Worth Your Time of Day (drami...


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At the start of Hogwarts' seventh year, they were supposed to have their start of the school year annual Quid... More

1- The Hogsmeade Trip
2- Diagon Alley
3- Hogwarts
4- Quidditch and the Ball
5- Friendship
7- The Annual Start of Year Quidditch Game
8- The Annual Start of Year Quidditch Game Pt 2
9- The Slytherin Common Room
10- The First Day of School
11- The Room of Requirement
12- The Detention
13- Detention Pt 2
14- The Ball
15- The Ball Pt2

6- Quidditch Training

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Hermione made her way to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror.

Every time she blinked she could see it clearer every time.

The image was imprinted in her head.

It looked deformed. It was bruised, colours of yellow and purple, a long pink slash went from the top to the bottom, she didn't know where it ended since his sleeve was covering the rest up.

It looked like pain.

She looked down to her hands that rested on the sink and stared at her left arm. She pulled up her sleeve and looked at it. Mudblood, it read. Her own arm, her own flesh, branded with the slur she'd been called her whole life. She was studying each line and turn of the letters carefully, tears formed. Ugly, she thought of herself over and over again.

A cold hand suddenly gripped over the letters tightly, around her arm. She didn't look up, she studied his fingers, his rings, his knuckles. Small cuts were sprinkled on them.

He grabbed her jaw softly and forced her head up to him. Brown met grey.

"Looks painful," He said softly. He looked down on her. "I should know, I was there after all." He whispered dangerously.

"Yours looks worse," She spat. "-way worse." She tried to break free from him but his grip on her jaw and arm tightened. He pushed her back slowly on the wall.

"Disgusted, weren't you?" He said coldly, staring into her with his eyes that were destined to hold her soul.

"No." She whispered.

"Horrified? Afraid? Is that why you ran to the bathroom, away from me? You coward." He said, his anger building up with each word, and his grip tighter.

She stayed silent. He clenched his teeth in anger.

"I-I just thought,-" His grip softened a little, like it was her reward for answering, she was angry at that.

"Thought what?" He spat, grip tightening again, pushing her harder into the wall.

"How could someone do that to themselves?" She said sadly.

"Don't dare say it in that tone, like you pity me, like you're-" But he stopped as soon as he felt the cold air of the bathroom sting his left arm. She grabbed his arm roughly and pulled up his sleeve with her free arm. She caught him by surprise.

Draco was shocked.

"I pushed you into the glass, and I opened the big slash?" Hermione asked guiltily. She looked up from the mark and he nodded. She turned her head back to his left arm.

Hermione saw all of it, she was horrified. Draco softened his grip on her arm and she pulled free slowly, both her arms carrying his left. His grip from her jaw moved down towards her lower neck, resting there. Draco watched with her.

She had traced the middle slash, the biggest out of all of them, that went down from the top to the bottom. That was the most recent one he'd done. It was red, threatening to burst and bleed everywhere any day now. He was resisting the urge to just rip it open, and bleed. But he controlled himself.

Her pointer finger started at the top of the cut, and went down slowly, it hurt, like he was re-living what he'd done to himself. He rested his free hand on the wall next to her head and rested his forehead between her neck and shoulder, lips near her collar bone. Every time she had traced over somewhere painful, the grip on her neck tightened slightly and would soften when the pain passed.

Hermione reached the end, which faded out a little past the mark, and he pushed his head from the crook of her neck.

He looked into her eyes, the ones that would always hold his broken heart.

"Why?" She asked confused.

He leaned close "It's simple, really." He whispered in her ear. She pushed him back roughly. "Then enlighten me," She asked, just under a yell and above a whisper.

"No. Who are you to ask that?" He spat dangerously low, his grip tightened on her neck. "You're nobody important to be asking personal things, like you even know me," He shook slightly.

It's like his attitude changed completely when he realised he was talking to a Mudblood, she thought bitterly.

Hermione slowly moved her hands to his hand that rested on her neck, and shoved it away roughly. She angrily pushed him back. "Don't touch me. You're nobody important to touch me like that, like you even know me," She spat his words right back at him. "Wouldn't want to catch my Mudblood germs now, would you?" Draco flinched back at her words.

