By kathyswrites

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A story started with toughest strict training to emotional bondings,a journey full of twists and a journey fu... More



946 57 90
By kathyswrites

Yuvi's pov :

The craft is as silent as the truck journey but the voice in my head is exploding with sounds

Sir'Elsina gave us our Molle (backpack) and we looked at each other

She made blindfolded soul to stand before me and geared us up for tandem parachute (dual jump), soul is steady and straight as if she's ready for the jump

Sir'Elsina gave me coordinates and maps cleared the route for free fall.. like seriously?High altitude free fall jump..! a HALO jump!

I stopped panicking and looked at the ground, checked my gear and positioned souline, checked oxygen and all clear!

The red light turned to green and I made the move, I am doing free fall with my awesomely fucked physical and mental state!

The free fall was smooth and easy, we've reached 4000 altitude and its ideal time to open the parachute, I just pray that I've no malfunction in parachute and have to use reserve parachute to save ourselves! And thankgod everything is perfect! My parachute worked safe!

Soul holded my hand hard with the sudden ejaculation of parachute, being blindfolded and falling from high altitude can raise your anxiety and even can give you heart stroke, she stayed strong than me, but I donno how she must be feeling like..

There's something in this journey of air, the calmness and being high in the altitude.. the freshness of the clouds and tiny world under me, that thin line between living and dying! That second which can change any dynamics! That loud noise in my mind rolling the movie of my life in front of me! And in the process of contemplating things we landed on heavy stream but thanks to the life jackets

A thick blue color of rescue spray was emitted into the stream to show the place of landing, we somehow crossed the stream in low tide region reached the banks with lots of struggle in chilled cool freezing water

We're tired and exhausted! I removed the gare and her blindfold, I removed my tshirt to save myself from hypothermia! The water is fucking cool!

We laid down gasping for the fresh air and relaxing ourselves! And we fucking don't know what else we're going to go through here!

We both laid there for hours and hours, sleep and hunger fucked my brain, I dozed off without caring about anyone


Hours passed and my head felt light, my stomach is growling with hunger

I woke up and beside hunger I am worried about soul, I looked around and found her sleeping with head on knees

I looked at coordinates, we're in right place but no further orders and nothing to do, so I didn't disturb her but I looked around, I looked at water to see if its drinkable or not, it didn't seem like fresh water, its glacier water and water tasted a little salty.. may be some sea water is mixing somewhere.. hence it's not drinkable, thankgod she gave me my molle, it will have sufficient water but I don't know what that girl gonna drink, anyways I don't care!

I walked away to change my dress, I don't want to die with hypothermia.. but what about her ? She's in water since yesterday night, she didn't pass out right ? Anyways who am I? I don't care..!

I went to change my dress and collected few dry leaves and twigs for bonfire, not for her, it's for me and only for me to save myself from cold in the night!


Soul's pov :

I woke up with some chirpy noise, my head and body hurts so much

I looked around for yuvi but I didn't find him, he slept right here.. where did he go ? He left me alone here ?

I walked around but there's no trace, I am ducking alone here again! With no water no medicine no clothes no food no shelter no fire no heat no light, just nothing except me and my thoughts!

What have I done yesterday! What did I do today! What's happening now and what's tomorrow ?

Are these tasks breaking me as human? Where and how did they bring this worst Human from me ? Why am I missing dad more now a days ? Where did my concentration go ? Where's my dedication? What's my aim now ? Yuvi's right when he said my dad would be ashamed of me!

I am sorry dad! I am sorry for breaking your heart and yuvi's heart on the same day!

I thought I just lost you but I lost him too! I lost him forever just like you! He left me! Just like you!

Can you just bring him back for me for once ? You can't right ? You can't even hear me! How will you bring him back! I am such fool!


