess. 

"Ah, you're awake."

I looked up and saw Antonio walking towards me. He's seriously a piece of shit that deserves nothing more than to rot in hell. 

"Well my eyes are open so..."

"You should stop getting smart before I put something in that mouth of yours."

I chuckled bitterly. "Is that supposed to scare me? Because it's not."

"You say that now but I promise you will be after you've gagged on this di-"

He wasn't able to finish his sentence. All of a sudden two small explosions rocked the building before constant gunshots started ringing out. Antonio stumbled backwards but was quick to regain his balance and draw his pistol, awaiting anyone who dared to enter the room they were holding me in. As the gunshots continued, I heard something that made me feel a sense of relief; orders being yelled out in Italian. My family

"Well, well, well. Maybe your little friend really did get back to them alive." Antonio said slowly before he aimed the gun at me. "It's too bad you won't get to do the same."

My eyes snapped shut as shots were fired...but nothing hit me. I opened my eyes just in time to see Devonte tucking his gun back into his pants and rushing to my aid while Black held Antonio down on the ground with his knee on his back. Andre and Alexis were posted up together with their guns fixated on the door that still remained closed. I let out a sigh of relief as Von managed to get the handcuffs undone and set me free. Then he pulled me into his embrace and hugged me tightly. I did the same in return. Lord I've missed this man. 

"I'm sorry I didn't have faith in you." He whispered softly. 

"It's okay, I guess it did look bad." I replied and continued to cling to him as if my life depended on it. "Thank you for saving me."

He kept his arms wrapped around me but pulled back so he could look into my eyes.

"I had to. Gianna I-"

I shrieked when we were ripped away from each other by none other than my father who seemed to be fuming. Adriano and Calogero were beside him, Emilio and Giancarlo were behind him. He then stood in between Devonte and I while everyone watched what was happening.

"Have you lost your mind boy? This is my operation here and you could've jeopardised it all! You could have put my daughter in harms way!"

"I would never do such a thing sir." Devonte replied calmly, much to my surprise and I'm guessing everyone else's.

"Oh really? And why would that be? You have just as much of a motive as that motherfucker there on the floor, if not more since you got so close with my daughter."

Devonte looked past my father and stared directly into my eyes. "I would never do such a thing because I'm in love with her."

"Excuse me?" My father questioned and took a step closer to him.

"I am in love with your daughter and I want to be with her."

I couldn't hide my smile at all. Finally he was being vulnerable and open about his feelings for me. For me! That was one thing I was afraid of when coming back here. What if I were to come all this way and he doesn't feel the same? I see now he does. He confirmed it himself. Devonte Wilson is in love with me.

"No! Absolutely not. Emilio get the men together, we're leaving. Come on Gianna."

I shook my head and pulled my arm out of his grip. "No."

"Mia bella (my beautiful), come on we don't have time for this. We have to get back home."

"Papa I don't want to be isolated there. A week was torture enough. I love my country and it'll always be my home but I have a life here now. I have friends and people who care about me and people that I care about in return. You may not like what's about to come out of my mouth but I have to speak my truth, even if it means you getting angry with me. Papa, I'm in love with Devonte."

My father had an unreadable expression on his face as he remained silent. I broke my gaze from him and looked at Devonte who was smiling from ear to ear while looking at me like I was God's greatest gift to him. I could visibly see the happiness radiating off of him and the love for me in his eyes. He was being true and his love was sincere. My stare was broken however when my father cleared his throat.

"We're going to the mafia headquarters. I want to speak to both of you." He said lowly before turning on his feet and walking out of the room.




Questions + Responses:


Poor Lex 😭


Gianna is free 👏😁

Devonte confessed his love for her and she confessed hers for him!

Mateo wants to speak to both of them..what could this be about?

What should we do about Ant? 👀

Vote, comment & share 😁✌

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