She roughly pushed passed him and he felt stiff against her shoulder, like a stone. Not like on the train. On the train he felt weak, and flimsy.

She headed to the Quidditch field, leaving Draco. He showed up just in time for practice. Hermione sat down next to Pansy and Ginny. She distracted herself by watching the view and the players. The leaves blew softly against the wind, it was mesmerising. The sun shone brightly on Draco, he looked captivating, she thought.

Pansy and Ginny were giggling at her.

"What?" Hermione turned and laughed at them.

"We don't blame you for staring," Ginny said giggling with Pansy.

"Not my fault he looks good doing every thing," Hermione muttered under her breath.

Pansy and Ginny smirked at each other.

"Be careful what you think about him, Hermione," Pansy advised Hermione in a whisper.


"He's a skilled Legilimens, had to learn during Voldemort's reign, and skilled at Occlumency."

Hermione was stunned.

"But don't worry, you'll know if someone's looking into your mind." Pansy said.

The girls moved on from this topic quickly.

Hermione sighed, and looked at Draco, who was ordering his team to do all sorts of drills.

"Theo looks good in his uniform, don't you think?" Pansy said dreamily.

"Blaise looks better," Ginny said, inspecting her nails.

The two girls started bickering friendlily about who looked better. Hermione shook her head at them playfully.


Ravenclaw arrived later on in the afternoon for their session. Draco had asked their captain if they were up for a small practice game. Ravenclaw agreed.

Slytherin won, of course, and the Slytherin team flew down to the changing rooms, while Ravenclaw flew up to start their drills.

Blaise, Theo and Draco flew to the three girls.

"We'll see you lot later, we're headed to Hogsmeade," Ginny said grinning.

"Good job today guys, you all did well," Pansy smiled, blushing at Theo.

"Any chance we can tag along?" Blaise asked eagerly.

"Nope, this is a girls trip only," Hermione giggled at Blaise's face. She knew he wanted to come along to spend time with Ginny.

"We'll see you lot later then," Draco waved goodbye to them, his eyes lingered on Hermione the longest. She gave him a cold look.


The girls headed down and went to Hogsmeade, planning to purchase dresses for the Quidditch Ball. A bit early, Hermione thought, but she would rather get it over with and not buy a dress last minute.

They entered a boutique that specialised in ball gowns.

They went all the way to the back with dresses they were interested in. Pansy was first.

"I don't know about you guys,-" She said from the changing room, "-but Theo better ask me," She exclaimed happily.

"He better," Ginny replied.

"He will, I'm positive, he looks at you and blushes like a school boy, he looks at you like you're the only girl in his life," Hermione said dreamily. She sighed.

"Cheer up, Hermione, I know for certain someone will ask you to the Ball." Ginny said with her head high.

"I'd rather go alone then go with someone, who probably is only interested in the fact I'm in the Golden Trio." Hermione replied, she crossed her arms.

"Even if you go alone, you wont look stupid, I know for a fact all the guys will regret not asking you," Pansy said.

"What about Draco?" Ginny asked curiously.

"What about, Draco, Gin?" Hermione said flustered.

"You could totally take him." She raised her eyebrow seductively.

"Oh shove off! He has better things to do than talk to a silly Mudblood." Hermione laughed, it was fake.

"Don't call yourself that, Mia, when you rock up looking all beautiful, he'll regret treating you wrongly.

"Exactly!" Ginny exclaimed.

Hermione smiled shyly.

"Ready girls?" Pansy said.

"Ready!" They said at the same time. They all laughed.

Pansy exited. Her dress was simple but divine.

"I think Theo looks beautiful in blue, so when I saw this dress, it reminded me of him, what do you guys think? Am I being too... clingy?" Pansy said nervously.

"No! Not at all! You look absolutely stunning, this is the one!" Hermione said happily.

Ginny was jumping up and down. "This is the one!" Ginny grinned. Ginny went in the changing room.

