The Hurt Reality (Fire Emblem...

By AgentMiaBaby

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A love to conquer all things. Maelys had woken up in a field, with no knowledge of who she once was. Her eyes... More

This Is Where It Begins
This Is Observations.
This is the Unexpected Difficulty Setting
This Is A Hostage Situation.
This Is The Case of Cannibals And An Unplanned Son.
This Is Confusion And Doubt
This Is A Heavy Load.
This Is Back On Track
This Is Insanity's Game
This Is A Promise.
This Is The Betrayal
This is A Trap.
This Is The Lunatic Choice
This Is Family
This Is The Lost
This Is Oh... So Close!
This Is A Mother's Love
These Are Irreplaceable Bonds
This Is The Beginning of The End

This Is Judgement or Lack Thereof.

588 22 11
By AgentMiaBaby

Chrom's POV.

We stand in the erected meeting tent, myself, Lucina, Frederick and Maelys. After escaping the Plegian castle with minimal trouble, not including the encounter with Validar, we had made it a safe distance away to rest ourselves for the night with hope that no pursuit would come since the King had what he wanted.

After a silent meal, the four of us retreated to talk about the new problem we faced.

"What I did is unforgivable, Chrom, you must hold up your end of the deal." the tactician speaks. I get questioning glances from the other two, but before I can speak to explain, Maelys already assumed control.

"I made Chrom promise that if I ever lose control of myself, that he must dispatch me so I may do no harm."

"You were aware there was a chance that this could happen?" Frederick asks, I can hear the motherly hen tone and this time I speak to save Maelys from having to deal with his overdoing nature.

"We were aware that Validar could hold some influence upon her, yes."

I expected the knight to reply with some question as to why I even allowed her around the Sorcerer, but a new voice, coming from just outside the tent jumps in on the conversation. "You knew, yet you placed her right in a nearly impossible situation to avoid."

"Reveal yourself, eavesdropper!" Lucina exclaims. We are replied with silence, until Maelys crosses her arms and gracefully, quietly slides over to the shut tent flap. In one slick moment, she has a squealing blue haired man by the ear. "Of course, the dutiful son," she comments. It would have been jokingly, but she was obviously too burdened with the weight of what she had done.

"M-mother, I'm sorry but I know you so well.."

"Just be quiet and just sit here. Not a single word from you," the stern gaze in her eyes does something to me inside, it's like I know she would be the perfect mother. She is the perfect mother.. Especially to our son.


Would she really force me to leave her behind? To kill her when there's still hope to change the future?

She turns to me again, furthering the conversation, and the impossible request. "I can't be trusted, there's cursed blood in this body. You must spill it, or my father's dominion will ruin everything."

This was the ultimatium. I doubt Maelys would ever forgive me for my decision, and she would headstrongly fight every chance she could to have her way but..

I am commander.

I am her leader.

I am HER Exalt.

"I will not."

The only sounds around are the chirping songs of crickets, the chatter of our companions scattered about the camp and the crackling of the fire built up in the middle of our meeting place.

Not even Frederick makes a peep.

"Then I shall do it myself." she says slowly, those mint eyes glaring through long eyelashes.

This was the one person I felt unable to command. It felt wrong to subject my power and title onto my dearest friend, but she would be honor bound to do as I say. She held it in high esteem, and I would be requesting it as her superior. Not her friend.

"As your Lord, Prince, General and Exalt, I must order you to continue as my second in command until I so choose to denounce you. Is that clear, Maelys?"

It's almost as if the world stopped. Every muscle in her body seemed to melt into a pool of defeat. It's as if my words had killed her spirit. She knows I have won this and she cannot fight back.

My voice gets soft as I address her again, "He never had full control, I know you Maelys. I know you can fight this. If he expects you to blindly follow, we could use that against him. You just have to control it, and surprise him the next time."

"You put too much faith in me," she breathes out.

Frederick steps in again, "Get back up on that horse, Maelys. You can't just give in now." his encouragement warms my heart. For once he puts aside his usually vocal worries and thoughts to offer some much needed advice.

Then even her son - our son - says his piece, "Yeah, besides. I still haven't been born yet. I'd like to see what baby me looked like one of these days."

A red tint of embarrassment graces her white skin, but the faint glint of light in her eyes sends me a message that she will be okay now. She's taking in all of what had been said, and choosing to believe us.

The only thing wrong with this moment was the unsettling disturbed look on my daughter's face as she watches Maelys reprimand Morgan for speaking nonsense.

Wary of Lucina's mindless clenching of her sword hilt, I close the settlement there. "The deed is done, we move only forward from here on out, we can undo the damage. What say you, grandmaster of all tacticians?"

