The Lines of Society (A vigil...


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What if, after he and his mother found his state of being born quirkless, were caught between a battle and Iz... Mai multe

The Beginning
Orphaned (For real this time)
Time Flies
Gifts from the Past
Recap- Shortened version
First Patrol
Extra! Extra!
Woah?! Eraserhead?!
Away with Trash bags
Looking for Robin?
Easy Peasy
Damned Exams
New member?
He's what?!
Meeting the "Rat God"
Time off
Joint Training
Joint Training: Take 2
First Jump, First World
Another Attack?
Bastards don't take breaks apparently
That Night

A new Thing!

96 6 2

Izuku's P.O.V.

Alright. I'll be the one to say it. My entire past is messy. My life was and still is messy. How did I come to this and why am I mentioning it now instead of earlier? I don't know. Y'see, this is how my day in the new dorms which UA has taken to labeling as the "Height's Alliance" which in my opinion sounds incredibly stupid. Why can't they just call it the UA dorms? Nice and simple.

Anyway, back to the story. It's been roughly two months since I gave Aizawa's hero costume a major upgrade and overhaul. It also means that it's been around five to six months since I officially became a student in UA. It actually surprised me that none of my classmates were being manhandled or been physically hit by other students as much as I expected that weren't just doing it to gain attention. The first incident I noticed didn't seem to want to drag the others to their case so I left it be but made sure to keep an eye on them. The victim was Denki Kaminari himself and since the drawback to his quirk temporarily fries his brain, Kaminari-kun had always been bullied for it. I put several devices on him- without his knowledge- and observed. Kaminari-kun, on the outside appearances, always seemed to be fine. He acted like normal in class and didn't mind the harmless teasing. Everyone in 1-A knew not to pull on his quirk drawback too much since they all knew that it was a bit of a sore topic. 

No one really brought up anything that might trigger too much of a negative response from another classmate really. It might be because they knew how it felt like to be bullied or they might all be doing it subconsciously or they just didn't know they were doing it.  Either way, I knew. I kept an eye one all of my new classmates. Just in case they really needed help but can't bring themselves to ask for help. I knew how that felt from experience. (Again, don't ask. Let's just say I've been a victim for too many things, alright?)

But it went too far one day. Unfortunately, it was the one day that I'd forgotten to equip him with the devices I've been using to monitor the class without their knowledge or consensus. Kaminari-kun came to class after lunch, sporting a new hair style. He kept claiming that he just wanted to try something new but I didn't buy it. The rest however, did believe it. I watched him closely during class as I worked on the newest updates for the app again. I saw him wince every time he made a certain movement to a certain degree. I watched as Kaminari-kun stomped down his pain. And then, during a break period, Kaminari-kun made the fortunate mistake of brushing against his hair and revealed a bruised eye. It was swollen and quite darkly colored. I didn't make a move since I didn't really consider myself close enough with him to confront him on it in front of the class. Luckily, I wasn't the only one to see the injury.

"Pikachu, who did it?" Kacchan asked, pinning him down by the wrist. (Kacchan cares about the dubbed "Baku-squad even if he doesn't usually show it.)

"N-No one." Kaminari-kun squeaked. He made an excuse as an attempt to get Kacchan to released him but the ash-blond wasn't having it. Having had enough, I approached them which of course, gained their attention. Even Kacchan himself looked at me.

"Kaminari-kun, I think it's best you tell him." I advised. "After all, it's better them beat up than dead, no?" I tilted my head. "I've been trained by ninjas, assassins, and the Old Age hero Batman himself in the ways of being stealthy. The ninjas and assassins also taught me how to kill. Silent and even torturous ways. I can hunt down the ones who did those bruises in the time span of a week while I work on new updates for the app which Kacchan has mentioned that professional therapists have been using to help their patients." I informed him, playing with a few kunai to prove my point. "So choose, Denki Kaminari. Which one of us would you like to deal witht he situation? Kacchan, who only beats up people? Or me, the one who would rather eliminate scum?"

"Fine." He sighed defeatedly. Kaminari-kun finally told Kacchan who immediately asked for permission from Aizawa (he allowed it) before storming off to find the perpetrator. I nodded and returned to my seat.

Aizawa, having heard me, came over. "Oi Problem child, you really mean that?" I raised a brow. "Do you really mean what you said? You were really trained by ninjas and assassins too?" He clarified.

"Of course." I hummed. "I try not to lie too much if I can help it. Especially to a friend or my family. I lie to enemies and scum. I try to remain as neutral as possible when it comes to higher ups. Will that information be helpful to you?"

