What a Privilege

By Happystorylife4ever

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Everyone always says to me: " What a privilege to be you Kiko" " You always get special attention" " Just bec... More

1: Realization
2: News
3: Traumatic day
4: Farewell ☹︎
5: Tokyo
6: Ahh Shit, Here We Go Again
7: Amusing Lunchtime
8: Revenge
9: Getting closer
Author's Note ∿❀❁❈❊❋
10: Miyagi
11: Even Though Your Not Mine
12: Unsure
13: 2 Weeks Later...
❀❀❀ Author's Note ❀❀❀
15: Living The Dream
16: Family
17: Cain't Wait!
18: Thoughts
19: If Only
20: Nightmare
21: Secrets
22: Suspicions
23: Break-up
24: At Last
25: Training Camp
26: Tension and Furstration
27: My Girl
28: Mysterious
29: Finding out
!!Author's note!!
30: Epilogue

14: Rules

38 1 0
By Happystorylife4ever

Your POV:

I woke up really happy as I got out of bed and got ready for the day.

I am still wearing Hajime's hoodie when I went to the bathroom and freshen up. I took a quick shower and since it as cold, I slipped the hoodie back on over my clothes. I didn't have my team jacket on. So warm and snuggly.

I walked quietly in the room and I took Hajime's hoodie off and zipped up my team jacket.

I walked to the cafeteria to start preparing breakfast with he other managers.


Breakfast was being served and I quickly ran out of the caefetira back to the team room where all my stuff is. I quickly grabbed Hajime's hoodie and then jogged back tot he cafeteria. 

When I entered, I looked for Hajime and he was sitting next to Oikawa and this guy named Hanamaki I think.

" I walked up to the table a little blush as I could feel a certain stare from behind. They all looked at me a little confused why I was standing there awkwardly.

" H-hey, Kiko." Hajime greeted me with a blush as I smiled.

" Hey Hajime. I wanted to return your Hoodie that you let me borrow last night. Thank you. It was really warm and cozy." I told him as I outstretched my hand with the hoodie. 

" Ohhhh. It looks like Iwa-chan has a little girlfriend that we didn't know about." One person said front he table.

" W-we're not dating... yet." Hajime quietly said the last part. I could hear him though.

" Sorry about them. This is Oikawa, Hanamaki or Makki for short, Mattsukawa or Mattsun for short, Kunimi, Kindaichi, Watari, ....." He introduced me to the other people as well.

" Nice to meet you, everybody. I'm Kiko Miya, but please call me Kiko because it's quite confusing with three of us." I said as they nodded.

" See ya at practice!" I told them and walked away towards my team table where Sakusa quietly ate and Komori ho's talking with Manzo and Genki.

I sat next to Sakusa who has a from on his face. 

" Hey Sakusa, how's breakfast?" I asked him happily. Maybe a little more pepper than normal in the morning.

" Good." He plainly said. I realize that Sakusa was a bit down more then he usually his.

" Hey, are you okay?" I asked him with a concerned face.

" Yeah. Perfectly fine." He told me. Then he got up and left the cafeteria.

" Hmm. Hey Komori, what's wrong with Sakusa?" I asked him.

" I don't know. I'll ask him." He told me and smiled.

" Thank you Komori." I told him and he nodded. I got up from the table and  then walked over to Inarizaki table. I stood in between my brother and walked them upside their heads.

" HEY! What's that for?!" 'Sumu whined as he rubbed his head. 'Samu rubbed his head as well while having an irritated face. 

" Don't go startin' a fight and don't make Kita feel so stressed all the time. Just a friendly warning. Bye guys!" I told them and hey grumbled.


We had free time after all the training was done and I hanged out with Hajime and we were laughing about how he calls Oikawa his funny and some what mean nicknames. Out of the blue he just pecked my cheek. Good thing no one was around because then the whole camp will be nagging questions. Hajime and I were out sitting at a picnic table. I looked over to see a water bottle looking lonely only like a feet away from us.

" Hey Hajime, who's water bottle is that?" I ask him as I pointed that the bottle.

" I don't know."He simply said. 

" What was that for?" I asked as I smiled. He blushed as and smirked.

" Well, you're my new girlfriend. That why. If you want to." He told me. I smile real big and I hugged him tight and then kiss his lips.

" Yes." I told him and we laughed. After we finished laughing, there was a moment of comfortable of silence until Hajime said something.

" Oh boy. What about your brothers? Are they going to be actually alright with it? An actual fucking boyfriend, no paying around." He told me. I could tell he was a little worried. I patted his back and I leaned into him as he wrapped and arm around my waist. We kept quietly talking to each other and giggling at random things. We suddenly got close to each other and we looked into each others eyes then he went in for a kiss as I immediately kissed back.

Sakusa's POV:

I took a bath pretty early, before dinner and I just sat there I've realized that I love Kiko and she...she likes someone else. Probably more positive than me, more funny than me, less serious than me, really everything I'm not. Ugh.  