Maelys stands up straight, ignoring our son's antics. " I give my commander a promise to at least try to overcome this." she replies in her own respectful way. "Really.. I-I'll try, Chrom."

Sometimes I have to remind myself that she is not indestrucible. That's just a role she acts very well at. It's these rare moments where she's not just that mastermind, but a simple woman trying her best that show me again just how fond I am of every emotion she has.

"Sire, I will take my leave now to render assistance within the camp, if you no longer need me." Frederick announces, himself quite happy with the way it turned out. Deep down that man adored Maelys as well, even if they clash opinions on most.

I nod my head agreement, "Yes, we all should go see what we can do for our friends." many hands make a load lighter, but as I suggest the idea, Morgan signs me down.

Clearly he wishes to talk.

Talking was starting to ebb at my nerves. I was much more of a take action man. But, he was my son after all. I glance at the two ladies, Maelys already is tying her pack around her waist, preparing to leave, as Lucina barely moved an inch.

I blame that on just her worries, she was terrified of the future playing out like before. I couldn't blame her, yet I didn't know how to consol her further. I could say everything she wanted to hear, but it was up to her to believe it.

"Chrom," Maelys says my name, this time without annoyance, without fear. Just her normal self and it's a glorious occasion, "Yes?"

"Um," that's unlike her, she never gets flustered, the way she glances at the tent before finishing her sentence proves her nervousness. "Thank you."

At first I don't understand why she's different, she's been grateful to me before, why would she be shy about it now? I have to make a note to ask her that later.

Before I can respond, she walks out of the tent flap, the dark sky offering no more light. We'd been in here since before sunset.

"I'll take my leave now as well, father," Lucina says quietly.

"Lucy, you should stay and talk with us!" Morgan suggests, "I just didn't want mother overhearing, she can be a tad bit overbearing."

I don't bother to hide my smirk, these were my offspring after all. It was strange hearing Morgan speak about his mother like that though, as he was literally the male version of herself. Give or take a few strange quirks, like his eerie dark sense of humor.

Lucina only shakes her head, "She's not my mother, Morgan. I see no point in me staying any longer. My services are required elsewhere. Good night, Father." her words intentions might have been hard to read, but it served to hit a nerve within Morgan as he let out a frustrated sigh.

"Good night, Lucina, " I reply, she nods acknowlegingly, then dissapears to the outside world.

It doesn't take long for Morgan to speak again after her leave. "Where I come from, we were all a family." he muses quietly. I'm noticing that he can think deeply, yet still connect to the present situation without becoming confused. That was quite a skill, his mind was quick. Maelys didn't give him enough credit - for all of his immature qualities, he was still an adult man, just holding onto the childhood that was robbed of him.

Relaxing, I take a seat on the ground next to the fire, motioning for the young genius to join me. "What is it that you want to speak about?" I ask. This had to be the very first time Morgan and I have devoted time to conversate. I know I called him my son, there was no denying the resemblance, yet I had no connection with him other than the obvious.

"Father," he shakes his head, like he's conflicted. "I have something to tell you, but before I tell you, please promise me that you'll always love Maelys. No matter what."

There goes the relaxation.

His tone is all too serious, I know he means business, but luckily the request is not hard. I truly could not care or love anyone as much as I did, his mother. "On my life, I give you my word." I swear. Curiousity was ebbing at me while he ponders it over.

The fire reflects in his mint eyes, "I say no matter what because.. Father, she's going to be the reason why the world falls into darkness."

My eyebrows knit together, but he continues.

"She will kill you.. That is unless Lucina kills her first."

Maelys's POV.

I was almost sure that the sun had completely settled, but I found the last of the sun's gleaming rays out towards the west of camp. I had never been a night dweller, I found the mystery of the darkness haunting, You could not see through the wall of black that surrounded, and therefore it was very troublesome for a taciturn like myself to prepare for something I cannot see.

But the sun.. It offered up the natural light to see long distances away, there was no blanket of nothingness in the way. It was clear and hopeful.

I clung to the last bit of light after a tiresome day. I let it comfort and solace me, as I mourned the departure but rejoiced in the fact of knowing it would return in the morning. Again giving me strength to fight and train myself to be in control of my blood.

I know I had said I would go find someone to help out but a little rest would not hurt.

"Maelys, might I have a word?"

Lucina stands behind me, I narrow my eyes in observation of how strange her stance was. Uncomfortable, ashamed.. Pained?

"Are you alright? What is it?" she had been strange inside the tent as well. Though it was interesting that she followed me to the exact location, with no one else in sight. If she felt unwell, I would assume she would go to her aunt. Why would she find reason to speak with me?