"Yeah." Aizawa nodded.

"If I had an offer for you specifically, what would you do?" I asked tentatively.

"I would have to know the offer first before deciding." He stated. I looked in his eyes for any hesitation but all I found was determination and curiosity.

"Alright." I put away my stuff and pulled out a small package. "In this small box," I tapped the wooden container for emphasis. "are scrolls long lost to time. Dating as far as the era of Magic. I am in possession of many invaluable artifacts, tomes, techniques, and lost knowledge. So, Shouta Aizawa, as someone who I consider as a part of my family, how would you like to know of the ugly truths and beautiful lies of the past worlds and the vast multiverses?" I saw his thoughts as they flew around in his head. I watched them whiz past and fly by through his eyes. I knew I'd shattered everything he knew to be true.

Then suddenly, he glared. I knew it wasn't because he was mad or irritated. Shouta Aizawa was scared. "Who- no, what are you?" I burst into amused laughter.

"Me?" I tilted my head innocently. "I'm an unfortunate time traveler! Why am I unfortunate? I, Izuku Midoriya along with my other names and aliases of the past and present, became immortal and thus exists outside of every rules of the universe. I am no god. Just a mere immortal man who got hit by a quirk as a child and thrown into endless loops of places in time and other worlds. Quirks can still affect me just like old methods of murder, violence, and death still do but none of them will ever be able to eliminate my existence. Even reversing my body won't be able to cause me to cease to exist."

"Does that mean I'm immortal now too?"

"No." I shook my head. "You are still mortal Shouta Aizawa." He sighed in relief. "I am only immortal because I was thrown around through time and space too many times and had been subjected to many tortures and experiments. Hell, you might as well also call me a girl too since I actually can carry a child in a womb." I shrugged. "Of course, I can turn anyone into an immortal by my whim anytime without all the torture and experiment shit. I also know how to turn anyone back into a mortal anytime as well. I can curse and bless anyone. As I've said, I exist outside of the rules of reality, time, and space now. I can do anything so long as it doesn't upset the balance of the universe too much that it can no longer correct it." To prove my point, I floated off my seat and created a holographic screen around me from thin air. 

Minoru Mineta also came closer. I raised a brow at him. "Does that mean you have breasts?" He asked, genuinely curious. I chuckled humorously at him.

"No. But if you so wish, I can turn you into a female yourself." I offered him a pearl. "Crush it and you'll be a girl for an entire month. After a month, the pearl will piece itself together and you'll be a male once more. The pearl will only piece itself together again if all of its pieces are in the same room. Its pieces will also most likely go flying as its shards spread out so I suggest breaking it in a room without any windows."

"No thanks." He declined. (I must admit, that was out of his behavior from what I knew.) I shrugged again and dropped the pearl, the item disappearing as it neared the floor. After that, he left to go somewhere else.

"So, what do you choose?" I asked Aizawa again, lowering myself back to my seat.

"I..." He hesitated. His face turned stone cold. He'd finally decided. "I choose to know."

"Alright. What would you like to know?"

"What is there to know?"

"Magic. Chakra. Technology. Innovation. Lessons. History. Six examples of some choices. But judging you as you currently are, I'd say that learning of chakra would benefit you. To give you an idea of what chakra is, it's a type of energy that shinobi used to use in their line of work. It only helped them bend the rules of this world but it doesn't and would never break nor mold this world's rules to your whim." I tapped the box and images of all that I saw during my time in Naruto's universe were displayed. Techniques that were given to me either willingly or by force because they didn't want the way of the shinobi to forever be lost were also shown in clips.

The rest of the class watched our interaction with awe. Aizawa turned the idea over and around in his head before nodding. "Teach me chakra then." He said. "You don't need to learn anything from classes other than heroics here so you can just ditch class and do something more productive in the meantime."

"Of course." I agreed readily. Then I remembered a boy who stayed in one of the general courses. "I hope you don't mind if I bring someone else along as well during our training after school. The boy had been abused and bullied for his quirk in the past and I'm sure that he'd like to become a hero to prove his tormentors wrong. They labeled him as a villain simply because his quirk was misleading."

"Will you also be teaching him chakra?"

