DISCONTINUED - Teen Titans X...

By Nivado111

67.7K 1.2K 2.2K

Ranked - NUMBER 1 in #teentitans (2020-2021) A new hero has joined the Teen Titans, and his name is Y/N (Your... More

Chapter 1: Meet Your Family
Chapter 2: Training
Chapter 3: A Proper Meet and Greet
Chapter 4: The First Battle
Chapter 6: The Origin
Chapter 7: The Enemy
Chapter 8: The Enemy Part 2
Chapter 9: The Enemy Part 3
Chapter 10: The Enemy Part 4
Chapter 11: A Fun Trip
Chapter 12: A New 'Friend'
Chapter 13: The Party
Chapter 14: The Unworthy Sister
Chapter 15: The False-Alarm Trident
Chapter 16: His Name Is Aqualad
Chapter 17: Mr. Perfection
Chapter 18: Afraid of the Light?
Chapter 19: Why Do You Feel That Way?
Chapter 20: Why Do You Feel That Way? Part 2
Chapter 22: It's Bar Night
Chapter 23: Manufacteredness
Chapter 24: It's An Overload
Chapter 25: Not Again
Merry Christmas from the Teen Titans!!!
Chapter 26: Feeling Worthless
Chapter 27: The Real Effect
Chapter 28: Had Enough
Chapter 29: These Times Are Difficult
Chapter 30: Close Trust
Chapter 31: Moth-Eaten Wasteland
Chapter 32: Kitten
Chapter 33: From Your Heart
Chapter 34: Her Ex
Chapter 35: Pinwheel
Chapter 36: Nevermore
Chapter 37: Are You On My Side?
Chapter 38: 'Cause It's Breaking News
Chapter 39: Wrong Turn, Too Early
Chapter 40: The Brains Behind The Case
Chapter 41: Tokyo On The Fritz

Chapter 21: Why Do You Feel That Way? Part 3

1.1K 21 34
By Nivado111


Beast Boy: What is that?

Raven: Let's just say I have issues with my father.

Beast Boy and Raven look up at Y/N to see him panting and sweating unrealistically, slowly backing away from him.

Beast Boy: Y/N! What's wrong?

Y/N takes a few more steps back, still staring up at him.

Y/N: Get me outta here!

Y/N starts running back towards the Forbidden Door.


He shoots an eye-beam only a few feet ahead of Y/N. Even at that distance, the beam still sends him flying back about 10 feet.
Beast Boy rushes up to him to see if he is ok. Raven looks back up at him as he shoots another eyebeam back down at her. She surrounds herself and the boys with a shield of her black aura.

Raven: (In Strained Voice) I... won't... let... this... happen!

???: (Evil Laugh) FOOLISH CHILD!

Y/N gets back up, with the help of Beast Boy, while holding his chest in pain.

Raven: (In Strained Voice) You guys... need to leave. Now!

Beast Boy: What! And leave you alone with whatever that thing is?!

Y/N: Beast Boy no! We have to leave. You don't understand what this could bring upon us!

Beast Boy: But-

Y/N: Please! If you were there when I- (Short Sharp Breathe)... We just need to leave.

Beast Boy then slowly nods and joins Y/N in running towards the Forbidden Door. Once the two boys reach the doorway, they look back at Raven who is struggling with all of her might to stop him from winning the battle.
She looks like she is about to collapse when her shield breaks and he shoots one final energy beam.

Raven: Go!

Raven uses telekinesis to try and push Y/N and Beast Boy back. Beast Boy moves back up all the way to the Forbidden Door, but Y/N does not move an inch and stays staring at the action, with a serious expression on his face.

Beast Boy: Y/N? I thought you said we gotta get outta here!

Y/N watches as Raven is still fighting him off, flying above his head level. She gets struck down by one of his eye-beams and gets knocked unconscious. He catches her in mid-air before she can leave his grasp. Y/N turns around and walks up to Beast Boy.

Y/N: Alright Beast Boy, listen. I need you to stay here just in case anything happens. I'm gonna fly up to scene, it's about time I did something useful in this place.

Beast Boy: But I thought you said-

Y/N: Yes I know what I said! But there's a greater chance of stuff going wrong if I don't take action now. Just... Follow my instructions, got it?

Beast Boy gives Y/N and affirmative nod. Y/N returns a nod back and flies up to the scene.


Y/N: Hey Red Head!

