
By lostinwonderrr

8.7K 77 5

A collection of episodes I enjoyed + pictures More

Promo Pics
Seasons 1-5 Pictures
Memorable Episode: Seasons 1-6
6x13 - The Daredevil in the Mold
6x22 - The Hole in the Heart
Season 7
7x6 - The Crack in the Code
7x7 - The Prisoner in the Pipe
7x10 - The Warrior in the Wuss
7x13 - The Past in the Present
Season 6 + 7 Pictures
8x1 - The Future in the Past
Season 8
8x10 - The Diamond in the Rough
8x12 - The Corpse on the Canopy
8x15 - The Shot in the Dark
8x24 - The Secret in the Siege
Season 8- Pictures
Season 9
9x1 - The Secrets in the Proposal
9x6 - The Woman in White (WEDDING EPISODE)
Wedding Vows🥺🤍
9x10 - The Mystery in the Meat
9x12 - The Ghost in the Killer
9x17 -The Repo Man in the Septic Tank
9x22 - The Nail in the Coffin
9x24 - The Recluse in the Recliner
Season 9 pictures
Season 10
10x1 - The Conspiracy in the Corpse
10x2 - The Lance to the Heart
10x10 - The 200th in the 10th
Sweets last message (10x11)
10x15 - The Eye in the Sky
10x19 - The Murder in the Middle East
10x20 - The Woman in the Whirlpool
10x21 - The Life in the Light
10x22 - The Next in the Last
Season 10 pictures
Season 11
11x1 - The Loyalty in the Lie
11x2 - The Brother in the Basement
11x10 - The Doom in the Boom
11x11 - The Death in the Defense
11x12 - The Murder of the Meninist
11x13 - The Monster in the Closet
11x14 - The Last Shot at a Second Chance
Season 11 pictures
Seeley Booth
Temperance Brennan - "Bones"
Booth and Brennan❤️
Booth and Brennan - 2❤️
Booth and Brennan kisses
Booth Family
BTS Cast Pictures
Booth talk with Brennan (3x3)

9x4 - The Sense in the Sacrifice

85 1 0
By lostinwonderrr


*Angela secures lab with Navy tech that prevents Pelant from hacking in*
*Sweets is back — comes to lab with Caroline ~~ Cam & Brennan there*
        •Get a corpse donated to lab and and recreate an old art painting
         •Get Agent Flynn's help to put the body out in public to be found
*Booth tells Brennan he wishes he killed Pelant three months ago*
        •Brennan says it would be better to catch him alive
         •Booth says-"Better for who?"

*Booth & Brennan at home waiting for the call about the body*
•Brennan says they can have sex to pass the time
•Brennan says she always sleeps best after several orgasms
*Both start to kiss but get stopped*

        •Body found in park wasn't the body team set up it was Flynn's
•Pelant killed and posed Flynn the exact way team planned
*Booth gets pissed and smashes his phone after learning Flynn is dead*

*Pelant watching any news channel talking about the crime scene*
          •Freezes one of the screens on a close up of Brennan

*Team confirm their victim is Flynn*
*Brennan tells team that Pelant mirrored her technique*
*Pelant cut out Flynn's liver while still keeping him alive😟😬*
*Hodgins upset and says they got Flynn killed — Brennan disagrees*
         •Brennan says Pelant is the only one responsible for his death

*Cam tells team she almost feels sorry for Pelant and explains why*

Cam-"He killed someone who saved Booth's life."

Brennan-"Cam's right; Booth will never give up."

*Booth goes to Clemens bar but not to drink — just to talk*
•Booth angry + says he didn't agree with plan but still did it
*Clemens asks how Pelant could have found out about teams plan*
•Says that maybe someone told him but Booth disagrees
•Booth says he trusts everyone who knew with his life

*Booth leads Sweets + FBI team into Flynn's home to search it*
         •Believes Pelant may have found out from spying on Flynn
*Sweets suggests that Flynn may have been helping Pelant*
        •Booth says that's not possible
*Booth says Flynn was a hero who got shot to pieces to save his life*
*Booth defends Flynn & is adamant that he wasn't helping Pelant*

*Brennan finds evidence of an extremely expensive procedure*
•There is absolutely no way that Flynn could afford it
*Sweets asks Booth if there is any possible way that Pelant paid for it*

*Sweets finds lots of self help books about forgiveness in Flynn's home*
       •Says he could have read them bc he felt guilty helping Pelant
*FBI Agents find a hidden stash in Flynn's fridge*
          •Had multiple passports with LOTS of money and credit cards
*Booth shocked and starting to believe that Flynn isn't so innocent*

