
By _Aquafina

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𝘈 𝘴𝘰𝘤𝘪𝘰𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘈-𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘰 𝘪𝘥𝘰𝘭 "𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺" 𝘰𝘳 𝘓𝘦𝘦 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘨-𝘣𝘢𝘦, 𝘪𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘶... More

Errand Boy
Hard Mango Candy
Baby Boy
Who's Kim?
Hi Mama, Hi Daddy
Family Reunion Never Looked So Bad
I Dont Know You.
The Catch-Up
Bad Romance
Virgin Waters
The Color Purple
Virgin Waters pt.2
Japanese Morning Glory
Say Bye
Japanese Morning Glory Pt. 2
Kill Him, I don't mind, Really!
The Wakabayashi Family Pt.1
Mother Mother
Angel Meets Devil
Lee Hye-Jin
Number One
Blood Bath
Family Dinner, Old Foe's & Lovers
The Past Never Forgets

Reading Club

28 3 16
By _Aquafina


*knock knock* "young master Youngbae, dinner is ready!" One of the maids called knocking on Youngbae's door.

The 16 year old (still flashback) had fallen asleep after writing in his journal and plotting some ideas against Dasom.

"Coming!" He responded groggily, getting up he changed into something more comfortable and walked down the stairs and all the way to the other side of the house the 4th wing, where it was located.

"Daijiro don't play with your food please. Hyeji sweetheart no phones at the table." Tsumugi softly reprimanded her children as they continued to talk loud.

Their father was too caught up admiring his wife he ignored all other aspects. Youngbae took a seat next to his older and (favorite) Noona.

"One of the maids tried to make pho it came out disgusting. I'm gonna sneak off to McDonald's wanna come?" She texted him inside their shared Sibling group chat.

                        (Lee) Fuckers💸🔫

Hyji👩‍👦👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏼: I'm down

🖕🏻Daiji🤐: This soup taste like shit we should fire her 🤮

My favorite🌟: lol if we got rid of everything that was like shit you would of been given up for adoption a long time ago.

Ice Man☃️❄️: Ha.💀

Me: how are we gonna sneak out?

My favorite🌟: I've got an idea just watch

"Ma I've got work for uni to finish can I take this upstairs with me?" Riko suddenly asked and her mother smiled. "Of course darling don't stay up too late." She looked at Hyejin and Daijiro and they looked to their mom.

"Same mama, me Daiji and Yuki have a group project due tomorrow can we be excused as well?" She hummed. "Of course, what about you Youngbae?" They all looked to the youngest and he sighed.

"I'm tired can I be excused." "If course but tomorrow we're all eating like a family agin okay?" They all nodded and kissed her cheek exiting the dining room.

"The soup was kind of nasty I wonder if the kids noticed." Tsumugi whispered to her husband and he sighed. "You think so?" "I don't know-" as she went on Dong Hyun couldn't help but admire her even more.

Once they were a couple feet away from the dinning room they all glanced at each other running full speed throughout the house.

Daijiro was pushed to the ground by Yuki a few times and Hyejin swore she had to stop by her room to change her clothes. "That's in the completely opposite direction idiot!" "So? I look a mess." She pouted and Riko sighed.

"Fine. We can sneak out through her window and take my car." They all agreed.

While running up the grand marble staircase one of the oldest maids slash babysitter and the butler of the house.

"Where are you 5 trouble makers doing? Aren't you supposed to be at dinner with your parents?" Auntie Eui asked dusting the railings with a sly smirk.
"Do your parents know your running around like rabid dogs rather than eating with them?" Monsieur beau asked.


"We didn't think so." "Please Aunty Eui we'll be back 1 hour tops??" Riko asked putting on her nicest smile.

The older pair looked at each other sighing. "Fine. But if you get caught we didn't know anything." The Lee siblings laughed and kept running.

"Stop running so loudly!" Eui shouted while giggling. "Those kids make me feel old. Always running around for them." "What did you expect you raised them, you've gone soft Eui." She gently patted his back.

"How old are you now 60?" "Im offended."

"Oh my god- HYEJI hurry up!" Daijiro kicked on her door as they waited outside, Youngbae was talking to Riko while Yuki was on his phone sitting down.

"I'm coming~" she sang opening the door for them. "You took that long for...that?"