Yuvi pov :

I walked towards my place and found souline crying hard trying hard to breath

As soon as she saw me, her eyes went wide, she ran towards me to hug me and I stopped her, she froze there and started to cry hard again, I didn't give any damn.. I just walked towards a tree arranged a camp fire and sat there waiting for right time to lit the fire

She sat there crying for hours and I really didnt care, but having nothing to do,my eyes used to go on a trip towards her and back

I arranged a nice cozy shelter for me with branches and thick leaves to lay down in the night

I think its time to take my mre I am just too exhausted and hungry, I opened my molle and found sufficient mre including fruit and nut bars, this is just enough for my life! I want nothing now! Eat and sleep!


Soul's pov :

He didn't care me for a second, theres not even a single peek a boo

This silence is breaking my heart

His silence is hurting me more than anything

But this is not what I am looking for or waiting for

Am the only one who can change anything around me! Let him do whatever he wants, but I am gonna try untill he forgives me! It's my mistake after all..

Dad once said "the more you belive it, the more it becomes real for you, that's why it's important to believe in positive things, whatever you belive you feel it's right, and universe always proves that you're right in the way you want.."

I am gonna raise up from here, I don't want to doom myself in the dark anymore, life is short and fragile, it's just a fucking sorry all it takes.. let him show his anger but what is more important is his love and trust.. that bond which just shattered is all that I have now.. I made a mistake and I am not gonna hide or run away from it, I am gonna face it and pay for it.. may be this is the right chance I need to take

I took a deep breath.. I walked towards him

He didn't care he didn't even look at me or cared for me.. i kneeled right in front of him, i am shivering, I am wet, but I am high in positivity

He looked into my soul and looked at his hand which I am holding, he gave a look which made me gulp, he gave me an intimidating look, I am suddenly afraid of him.. like freaking hell.. where did my confidence go? Come back for once please!

I gathered all my courage for once again.. just once..

" you're not in uniform.. I am gonna use this chance to apologize for being the worst sister possible, I am really sorry brother.. i am really sorry from bottom of my heart, I take responsibility to each and every word I spoke, you've every right to be mad on me, I broke the bond and trust, I shouldn't have done that.. I can only imagine how horrible you would've felt with my words.. may be I am too much into my training that I am being harsh with my words to get the simple truths..

I will do whatever you want me to do, I will do anything to prove you that I am not here to make my dad feel ashamed, I'll prove you that I am his best daughter, ill try to prove you that I still love you and respect each of your word, I will do anything to change our broken equation, I will do anything to move on from that dark past..

Please brother.. give me one more chance.. just understand what kind of pressure I am being put in.. you know what broke me.. how it broke me.. I am just.. begging for that one chance to bond with you again... please ?"

I asked whatever in my mind, he's least moved by my words, he took his hands out from my hold, looked into his molle, found a fruit and nut bar, started to eat

For a minute I am just looking at the fruit and nut bar and feeling its taste.. I am hallucinating how good it tastes.. that crunchy sounds are making me crazy... I am drolling over that bar.. I am looking at that bar as he's eating and couldn't take my eyes off it

And duck! What the hell are you doing souline? Oh god.. my stomach is making sounds.. I am hungry..

But I've no food with me.. and he won't share.. I wanna cry like a baby..

Soul.. no distractions!

"Yuvi.. please I am sorry yuvi.. I am really sorry yuvi.. I am not saying this sorry for food or your yummy fruit and nut bar.. I am just saying it whole heartedly yuvi.. I have learnt my mistake yuvi.. I'll never hurt you this way again.. please give me one chance to rectify my message.. " he's acting like stone.. just enjoying the bar of choclate in his hand and I am feeling like muted television drama being played in repeating mode for a blank wall

Sadness in me is kicking from deep down, I am just holding it all near my throat and not letting it out.. somehow he's breaking my confidence and positivity, every second..

"Yuvi.. you can really slap me.. you can do anything but not this silence yuvi.. please... its unbearable.. I don't want to have another meltdown please yuvi.." and my voice is cracking as tears flowing out of my eyes

He looked at me for the first time in these hours.. I wiped my tears and looked at him but he averted his gaze once again leaving me alone again..