*Booth asks Caroline if Pelant could be setting Flynn up to look corrupt*
        •Caroline explains how he didn't but Booth not sure still
*Booth says Pelant could have manipulated evidence again*
*Booth says he wouldn't arrest Flynn for what they found if he was alive*

*Booth and Brennan talk to the surgeon who operated on Flynn*
          •Surgeon says the procedure was paid for by anonymous donation
*Booth gets angry & grabs surgeon*
          •Tells him whoever made the donation killed Flynn
           •Says the donor is using the surgeon to make Flynn look dirty
*Brennan shocked and tells Booth to let the surgeon go and calm down*
*Surgeon apologizes and says they don't know where money came from
        •Donation money led to shell companies that also led nowhere
*Doctor corrects Brennan on how many fractures he repaired*
•Brennan realizes that the extra fracture could be from Pelant

*Brennan tells Booth she trusts him and knows he's right about Flynn*
          •Says it's rational to her then that Pelant is framing Flynn
*Booth kisses Brennan in front of a room of FBI Agents😍*

*Brennan and Cam looking over Flynn's X-rays + talk about fractures*
•He had 10 from getting shot and one from an unknown cause
*Pelant has used the number 11 before so it could be a clue*
*Brennan examines the 11th fracture and realizes its familiar*
          •Saw the same thing on a murder case about 9 years ago
*Brennan says the old murder case is still unsolved to this day*
•Pelants sending a message

*Brennan looking at the bones from the old case in the bone room
•No one else is there — she hears doors close somewhere
*Brennan sees the fracture on the old victim made fracture on Flynn*
*Brennan confused — pulls out her phone and sees no cell service*
       •Brennan stunned as Pelant walks in and sets a grenade down
*Pelant sets the timer for what likes like a five minute countdown*
•Says they need to talk

Pelant-"You and I are destined to die together someday. Hope not today, but.... but that's up to you. I-I'm just... I'm gonna remind you that you're a mother, so self-sacrifice isn't the best option. Plus, whoever is right above us will also die."

Brennan-"That's a public area."

Pelant-"Is it? What-what do you think happened to poor Chloe Campbell?"

Brennan-"I think you killed her."

Pelant-"No. Wasn't me."

Brennan-"You know who did it?"

Pelant-"Same person who did 1870, 3606, 4005, 7932, and 9224"

Brennan-"No, that's not possible. I wouldn't have missed that."

Pelant-"Don't be so hard on yourself. They were found in different geographical locations, killed by completely different methods, different ages. Nothing to connect them. And yet... they were all killed by one person."


Pelant-"I don't know. Yet. But.... because I'm better than you and all your squinterns, I will figure out who the killer is. I think, um.... I think she's pretty bad, and I think she's still out there."


Pelant-"Well, I'm-I'm being sloppily generic, but.... I have my reasons for thinking it's a woman. And if anything happens to me, sh-she'll keep doing what she's doing and you won't even know she's there. I know you. You'll find me. It's in the stars."

*Grenade has lasers trained on Brennan's body so she can't move*
•Pelant tells her not to move until the laser beams turn off

Pelant-"Think about all the innocent lives you're saving by-by doing absolutely nothing."

*Pelant leaves as Brennan watches helpless — team seemingly unaware

*Booth and Angela talking about the stash of money hidden at Flynn's*
         •Same currency of money is being used all around Maryland
*Trace other payments to a general area but it's still too big*

*Loud alarms sound all over the lab
•Booth asks what's going on as he sees guards running around
•Booth gets nervous and asks where Brennan is
*Angela says she doesn't know and goes to see what's happening*
*Booth rushes out of his office and to the lab to find Brennan*

*Booth arrives to see Brennan standing still by the grenade*
•At least 5 guards there too
*Booth comes in and looks at the grenade and the laser beams*
•Tells Brennan it isn't real
*Guards all leave and Brennan asks how he knows it's not real*
*Booth reveals that the grenade is a toy grenade from a comic book*
*Booth shuts the toy off and Brennan sighs in relief + relaxes*
*Booth asks what Pelant said to her*
           •Tells Booth about the mysterious serial killer he mentioned
*Booth says Pelant said it to distract them because their getting close*
•Says Pelant is afraid
*Brennan says because Booth will kill him in a questionable tone*
*Booth crushes the toy grenade*

*Brennan looks over the old cases but can't find any connections*
*Cam tells Brennan she needs her to focus on the current case*
*Cam reveals she found a piece of Flynn's tooth in his stomach*
*Brennan reveals it could be there on purpose and explains why*
          •Told Flynn she once solved a case using only a tooth

Brennan-"....You've known Booth longer than I have. Do you think he'll kill Pelant the next time he has the chance?"