Yuki^ we love a gender neutral king 💖

Riko^ (mind you this bitch is already like 5'11)


"Uhm Unnie I don't think you really thought this through~" Hyejin whined looking out over her balcony. Riko came up besides her along with the rest of the boys.

"...just jump. There's a ledge right there!" She pointed to a fairly thick ledge right below the window that was slanted enough for them to slide down safely.

"I know what I'm talking about, who's going first?" She turned and everyone was awkwardly silent. "Yeah. I'm going to my room. McDonald's isn't worth breaking my neck." "Yuki it is!" Riko grabbed the white haired boys color and climbed up on the edge dragging him with her.

"Don't worry it's fun." They jumped down together making Yuki let out a horrified scream.


"Did you hear something Eui?" Tsumugi asked as she sat with Dong hyun reading a book. The Lee babysitter smiled. "No Madam I didn't hear a thing." "Strange."

Eui sighed continuing to dust and pick up after the kids. Suddenly a body came flying down in the window in front of her making her scream.

"What what is it?" Dong hyun asked standing up. "I'm just not feeling well. I think I need to rest for a moment." She turned around and walked away.

Back upstairs...

"You guys okay?" Hyejin whisper shouted. "Yah we good!" Riko responded hand in hand with Yuki who was still shocked.

"So which one?" Hyejin asked looking at Daijiro and Youngbae who was looking over the railing. "I'm not going alone.." Daijiro whimpered. "I am." Youngbae jumped over the ledge without another word and smoothly slid down to the ground tucking his knees so he didn't break anything.

"Wow, my baby brother is so cool~" Riko praised him throwing her arm around his neck.

"Here gimme." Hyejin held out her hand and Daijiro took it. "Please don't let me die today I'm trusting you." Hyejin warned; shakily standing up on the edge. Daijiro joined her and smirked. "When are you gonna learn to never trust me." He laughed jumping down and forcefully pulling her.


In the car....

Riko couldn't help but let out a little giggle each time she looked back in the rear view mirror, I guess somehow Hyejin's hair got stuck when Daijiro pulled her and not only did she loose a small amount of barely visible hair she didn't tuck her knees when she jumped so she fell not-so-gracefully on her face.

Now covered in small pink bandaids across her face from a near by corner store, she crossed her arms only looking out through the window. Avoiding looking at her brother and killing him on the spot.

"How is it feeling Ji?" Riko asked bitting back a smile. "How about I throw you off a balcony then you can tell me yourself?" "No thanks. Don't worry we're almost there." Only a few minutes later did they pull up to the fast food restaurant in all its glory.

They lived in a less populated area and were secluded so by the time they got there it was already pretty late and definitely more than an hour.

No cars were in the streets and the only light was the bright red and yellow signs. "Finally! Is this the one with the playground?" Daijiro asked and Riko hummed.

The second triplet ran out the car and into the building smiling happily.

They all ordered and sat inside the playground area listening to Daijiro's happy laughs while he slid down the slides and crawled (tried) through the small child sized tubes.

Other than that, they ate in silence, the presence of one another and being together was enough and spoke volumes on a special level for them.

"Hyejin come play with me!" He shouted waving at her from atop the structure. She glared at him and continued eating.

He pouted climbing down like a monkey and into his seat besides her. She scooted away and ignored him. "Are you gonna do that forever? I said I was sorry I didn't know your hair would get stuck like that." "I don't care."

"Please~ I'm sorry." He pouted noticing she was low on chicken nuggets. "Leave me alone Daijiro." "...what about..nuggets?" He held up a singular nugget and she looked at him. "I'll give it to you if you forgive me?" She groaned loudly opening her mouth.

"Yes!" He gently fed it to her and she sighed relaxed. "Here's more. Will you play with me in the tunnel now?" She stuffed the other 3 nuggets in her mouth and shrugged. "I suppose but I'm not full yet." "I'm outta nuggets.." "Then I'm not playing." Daijiro pouted again looking around the table.

"Hey Youngbae~" "what?" The younger asked eating his food peacefully. "Isn't that jade?" Youngbae looked at him. "I'm 98% sure he isn't there." He looked out the window anyways and as he expected there was no jade there.

Daijiro took the rest of Youngbae's nuggets and gave them to his sister. "What about now?" "Eeek thank you Daijiro your the best. Count to 10 and I'm gonna hide!" She took the nuggets and ran into the playhouse.

