A Little Thing Called Family...

By Chihoriplays

779 14 1

What happens when the Bat goes away. The family will play. Bruce leaves Gotham for a mission leaving the city... More

Set up
The Big Reunion
A Broken Family
Second Encounter
Putting the Pieces Together
What binds us
It was an Accident
The Mistakes We Make
The Real Encounter
The Family Get Together (Finale)

Family is...

42 1 0
By Chihoriplays


It's dark, if you wanted a description of where Jason found himself, that was it, pure pitch black nothingness. 

Jason- Hello?

Jason had been awake for about two hours now, or at least he was pretty sure, he was pretty good at telling the passage of time, even without the sun or moon. 

Jason- Isn't the whole point of kidnapping someone usually to ask them questions, or at least to come and take a picture of me as proof of life for some ransom, but ain't no one I know wanna pay money for me.

Jason still got no response but decided to continue anyway.

Jason- So I'm gonna assume that, this is your first kidnapping, overall it was lazy and you haven't even talked to me yet so, I'll give ya a C, plenty of room for improvement. 

The lights in the room suddenly turn on and Jason find that he is in a 10' by 10' room with white walls, floor and ceiling.

Jason- Oooo a nice white esthetic… C+.

The door to the room opens and in comes a man in a black and white suit with a mask on his face, one that looks like an owl.

Owl- You have a very snarking mouth.

Jason- What can I say, I was a Robin, it might as well be a requirement, really balances out with the Bat.

Owl- Have you no sense of what is happening? You have been kidnapped, how are you so calm.

Jason- Because I always find a way out, everytime.

Owl- Ah, is your way this time to wait for your family to find your distress beacon, we found that when we got here, worried us for a bit, but…

Jason- Let me guess, they haven't shown up yet, give it another hour, they'll be here.

The man in the owl mask has slowly been making his way across the room to Jason and is now standing over him. It was at this moment that Jason realized he had chains on his arms and legs.

Owl- You seem, so sure. Do you know how long you were out for. 12 hours. They still aren't here, even 2 hours after you've awakened.

Jason, Well s***.

Jason still kept up a calm face and started fiddling with his chains.

Owl- Try as you will you won't get those off.

Jason smiles to himself and looks the owl mask in the eyes.

Jason- What's this organization called anyway?

Owl- As if I would reveal such things.

Jason chuckles.

Jason- I wasn't talking to you bird brain, I was talking to the other bird brain.

The owl turns around to see the Bat family standing in the open doorway. Nightwing drops an owl mask in his hand on the ground.

Dick- Court of Owls. 

Jason- Now that just sounds lazy. Any connection with another secret group we know.

Damien- Nah, just a bunch of rich snobs from Gotham.

Jason- Oh, that's my least favorite kind of people.

Owl- How? How did you get in here?

Steph- Your facility isn't that well guarded.

The owl pulls a gun out and aims it at Nightwing.

Owl- I will not allow you to make a mockery of the court.

Jason- What if I did?

Suddenly Jason springs up having wriggled his way out of the chains and wraps his arms around the owls neck causing him to drop the gun.

Owl- H..h..how?

Jason- We were raised by the Goddamn Batman, that's how.

Talon- Ah, so would the Bat be caught so easily as well.

Everyone turns back to the doorway to see Talon standing in the hall holding Red Robin with a knife to his throat.

Tim- Sorry guys, I didn't even hear him coming.

Jason- Wait a minute did you guys not clear this place out.

Dick- Thought we did.

Talon- Too bad. Now before things get hasty, hand him over and I'll give back the little birdy.

Jason- Fat chance.

Damien- We can take you and get Drake back.

Dick- No wait. We can't risk it. Jason let him go.

Jason- F*** that, we can take him.

Steph- Jason please.

Jason looks over at Spoiler and even through the mask he can see the desperate look on her face. He then scans the rest of them and even Damien now seems to have conceded that they can't get Tim.

Jason- Damn it.

He pushes the owl forward, almost making him fall to the ground.

Jason- Beat it.

The owl doesn't need to be asked twice as he makes his way towards Talon. As he gets within 5 feet Talon lets go of Tim. Tim is instant to jump away to make distance and turns back towards Talon.

Talon- Let's go, sir.