Cam-"Usually I'd say no, but... the way Booth's turning Flynn into a saint, feels like he's working himself up for something. But Booth's a complex man. I'm not sure any of us can tell what he's really thinking deep down."

*Brennan goes to Clemens bar to talk to him about Booth*

Brennan-"Booth wants to kill Pelant. Which is fine. He's a very bad man. He's murdered.... we don't know how many people. What if there's someone worse and we need Pelant to catch that killer?"

Clemens-"Oh, God. It's these ethical dilemmas that drove me out of the priesthood."

Brennan-"I need to know what Booth is going to do."

Clemens-"So U can protect Pelant?"

Brennan-"He's more valuable alive than dead. That's all."

C-"It depends which Booth is there."

B-"Seeley Booth, the one I love."

Clemens-"No, I mean, like all of us, he has two sides to him. He has one side that wants to save the world and one side that wants to take care of the people he loves. Those two collide, well, that's what you call a tortured soul."

B-"There's no such thing as a soul."

Clemens-"Says you. But Booth values nothing higher than his soul. Yet... he's willing to sacrifice his soul by killing Pelant."


Clemens-"For you, of course. It's always gonna come down to you."

*Brennan examines bones again and says Pelant left a puzzle*
•Tells Cam she doesn't know what the solution is yet
*The bones all belong to victims of the mysterious serial killer*
*Brennan says there has to be clues somewhere on the bones*
•Something that may link the victims to one killer
*Brennan realizes Pelant switched the bones between bodies*
*Only 1 body has the correct set of bones and it's the victim he mentioned*
        •Victim (Chloe Campbell) had the same fracture as Flynn
*Cam asks why Pelant would do all this and Brennan thinks it's a code*

*Sweets barges into Booths office and says he can't get mad*
•Says he believes Pelant is trying to seduce Brennan
*Sweets says Pelant used research to study Booth and Brennan*
•Knows that Brennan changes her mind about people

Sweets-"After you're first case together, she detested you. And she hated me at first, too. Right?"

B-"You know what? She never hated you. She just didn't believe in the stuff that you were saying. That's all."

Sweets-"Right. But now we're very close. Pelant truly believes that he can make Dr. Brennan see him in a new light. The-the same way that you did."

Booth-"You got to be kidding me. That's crazy."

Sweets-"Pelant's crazy."

Booth-"What does.... what does all this mean, Sweets? Spell it out."

Sweets-"Well, Dr. Brennan is Pelant's endgame. He's trying to replace you. Has he done anything to prevent the two of you from getting together that we don't know about?"

*Booth silent bc he knows there is*

Sweets-"I'll take that as a yes."

Booth-"Does this mean he won't hurt Bones?"

Sweets-"Up until the moment he discovers that she'll never have him, yeah."

Booth-"Then what happens?"

Sweets-"Then he kills her, he kills himself and anyone else nearby."

*Angela I'm her room surrounded by servers and tech — Cam comes in*
         •Angela tells Cam she has tripled their firewalls and it's safe
*Cam reveals security has no idea how Pelant snuck into the lab*
*Hodgins enters and reveals what he found on Flynn's tooth*
           •All particulates lead to one thing that can give his location
      •Used what they know about cash and what Hodgins just found

*Pelant has been hiding out in an abandoned power plant*
•Cam tells Booth right away
*Booth loading up his car with a rifle when Caroline comes to talk*
          •Booth tells her he's going after Pelant alone — no swat team
*Caroline says Pelant could have set a trap to lure Booth out*
•Says Pelant could have put the tooth in Flynn's stomach
*Booth says he knows Flynn and he chipped his own tooth*
•Did it bc he remembered what Brennan said
*Booth says he'd bet his life on the fact that Flynn was not corrupt*

*Cam, Hodgins & Angela watching power plant on security footage*
          •See a car pull up and it can't be Booth already
*Team warns Booth that Brennan is with Pelant so he speeds there*

*Cam, Hodgins and Angela find out how Brennan found Pelant*
          •He left clues in the old victims bones like she thought
*Pelant left a map that only Brennan could follow — led her to him*

*Brennan looking around when Pelant talks over a speaker*
•Gives her directions on where to walk and she does

*Cam, Hodgins and Angela see Booth arrive at the Power Plant*
*Booth breaks in because the power plant is protected by gates*

*Brennan led to a small room when the door looks behind her*
*Booth starts searching the plant for either Pelant or Brennan*
*Brennan ends up in a room where monitors show a pic of him & her*
         •11 monitors are a blown up and showing his scarred up face
         •One monitor has a pic of her

*Pelant talks to Brennan through the screens and not in person*
*Pelant asks how much time they have before Booth gets to base*
*Pelant comes out from somewhere behind her — she pulls her gun*

Brennan-"If you surrender to me, Booth won't kill you."

