Shadows of a Liar - Skephalo

Oleh BruhNaw

500 23 12

Skeppy grabbed the glasses again, his fingers shaking as he looked around. Bad looked up from the floor and l... Lebih Banyak

Quick A/N 👈😎👈
8/13 - Report 1
8/14 - Form 1: Normal
Mini Fluffs: Me, Netflix binge, and Stormclouds
Side Report - That's Sick

- Prologue -

82 5 1
Oleh BruhNaw

Skeppy and Bad were talking, minding their business, and walking down the street towards their apartment with a couple grocery bags. They'd been roommates for the past year and thinks were doing great! Sure, of course there were ups and downs, but they stuck together and wouldn't let go.

Skeppy kept complaining about carrying the heavy stuff when in reality it was the other way around. Bad just didn't wanna give him a hard time. They were a little over half way there when Skeppy spotted a "yard sale" sign to their far left. His head wandered until it saw multiple things sprawled onto a yard in the distance. His knuckles were turning white and the thought of resting seemed good.

"All I'm saying is, it's gonna get solved soon-" Bad rambled on as Skeppy kept his eyes glued in the distance. In one swift motion, Skeppy shoved past Bad with a laugh and started jogging to the house.

Bad stumbled back at the sudden shove and he looked up to see Skeppy running across the street with reckless abandon. "Skeppy! What are you doing!? Look both ways!" Bad yelled, also jogging to him.

Skeppy skirted his feet against the pavement as he ran into the driveway and dropped all his bags with a thankful sign. He glossed his eyes over the multiple tables and people before he felt a heavy hand grab his shoulder. He whipped around with a smirk and saw Bad dying against his shoulder, also dropping his bags.

"Sk- skepp- Geppy! What are you doing!" He gasped out, also looking at the yard sale. Skeppy gave a cheeky smile as he watched Bad's face. "Can we take a pit stop? I wanna look at all this stuff!" He lied, moving Bad off of him. It felt a little awkward with him leaning on him. Awkward wasn't the right word.. But he couldn't think of any other emotion that could describe it.

"We have to get this food back to the house! We have milk and creamer, it's gonna go warm!" Bad said to him. His mind did wander and think about stopping and taking a rest. He hadn't taken a rest the whole walk since he didn't want to drag them.

Skeppy grabbed his sleeves with a fake cry. "Pleeeeaassse. It'll be quick!" He whined, doing a fake tear wipe.

Bad looked around at all the people that could see them and groaned. "Oh my goodness- Geppy- ughh, okay! Okay, be quick!" He complained, pulling him away like a cat to a scratchpad.

Skeppy threw his arms in the air and laughed as he ran backwards to see the tables. Bad stayed behind to watch the bags, rubbing the part on his arm that the blue boy grabbed.

Skeppy didn't really wanna buy anything, he just wanted a break, but he figured he'd look around. He glossed the tables, laughing at the occasional funny object and almost putting a kazoo in his mouth. But as he was about to wrap up, he saw something thay caught his eye. He took a closer look and saw a pair of red tinted glasses being put into a small case. He walked over in curiosity and saw an average looking man putting them away. He soon put them back on the table and nervously walked away.

After he did, the curious boy walked to the table and picked up the case with his hands, reading the gold print on top.

Plot in the Fine Print
Masked with a Colored Tint

Skeppy did a fake little "Ooh" at the rhyme and opened the little case. There in the case, was a pair of Rose tinted glasses, shining and glistening at the sunlight. It had a few scratches on it, but they looked good. He turned it over.

Warning: May cause physiological damage, heart attacks, severe anxiety, or damaged relationships. Do not use if severely depressed or troubled.

Keep away from public.
CLL 25 - PRC to FLR4, Lab 7

He inspected it before walking to a nearby helper.

"Hi, can I help you?" The boy asked as Skeppy approached him. He wore a yellow sweater with a star and had messy pink hair. Skeppy held up the case. "Hey, do these do anything?" He asked while briskly re-reading the warning.

The boy stiffened up when shown the case. He started fumbling with his feet. "Oh- those are- my.. Old 3D glasses. Didn't need them anymore." He said nervously, saying the last part quickly. Skeppy gave him a skeptic look. "We didn't wanna have it just OUT there so we put it in a case we found.. So.. Sorry about the warning.." They mumbled.

