Perfect Fit | August Alsina

By emmanesiadior

54.7K 2.4K 1K

Gianna Romano is the daughter of feared Italian Mafia boss, Mateo Romano. After graduating high school in It... More

1: Prologue
2: New York
3: Aftermath
4: Fierce and Cold-blooded
5: Information
6: More Information
7: Erotic
8: You Again
9: Confessions
10: Explanations
11: Coming Together
12: Making Plans
13: Ferris Wheels, Candy Floss and Kisses
14: Work To Do
15: The Art of Seduction
16: Interrogation
17: Intensive Care
18: Decisions
19: Back Home
20: Mothers
21: The Softer Side
22: Closer And Closer
23: An Eventful Night
24: Furioso Mafioso
25: Mafia Headquarters
26: Broken and...Betrayed?
27: Breaking Down
28: Explosive
30: Saved
31: Finally Official
32: Welcome to Italy
33: An Open Discussion
34: Numb
35: The Reason
36: Apologies and Acceptance
37: Taking Care of Business
38: More Discussions and Apologies
39: The Creative Side
40: One Step Closer
41: Better
42: Preparations
43: Miami
44: Handling Business
45: Bad Introductions and Old Issues
46: A Better Introduction
47: Make It Right
48: Mr and Mrs Romano
49: Love Faces
50: Epilogue
Perfect Fit Sequel

29: His Truth

793 43 18
By emmanesiadior

Lemme just take a moment to say thank you! This story is #1 in alliance - the first #1 spot for this book with hopefully more to come in future!

All these spots are achievements to be honest!

#22 in augustalsina out of 9.8k stories, that's amazing in itself

And it's all thanks to you!

Oh and, the 'rollercoaster' awaits you..

Elena Antonelli

It's been hours since Uncle Mateo announced his engagement and since Gianna left to where we assume is America - but even after Adriano confessed the argument they'd had earlier about her wanting to leave, we still can't be sure. She could've said all that to be certain that we wouldn't follow her. Honestly, who knows with Gianna. She can be really sneaky and secretive when she wants to be but she'll only do it for certain reasons. My brother told Mateo minimal things but he didn't go into detail about exactly why she'd want to leave because uncle would've flipped his shit.

Everyone's been trying to locate her but I'm not sure if they will. If she didn't want to be found, she would've made sure it wasn't possible. I've been sitting here in my room trying to figure out where she could be. I could bet money she did what she intended to do which is to find Devonte and confess everything to him. I don't witnessed first hand how cut up she was about leaving, so I know this past week must've been hard for her.

At that moment Adriano walked into my room. He looked so defeated. I knew that he thought that this was his fault - which it wasn't. We all know how stubborn Gianna can be and he told her it was too dangerous to leave, yet she still managed to get away anyway. I know he feels like he should've done more to keep her here and protected but when it comes to my best friend that is not possible. When she sets her mind to something there's no stopping her at all. He sat down beside me and sighed before opening his mouth to say something. Before he could even get a word out however, my phone rang. The number was unknown but something in my heart told me to answer it even though I never normally would.


I was met with cries and not just any cries; they belonged to Gianna. Immediately I pulled the phone away from my ear and put it on speaker so that Adri could hear too. He grabbed his own phone and began to try trace where this call was coming from while listening in to what was going to be said.

"Who is this?"

Someone laughed and I was certain that it was Antonio. "I'm sure you'd know by now sweetheart. I just wanted to call you so you could say goodbye to your little friends. I'm not that much of a monster to not let you speak to them."

"Whatever you're trying to accomplish, it's not going to work! I promise you that!"

"Sweetheart, I've already succeeded. I have the daughter of the leader of the Italian mafia right here in front of me and I have her little tech friend here too. It'll only take one bullet for each of them and you know that...but I think I want some fun with the princess here, if you know what I mean."

Tech friend? That's gotta be Roman.  And if he even attempts to put a finger on my best friend, he will be sorry.

"No! Don't you fucking touch her!"

"Mmmm I'll think about it. Any last words for your friends? Your voice bores me."

I looked at my brother with tears in my eyes and signalled for him to speak. I couldn't say anything more. We're hours behind America. He's already steps ahead of us in whatever he is planning. We have mafia people in America but not that many and not nearly enough to start a war between us and a rival. That's impossible. Adriano cleated his throat and started speaking in Italian. I was too much of a mess to listen completely to what he was saying but I caught we're coming to get you both and be strong. The call ended moments after that.

"Come on piccolina (little one), I got the location. We have to go tell uncle Mateo. The sooner we leave for America the better. He already has a head start on us."

"What about Calogero?"

He frowned. "What about him?"

"Isn't he on business in New York at the moment?"

"Yeah so?"

"He's trained, dummy. He may not be in our life but he still has the skills to protect himself and other people. Gianna is like a sister to him too and I know he'd jump in to help."

"Fine I'll call him. Now let's go, we have to move quickly."

