fall for you (Sally Face x Re...

By vibelord2324

750K 21.5K 47.7K

Y/N was so excited. She finally came back to Nockfell to see her old best friend, Larry, once again. They use... More

Chapter one: Back again.
Chapter two: the picture
Chapter three: Little crush
Chapter four: careful
Chapter five: feels good
Chapter six: nightmare
Chapter seven: Ash
Chapter nine: shower
Chapter ten: drunk
Chapter eleven: truth or dare
Chapter twelve: talk
Chapter thirteen: touch starved
Chapter fourteen: smile
Chapter fifteen: Soda
Chapter sixteen: the diner
Chapter seventeen: kiss
Chapter eighteen: denial
Chapter nineteen: trip
Chapter twenty: the cabin part one
Chapter twenty-one: the cabin part two
Chapter twenty-two: the cabin part three
Chapter twenty-three: the cabin part four
Chapter twenty-four: the cabin part five
Chapter twenty-five: the last day.
Chapter twenty-six: finally
chapter twenty-seven: better
chapter twenty-eight: picnic
Chapter twenty-nine: future
chapter thirty: moving
chapter thirty-one: phone call
chapter thirty-two: stargazing
Chapter thirty-three: awake
Chapter thirty-four: shaken
Chapter thirty-five: breathe
Chapter thirty-six: dresses
Chapter thirty-seven: the big day
book two, chapter one: sunburnt
book two, chapter two: frustration
book two, chapter three: concert
book two, chapter four: anger
book two, chapter five: protect
book two, chapter six: alone
book two, chapter seven: the birds and the bees
book two, chapter eight: bed
book two, chapter nine: the call
book two, chapter ten: out
book two, chapter eleven: symptoms
book two, chapter twelve: deserve
book two, chapter thirteen: good
book two, chapter fourteen: God-loving
Fall for you twitter ???
book two, chapter fifteen: grocery list
book two, chapter sixteen: guest
book two, chapter seventeen: try
book two, chapter eighteen: fit
book two, chapter nineteen: therapy
book two, chapter twenty: detective larry
book two, chapter twenty-one: number

Chapter eight: abandoned house

18.9K 559 1.5K
By vibelord2324

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Today we decided to do something fun.

All of us!

It was Sal, Larry, Ash, and even this guy Todd that they really wanted me to meet, and I.

I was told he was a part of the group as much as anyone else. He helped build their fun ghost hunting machines and he was smart as hell.

Apparently he's been living in the building for awhile now. Even when I was there. I was never one to make friends back then, but I'm so happy I could meet him now.

We all jumped into my car and got ourselves settled. The guy with the bright orange hair said hello kindly.

"Hi! Im sorry that we're meeting while I'm sitting in the front seat!" I turned myself around and smiled "I'm (Y/N)"

"Great to meet you, I've heard lots about you from everyone" he smiled and waved.

Sal sat in the front passenger seat, while Larry sat between Ash and Todd in the back.

I would've thought Ashley would've taken the middle but you never really know what to expect with Larry.

"Come on I'm so stoked!" Larry urged excitedly.

I rolled my eyes "everyone buckled?" I asked politely.

I got a "Yep!" In response from all of them.

We were going to go to an abandoned house that was a little bit away. We just wanted to explore end enjoy the moment. The roads looked so familiar and instantly I remembered the area. Sure my memory was a little rusty but so much starting coming back into my mind.

"I really really missed it here" I gave a half smile and sighed.

"How long will you be staying here, (Y/N)?" Todd probed.

"Uh, for the summer I believe!" I said trying my best not to sound too unsure. I really didn't know how long I'd be here and what I would be doing after.

"We're all gonna have so much fun while you're here!" Todd declared " I just know it!"

I looked in the mirror and smiled at him warmly and he smiled back.

Wow, I love him!

Larry soon insisted we put on his favorite songs by Sanity's Fall, making Sal and Larry headband wildly.

I rolled the windows down so we could all get some fresh air from the now stuffy atmosphere that the two created from moving so much.

The music was blasting and the wind was blowing, making me feel really really alive in this small insignificant time.

My hair whipped around making me giggle as Sal reached for the volume button, turning it up even louder.

This was good.

Soon enough, we pulled into the gravel path that led down the the home.

Everyone hopped out of the car excitedly when I put it in park, and Larry was jumping up and down like a little kid.

"Chill dude, it's just an old house!" I laughed and stood next to him.

"But this is exactly what I was made for!" Sneaking onto property, breaking in, vandalizing-"

"Larry, nobody said we were going to vandalize anything" Sal voiced, placing a hand on his shoulder

"Yeah, yeah" Larry shrugged it off and started walking down the path with his hands in his pockets.

We made it to the house and looking in amazement. It was pretty small but it looked so old and worn down. Way worse than the apartments.

Larry took this opportunity to bolt inside, holding up his hands making a rock sign, and screeching.

"L-Larry!" Sal yelled chasing after him, ducking through the broken door.

Todd was smiling and he fixed his glasses. "Anyone a little scared?"

"Dont worry man, we don't have to go in there, dicks out and screaming like them" I explained

Ash snorted and clapped her hands together.

We stepped into the old home, floorboards creaking and groaning. It definitely worried me a bit with how old the place was.

"Larry stop running around, you're going to hurt yourself!" We heard Sal scold him.

Finally, we met up with them and they were both very out of breath.

Sal clearly was trying to chase Larry, who was absolutely feral in this environment.

"Come on let's explore! There might be a dead body here!" Larry eagerly grabbed my arm and dragged me along with him.

It was so weird to see him get all excited about this, especially with the apartments being as strange as they are. Maybe it was because it was more normal than back home, and the excitement truly was that there wasn't anything.