"It's about my father. I have memories of him, you know. From when I was little. Before he..." she takes a breath. "Died."

Concern and sadness well up in my heart for this girl, how strong she was for struggling against fate so much. She was only a few years younger than I, but I couldn't imagine having to cross back to the future nearly by myself to stop everything she had ever known from happening. "I see,"

"He was courageous, and kind, and everyone spoke fondly of him. People say he was brave right up until the very end. I always yearned to know him better. And now that I do... I can see that the world will be robbed of a very great man. ...I won't allow that to happen."

I shake my head and try to give her a hopeful smile, I agree with her whole-heartedly. All of us would give our lives for Chrom.. Though my encouraging words fail to come out of my mouth as warning signs go off inside. Her hand is moving towards her sword.

"Lucina?!" I exclaim, and the fondness that was inside her is replaced with a desire for justice.

"I have no choice, I won't let you murder my father!" she exclaims, pointing Falchion at my chest. She's breathing heavily. She's scared.

She's unsure.

I know how to stop this, just steadily talk her out of it, catch her off guard, then knock the weapon away. But did I want that? She spoke of the future. She knew my worst fear would come true.

She wavering voice continues, "I knew he had been killed by his closest friend. Having witnessed your bond with him, I doubted it could be so... But today's events make it clear. You are at Validar's mercy. I suspect it's he who forces you to take my father's life, and very soon.." 

"Lucina, wait, just listen for a moment." I interrupt her.

I had promised Chrom to stay alive, but.. Could I be trusted?

It was hard to even trust myself now.

There was always a chance that I could fail my training, when the time came, there would be that possibility where anything can happen. Where I would fold under Validar's pressure.

Her sword is steady at my chest, I make no effort to move, just speak to the future princess of the weight on my shoulders. "I do not disagree with you. As you could tell while we met."

"Yet, despite the sacrifice I was willing to make, I also know Chrom. I dare say that I know him better than yourself. I am aware that the odds would favor my demise, that if I die, your future might cease to exist, which is exactly what we are fighting for. But, who's to know if I am the reason? Who's to say Validar cannot use that woman who looks exactly like me?"

I pause, "Who's to say that Chrom will be able to finish this, if I am gone?"

Lucina shakes her head, furiously, I know I've hit a nerve. To her I must have called her father weak and insolent, but no. He just needed his friends, he needed companionship.

He needed me.

And even though that sounds as if I am the most important thing, it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with him. He barely carried on when his sister died, he needed us to encourage, to prove to him that this was our only hope. That's what made him so special to each and every one of us.

He was no ruthless, insensitive ruler. He was human, and needed us just as much as we needed him.

"My father would mourn you, but would continue on. He has me, he has the others."

"But would he be the same." I ask quietly, though I can tell now she's ignoring me. She returns back to her main reason for being here.

"If my father is right, then we can change our fates. If this dark future is to be averted, sacrifices must be made. I am sorry, Maelys. I know this is murder, I... I know that..." the catch in her sentence shows me a weak point.

"Then don't, Lucina. Don't commit murder, don't do this if you will have regrets. Don't do it if you don't want to see the other's hurt!" I challenge.

"Don't make it harder! Don't resist, and your death will be swift and painless. If you hold any love for Chrom, then let this be done!" 

She makes a lunge, that I knew was coming just by the desperation in her voice.

Gods, she was serious.

This was her only hope.

This is why she came back.

I stumble against a boulder that had to be so conveniently placed by nature. "Lucina, stop!" I exclaim, fumbling for my own sword to parry her attacks.

"Do you love him?!" She demands, stopping to hear my answer.

It gives me enough time to free my short sword and protectively guard myself, "What difference would it make?" I ask, feeling stress sweat slide down my back. It wasn't even a hot night.

"Just answer the question!"

"Yes, dammit!" I exclaim, surprising myself with the harsh way I reply, but the words just flow out. "I have loved him for so long, but fate isn't fair is it, Lucina? I live only because of him, from the very beginning, he was the first face I saw, the first touch I felt and the first person to tell me I was worth something, even without knowing who I was! Of course," my hands shake, the sword shakes, "Of course, Lucina. It's no question, I love him with every ounce of the broken person I am. That's why I won't allow you to kill me. Because I'd rather fight than give up, that's just how he taught me to be."

Her resolve is breaking, but so is mine.

She sees the opportunity, and takes it.

The sword flies below mine, aiming for my lower stomach region. I can block it, but not without forcing another area to be open. It's my only move though, as I flip the sword around in my hand and bring it down hard on the hilt of her sword.

Her grip is steadfast, I curse out loud. My side was now wide open for her to easily slice if she could overpower my grasp on her hilt.