Skeppy gave a small nod before giving it another look. He DID have a comic at home that said it was 3D. Maybe now he could finally see the villian punch the guy in the face. But in 3D!

"How much?" He asked. The boy quickly shook his head and patted his shoulder. "If you'd like, you can just have it! I got them for free anyways, just take it!" He rushed, almost like he was trying to get him to leave. Skeppy could already tell he wasn't wanted from the way he acted. "I- O-Okay, thanks. That's nice of you!" He said while walking towards Bad. The boy just smiled and waved Skeppy goodbye while looking relieved.


"Oh my goodness Geppy, we have to go, come on!" Bad complained to him, catching him away from his thoughts. He pocketed the case and started carrying the bags again. "Did you get anything?"

For some reason, there was a feeling in his gut. It was weird. It made him pause for a second. Was it a bad feeling? Was it a good one? It just felt like an instinct. Like..

"Nope. It was all trash."

A gut feeling.

"Let's just hurry back to the house. The cold stuff is going bad!" Bad whined, kneeing Skeppy in the side of his thigh. Skeppy did a "Hey!" and elbowed him back as the two laughed.

He still felt like something wasn't right though. It was odd.


Skeppy quickly ran into his room and rummaged through his drawer. He quickly turned his books over and found a paper back comic on the bottom. There was a big "3D" in the corner and Skeppy grabbed it with a swift hand. He quickly turned the pages and pulled the case out. He opened it carefully and pulled the glasses out with a wobbly hand. He quickly slid them on his ears and picked up the comic again.

He glossed over the comic and quickly became disappointed at the lack of page jumping visuals. Was this comic even 3D or were they just lying? What a scam.

He sighed and threw the comic back in the drawer angrily and stood up, throwing himself on his bed. Bad shouted from the kitchen.

"Are you gonna help me put these away!"

Skeppy sighed and threw himself back up, throwing the door open more. "I'm comiiiiiinnng!" He shouted with a groan.


Skeppy decided to put the glasses back on when he got back to his room. He looked himself in the mirror and smiled. He didn't look that bad with them on. So he kept them on.

He went back to his bed and pulled out his phone, the black mood of Twitter becoming tinted in pink. He scrolled through his timeline and liked a few fanarts along the way.

He saw a picture of people at comic con and there was a very impressive cosplay on screen. He wasn't sure where it was from but it was in a steampunk like fashion and had cool trinkets and extra details. There was another person there too that was dressed as a creepy monster. They were in a full black body suit with a fancy white coat, and had cool horns and belts and claws. He saw the lining of the black suit, but it was still cool.

Suddnenly, he heard a loud bang from the living room and Bad yelled in pain. He quickly turned his phone off and did a small jog to the living room. "Oowww! Sss- ahh!" He heard Bad hiss from down the hall. He flipped the lights on and peered into the living room.

"Ay Ba-"
He froze on the spot, his fight or flight kicking in as his glasses slipped off his face from the sudden stop.

Bad was hunched on the floor grabbing his foot and clenching his teeth, eyes shut close tightly. "Owww!" He whined, becoming a ball on the floor.

Skeppy grabbed the glasses again, his fingers shaking as he looked around. Bad looked up from the floor and looked at Skeppy with concern. "Geppy?" He said to him carefully, still in pain.

Skeppy didn't respond, he only slipped the red lens back on and looked at Bad with a terrified look he was trying to hide.

Floating above Bad was a black silhouette with glowing eyes, steam slowly floating up from it's body. It had a smile plastered on its face with raggedy hair and sharp knife-like horns and claws. The claws loomed over him and slowly clawed at his shoulders, a creature tail wrapping around his feet. It was like a ghost, or a spirit. A demon.

What the hell did he buy?

"It's okay- I just hit my foot on the table- ahh.." Bad said reassuringly, still balled up.

When he looked up, Skeppy was already gone. He looked around confused before focusing back to his pain.

Skeppy quickly ran into his room and slammed the door loudly, pressing his body against it to keep it closed. He was panicking from the Hell creature floating above Bad. He kept inhaling deep breaths, trying to keep quiet but still hyperventilating.