The whole group walked together, going through each rooms and reading all the lame graffiti that decorated the walls.

Larry reached into his pocket and pulled out a marker.

"We should all write our names!" He suggested, already writing 'Larry was here' on the wall.

I stepped up beside him and took the marker when he was done. My name beneath his daintily, but still sticking out.

Before I knew it, Sal had come up beside me and wrote his name next to mine.

We all grouped our names together and I smiled at the tiny art piece we created. Lastly, I took the marker back and wrote underneath all our names 'forever'

It just felt like something that fit with all of us.

I looked over and Sal smiled under his mask as well.

"Come on, why don't we explore more! We can split up!" Ash called out, grabbing Sals hand quickly. "Sal and I can check the upstairs and you guys can scan down here some more!"

My eyes almost could burn holes into their intertwined fingers. It made me nauseous just seeing it.

I swallowed hard as they turned the corner and vanished upstairs.

Todd had a worried look on his face, as Larry put his arm around my shoulder "hey Todd, mind if talk to (Y/N) alone real fast?"

"Not at all, I'm going to look around a bit! I'll scream if I need you" he chuckled and walked out.

Larry turned me so I was facing him and placed two hands on my shoulders.

"You gotta stop letting them ruin your time." He started. I stayed silent "It's not healthy for you. You're getting yourself worked up"

I nodded "I know and I guess I'm not upset? Like he's my friend and I'm okay with that. I want him happy I just-"

"You're jealous, my friend" Larry sighed "and it's okay to be jealous. You just need to know when the line needs to be drawn. I don't want to see you get hurt"

I nodded once more and put my head back against his shoulder. "I guess I am. It's frustrating because Im not like Ashley. I can't just make my move and take him somewhere alone... our moments happen naturally, you know? And... I really do appreciate it, thank you"

He hesitated. "For what it's worth, Sal is different around you" Larry chuckled "never seen anything like it"

I scoffed and lifted my head "you don't have to try and make me feel better, Larry"

"I'm serious!" He insisted "hes a total softie around you. He melts into you and he's so interested whenever I say your name. With Ash he's just... nervous. And scared. I feel like whatever little crush he may have on her, is more.. uncomfortable than what you have with him..."

I gulped and smiled. This was nice to hear.

"Thanks Larry. you're my best friend"

"You're my best friend too (Y/N)"

We walked into the other room to find Todd crouching on the ground and investigating some writing on the walls. "Ah, look at this! It's some sort of language that I don't recognize"

I raised my eyebrow and turned my head "I think it says 'you're gay' but it's upside down and scribbled really badly" I told.

Larry burst into laughter and Todd threw his head back "well at least they're right"

We decided to regroup and walked up the stairs. Sal and Ash were in the one bedroom, and she was picking wallpaper of the wall.

"This shit is so old I can't even believe it!"

I looked towards Sal and he waved to me, making me walk over to him.

"Sal what's that you got on your mask?" I hummed noticing... a faint lipstick stain right on the cheek of it.

"I- uh oh uh" he stuttered, wiping the entire mask, but extra hard where she had obviously placed a kiss on him.

Just friends. We're just friends. That's okay.

We all walked back downstairs and made our ways through each room.

I decided to split off from the group a bit and I found a smaller room, walking without watching my step.

That was a big mistake.

The floorboard cracked underneath me, sending half of my shin down and scraping my leg, landing on my knees.

"Ah fuck!" I shouted as I hit the ground with a loud bang. I pulled my leg out of the hole and saw scratched and blood on my entire leg making me wince as the cold air hit it.

"Oh shit (Y/N)! Are you good?" Larry found me and knelt down beside me "you're bleeding, is your leg okay?"

"I think I just scraped it up" I bit my lip trying to keep myself from crying. It didn't hurt a whole lot it was just a lot of shock that got to me.

I looked up to see Sal, who rushed quickly to my side. He instantly was asking a million questions and making sure I was all fine.

It was kind of sweet how worried he was.

"I'm fine Sal, just stings" I admitted and he gave me a sympathetic look.

"I have some stuff that can clean it up at my place, we can head back now and I can help you with it okay?" Sal almost demanded frantically "and I can get you bandages too, so don't worry at all"

"Thanks" i simply said biting my lip in pain.

"Do you need anything? Is there anything I can-"

"Dude chill" Larry rolled his eyes and picked me up bridal style. "You're gonna freak her out more, let's just get out of here and you can patch her up"

Sal nodded and ran off to the others. I smiled and leaned my head onto Larry.

"We can't take you anywhere" He joked making me laugh


The way back was pretty quiet. Ash and Todd were asleep against the back windows, and Larry had his head back and his eyes shut. I was unsure if he was sleeping or just resting his eyes.

For the most part my leg was done bleeding but it still really needed to be covered and taken care of.

"Hey uh... (Y/N) ?" Sal whispered.

"Hm?" I said keeping my eyes on the road.

"Your handwriting was really pretty" he complimented, making the sides of my mouth twitch up.

"Thanks" I turned my head and made eye contact with him for a split second.

"I'm really happy you're a part of this group now" he admitted, fiddling with his sleeve. "You're seriously the coolest"

My heart picked up speed briefly and I felt my cheeks heating up.

"Well I'm really happy to be a part of it with you guys... you're a great guy Sally Face."

I could tell his silence was only existing because of the thoughts in his mind that were racing. He seemed like he had so much to say but he kept himself from it.

And all I wanted was to hear him say everything.

This boy was going to be the death of me I swear

"When we get back, you're not doing anything until I clean your leg up" he giggled.

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