Pelant-"And if I don't, you'll shoot me? There's only 1 rational choice."


Pelant-"But you know Booth. Very sneaky, very stealthy, sniper at heart. It'll take him forever to get inside."

*Booth trying to find them — has to get rid of his rifle then his vest*
•Down to one gun it seems

Pelant-"If I try to run away, where will you shoot me?"

Brennan-"In the head."

Pelant-"Never the head. That's the part of me you like best."

*Pelant starts walking somewhere so Brennan follows still holding her gun

Pelant-"The mysterious serial killer- are you curious why I think it's a woman?"

Bre-"No, but I do want to know if Hayes Flynn was working with you."

Pelant-"Not wittingly. I mean, he didn't know about the money in his fridge or the bug in his car. Please drop the gun."


*Pelant presses a button & causes an explosion that knocks out Brennan*
          •Brennan on the ground as Pelant comes up to her

Pelant-"Hey, can you hear me? I-I... I tried to shape the blast so that it wouldn't deafen you, but, you know, no-nobody's perfect. Here, come here. Hey." •Helps her up• "I'm always ahead of you people. I-I....I know how you work. You let me lead you into this trap, and Booth is still circling the building looking for a way in."

*Booth comes up behind Pelant with his gun drawn ready to shoot*

Booth-"Looks like I came full circle."

*Pelant looks back at Booth as he asks Brennan if she's okay*

Pelant-"Surprise! The next explosion will level the entire building. Dr. Brennan, tell Booth to leave now, or I will blow us all up."

*Pelant pulls out a detonator and grabs Brennan tightly by her arm*

Brennan-"He's bluffing. It's a toy just like the last time."

Booth-"I'm not gonna take that risk.

Pelant-"Do you see, Booth? She's willing to risk your life to keep me alive. What does that tell you?"

Booth-"You put it down, or I'm gonna kill you."

Brennan-"Shoot him, Booth."


Brennan-"I'm not willing to risk your life to keep Pelant alive. Not for one second. Shoot him!"

Booth-"Time's up."


*Brennan sighs in relief as Booth gets closer and they hug*

Brennan-"I'm sorry."

Booth-"Well, you know, you should be sorry."

Brennan-"I did want him alive, and I was pretty sure that you'd kill him if you could."

Booth-"Well, you know what? You weren't wrong. I did kill him."

Brennan-"You gave him a chance. You're a very good man."

*Angela, Hodgins and Angela at lab waiting for news on what happened*
        •Angela hacks into Pelants network and gets video feed
        •Team see Booth and Brennan alive and okay

Booth-"Look, we got to make a deal, and this deal has got to stick, all right? From now on, I will do all the fighting and the shooting and the apprehending of killers, okay? You can do all the smart stuff, right? You can stay in the lab and play with your bones and all that good stuff. You know, I don't come into your lab there and play with your telescopes and stuff like that."

Brennan-"I don't have a telescope."

*Booth stops walking so Brennan turns around to face him*

Brennan-"What's wrong?"

*Caroline enters and asks team if Booth and Brennan are okay*
•Team still watching them and Angela says it looks like they are
*Sweets comes in too and asks why they are just standing there talking*

Booth-"Look, the main reason that I, um... wanted to kill Pelant was because, um, he kept me from marrying you."

Brennan-"I thought it was something like that."

Booth-"Look, and if I told you why we couldn't get married, he was gonna kill innocent people."

Brennan-"You made the right choice. It's all right."

Booth-"Bones.... if I ask you to marry me, will you say yes?"

Brennan happily-"If I say yes, will we get married?"


*Both give small laughs then kiss*

Hodgins-"Was that what it looked like?"

Angela-"Looks like a proposal."

Sweets-"I feel like we missed a whole bunch."

Caroline-"Who cares? We were here for the big happy ending."

*Screen goes back to Brennan and Booth who are still kissing🥺😍🥰*

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