"Would you like me to? I wouldn't deny him of the knowledge since I know that he desires to be a hero for those who have experienced the same pains as he had. Despite the common belief that bullying is scarce, it is very present in our time." Horrified gasps left the mouths of my classmates. "Unfortunately, we can't force everyone to change and learn that quirks don't make a person but that a person makes the quirk. This world is just stupid that way. Take Endeavor for an example." I noticed Shouto Todoroki's eyes land on me with curiosity. "The imbecile is way too reliant on his quirk. He fears you, Aizawa because you can deactivate his quirk. All Might himself is also a very good example of someone being very reliant on their quirk to perform hero work." I sighed, flicking off a marble. "Being naive won't help any of your hero hopefuls in your possible future line of work."

"Why don't you train them then?" Aizawa suggested. Caught off guard, I stared at him bewildered and subconsciously floated off my seat again. "You said it yourself. They're reliant on their quirks to perform hero work and they're also naive. So, train them yourself." Voices of agreements erupted in the room and a select few even came over. "They're agreeing to it. So why not teach them?"

"They currently have closed minds." I shook my head. "They think everything is black and white."

"Why do you say that?"

"You seem doubtful about that. Fine, I'll clear up the air then." I turned to the class. "Answer me truthfully, all of you. If a woman steals from a store, is she a villain or a criminal? Or could she be a desperate civilian?" The collective answer that was returned was: a villain. I frowned. "Okay. Keep in mind that there is no wrong or right answer to that question. Nor will there be black and white for my next few questions. Are we clear?" I received nods with varying confidence. "Now what if I told you that the same woman stole from the store because she was broke in financial terms and she had children to provide for. Is she a villain, a criminal, or a desperate civilian?" Understanding finally dawned on Aizawa. Most stuck with their first answer. She was still a villain. But some contemplated over it and eventually decided that the woman was only a desperate person who wanted to provide for her kids at all costs. "And that's how they see this world. Heroes are white and will always be the 'greatest' in their minds. Villains are the opposite and would represent black and will apparently be the worst forever. They forget that there are also vigilantes around which represent the gray (grey) area."

"But aren't vigilantes also villains?" Iida asked.

"No. Most only want to use their quirks to save or simply want a reason to use their quirks. Some vigilantes save illegally because they want to keep everyone safe. I was and am an example of a vigilante who saves illegally. Have I killed anyone from this time? No. Have I killed before? Yes but only because they were aiming to kill me at any cost. It was the time of shinobi, alright? It was either kill or be killed back then especially when you're out and about completing missions." I shivered. "I'm lucky that I'm even able to say that I can count the number of people I've killed in the number of appendages I have. I can confidently say that I've only killed 15 people, all of who had been tasked with killing thousands of others and had special abilities- No, they weren't quirks." Nearly all of them paled. (What? Some don't have the capacity to physically pale.) "Thankfully, I haven't met a villain in this time who I've been forced to eliminate." Aizawa and several others sighed in relief.

"So what's the difference between villains, heroes, and vigilantes then?" Mina Ashido wondered, directing the inquiry to, presumably, me. 

"Good question." I hummed. "But I think the better question would be: 'Is there even a difference between the three factions?' The answer would be the one telling the story. To a villain, they might be the hero because they're bringing down justice for either themselves or for someone else. To a vigilante, they're the hero because they're helping people even if they know they're breaking the law to do so. To a hero, they're the hero because they do everything legally even if going through legalities will postpone their ability to save someone in need. Keep in mind that there will always be times when doing it legal won't always be the right thing to do."


"I see what you mean by closed minds now." Aizawa breathed. "They believe that everything is only good if it's legal and bad if it's illegal." I nodded.

"They need to clear their minds first. They need to accept that the world isn't defined by two colors but by hues of mixed black, white, and gray (grey). They also need to know that their quirks aren't anything special because quirks are merely tools. They need to realize that there are some things out of their control. Everyone has a starting line. Some just have to work harder than others to keep pace with their peers." And with that, I left the room.

---Time skip... 2 months later---

It's been two months since I started teaching Aizawa and Hitoshi Shinsou about chakra. It's been two months since I started training them. It's been two months since I revealed one of the world's ugly truths to the class. Two months since they opened their minds to reality. 

I was having a bad day and my fuse was shorter than usual- which meant that it was just about twenty-four inches long like normal people. (It's double that on a usual basis and triple the length on a good day.) I hadn't been able to let out my stress and frustration by cooking which I normally did in the cafe backroom to supply the sweets and meals counter. "Aizawa-sensei," I grabbed his attention. "May I be excused for today? I've got too much energy to burn and sitting in class won't be able to help with that. Sparring with you won't work either. If you need to know, I'll be heading down to the cafe and help out. I bet bro's workers aren't much help again." He sighed and nodded. Squealing in delight, I jumped out the window and sprinted off of UA grounds before running up the wall of a building and started to may my way to the establishment by rooftop.