She came out.

"GINNY!" Pansy said with absolute happiness. She loved this. She was with her two best friends, and they weren't forced to be her friend, they were willing to. She was grateful.

"Gorgeous," Hermione said above a whisper. She gave Ginny a reassuring smile and got in the changing room.

She came out a few moments later.

"Wow", Pansy whispered, "I have the prettiest best friends in the whole world!"

"Woah.." Ginny said admiring the details. "Let's take a picture quickly! Then we can head back in time for dinner." Ginny said hurriedly.

Hermione was in the middle, Ginny on her left and Pansy on her right. Hermione levitated the camera and took three pictures, one for each of them.

The picture showed the girls laughing together while Pansy and Hermione slow danced together, then swapped with Ginny, while Hermione was twirling on her own. The 3 girls in the photo made their way back to their starting positions gracefully, and the picture stood still.

"Perfect!" Hermione said happily. They bought the dresses and apparated outside Hogwarts' gates and made it to dinner.

They didn't see Blaise, Draco or Theo, much to Ginny and Pansy's displeasure.

Hermione felt slightly guilty when she found out she was the one who re-opened Draco's slash. She quickly shook off the feeling.

Since it was Saturday, Hermione and Ginny had practically forced Pansy to come to their room to sleep. They had a free empty bed, and now it would be known as her bed whenever she decided to stay. They stayed up a bit, talking and getting to know one another. They became closer than ever, Pansy was grateful.


The three boys laid in their beds.

"Why did Hermione look shaken up when she came back, Draco?" Blaise said abruptly, loud enough for the boys to hear, looking up at the ceiling.

"I did nothing, just shook her up a little, for what she did to me on the train. Don't worry, I didn't hurt her, if that's what you're wondering. Didn't ruin any precious friendships, if that's what you're so worried about." Draco scoffed, he wished he'd hurt her. She had hurt him twice now, the train and in the bathroom.

But he didn't see himself complain a lot, like she should be. He'd let her hurt him, break his bones, and shatter his heart how ever much she wished. He couldn't become more broken than he was now, he thought silently.

He lifted his left arm in front of his face. His skin was close to ripping. He worked his arms a lot while training today.

"That's on you," Theo had said to Draco, referring to his arm.

"I don't care, I'll bleed for all I care." Draco said softly. "And if it rips during the game on Monday and I pass out from the bleeding, don't save me." He said coldly. "And no, I won't cover it with a bandage to help it." He finished.

"Goodnight, gentlemen." Draco turned his back towards the two boys and slept. Blaise sighed and gave Theo a tired look. He rolled his eyes at Draco's behaviour.


Draco was woken up by Blaise and Theo mucking up. Another day, with more pain to come along with it, he thought.

"Come on Drake! We promised we'd go and watch Ginny," Theo said, messing up his hair in the mirror.

Draco groaned and shoved his face in his pillow.

"Come on mate, think about it, we can taunt Weasley and make fun of him all we like while he's training, and he can't do anything about it!" Blaise chuckled with Theo.

Draco didn't move.

Theo and Blaise made their way to his bed and stood over him, Theo came close to his ear, "Hermione will be there," He said. Blaise howled with laughter.

"Wait outside for me if you know what's good for you, Belle and Lola." He mumbled in his pillow.

"It's Bellerophon, Luci." Theo mumbled. Blaise laughed at him.

The two boys continued getting ready. Draco got up and entered the bathroom.

"Notice how he got up when we mentioned a certain Gryffindor girl?" Blaise said in a low voice. Theo smiled, things were changing for the better.

"He's starting to warm up to them," Theo said turning to Blaise away from the mirror. Draco exited, all ready.

He was wearing a dark green jumper with some jeans, with his wizard's robe on top. He went to the mirror to start combing his hair to the side but before he could, Blaise and Theo dragged him out.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing!" Draco struggled to break free.

"We're late!" Theo simply said. Blaise laughed cheekily.

They had let go of Draco and they walked side by side, Draco touching his hair every now and then.