"1...2...10...4...7" Yuki looked at Daijiro in disgust. "Your a idiot. What is your IQ? 50?" "No but your moms' is." He laughed getting up and running after Hyejin.

"So, a little birdie told me you've got your eye on another kid?" Riko asked starting to light a cigarette inside.

Youngbae picked at his fries shrugging. "I suppose you could say that. It's just curiosity." "What's so interesting about Jade Kim?" Youngbae stopped eating and gulped. "You know him Noona?" "I know of him. I had a few of daddy's people do a little background check when I first found out from Sai. I can send you what I found." Youngbae leaned back and thought about if for a moment.

"No." "No?" "Nope. I wanna find it out on my own, this is like..a game for me. Min-Joon has already given up basically everything but I wanna see how far this Jade is willing to go. When people are desperate to open up and feel something in life they are easily manipulated and can be twisted into something of your own creation. I'm only trying to see how far I can go. That's all. If it doesn't work out Min-Joon will always be around until he's not." Riko chuckled.

"And they call me the sociopath." "Cause you are." Yuki corrected eating his Mc flurry. "Uhm miss!" A teenage worked walked into the playroom sweating.

"You..Y-You can't smoke in here." Riko only glanced at him and he sighed walking back out.
"Don't worry Noona, I won't do anything to Jade. I'm gonna let him fall for me and it will work it's self out." She patted his head. "Good. I'd hate to have to clean up another mess. From You or the triplets." "Actually..there's one more mess your eventually gonna have to fix." "Hm?" "There's a pest getting close to Jade and I'm not fond of it." "Oh lord.."

Thursday After school.....

Youngbae walked besides his siblings in the rain outside of the school. They studied for a bit then left to one of the corner stores to get candies and snacks.

Daijiro and Hyejin were arguing and pushing each other out of the umbrella like always, Yuki read a book silently to himself holding the umbrella while Youngbae started to eat his own candies calmly.

"Youngbae can I have one!"'Hyejin shouted over the rain sticking her hand out. Youngbae looked at her and took the candy that was in his mouth and placed it on her palm.

"You little bastard!" She shouted disgusted, he only laughed causing her to smile a bit after. "Here Hyeji I have strawberry candy." Daijiro handed over a few candies and she giggled.

It was grey and dark and just all around gloomy day outside and even inside, most kids were still studying in night classes so most lights were off, especially in the lower grade classrooms.

Finally they stopped at Mr. Kim the history teachers room finding Hyun-Woo and some other kids inside laughing with each other happily.

"Oh! Lee siblings!" He stood up and bowed taking their umbrella and other bags. "Thank you for coming you guys I really appreciate it." Hyejin stared at him expecting him to say at least anything to her but he was solely focused on everyone else but her and that made her frustrated.

"Thanks for having us. Are they're anymore kids?" Youngbae asked sitting down on the floor mat, with his legs crossed and candies in his hands. "Yeah actually like 3 other people. There's still some more time so you can just sit and I'll go grab the books." He left the room in a hurry and Hyejin's attitude completely changed.

"Okay sluts, which one of you has a crush on Hyun-Woo?" She asked the girls sitting down whispering looking at Hyun-Woo till he was out the classroom.

2 of them raised their hands and she scoffed. "You aren't even pretty, he'll never like you." She spat and the blonde girl in the corner laughed. "And he doesn't like bullies either. What will he think if he found out you were still being a bitch?" Daijiro stopped his small giggling and glared at the blonde girl.

"Hey, who are you calling a bitch. My sister could buy you and your whole lineage." The blondest rolled her eyes. "It's okay Daiji, this bitch just isn't used to being in the presence of people of our rank. She must think were the same? Don't you think we are just like you?" The blondest nodded.

"Your family isn't even that rich. My parents on the other hand built this school and own it." It was silent before all the Lee siblings started laughing hysterically.

"W-what?" "You really are stupid aren't you? You so shamelessly talk to US like that, you obviously don't know the power behind the Lee name. Baby who do you think signed off on this school being built hm? Who do you think paid for this school to be put together. Our parents have donated so much to the people like you so I'd close that mouth before all your parents money ends up gone." The blondest turned away cheeks red.

"Thank you, now who sits next to Hyun-Woo?" One of the boys raised his hand shyly. "Beat it Funyuns." He scrambled away and she sat down in his spot taking out her phone.