Five hours later, some brat enters the cafe and starts trying to order me around while she flirted with my honorary brother. He was uncomfortable and he knew I noticed his clear discomfort. I endured her yelling and whining for ten minutes until I'd finally gotten enough. Dabi, being the awesome guy he was, sensed my mood and started sweating heavily. The bitch took it the wrong way and began to increase her efforts to seduce him. My eye twitched in irritation as I handed her her order. After tasting it once, she spat the cake back out and complained about the quality and the taste and in general just bad mouthed it and me. "Oi brat! This cake sucks! What'd you put in it? Black pepper?" She said haughtily, willfully ignoring my obvious mood as she kept yapping and I glared at her.

"You don't wanna see me bratty," I told her, closely pissed off from Tartarus and back.

"Pet the kitty, call me catty." She whispered with her lust aimed at Dabi.

"Make your man call me 'Daddy'. She talks too much, she's so chatty." I rolled my eyes. "CEO, I'm savvy. Respect a bitch, "I flicked my middle finger at her face. "I'm a maverick!"


"So elastic." I mocked, cutting her off.

"Hey! Why are you so rude?" She demanded bossily. "Don't you know I own this joint?!"

"Fuck a princess, I'm a king! Bow down and kiss on my ring." My already heated glare hardened further. 

"Being a bitch is my kink!" She declared bravely.

"What the fuck else did you think?" I raised a brow. "Fuck a princess, I'm a king! Bow down and kiss on my ring. It's gonna hurt, it'll sting."

"Spitting your blood in the sink!" She said with a smug look on her face. The brat took a swing at me and I slapped her fist away. "Asshole!" She cried out.

"I'm crazy but you like that! I bite back!" For emphasis, I lunged forward but made no attempt to actually hit her. I just wanted to get into her personal space to make her uncomfortable. "Daisies on your nightstand-" 

The small bell rang its note, cutting me off. But even if I had to serve a new customer, I knew that she was fearful of me now. Why was she so fearful? Well, let's just say that her nightstand has a vase with beautiful flowers and she'd used to have a friend who adored daisies. Her friend who loved daisies was also quirkless, same as me. But unlike me, her friend was unfortunate as the quirkless, daisy lover friend of hers had committed suicide in the form of hanging herself. I knew that since then, she kept a vase full of daisies on her nightstand to honor her friend. (It was also well known that a worker at my bro's cafe was quirkless. We didn't bother hiding that bit of information anyway.) The bossy brat got up and ran out. Thankfully, she'd at least left her payment for her abandoned slice of cake.

Mentally sighing in relief, I collected another few cash notes from a customer. Depositing the money into the cashier, I gave the man his purchased sweets. Dabi came over and held out a fist for me to bump knuckles with. "Thanks, little brother. You saved my hide back there." I chuckled and gently hit his closed hand.

"No problem bro. She was being a thot anyway." I winked, making him laugh. "Anyway, think you can manage it from here? I'm gonna go stress bake in the kitchen. I promise to stop at two new cakes and a dozen cupcakes."

"I doubt that but whatever. Go, I'll call someone down to work down here." Dabi patted my back and I childishly gave him a peace sign as I closed the kitchen door. "Don't use all of the ingredients little brother!" He yelled.

"That was one time!" I protested. Another round of teasing laughter. 

Three hours later, I used up all the ingredients in the kitchen by baking for the cafe. I took stock and made a list. Customers came, paid, ate, and left the cafe. I clocked out and approached Dabi to let him know I was leaving. He insisted that I bring one of the less popular cakes and I agreed. He packed it up for me and sent me on my way.

I returned to UA via rooftops and headed straight to Nezu's office. I dropped off a slice of cake that was great to eat with tea (Dabi also told me to bring it as well.) along with a note. I waved him goodbye before walking in the mostly empty halls to class 1-A. "I'm back!" I cheerfully announced, presenting the boxed cake to everyone. "I also brought cake! If I'm correct- which I'm fairly sure I am- it should be Heroics class for the next period. If you change quick enough, I'm sure you'll have enough time to get a slice."

Eraserhead ordered everyone to change into their gym clothes and to meet outside on the field. I walked with him there and served myself a small portion to eat as we waited. Eraserhead didn't really want any since he was never really one for any sweet treats. Instead, I handed him a bag of candy that I specifically tailored to appeal to the man's taste buds. He popped one in his mouth and happily laid on the floor, savoring the taste. I could've sworn that he'd moaned after his fifth piece.