What if that thing already had Bad? What even WAS it! It looked cursed, like a shadow.

He took the glasses off and he held a hand to his heart in shock. His mind was racing as his eyes wandered around the room in shock. He quickly ran across his room and frantically dug under his bed, pulling out a metal bag.

He gripped the cloth wrapped around the handle and slowly gripped the knob. He didn't want to, but he cracked the door open slightly and peered a nervous eye out.

He didn't see anything out there, but he did see Bad walking down the hall. There was no demon over him anymore thankfully. But he seemed calm. Awfully calm. He was tapping away on his phone, calmy walking down to his door.

Skeppy threw his door open and grabbed Bad's sweater sleeve, quickly pulling him inside. Bad yelped as his ankle and leg scrapped against the door frame, his body being pulled against the blue boy.

"Wha- ow! Zak!" Bad yelled, leaning against Skeppy's front side from the force. He dropped his phone as the door was shut closed.


Skeppy clasped a hand over his mouth violently as he shushed him. He looked terrified and gripped his bat tighter. Bad stayed quiet as told as Skeppy held him closer. The feeling at the bottom of his stomach buzzed like a swarm of bees or butterflies as he gripped Skeppy in fear. After a moment of silence, Skeppy let go of him but still kept him shushed.

"Are you okay?" Skeppy whispered in a low tone. Bad did the smallest shake of his heaf as his eyes were still glossed in fear. "Is there someone here?" Bad whispered.

Skeppy stared at him with wild eyes in confusion.

Did he not see the shadow above him?

Skeppy slowly let go of Bad and loosened his grip on the bat. Bad looked at him scared and confused. "Ba- Darr- Di you not-"

He took a shaky breath in before opening his door. "Sorry I- thought I saw something.. Must've been nothing, sorry-" He apologized. Bad gave him a relieved and goofy smile after a few seconds. "Oh my goodness- you scared me SO bad you muffin- I was so confused!" Bad did a small relieved giggle as he left the room. "And.. Where did you get a bat?"

Skeppy looked at his bat and started closing the door quickly. "Just in case!-" He yelled before closing the door.



This was too real.
Skeppy looked around dazed before his eyes before they landed on the glasses.

No, this is fake.

He quickly grabbed them after throwing his bat away and immediately grabbed his phone, typing the password. He shuffled through his feed before finding the cosplayer and the demon.

He thourghly studied the shadow cosplayer with fear sparking in his eyes. Sharp white tuxedo, big horns, sharp claws, trinkets and belts. He grabbed the glasses with shaking hands and ripped them off.

The shadow was gone.

He put them back on.

The shadow was back.

He repeatedly did this before dropping his phone to the ground. There was no way.
This wasn't possible- in any sense!
This was a game, o-or some sort of trick! There was just some mind game going on here, that's all!

He looked around his room in a crazy spin. He kept looking all around the room for any others. Were they with him? How many were there?

He stumbled around some more before turning to his mirror.

A tall, human-like creature with glowing crystal feet. They weren't even feet, just blocks of crystal plastered on their feet. It had four glowing eyes and a gross insect like mouth. Multiple crystal horns were going backwards and down, and it's thin, flakey, and boney hands were hovering above Zak. It looked like it was content. At peace.

Zak was exactly the opposite.

He whipped around with a scream and tried punching what he thoughts was there. But it was already gone. He flailed his arms around in panic and looked away from the mirror. He heard running from down the hall and Bad burst through.

"Skeppy! Are you okay!" He yelled at him. He was obviously worried.

Skeppy turned to him with fear written all over him. Bad had the same shadow from before, gripping his back and sides like some kind of virus. It was steaming and looked to be whispering in his ear.

"Oh my god- get out!" Skeppy yelled.

Bad backed away in suprise as Skeppy ran towards him and slammed the door shut. He couldnt breathe right. Everything was wrong. This wasn't happening! Please tell me it isn't!

He curled up against the door as the buried his face in his knees. What was going on?

If he'd only looked in the mirror, he would've seen his own shadow monster sitting next to him, melting into the boy. It was also whispering something to him, and the steam was crawling everywhere. The monster was a mix of sounds and whispers. Fears and anxiety.

There was no escaping it.

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