All attention is suddenly brought back to Jason, as he had picked up the gun that the owl had left on the floor and shot the owl in the back of the head, causing him to fall to the ground.

Dick- Jason!

Talon- Well that's troubling.

Jason fires another shot, this time at Talon but he jumps out of the way and out of the view of the doorframe.

Tim- I'll get him.

Tim starts to chase Talon down the hallway and Jason is ready to follow.

Jason- Let's go.

Dick- Wait! Jason, you just shot…

Jason- Are we really gonna talk about this now?!?

Everyone in the room stops and watching the stand off of the two eldest brothers.

Dick- No, let's go.

With that, everyone races out the door and down the hall in the direction Tim went after Talon.

-Outside/ Rooftops of Gotham-

Tim followed Talon up to the rooftops where they both stop, standing on opposite edges of the roof.

Talon- I know who you are, Tim Drake.

Tim- Unsurprising, considering this organization knew who I was. 

Talon- How did you get inside this facility? I was quite impressed.

Tim- Not hard, if your patient. Bit of hacking, bit of sneaking. We got a hold of a lot of your secrets. You guys know quite a bit about us, but not everything.

Talon- Not everything is held at one location. We are smarting then to connect all our servers and to hold all the information in one place. We know more than you think.

Tim- I know, but this just makes us one step closer to taking down your organization.

Talon- Do you think being a part of this family brings out your full potential? You did all of this, but imagine what you could do with our unlimited resources. We've been keeping a close eye on you, you aren't appreciated in your family, you're the outsider. You weren't adopted and you're not in it by blood,  you could be discarded at any moment.

Tim- No, you're wrong. Family isn't about blood, or what's written on a piece of paper. It's about being there, when the going gets tough, and when you're needed.

Jason- Like right now.

Jason puts the gun against the back of Talon's head.

Jason- You stay away from my brother.

The Batfamily stands behind Talon weapons ready.

Dick- Good distraction Tim.

Tim- It's pretty easy with bad guys, just get them talking and they're in their own little world.

Talon- Well done, but…

Something flies over the side of the roof and lands on the ground in front of Talon.

Talon- I always have a plan B.

The object begins to emit smoke that covers the roof, Jason tries to fire his gun but Talon knocks it away. When the smoke finally clears Talon is nowhere in sight.

Jason- Damn it, we had him.

Dick- Calm down, we'll get him. Even if they have several other facilities like this one, taking out an entire hideout is gonna put a dent in their plans, at least for the time being.

Everyone gathers around Jason all with a a saddened look on their face.

Jason- What? Is this because I killed the guy?

Dick- No.

Damien- We're just glad you're okay, Todd. 

Jason- Getting soft on me Damien.

Damien- In your dreams.

Dick- Jason. We're sorry, we were never there for you and we never made you feel welcome or at home, and that's on us, but if you're willing to forgive us, we were thinking a movie night, you're invited of course, but we'd make it a big deal, huge family get together.

Jason- You think a movie night is gonna fix everything?

He looks around at everyone standing around him all now with worried looks on their faces. 

Jason- You know me so well! As long as it's not a dumb romance movie, I'm in.

The worried looks all change to those of relief and everyone relaxes a bit more.

Dick- I know that it'll take a while for things to be like a normal family but, we'll get there.

Jason- Dick what are you talking about, we're never gonna be a "normal" family, but that's okay, because I'm fine with the dysfunctional one I've got. Now bring it in.

Jason brings Dick in for a hug as the others watch on.

Tim- Oh I am definitely getting in on this.

Tim, Steph, and even Cassandra join in for a group hug, Damien is the only one not in the hug.

Jason- Damien, what are you doing? 

Damien- I do not do hugs.

Tim- Come on ya little winer.

Damien- I will stab you.

Jason- Damien, please.

Damien hesitates but finally accepts that he can't refuse and joins the hug.

Damien- This is the only time, and no one will tell father.

Jason- That's just fine.

Damien- Welcome to the family, Todd.

A/N- Finished! I'm surprised I was able to get this done so quick, but I really put in some time and focused on getting this done and then suddenly the ideas just started coming.

I'm officially gonna end this off with the next chapter and it's not gonna be super long either I don't think. It's not gonna be a grand final fight like I'm sure many of you expect but I hope you still enjoy it when I'm able to get it out.

Thank you

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