He turns around to see Y/N flying at his eye level.

???: You again? It appears that I wasn't finished destroying you yet!

Y/N: Don't count on doing it again! HI-YAH!

Y/N then shoots four of his white energy beams out of both of his eyes and arms to his face. He drops Raven in response to this and places his hands over his face in pain.

???: (Screams in Agony)

As Raven is falling, Y/N catches her and flies her down to the ground towards Beast Boy. Once he reaches the ground, he sets Raven down between him and Beast Boy. They both crouch down to see if she is okay.

Beast Boy: Hey Raven. Wake up, it's us.

Raven slowly opens her eyes and sits up smoothly.

Raven: Huh? Why did you guy's stay? Wouldn't you both rather go on without me than possibly be stuck here forever?

Beast Boy and Y/N look at each other gobsmacked and in total confusion.

Beast Boy: Are you kidding?

Y/N: You must have us confused with other people. If you think any of us would leave you, then your mind must be really falling apart.

Raven lets out an ever so slight laugh Y/N's comment and very steadily stands up. The two boys join her. Just as this happens, He finally stops screaming like a baby and approaches Raven and other two Titans.


He lays another load of eye-beams on the Titans, but they luckily dodge them and hide behind a nearby cliff.

Raven: He's too powerful. Even the power of all of us combined I can't defeat him.

Y/N: Not necessarily...

Raven: What do you mean?

Beast Boy: Well, what about all those other you's? The green one really kicked butt!

Raven: It's no use. None of my traits have to the power to overthrow him.

Y/N: Don't think of them as your personality traits. Think of them as... you.

Raven: Well, they are me after all. They can surely do what I can do.

Y/N: Exactly. Now, me and Beast Boy are gonna step away before you do your thing, because... you know. Beast Boy, come on!

Y/N starts running down the cliffside to a safer distance. Beast Boy walks up to Raven and puts his hand on her shoulder.

Beast Boy: Listen Raven, I believe in you. I know that you can do this.

Raven blushes.

Raven: Thank you, Beast Boy.

Beast Boy joins Raven in blushing and they both smile passionately at each other.

Y/N: Hey Beast Boy! Are you coming?

Beast Boy: Yeah! (Turns to Raven) Good luck.

Beast Boy runs up to Y/N and joins him in walking down the cliff.

Y/N: I see you're going for it already.

Beast Boy: What? Oh shut up! It wasn't like that.

Y/N: (Chuckles) If you say so.

Beast Boy grunts in slight annoyance, as Y/N is silently laughing. They eventually find a place safe enough for them to not get to harmed by the action.
They see Raven as she does one of her rituals to summon her emoticlones.

Her eyes turn white as her and the emoticlones hover up in the air and spin around in a tornado-like fashion.
The tornado lets out a blinding explosion of white light, after of which clearing summons an 80-foot-tall, white-cloaked Raven.

Beast Boy: Do you think this is going to work?

Y/N: Knowing... him, I can't be sure.

White Raven: (Deep Demonic Voice) YOU'RE GOING BACK WHERE YOU BELONG!

???: NEVER!

White Raven summons a slab of black aura which converts into a band, which when wrapped around him, covers him shoulder to hip. He breaks free of White Raven's binding spell, with his eyes glowing a bright gold colour.


He fires another energy beam through the joined palms of both of his hands, aiming it straight towards White Raven. She reacts quickly and fires one back towards him.
The two energy beams collide creating an extremely bright light and a thundering sound echoing throughout the entire area. The odds imbalance as his beam overpowers White Ravens and pushes in it with power than hers.

Beast Boy: Oh no. He's winning!

Y/N: (Exhales in Anger) Not for long.

Y/N walks out from behind the rock and begins to approach the action.

Beast Boy: Dude wait! Where are you going!?

Y/N: I'm going to assist.

Beast Boy: Are you sure? I thought people like you couldn't get involved with... people like them.

Y/N: I know, but if I don't do anything now there is no way on heaven and Earth we'll be getting out of here. So just trust me, okay?

Beast Boy returns another affirmative nod as Y/N runs off into the scene to assist Raven before he takes over.

Y/N: Raven!

Struggling, White Raven looks down to see Y/N with his arms loaded with energy. He then fires at her, in hope that she knows what he is trying to do. Luckily, she does and takes one hand away from firing the energy and absorbs the energy that Y/N emitting.
As she is doing this, the hand still firing energy at him gains strength and starts to illuminate more and more power.