The first ones out were the girls who I served equal amounts of cake. The last one to come was Kacchan. Being as slow as they had been, none of them got to enjoy the cake and most just quickly shoved it into their mouths. Nudging Aizawa, I asked him about the activity. "You're the teacher today Midoriya." I paled at the shit-eating grin he gave me. "Good luck!" 

Sighing, I led everyone to a gym that I'd personally built with the help of certain people and the permission of Nezu. I levitated a resting underground hero as we moved locations. Welcoming them in, I trotted over to the bleaches and placed Aizawa on top where he'd be less noticed. "Alright everyone, who has experience with hand-to-hand combat?" Yaoyazoru-san, Mashirao Ojiro-kun, and only a couple others raised their hands. "Well, this is disappointing. Are the majority of you really that reliant on your quirks to fight?"

"What's your deal Izu?" Kacchan asked me. "It's not like all of us fight close quarters."

"True." I nodded. "But can anyone tell me why knowing some form of hand-to-hand combat is important? Raise your hand then talk when I look at you." Not one hand came up. "Okay," I said, dragging the o. "Let's put it this way then. You're barehanded and against a villain with a power similar to our teacher Aizawa. What do most of you do?"

"Run away?" Minoru Mineta-kun said unsurely. 

"Oh? And gain a reputation as a coward? Sure. Anyone else?" I scanned the class.

"We fight!" Kacchan stated bravely, pounding his fist to his palm.

"Yes." I nodded at him. "But how? How will you fight someone like Eraserhead? Someone who can erase your quirk."

"Through martial arts." Ojiro-kun answered. 

"Good! I hope you'll all see a point in learning hand-to-hand combat because apparently, I'm your teacher for it." I sighed, rubbing my hand down my face. "As for my qualifications for teaching hand-to-hand combat arts, c'mon people, I'm quirkless! How else am I supposed to fight? I don't have a quirk to help me defend myself y'know!" I grinned with my arms wide open. "So, let's begin! I'll promise anyone who manages to get me to fall down on the floor will get a coupon from me that allows them to buy food from my cafe for free for the time span of an entire day." I shifted and held out my hand in a "come at me" gesture. "And not a single one of you are allowed to use your quirk. For those who can't turn off their quirks, fight as quirklessly possible for you as possible. Activate your quirk, even instinctively, and you lose. You may choose to fight alone, with a partner, or in a trio."

As expected, Kacchan leaped at me. He didn't have a partner or any teammates. I smirked and through a few smooth and swift movements, Kacchan was on the floor groaning in pain. "Well then, that's one down. Who's next?" I challenged. Ojiro-kun and Tooru Hagakure stepped forward and made their attempt. With Hagakure-san being unable to turn off her quirk, she fought with her clothes on. The two were decent with Ojiro-kun having martial arts experience himself and Hagakure-san being hard to see. But even so, I thrashed them down and urged the rest to make their attempts.

By the end of the period, all of class 1-A aside from myself and Aizawa were exhausted and in pain. "That's it for today. I hope all of you saw a point in today's exercise because according to Aizawa-sensei, we're doing this again tomorrow! So you'd all better be well-rested and ready for tomorrow!" I cackled, excited to pound them all again. Groans of displeasure erupted. "But don't worry. I won't be the one hitting you. This gym was designed and built by yours truly with Nezu's permission! I've got this place equipped with various training equipment from weights to robots! For tomorrow, I'll be setting you all up with a robot dummy that's been programmed with martial arts. I want you to be able to either pin them down or destroy them without the use of your quirk! That means that Hagakure will fight with her clothes on- not that it'll matter anyway as the robots are also equipped with heat sensors- and Shouji-kun will be fighting as quirkless as possible which means that he'll only be able to use hands instead of forming other... parts..." I mentally grimaced at the thought of one Mezou Shouji forming another dick through his quirk. "Anyway, you're all dismissed but you're free to watch me train your Aizawa-sensei and maybe even getting to see him lose against me."

"Like hell I am you little shit!" Aizawa exploded from the bleachers.

"Oh yeah? Come at me and make me eat my words then!" I returned the jab. "You can use your quirk and perhaps even the little chakra techniques you know!"






As I'd foretold, I did beat him. Said pro hero was on the floor, panting from exhaustion. "I hate to say this but I told you so!" I childishly spat out the meme, giggling as I skipped out the door. 

Behind me, I managed to hear Kacchan say three words that were the collective thought of class 1-A. "What the hell?"

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