Hopefully our brother will jump on board. He doesn't like the mafia side of things and stays away from it as much as he can but I know he'll make the exception this time. He adores Gianna and I know that like Adri, he'd never let anything happen to her, so he'll do whatever he has to do to assure that she is brought back to safety.

_ _ _

Antonio Rogers aka Raymond Harris

"You know you would make this a lot easier on yourself if you just gave me what I wanted Gianna."

She shook her head. "Why are you doing this Antonio?"

I guess I could tell her. I mean, it's she's going to die anyway, it's probably the least I can do. It's not like she will go blab to anyone - she'll be long gone before there's any chance of that. I stepped closer to her and cupped her face in my hand. She didn't react or anything, she simply continued to look me in the eyes. I mean it's not like she could do anything, he hands are tied above her head. It's too bad I have to kill someone so beautiful. We would've made a great couple her and I. We would've made some pretty babies too - we still might be able too, but that means I'll have to keep her alive longer than I am supposed to.

"And what do I get in return baby?"

She glanced down at Roman before looking back at me. "I'll do whatever you want me to do but you have to let him go."

I mean, he's gonna die anyway, fuck it.

"Alright then. But remember, whatever I want you to do, you do it. Understood?"

"Yes. As long as you let Roman go."

I signalled over one of my boys. "Untie him and let him go. No one follows him or anything. He's free."

He quickly removed the restraints on Roman who was slowly bleeding out on the floor of the warehouse and I watched them lead him over to the door. He could barely walk but somehow he managed to stumble out of the door which was closed behind him. Then my attention turned back to Gianna who was already awaiting on my story - the truth.

"When I saw you on campus for the very first time, I was intrigued by you. You caught my eye Gianna, simply because you are a natural beauty. Then we happened to be in the same class and that's when I found out your name and instantly I knew who you were. You see, I'm apart of a gang here that's a rival of the mafia for whatever reason and being that my boss has always wanted to dethrone your father, I reported this back to him. From there he assigned me a mission; to get close to you and gain your trust. It was easy at first but then my feelings got the better of me when you wanted to take care of your friend and then we didn't speak. My boss got mad at me for losing you and that ultimately made me want to come after you too, not just your father."

"But what do you even gain out of this? If it's your boss who wants my family gone then what exactly do you take away from it all? What about your mother and siblings?"

"You believed all that mother shit? The truth is, she kicked me to the curb because I got into this shit. She doesn't want any son of hers to be involved in the drug scene. I send money to my siblings and that's it. Ain't shit else for that bitch." I chuckled. "As for this situation, I get everything I want baby. You see, he's no longer the boss. Sadly he was murdered a few weeks back and now I am in charge. And I want the power that I deserve, which means taking out every motherfucker that I have to, including Mateo and Devonte."

"That's all you want, power? A coward will never gain power. You want power? You have to earn it, just like my father and Devonte did. They worked for their empire, that's why they're undefeated. You expect you're empire to be handed to you, that's why you will never succeed."

"You know for a bitch that's tied up right now and on the verge of death, you certainly have a lot to say."

"I'm not scared of you." She said plainly. "Put on this act all you want, you'll never be a leader. You're a coward!"

"Uh, uh. Don't be so aggressive now baby. I wouldn't want to have to kill you before we have our fun."

"You'll have to kill me twice over before that happens."

_ _ _

Adriano Antonelli

I stood with my sister, who was a crying mess, wrapped up in my embrace. She'd been sobbing for some time now and I don't think it'll stop until we get Gianna back. I should've told uncle Mateo sooner and this could've been prevented. It's not like America is a ten minute drive away, it's hours away from us and we don't have hours to spare! However I managed to contact Calogero and he's all in - he wasn't about to be in New York where I tracked Gianna to be and not do anything. He's already working on scoping the place out.

Currently uncle Mateo is barking out orders in Italian to the twenty men we are taking to New York with us. The rest we will meet with at our headquarters over there. Vittoria and Elena were supposed to remain back at the house but they both made a scene about it, so Mateo caved and allowed them to come on the condition that they remained at the mafia headquarters over there once we touched down.

"On the planes now!" Emilio barked out. "We don't have much time!"

Everyone quickly boarded the planes. There were three jets altogether. Myself, Elena, Vittoria, uncle Mateo, uncle Emilio and uncle Giancarlo had one to ourselves while everyone else was divided up between the other two. I'd just saw down with Elena when my phone started ringing. It's was Calogero. I definitely wasn't expecting to hear from him right now. Maybe he's had a lead already. 

"Everything okay Cee?"

"Not exactly.."

I frowned. "What do you mean? What happened?"

"It's Roman...he's dead."




I'm sorry y'all 😭 I didn't want to, but I had no choice. It's part of the storyline!

Questions + Responses:

Antonio called Elena..

Adriano managed to track the location..

Antonio told Gianna the truth..

The mafia are on their way 👀 watch out Raymond/Antonio, whatever tf your name is 🤣

Roman 😭💔

Vote, comment & share 😁✌

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