"Ah Hyejin Noona!" Another boy held out a chocolate bar for her and she smiled. "See? You all should try and get on my good side, I always remember kind words and actions and I'm good with paying it forward." They all agreed and started giving her half of their snacks.

The door to the dim classroom was opened in a hurry. Youngbae didn't bother to look up till Hyejin and the other girls started to laugh.

"S-sorry." Jade Kim walked in soaked in water, his books were wet and his uniform was drenched. "Am I late?" He asked and they shook their heads.

"Your right on time." Hyejin winked at him, earning a book to the face from Youngbae.

"Ah okay thank you." Youngbae stood up and held his hand out for Jade. "Give me your bag." "Oh Youngbae hyung im sorry but this is my only bag, I can't give it away." Youngbae looked at him confused.

"To dry it on the heater." He pointed behind him and Jade blushed nodded. "I'm sorry." Youngbae took it upon himself to take the bag from Jade and placed it on the heater along with the books and cases inside.

Jade ended up placing all his clothes on the dryer and was given different clothing pieces by the office, even though Youngbae had to basically threaten them.

It had just hit 5 o'clock when everyone was peaceful and quiet. The two girls Hyejin once intimidated were now being nice to her conversing. You know the regular sucking up everyone does after finding out who she is.

"Wonder who the other 2 people are do you guys know?" She suddenly asked and they shook their heads. "Nope they only handed in their applications today I think so we're not sure."

Speaking of the devil the door opened once agin and Youngbae this time wasn't thrilled.

At all.

"Hi~ I'm Dasom this is my brother Min-Joon treat us well please!" She bowed and smiled cutely with her older brother by her side.

His eyes glued to Youngbae who was sitting next to Jade. (Who to mention was reading his own book unbothered)

"Hey bae." Min-Joon spoke coldly and Youngbae only looked at him face utterly emotionless.
"Oh! Jade Oppa!" Dasom noticed her friend quickly and like a light bulb Jade lit up and smiled at her. "Hey Dasom. I thought you were in other after school classes?" "I was but I figured I'd try something new you know? I completely forgot you were in this class too."

"Well-I am."

He was smiling and laughing like he had knew Dasom for years and that annoyed Youngbae who couldn't get a word out of him.

Why this bitch-

"Hey." Min-Joon stood in front of Jade looking down at him with a glare. Just then Hyun-Woo walked in with his books. "I found a few!" Unaware of the apparent tension inside the room he kept talking going on about how the library was crowded and his library card wouldn't work.

"Hey Hyun-Woo." Hyejin stood up gaining his attention. "Ah, yes?" "Shut up." She smiled patting the back of his head turning him to look at the progressively tense situation.

"Oh..what's going on?" "Why don't you move so I can sit next to Youngbae hm?" Min-Joon asked smiling a false smile.

Youngbae stared at him then stopped Jade from getting up. "He isn't going anywhere. There's other seats you know." Min-Joon stopped smiling and scoffed.

"You don't even know this guy. Fucking nerd." He flicked Jade's glasses. Jade didn't do or say anything and it irritated Youngbae.

"Min-Joon you said you wouldn't do anything to him. Stop your embarrassing me!" Dasom whisper shouted. "Hey Jade come sit with me, I have our favorite manga!" She smiled warmly and jade nodded standing up even though Youngbae's hand was holding onto the short fabric that he was given by the office.

He awkwardly looked back at Youngbae before removing his hand and walking over to Dasom. "Which volume?" He asked going right into conversation.

Min-Joon huffed and sat next to Youngbae, his arm wrapped around his shoulder glaring at Jade who would occasionally look over and look away shyly.

"Okay~ now that, that is out of the way. We can do introductions!"

2 hours later....

"Bye thank you guys for coming!" Other than the awkward and tense aura the meeting went pretty well for everyone except Youngbae.

He was born a quiet and patient child. He observed people from afar and watched how they move. His temper was long and he always kept himself composed.

He never cried or rarely got actually mad or upset over things. They just..didn't affect him.

Youngbae hated people lingering over him like Min-Joon did for the whole meeting. And he hates when people use him to prove a point or obviously try and embarrass people knowing what they are doing.

In short he hated a lot of things, and all of those things Min-Joon did in that meeting.

"Wanna stop at the grill around the corner?" Hyejin asked as they left the classroom. "Why not." "I thought ma and dad wanted us to have dinner with them?" "So? We had a after school class I'm sure they won't care."