White Raven: Oh, yes it is.

Once White Raven has finished absorbing Y/N's energy with her free hand, she lifts it and aims it back at him, emitting more than 10 times the energy that she emitted before.
Y/N then runs back behind the rock, completely out of breathe, aching all over and a terrible headache. He sits down with his eyes closed and breathing very heavily.

Beast Boy: Woah Y/N, are you alright?

Y/N opens his eyes but is still breathing heavily.

Y/N: Yeah... I'm fine. It's just a... temporary side affect.

Beast Boy feels suspicious of Y/N but decides to ignore it as he looks back at the battle between White Raven and Him. White Raven's energy eventually reaches him and strikes him in the face.
An explosion occurs on the impact, the result of which leaves a Red cloaked version of Raven, with a red-tinted leotard.

Beast Boy: Is that another one of Raven's trait- things?

Y/N: Yep. Rage.

The Red Raven emoticlone slowly floats towards the ground, revealing it's 4 red eyes. Once it reaches the ground in quickly disintegrates into red electricity, which then strikes through White Raven, zapping her until there an explosion occurs.
Once the smoke from the explosion clears, a normal-sized Raven appears standing on a rock in her normal attire, blue cloak and black skin-tight leotard. She lets out a tired breathe and falls to the ground. Beast Boy and Y/N luckily catch her before she makes contact with the hard rocky ground.

Beast Boy: It's okay. We gotcha.

Y/N: Nothing can happen for the time being, you're safe.

Raven blushes.

Raven: (Soft Tone) Thank you... friends.

Beast Boy: So we are friends?

Raven nods. Y/N places his hand on her shoulder.

Y/N: Theres is the Raven we all know love. Now come on, I can't bear to stay here any longer.

Beast Boy: I agree.

Raven: Yeah...

The 3 close friends gracefully walk towards the Forbbiden Door. Once they reach the steps before it, Y/N places both of his arms around the shoulders of Beast Boy and Raven. They both look at him and all three of them smile at each other.
When they both centre their vision to the Forbbiden Door, still smiling. They take a step through it and find themselves back in Raven's dimly lit room.

Beast Boy: Oh boy, it's good to be back.

Raven: Could we join the others in Ops? I don't want to take another look at that mirror.

Y/N: Couldn't agree more with both of you.

The three of them approach the doorway to Raven's room. They signal the automatic door to open, only to find Robin holding back Starfire from placing a few knocks on Raven's door.
Robin falls backward once Starfire finally stops pushing forward to Raven's door.

Starfire: Friends! You have returned!

Robin gets back up and grunts in slight pain.

Robin: (Rubs his head) Where have you guys been?

Y/N: Just getting to know each other.

Raven: Yeah.

Y/N: Where is Cyborg by the way?

Robin: He's playing video games in Ops.

Cyborg: (From Ops) Oh come on! Who is this guy that keeps beating me!

Y/N: (Laughs) Yep, that'd be right.

Beast Boy: Well, I guess it's too late for breakfast. Maybe just some herbal tea.

Raven then blushes once again.

Raven: Actually, breakfast sounds... nice.

Beast Boy joins her in blushes.

Beast Boy: Well, I guess we'd better hop right to it! Come on Raven, let's go.

Beast Boy runs off through the Ops Room doorway, dragging Raven along with him. Y/N chuckles under his breath. He walks closer towards Robin and Starfire, not taking his eyes off the Ops Room doorway.

Y/N: What have you guys been doing for the last 5 hours?

Starfire: I have been attempting to check on Raven, but Robin kept insisting that she had the feeling of unhappiness and that we should let her be.

Y/N: Yeah well, it was something like that?

Robin: Did something happen between Beast Boy and Raven? They seem to be acting... 'better' to each other in a way.

Y/N: (Minor Laugh) I was thinking the same thing. But yeah, they really sorted things out just then. I'm sure we are gonna be seeing them getting along better in the future.

Starfire: I believe such affections for each other will eventually lead to the romantic relationship.

Robin and Y/N look at Starfire with a 'WTF' look on their faces.

Y/N: (Rubs his forehead) Um... Star, I think we should save that kind of stuff for later one. We don't want to jump to it too quickly.

Robin: And besides, I don't think they will be showing any romantic feelings to each other anyway.

Starfire: Oh, I see.