"I am sorry, Maelys. But this is the only way."

I grind my teeth together and prepare for the worst.


The struggle for the hilt stops, I drop my own sword at Chrom's voice, leaving myself completely defenseless but I doubted she would cut me down right in front of her father.

"Father, you don't under-" just like a child, she is terrified of a father's wrath.

"Lower your sword, Lucina." His calm is impressive.

"But, Father!"


I have never heard him shout like this. His voice raises when addressing his troops but, this was different, this carried feeling. Anger.

Slowly, the younger woman shifts her sword back into her sheath. Avoiding eye contact with me. "I can explain.."

Chrom raises a hand, "There's no need. You're not the only one who can eavesdrop. I heard every word." he glances at me and I suddenly feel very embarrassed about the feelings I had shared with his daughter.

"Lucina, I know your heart is in the right place... But I trust Maelys with my heart too. You cannot shake my faith in her, no matter if she's the reason I die in the future. Morgan already discussed this with me, knowing you may do something like this."


He would.

No wonder he was outside of the tent.

"This isn't about trust, though!" Lucina exclaims, clearly exasperated. She truly believes her way is the only right direction to take, "She'll kill you, she'll be the death of you, why don't you understand that?"

Chrom softens his voice, "Maelys and I have held fast through good times and ill... We have seen each other break and helped each other up off of the ground. We made promises, we've mourned together, we've lived with mistakes. You underestimate the strength of those ties, the bonds we've nurtured and share. I believe in them more than some foretold "destiny" and I will continuously choose the bonds over losing those I care about."

I keep quiet, this was a discussion between the two of them. I take these moments to shift myself from precariously leaning against a large rock to sitting on the ground and regaining composure.

"Father.. It's easy for you to say when you haven't see the future you are choosing."

"Lucina, aren't our ties stronger here now than they were in your future? You said so yourself. In this flow of time we are bound tighter than ever, you and I. Not just as father and daughter... But as friends. We can change things—we already have...and we will again, if you just trust me." 

He's done it, he's broken through to her. She lowers her head in submissive nature, "Very well." she murmurs. Chrom gives a sigh of relief, before clamping his hand down on her small shoulder and lightly squeezing. "Thank you. Now, go get some rest." he glances again at me, "Both of you look ready to collapse."

Lucina looks over her shoulder at me, as I slowly begin to stand up. "I would ask for your forgiveness, but I don't think you will accept it."

The words sting a bit, as they may hold some truth. I would now be wary of her, watchful of if she's behind my back. I could forgive her, but trust was not easily replaced. "I am not the person you think I am, Lucina. You've been forgiven."

With that she walks back into camp.

I reach over to where my sword fell and check it for any dents the rocks may have inflicted, eager to escape and either help cook the last meal of the day, or find something else useful to do, keeping myself busy just like I always do to keep my mind off of things.

"You alright?" Chrom asks.

I nod with an 'mhm'

"Morgan knew that his sister would try and kill his mother."

My eyes scan the ground beneath us, the sun was gone, the ground seemed invisible. "He's incredibly smart," I reply.

"He is just like you, you know."

"I hope not."

"That's not what I meant." he sighs, somehow, he reaches down and picks up a flower from the ground. Twirling the stem around in his fingers.

How he could them was beyond me. I made the deduction that I must be night-blind.

"I think he's like you," I announce, watching the motion of the flower in his hand.

"How so?"

"He's strong for one, not just physically. Quick to act. He's usually cheerful, good with everyone, a natural leader, overly kind.. Always see's the good in everyone else." His eyes lock onto mine.

"Maelys.. Did you mean all you said to Lucina?"

I hadn't realized that he'd moved closer. But there he was.

Right in front of me.

Here we go boys and girls, the moment of truth.

I run my hand through the mess that is my hair, whispering yes as loudly as I could, though it still sounded like a mouse.

He reaches up, his hand capturing my own, stopping me midway through my hair. His other arm goes up and places the flower over top of my ear. "You don't have to talk about it now." he says quietly.

"There's not time now, but one day." I finally say, and he finally moves his hand away from my cheek.

I take a step beside him, intent on going back to camp. "I'll wait forever if I have to," Chrom repeats what he's said before, weeks ago.

The smile that creeps up on my face is thankfully hidden by the cover of dark, and by my footsteps away. But I can't help but reply to him, "I know, Chrom."

Then I slip away, towards the firelight that guides me to my little home, wondering just how many times he will have to save me from his daughter, Validar, and even myself and thanking Naga that he was willing to face a desolate future just so I wouldn't have to die.

Chrom's POV.

Damn. What have I gotten myself into.

But, she's so worth it.

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