"So its clear that you don't want your sister anymore as she commited a mistake out of so much pressure.. you can't forgive her once ? It just took one night that one hour to break everything you holded on for me ? That bond, the love, that pride, that feeling of mine ? Everything just broke with in one hour ? That's what I mean to you ? Atleast not as student and teacher? You can't slap me once and teach me the right thing atleast as the bond we hold as teacher and student ? "

Yuvi's pov :


I slapped her so hard that she took a minute to get her head up from the ground

She was silent and shivering from pain and fear

"Apart from all the things, you're fantastically good at getting on my nerves, you want your instructor back right ? Yes come on ! I will show you! Come!"

I dragged her towards the glacier, I can see her heart ragging to peaks

"Get in, come with me, come, you're hungry right! Come!" I dragged her with me into the glacier dragging her forcefully into the spine chilling water

"Go deep and catch a fish" I pushed her head down with my strong hands

She kicked her hands and struggling to get out with my strong grip, I finally let her out after counting slow 40 seconds, I looked into her hand and its empty

I slapped her again and harder than before as my hands are completly wet, it would've stung so bad and made her mute for a minute without even blink of eyes or a move

" I want a fish! Get a fish right now!" I screamed and drowned her again

After five failed attempts and five more hardest slaps in freaking sub zero glacier water she found a thin slender long fish

I dragged her out to bank again and pulled my tshirt out throwed it out to somewhere in a very intimidating way, I took that dead fish in hand and calm scared souline to a rock, I kept the fish on rock and made souline sit before it, she complied without a blink


Trigger! Skip it if you're vegetarian


"Eat it!" I said mercilessly

Her head went from heaven to hell, from earth to moon, from sea to volcano and back!

She looked at me with tear filled eyes once again

"You said you'll do anything I ask for? Eat it now! And you're hungry! I mind you, no throwing out, don't make me do gross!" As I am really mad and I wouldn't think twice to make her eat the food she throwed up!

Her hands are trembling and body's shaking, lips pressed tight tears rolling down her wet and bright red cheeks

"Count.. 1..2.." I started and she stopped

"Negative sir, I'll eat.. " she said wiping her tears

"Copied" I said waiting for her to start

"Just like this sir?" She asked me trying shots!

"Yes, raw fish and just like this!" I said stressing every word

She holded that fish in her hands, flinched her nose and lips, looked at me once, looked back at fish, kneeled on the ground and pushed herself more towards stone, gulped down her fear, shut her eyes tight and took a bite, chewed it while holding her hand against mouth tight and hard trying not to throw up

It's stinking, taste must be awful and her hands are full of blood but she still took the next bite while crying her eyes out

I stayed there and stared untill she finished half of it, she's not going to be hungry for three more days, she has enough nutrients in her body now, more over her taste buds are completly dead, she will not feel like eating anything or even those thoughts of eating something will make her throw up! Anyways I've been through this and I've been in her phase,I had the worst meal as dessert warriors!

By the time she's having her last bite, I showed a little mercy by walking towards my molle, I got her a water bottle and nut bar

Made her wash hands and face in the stream, gave her water to drink and nut bar to eat, she ate it no less than an hungry wild animal to neutralize her taste buds

I sat there giving her time to recover from everything, I didn't disturb her anymore for few minutes untill she completly settled down, I don't want to push her anymore any soon now

Looking at her clothes only made me worried about hypothermia,I lit the fires and layed down beside it, she sat there feeling the warmth without making a single hiss or sound like a well spanked toddler

I dozed off with Hope's of new bond again


It's you who will change the world around you

Before any comments on this chapter, I am just reminding you that, its what it is... few soldiers go through the real intense warfare.. there are few people who are left with the only chances of choosing between their lives and the animal in front of them, food Is life and death situation sometimes to them, by this chapter I want to tell you two very important things, one.. appreciate what you have.. and be grateful for everything, second.. you're living a much comfortable life with the sacrifice of one unknown stranger who's going through hell of emotions and intense day

Thankyou for the all the people who went through worst for me, I appreciate and thankful for you everyday

Don't judge me please, spread positivity and spread love ❤

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