Y/N: (Quietly) Well, I think you're wrong there Rob.

Robin: What?

Y/N: Hm? Oh, don't worry about it. I suggest we should head to Ops, chill out for the rest of the day. Sound good to you guys?

Starfire: Oh yes, I believe we could all use the 'chilling out' after all of the worrying and action of this day.

Robin: I agree. Come on Titans, let's go.

The 3 Teen Titans walk towards the Ops Room door, ready for an evening of fun and relaxation.

6 Hours Later

Raven is sitting on the edge of the Titans Tower roof, staring off into the starry night sky. Beast Boy then comes up to the roof and notices her sitting there.

Beast Boy: Raven? What are you doing up here? It's 11 PM.

Raven: I just came out here to... think things over.

Beast Boy: Uh... Think what over, exactly?

Beast Boy awkwardly walks over the edges of the roof and sits down next to her. Raven blushes as she sees this happen.

Raven: Just about how you and Y/N went inside my mind earlier. When I found that out, I was... terrified.

Beast Boy: Y/N did say something about him being the opposite of you are something.

Raven: He is in certain ways. That's what worries me. I'm a demon and he is a-

Raven chokes on the last word of her sentence. She tries to get it out, but can't. A few tears roll down her face as Beast Boy goes to put his hand on her shoulder.

Beast Boy: Hey, don't worry about it. You know that Y/N would never reject any of us, no matter what.

Raven: (Exhales) Yeah, I know.

Beast Boy looks down towards the ocean, preparing to get his next few words out without sounding weird.

Beast Boy: Oh, and... me and Y/N met Passion in there. She was kind of... all over us.

Raven's eyes widen and her cheeks turn red with embarrassment.

Raven: Uh... I- um...

Beast Boy: Don't worry about it. I just wanted to ask... what did that all mean. Why do you feel that way?

Raven: (Sighs) You'll find that out another time.

Beast Boy: It's fine. You don't have to share it.

Raven smiles.

Raven: Thank you for understanding Beast Boy.

Beast Boy: It's my pleasure, Raven.

Beast Boy and Raven share a sincere smile. They then look out towards the beautiful night sky, watching the full moon and stars fly by.



Blooper #1

Y/N starts running back towards the Forbidden Door.

???: NOBODY IS- Uh... What's my line?

Everyone on set: (Laughs)

Nivado: Oh well, I guess that's what you gotta expect from hiring an old guy. Dave, show him the script and we'll get going again.

Blooper #2

The fake laser beam that He fired at Y/N sends him flying back, but a little too rough and set hits his head on the floor.

Y/N: Ow! Jeez!

???: I didn't do it.

Beast Boy: Woah, what happened there?

Nivado: (Sighs in annoyance) Somebody must have turned the pull-power on the wires up to high. Let's just turn it down and go again!

Blooper #3 (Behind the Scenes with Robin, Starfire and Y/N)

Y/N: Hey Robin! Where are you? You got some fan mail! (Quietly) From the ladies.

Y/N opens the door to Robin's dressing room and finds something very surprising.

Y/N: Hey Robin, you- What the hell?

Y/N sees Starfire and Robin quickly back away from what looked like hugging each other.

Robin: Uh... (Awkwardly) Hey Y/N.

Starfire: Yes, hello.

Y/N: ...Well, Robin you got some fan mail. I'm not sure how relevant it's going to be now though.

Y/N tosses the letter to Robin and walk out of the room.

Y/N: (Exhales) Wait until the fans here about this.

Blooper #4

Raven: I just came out here to... think things over.

Beast Boy then jokingly starts snapping his fingers in a rhythmic tune and humming a song.

Beast Boy: This place has got a great musical vibe!

Everyone on set: (Laughs)

Nivado: We should use it to film a music video. (Laughs) Anyway, let's take it from the top!

Blooper #5 (Table Read)

Nivado: Raven appears standing on a rock in her normal attire, blue cloak and black skin-tight leotar- (Chuckles) That's rather specific isn't it?

Everyone on set: (Chuckles)

Y/N: Don't we do it like that for all of the readers who like that kind of stuff?

Nivado: Yeah, I guess.

Raven: Yeah but it's kinda creepy.

Beast Boy: Trust me Raven, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Robin: I don't think you want to.

Raven: Yep. I agree.

Nivado: Come on guys, let's get back on task. From the start of this scene!

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