"Youngbae!" Min-Joon called as soon as he got out the classroom. The younger student turned around looking tired of Min-Joon.

"What?" "Why don't you like me?" Everybody in the hallway and exiting the club meeting looked at him.

Youngbae didn't say anything his patience shorting by the second.

"What does that fucking nerd have that I don't have times 5? I have money, rank and popularity! He has literally nothing!" Yuki stepped in front of Youngbae.

"Your shouting. I hate loud noises. Shut up already, your big mouth is gonna get us in trouble and we have plans on leaving now. Run your mouth somewhere else." He shooed him off.

Min-Joon was reluctant and tried to see a glimpse of Youngbae but Yuki's broad shoulders stopped him from doing so. "Fine. Fine! Whatever." He walked away ignoring the pull from his sister.

"I should go get him." She waved to Jade who was staring at Youngbae.

Frowning she turned around and ran off to find her brother.

"Let's go. I'm starving for some Japchae." Yuki wrapped his arm around his youngest brother and walked away without an explanation or word.

Hyun-Woo sighed. "Maybe this wasn't a great idea."


"Oppa? MIN-JOON!" Dasom walked around the dark and empty halls calling for her brother. She's sure she took a wrong turn somewhere.

"Gosh! That boy is gonna be the end of me. MINJOON!" She heard footsteps and the closing of a staircase door, she smiled and ran in the same direction.

Throwing the door open and shouting her brothers name she looked around. "MinJoon- oh!-" she turned around seeing Youngbae leaned up against the wall.

"Youngbae Oppa you gave me a heart attack. *heh* I thought-I thought you were leaving for food with your siblings?" She asked confused.

"Oh? I am. I am." He smiled kicking off the wall. "Dasom, your smart girl right? An excellent scholar aren't you?" She nodded.

"Top in my class actually!" She smiled and Youngbae hummed. "Yeah, so I'm guessing you already know why I'm here?" She stopped smiling and it turned into a frown.

"I know your handwriting very well Youngbae.
I didn't know you had feelings for Jade." Youngbae smiled fixing her hair.

"I don't." He gripped a large portion of her blonde hair  pulling her head back so her back was bent slightly in the shape of a banana. "I don't have feelings for Jade. I'm just curious about him. But your in my way." Dasom laughed gripping onto his wrist digging her nails into his skin.

"Ugh." He let her go and touched his wrist. "He doesn't know you or like you, popular people scare him. I know Jade better than anyone else in this whole school, I don't understand we all went to the same middle school and high school now but suddenly you are interested in the boy I've liked for YEARS!" Youngbae leaned back up against the wall scoffing.

"Years?" "Yes years you just aren't concerned for anyone but yourself. I don't know why my brother likes you when he can obviously do so much better than you." Youngbae shrugged.

"Your tiny little girl brain wouldn't understand. I bet your brother would do anything for me. But then again..your in the way. I could make Jade mine but then AGAIN..your in the way. I've never really had lots of obstacles when coming to the things I want. Mainly my wealth is the answer but not usually because of annoying pest like you." Dasom laughed fixing her hair.

"How much will it take you to leave Jade Kim alone?" Youngbae asked taking out a couple thousand bands from his backpack.

"I...I think I love Jade. So I won't take any kinds of money in trade for him." Youngbae laughed loudly, so much so he bent over. Hysterical. "Love isn't real it's a figment of imagination sweetie. Now stop fucking around how much, I'm ready to eat." Dasom fixed her backpack and her hair a bit more.

"I don't want a damn thing from you and your families dirty money. I'd rather break my legs then to take anything from you and leave Jade." She laughed walking away.

Something inside Youngbae's eyes flashed red. "So be it." He grabbed the strap of her backpack and used little strength to pull her back letting her go swiftly.

"I guess you'll break your legs then." After a few screams and cracks of bones a loud bang erupted. "Here keep it. Looks like you could use a leg or two." He laughed throwing the cash over the staircase walking away.

What a nuisance.

"Hey why'd you take so long in the bathroom?" Daijiro asked as Youngbae walked up to them in front of the school.

"Had to take a shit. Got a problem?" Daijiro laughed standing up to sling his younger brother over his shoulders and carry him.

"Dinner is on Me that's one of the first times I've heard you say something funny."

"Dasom?" Min-Joon had ran off when he heard his sister yelling for him, after a moment of cooling down and not hearing anything for awhile he set back out to look for her.


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