'Samu's POV: 

I forgot my water bottle out in the picnic area and I ran over to get it from the table. I was about to just quickly run over there but I saw something before I came out of the doorway leading to the picnic table area. 

Ki kissn' Iwaizumi. The must be dating' because why else are they kissn' for. Kuroo and her aren't together since it was fake.I kept watching them see if I should get my bottle later or should I interrupt them.

What would Tsumu do? - Would scream for them stop.

I decided to quietly get my water bottle since they were busy sucking each other faces off, I smacked Iwaizumi upside the head for him to get his lips of my little sis. Then I smacked her upside the head more gently than Iwaizumi's smack.

" OW!" They both said as the pulled apart and stood up and faced me.

" What was that for?!" He asked me as I gave him a glare.

" Your lips were on my lil sis. You're lucky I wasn't Tsumu because he would go ten times crazy." I told him as I crossed my arms over my chest.

" Yes, Miya-san." He told me respectfully which I was pleasantly surprised he used my last name instead of my first like everyone does.

" 'Samu, calm down. Hajime wasn't hurting me! I like his k-kisses." Ki admitted with a blush. I kept my face emotionless. 

" Are ya datin' him?" I asked her and she nodded. 

" There are gonna be some rules, okay?" I stated as the nodded. I sat down across from them as the sat back down too.

" Number 1: Don't kiss in front of Tsumu. Ever. He'll freak the fuck out no matter if it's just a peck or a make out session. For me, I don't really care if you kiss infant of me. Like a peck or a short kiss is okay, but the kiss that I witnessed was too long." I informed them with all seriousness.

" Okay, Osamu-san." Iwaizumi said.

" Number 2: Don't get too touchy when Tsumu is around. You can be some touchy like around the waist, holding hands, hugging, cuddling, but not like y'know. For me, it's the same thing." I added as they nodded.

" Number 3: This goes for Iwaizumi. If you hurt her in anyway shape or form, you beat your gonna get your ass beat by Tsumu, I and our team. Ki has been through a lot form her old school and I don't want her to experience that again. Ya hear me?" I threatened as I stood up from my sitting posting on the picnic bench. I can see Iwaizumi's eyes widen as he just nodded his head.

" Great. No we got that settled, time to tell Tsumu and the others if ya want, but you need to tell Tsumu because he can sense something is different with Ki and I especially since we're twins. Some gross for him as well." I added.

" Okay, so when do you wanna tell your brother?" Iwaizumi asked my sister.

" When we get ready for bed." She told him and he nodded.

" I'll leave ya alone because dinner is ready, but if I don't see ya in the cafeteria in 5 minutes, then Ima come back out here okay?" I told them and they nodded. I left them and walked towards the cafeteria for some food. Man I'm starving.

"Hey! 'Samu! Where have ya been? You usually come right away at the smell and sight of food? Are ya sick?" Tsumu asked me as I rolled my eyes.

" No, I'm not sick. I had to talk to someone first and get my water bottle." I stated as I sat down next to Suna at one of the tables. A couple minutes later, I saw Iwaizumi and Ki walk into he cafeteria giggling and I had to admit, their pretty cute together. I glance over my shoulder to see where they're sitting as I notice Sakusa staring at Ki with an expression that he doesn't usually has.

A much more upset, and a bit of jealously.

Hmm. I wonder. Ki and Iwaizumi sat with Oikawa, Kuroo, Bokuto, some other players as well.

" What are ya lookin' at 'Samu?" Tsumu asked as he kept looking at the direction that I was looking at.

" Nothin' You'll find out soon." I simply told him as I turned back around and kept eating my dinner. 


As Tsumu and I came back from taking a bath, I told him that someone has to talk to him and he continued to ask question s to me as we kept walking back to our room. I told him that he'll see when he gets to our room. As we get to the room, I opened the door first as I pecked my head in making sure there not making out. When I looked inside they were just cuddling and whispering some things here and there. I opened the door more letting Tsumu and I walk in.

" Why is Iwaizumi here, and Ki?" Tsumu asked me as I shrugged.

" They want to tell you something." I simply told them as Tsumu and I sat down across from the couple.

" So, Tsumu. 'Samu already knows this." Ki gently told him as he widened his eyes.

" WHAT? HOW?!" Tsumu blurted as I smirked.

" Listen Tsumu. Hajime and I are dating' for real now. It's not a prank. 'Samu even saw us kissing' that why he found out first. That's why he was probably later than he usually his to dinner." Ki explained as he looked at me. The conversation went on and on for a little while and he had his own set of rules which were basically like mine just me being more protective even though he's more of the over protective twin. He accepted the relationship just like I did and it was chill.

We all said goodnight and Iwaizumi and Ki walked back to their rooms.


Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

Sorry it took so long! 

- Author-chan <3

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