"Drake, calm down, it looks fine, just let your hair be free, god knows you poisoned it with too much of your bloody hair gel." Blaise said, "Look at Theo's hair," Draco turned to Theo. He was wearing a baby blue jumper and some jeans, his wizard's robes were on top. His hair was messily all over the place, but it suited him.

Draco scoffed, Blaise and Theo snickered.

They had finally arrived, just in time, Draco in the lead with Blaise and Theo behind him. He found Pansy and Hermione and sat by Pansy, Theo moved next to him, but before Blaise could sit next to Theo, Pansy got up quickly and took the seat next to him, grinning at Theo. Theo grinned back, blushing. Pansy actually took the time to get up and sit next to him. He couldn't believe it. He was over the moon.

Blaise laughed and sat next to Pansy. "Move up Drake, there's barely any room down my end!" Draco rolled his eyes and slid in Pansy's empty seat, next to Hermione. He turned to her slowly. Her curly hair was down, freckles splattered on her cheeks and nose, her lips, a light red. She was paying attention to Ginny, Ron and Harry, and smiled whenever Ginny scored a goal. She and Pansy cheered for her.

Draco couldn't help it, she smelled heavenly, he didn't know exactly what it was, but whatever it was, he loved it. He rolled his head back, the smell was intoxicating him, it was annoying. He'd just want to bury his face in her hair and keep smelling the hypnotising smell. He ran his hand through his hair.

He'd never be caught dead doing that, he thought angrily.

"Nice hair," Hermione scoffed at Draco.

Theo and Blaise snickered. Pansy giggled.

All Draco could think of that could be an insult was Mudblood, so he kept quiet and looked at the game, not giving Hermione the satisfaction. She was perfect. He couldn't find anything to insult her with, her hair was perfect, her eyes were perfect, her laugh was perfect, her lips were perfect, he could go on and on. He had a headache. He sighed.

He saw her give him a confused look when he didn't retaliate. Hermione was secretly hoping she could start light conversation with him but he didn't seem interested. She started talking to Pansy. She leaned over Draco slightly and she stayed like that for a while, her fingers often brushing against his knee.

Blaise was distracted by Ginny, he was impressed with her skill. He thought what it'd be like on Monday, if they went against each other. They caught each other's eyes from time to time. He thought that they were getting really close over the last couple of days, maybe she wouldn't mind him for the next 5 months, he wondered.

His eyes landed on Draco, then Hermione who was leaning over him to talk to Pansy. Draco isn't even trying to make Hermione like him, or tolerate him. He thought about how she'd react about what Draco had done to her. It wouldn't end well. Blaise turned and started cheering for Ginny.

While Hermione talked to Pansy and Theo, she caught a glimpse of his mark. She looked up and saw Theo and Pansy distracted with one another. "Blue looks good on you, Theodore," She whispered to him. She smiled at the growing couple and took this as her opportunity.

She looked down to Draco's arm. The big slash down the middle was more red than the last time she saw it. His skin looked dangerously close to ripping apart from each other. It only showed her the top of where the slash started, it was probably worse as it went down, she thought sadly to herself. She'd guessed he'd worked hard yesterday morning, training his team and playing the small game against Ravenclaw.

His left forearm looked like it was in shreds. But she still saw the black ink clearly. Her own scar on her left arm tingled, and she shivered against the cold.

Draco turned his head, noticing her slight shiver. Before she could, he took out his wand and cast a heating charm on her.

She had a smile on her face, she was grateful, it looked like he cared for a moment. She thought he'd return her smile but he didn't. He kept staring at her, admiring her features.

"Thank you, Draco." Hermione said softly.

He liked the way she said his name, it was music to his ears, no one had ever said his name so delicately.

"No problem, Hermione," He said above a whisper, and smirked. He slowly turned back, trying to take in her beautiful features, and watched Ron play. He looked at Blaise and Blaise looked back smirking, they laughed, and started making fun of Weasley together, making sure he didn't hear. The five laughed together loudly, earning stares from a surprisingly calm Ron.

He knew Hermione wouldn't be laughing for long. He patiently waited for Monday.

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